Soul | Destiel/Sabriel

By milkovich-

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"I love you." "I know." More

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380 35 17
By milkovich-

Dean and Cas were laying in the back of the Impala in the middle of an intense making out session.

"Cas, I fucking love you," Dean said breathlessly, "I love you so much. I'm so glad destiny exists, or else I wouldn't be with you." Cas kissed down Dean's neck and onto his collar bone, causing the Winchester to moan in pleasure. "Cas, stop. I'm trying to be sweet."

"Shut up and kiss me, you big sap," Cas laughed, flipping Dean over so that he was on top. Dean kissed Cas again, gripping his ass.

"Seriously babe. I love you," Dean whispered.

"I know, Dean. I know. Just kiss me, please," Cas begged, putting on his puppy dog eyes. Dean sighed in defeated and continued to kiss Cas, more slow and passionate this time.

Dean really loved Cas. He was his whole world in one person. He loved his quirks, his flaws, the way he tilted his head when he was confused. He loved the way his hair was never tidy and how he could never quite get a tie straight. He loved the dirty trenchcoat he always wore, and how it always brought him comfort. He especially loved when he geeked out. To Dean, it was the cutest thing ever.

Cas loved Dean, too. He loved his freckles, his bowlegs, and his perfect lips. His forest green eyes, his hedgehoglike hair, his cute ass. He loved everything about him and more, and nothing could ever change that.

Everything was okay for Dean and Cas. Everything was going to be fine.



Sam and Gabriel sat on a big rock in the woods, throwing pebbles into the stream that was below them.

"Sam, did you know you're my favorite person in the world?" Gabriel asked out of the blue. Sam blushed bright red.

"N-No," He replied.

"Well, you are. I love you, Sammich."

"I love you too, Gabe," Sam smiled.

Sam really was Gabriel's favorite person. He loved him more than he loved the candy man, and Gabriel sure did love the candyman. Everything about Sam just captivated him, the way he walked, the way he talked, even little things, such as the way he pushed his slightly long hair behind his ears when he was nervous. Gabriel couldn't help but fall totally in love with his soulmate, he was just too damn adorable.

Sam had never been more happy that he'd started talking to someone in his life. If he hadn't, he wouldn't have the amazing person that was sitting next to him. Sam was so happy that Gabriel was he soulmate, he wouldn't have it any other way. Gabriel's personality was just astounding to Sam. With Gabriel, he was never bored. He could never be bored.

Sam and Gabriel were happy. Happy with each other, happy with the world. And happiness doesn't mean everything's perfect, because it's not. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.


Dean, Cas, Sam, and Gabe were alright. They were happy with their destinies, happy with their lives, happy with everything.

Dean didn't mind his destiny anymore. As long as he was with Cas, everything was okay.

Cas was no longer depressed and filled with anxiety. He was more relaxed now that he was dating Dean. It was like Dean was the cure to all of his problems. With Dean, Cas felt better. And that's all he could have asked for.

Sam was no longer afraid to talk to people. As long as Gabe was by his side, he felt like he could do anything. He brought out confidence that Sam didn't think he had, and that made them both extremely happy.

Gabriel felt like he was flying when he was with Sam. He felt like he had importance when he was with him, and he felt... needed. That's all Gabriel had ever asked for.

All in all, destiny had it all planned out for them. They found a heck of a lot more than the other half of a silly tattoo when they found their soulmate, they found their other half. They found what they were looking for in the form of another.

So, if anyone was to learn anything from this story, it is to trust destiny. Even if it seems dark and horrible and you want to give up, it will all work out. Because even thought fate is twisted, it'll never forget you.


the end has come.

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