The Dumped Club

By antoanaxo

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Car accidents always have some the worst consequences. Whether you've broken your arm, sprained your ankle or... More

1- Memory
2- Back to Prison/Hell/School
3- One Too Many Bombshells for the Day
4- Hopeless Febland
5- Scrap Poetry, I'm the Best at Moping
6- The Dumped Club
7- Daim Daniel
8- The Dinner
9- Never Perfect
10- No, I'm Not In My Emo 'Phase'
11- This Is Not The Typical Teenage Party
12- Shopping is Therapy
13- Known Secret
14- Cookie Cutter Girl
17- This Is a Makeup-Free Zone
18- Sparks and Sunsets
19-Dare to Believe
20-If Feelings Ruled Worlds, We'd Be Dead
21- Broken Mirrors
22- Come Back
23- See You Again
5DOC- I'm Fine
5DOC- Dancing In Our Stitch Onesies
n o t e
Infinity Is Beyond Us
pop the champagne folks

15- Annual Buzz

32 6 11
By antoanaxo

And so it began. The annual buzz that makes me want to curl up and stay under my duvet until the whole school year is over. Fred's birthday.

There you are- on the other side- thinking,"Why is that so bad? It's a birthday party!". Hear me out. Fred's birthday parties are annual events. He invites so many people to his parties- from Year 7s to Year 11s. He's certainly not the most popular boy in the whole school but the Darwins are known to throw the best of the best parties. Normally, there's lots of food, music and dancing involved- if you don't get body-shamed or getting cat-called the day before the party. See here's the thing, when people got excited for a party, they got excited for a party. Not only would they plan their own outfits, hair and other stuff, but some have the audacity to judge and shame others on their style and how they celebrate at the party.

That's what happened every year. People would go to others and insult them which leaves less than half of the people invited at the party while the others are crying their eyes out. Ah, the effects of peer pressure- they can totally destroy you. But you have to learn to be resilient and not care about what they say. And unfortunately, every single year, Amy has to drag me out of our house and go to the freaking party, even if I was the one crying my eyes out. It usually goes by her abandoning me to go talk to Jess and Ryan, me silently sitting by the side and eating nachos like a saddo and my best friends arriving at the last minute. Well, ex-best-friends now I guess.

But it was going to be even larger this year- Amy told me that their parents had rented a pizzaria for a few hours and about 75 people were invited. That was practically over half of the size of our year group. If no one got sent home crying by Amethyst's remarks, which was highly unlikely. Fred's birthday was everything everyone talked about Monday morning and I was already sick of it by the time first period began.

"Have you heard Fred's having a party?" Faith tried to change the subject from her parents' recent divorce at breaktime. Her eyes were bloodshot and brimming with tears every ten minutes but she said nothing.

"No!" I raised my voice, tone dripping with sarcasm. "My sister's totally not best friends with his siblings."

"Sorry," Faith smiled weakly. She sniffed and looked at the silent Grace on her left. Love and Prudence were in the library, working on their Citizenship project so it was just us three.

"I don't want to be there," Grace said, throwing her rubbish in the bin. "75 people is not really the amount of people I want to socialise with."

"Who says you have to socialise? You could just stand by the punch bowl and pig out on whatever food they have," Faith suggested. "I would do that."

"You know they always have those dumb 'get to know you' type of games. Or spin the bottle. Or getting locked in a cupboard. I don't know, but my point is I will have to socialise- even if I have to ask for the toilet, and I don't want that."

It carried on all the way until Wednesday 11th March, Fred's birthday. Amethyst and Kaydence were obsessing over dresses they would have to spend their life savings on to wear to his party. It was like a Y9 bloody prom. As it was every year.

I sighed, twiddling my pen in Geography and waiting for the last bunch of people to arrive at the classroom so the lesson could begin. The football team barged through like a bunch of obnoxious prats and sat down like they were the Greek Gods. You can really see that I dislike them, don't you?

"You're coming to the party, right?" Fred took his seat next to me.

"Yep. Happy 14th." I said.

"Right," Fred sighed. "No sentimental wishes like 'I hope you get everything you wish for'. Was expecting more from a Tumblr quote book like you."

"I get them from Pinterest, thank you very much."

"Alright, no need to get salty." I raised an eyebrow and frowned.

"Just so you know, I prefer the birthday cards with the stick figures and crappy jokes, if you get what I mean," Fred announced as if I needed to take note of that.

"Course you do," I replied. "I would buy you one, but I like Gina's cakes more than innuendos so I think I'll pass. Don't want to get my backside whooped, to be honest."

"Suit yourself."

"Alright, no need to get salty birthday boy." This time he was the one to raise an eyebrow.

"You're weird."

"I'm a word magician. I can use your words against you."

"Sure," Fred rolled his brown eyes.

We continued watching a documentary from last lesson but I couldn't concentrate properly. Our desk might as well have been an airport because paper airplanes and notes were passed to Fred, and this time they had all those sentimental messages that he liked.

And so the day continued. The whole cafeteria sang him happy birthday and I just gave up on trying to cram information in my head for the maths test. Let me tell you, I wasn't bitter. I had nothing against Fred but I didn't understand why everyone made enough a big deal to tell others they weren't good enough and not get on with their own lives. It was going to be a 2-3 hour long social gathering, not prom or a ball or a school disco. It was literally going to be eating junk food, shameless jamming out and playing party games. That's how it went every year.

Maybe I'm the one being a cow. I don't know. I knew that the most important thing on my mind was Katherine's labour tomorrow. A certain worry was gnawing at the back of my brain all day and I couldn't get it out of my thoughts. I didn't even know why it was there but I knew that I needed to stay calm.

I went to Room 7 so I could concentrate properly and get something done. Eliza was the only one there, sorting out everyone's pages and stapling things together for tomorrow's issue.

"Hi," I greeted and sat down on one of the tables.

"Couldn't concentrate in the library?" Eliza looked up and I shook my head.

"It's surprisingly loud today. All I saw was confetti, glitter and other stuff they were sticking to birthday banners. I mean, good for Fred, at least he'll get free and recycled room decor but it was like no one wanted to pay any consideration to the people revising!" I said. "Maybe I'm being the whiny douche in this situation but it's practically impossible to speak about anything but his birthday."

"I remember that it was the same when my brother was still at this school," Eliza commented. "All I heard every single day of the week was people asking me about party details and all I seemed to do was scurry off in my room because there were so many people."

"I should know better but I just got slightly annoyed,"

"It happens."

I began working, going through my notes, highlighting and and repeating things to myself. Maths wasn't my favourite subject- our teacher didn't particularly like any of us and implied we weren't good enough to be in top set because we only got average grades. I had worked really hard for the past few weeks so I could move up to top Maths but she still wouldn't let us and this time I was determined to do well in the test.

"How did you get to know Fred?" Eliza looked at me with curiousity in her green eyes.

"Our mums are best friends. We've known each other for over seven years."

"Aw cute!" Eliza exclaimed. "Have you guys ever gone out?"

I raised an eyebrow. "No. My sister's always trying to set us up but then I use my blackmailing abilities to shut her up."

"Nice... Do you like him though?"

I thought about it. Fred and I had been best-friends once- we were inseparable and did everything together. Mum and Gina used to dress us up as Ketchup and Mustard or Toothbrush and Toothpaste for Halloween but we just grew apart in our final year of primary school. I had never really thought about whether I liked him more than a friend, but I didn't think I did.

"No, not really. We're just friends- kind of," I replied, looking back at my book and continuing on with my revising. "We don't speak as much as we used to."

"Does he like you?"

"I honestly don't know."


I ran around the house in the search for a pair of tights. That was me, ladies and gentlemen. Leaving things until the last minute is basically what makes a procrastinator and I could be, without a doubt, the president of procrastination. The doorbell rang and I stopped my search to see who it was.

"Hi," Faith stood on the front porch, scratching her arm and avoiding my eye contact. "Sorry for bothering you but I really have no idea what to do for the party and I didn't want to walk alone. Do you mind if I walk with you and your sister?"

"Why are you even asking?" I opened the door wider and let her in but she just embraced me and lay her head on my shoulder. "I feel so alone now that Mum's gone. She said she's going to come back for me after a few weeks and we'll live in another house but it feels like time is dragging out. My brothers are gone too and Dad's down the pub." I hugged her back as she sobbed on my shirt.

"Come on, wipe those tears and let's get ready. My style isn't really as diverse but we'll find something in Amy's wardrobe," I suggested. "At least we can "pig out" on the pizza together."

She gave me a strained smile and I poured her a glass of Coke. She gladly accepted it and we went over to look at what clothes I owned. Most of it was slacks, band shirts, hoodies, skater skirts, ripped jeans and fluffy jumpers but that was about it. Amy had dresses, crop tops, tank tops and other things that I only wore once or twice each year. Amy just looked at us before she opened the wardrobe and said,

"Choose, my friend."

In the end, Faith dumped her uniform in a carrier bag and changed into a pair of boyfriend jeans and a black adidas tank top. I put on a black and white elbow-sleeved shirt and a pair of black shorts dungarees before I called it a day and went in the bathroom to do my makeup.

As I swung the door open, I saw Mum sitting on the edge of the bath, her eyes bloodshot and puffy. She quickly wiped her tears and smiled at me but I wasn't buying it.

"Mum? What's wrong?" I quizzed, sitting next to her.

"It's nothing sweetie. Do your makeup, I'll go and get the present."

"Stay," I place my hand in her's. "What happened?"

A tear escaped her exquisite blue eyes- the only thing I had inherited from her- and she pursed her lips. "I'm making Paul really really unhappy. I feel like I'm making you guys unhappy as well because I always work and I just...we had an argument and he's not going to come back home tonight. He's staying at a friend's house."

I didn't speak for a few seconds, thinking whether my next question was wise to ask out loud. "Have you guys broken up then?"

"I have no clue," More tears spilled down her cheeks and I handed her a tissue.

"Maybe ask him if he wants to go to dinner," I suggested.

"I don't know," Mum said. "I've made a huge mistake. I should've let you get to know him better instead of allowing him to move in so quickly. I'm so sorry Hope."

"It's OK Mum. I haven't really put enough effort to get to know him but I'll try, I promise."

Mum wiped her eyes and jumped to her feet. "Right! No more moping for me! I'll make myself a bath after you kiddos leave and relax."

"You do that," I got up and unzipped my makeup bag.

In the end, I didn't have time to do much with my hair. I put it up in half-up half-down space buns but then I looked like an anime character. And anime creeped the crap out of me. I applied my nude lipstick when Amy thrust a bag and a cardigan in my hands and forced me out of the bathroom.

We were there pretty early and Faith and I met up with Prudence, Love and Grace before Fred came out of the back room to greet everyone. The football team was already there and snacking on whatever was on the side tables and I suddenly felt hungry.

"I would say hi but I gotta comment on the nice Kylie Jenner lipkit logo, Hope." Faith chuckled and I looked at Fred in confusion after he had taken my gift.

"You've smeared your lipstick," Faith elaborated.

"I'm going to kill my sister," I muttered, fishing for a wipe.

"Happy Birthday Fred!" Love handed him a present.

"Thanks. Enjoy the party girls."

We sat down at a table and nibbled on pizza as Love recounted her date with the guy we met in McDonald's. Apparently his name was Calvin but I still preferred to call him 'Annoying Douche' in my head. I wasn't trying to be disrespectful to Love, but I could only half-focus on her story. I could see Grace staring at Alexander and his current fling out of the corner of my eye and it both broke my heart and made my blood boil at the same time. All of a sudden, Love stopped speaking and turned around to look who was behind her before she grabbed her phone off the table.

"Where are you going?" Prudence questioned, looking at her sister moving between the crowd of people.

"Get up lazy buttcracks! We're going to dance!" Love cheered and I could see the blood draining out of Grace's face.


"Come on, it's a party therefore we dance. One song!" Love pleaded. I looked at Grace and we both got to our feet and followed after Faith and Prudence.

"Now what?" I could barely hear Grace over the blaring music. "I don't know how to dance."

"Just move along to the rhythm," Love said.

We moved around awkwardly. That makes it sound incredibly uncomfortable and boring. Which it was, but the fact that we were F grade dancers didn't come into part with our karaoke. I didn't usually listen to a lot of bright and candy type of pop music but it was pretty fun and I found myself bobbing along to the beat. That didn't stop me from freaking out when 'The Phoenix' by Fall Out Boy came on.

My heart throbbed and the heat in my cheeks picked up as I fanned myself like I had swallowed a bee, screaming the lyrics at the top of my lungs. Now that I look back at it, I cringe and try to bury it at the back of my brain but it's unsuccessful. Prudence started cheering as well and we started singing and pretending we were rockstars together. And suddenly there was a whole cluster of people screaming along with us.

"Good enthusiasm with that one I see," Ryan said through the microphone. "Let's see the enthusiasm for the next song."

'Roman Holiday' by Halsey came on which made my throat even sorer. This time Faith was the one to scream louder than any of us.

"Halsey's my queen!" I wished I could film her freakout but Fred started speaking to me.

"You guys enjoying the party?"

"Sure," I answered. "Nice music."

"I would've done it myself but Ryan has taken a liking to everyone hating him since he changes up the music every few seconds." I looked over to see him pretending to be a professional DJ and a grin twitched at my lips.

"Well he's always mastered the art of pissing people off," I commented, swaying to the music.

"True," Fred flashed his goofy smile. A new song began and someone in the sea of bodies produced a scream. I whirled round to see a red-faced Love dancing with people I had never talked to to Beyonce's '7/11'.

"Oh My God what a hooker!" I heard Amethyst explain when Love started dancing with one of the guys.

"I know right! Better not tell her though," Sav replied apprehensively.

I waited for a bit but I couldn't resist not turning on my heel to face them. "You been called a hooker before?"

Amethyst glared at me. "What's your point?"

"Oh so you have. Listen, calling someone else a hooker even though you've been called one before is a huge sign of hypocrisy. It's ugly, and it looks even uglier on you so stop," I said.

"Whatever," Amethyst spun away from me and I decided to head to the toilets.

I felt my phone vibrate against my thigh and I brought it out to see who had texted me. It turned out to be Mum calling me and I answered immediately.

"Mum? What's up?"

"Hope I don't really know how to say this. It's definitely not a thing to talk about on the phone." Silence.

"Mum, what's wrong? You can tell me, so please just spit it out." My heart skipped a few beats while I waited for her to answer. I heard her sigh and my palms slicked with sweat.

"Hope get your sister and come home. We're going to London. Katherine's had severe contractions so she's been accepted into the hospital but the baby won't come out."

I was speechless. The worry from earlier on in the day gnawed at my heart even harder and my hands shook. The cold air coming out of the air conditioner fanned unpleasantly against my clammy neck and my mouth went dry.

"Hope? Are you there?"

"Y-Yeah. What about school?"

"I'll think up of something to tell them. Apologise to Faith but please be home by half seven."

"Yes mum."

A/N Hello everyone! Hopefully (see what I did there? OK I'm lame, let's just end this) this won't be too long of an A/N. I feel slightly accomplished because I finished this chapter Monday night and just editted it, so less than a week since last week's update! I'm really loving this story right now and I don't know how I'll get over it when I finish it. And yes- cliffhanger! I shall get to writing Chapter 16 at the weekend and hopefully I can sneak in a bonus chapter. Song for this chapter is 'Lean On' by Major Lazer and DJ Snake because I feel like it's such a party song. Dove Cameron as Love and Prudence Bonneville. I hope you have a great Friday, a fantastic weekend and a very productive week ahead of you. Please vote and comment if you enjoyed the chapter and I'll see you next time,


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