By gracey87

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she is leaving.. and i can't do anything.. my love is leaving.. like a fool, I'm blankly standing here.. why... More

Present Day
First Encounter
Unfulfilled Love
Senior Year
Blossoming Love
Secret Love Story
Start of Something New
Jeju Island Trip (Part 1) - Love Hurts
Jeju Island Trip (Part 2) - Truth or Dare
Jeju Island Trip (Part 4) - Surprise!
Breaking Apart
She's Leaving
Old Friend
Coming Home
Fluttering Feelings
Baekmi's Wedding
The Truth
Good News
Where is Suho?
Begin Again
It's Official
Birthday Gift
I'm Sorry
Yes, I Do
You Are My First
I Will Kill You - (Part 1)
I Will Kill You - (Part 2)
Be With You
Kim Jun Rong
Finale (Part 2) - The End
Announcement New story!

Jeju Island Trip (Part 3) - I Choose You

595 29 0
By gracey87

Chanyeol: Eunji-ah her name is..
Eunji: stop it oppa!!! I said I don't want to know who she is! You got that!!!

Eunji run as fast as she can leaving them all dumbfounded. She enter her room and locked herself inside the toilet. She wanted to be alone for now, 15 minutes after she heard Chorong and Bomi knock the toilet door and ask her to get out from there but she refused. The girls give up, they been waiting all night and end up falling asleep. Eunji slowly open the door and lying down on her bed, she checked her phone and saw many miscalls and text messages from Chanyeol. She didn't bother to read it, she put her phone aside and sleep.
It was 6am and Eunji woke up from her sleep, she went to the toilet brush her teeth and wash her face, she grab her sweater and leave the room. She go to the beach and sat on the send, enjoying the morning air. She suddenly remember last night incident..
Eunji: Chanyeol oppa..I will try to forget and erase my love for you. Let just slowly be friend and I pray for your happiness with your love one. Easy to say hard to do but I will try to forget you oppa (talking to herself).

She wipe her tears and close her eyes, she press her heart, she feel so much pain when saying those words but she must bear the pain and be strong.
Chanyeol on the other side not sleeping the whole night thinking about what happen to him and Eunji. His friends try to calm him down but he just keep silent, not talking much like normal Chanyeol, not happy and joking around like always. Chorong feel worried looking at his condition. Suho bring Chanyeol back to their room and leave him with Baekhyun. He then go back and see Chorong.
Suho: hei babe..are you okay?
Chorong: I'm fine oppa, how is he?
Suho: he's with Baekhyun.
Chorong: I've never see him like this oppa, I'm worried he will do anything stupid.
Suho: rong-ah don't worry together we keep on eye on him. I'm sure he won't do anything stupid. Trust him okay?
Chorong: hopefully he will settle this problem with Eunji as soon as possible. I hate to see both of them act like this.
Suho: he will fight for his love but I don't know Eunji.
Chorong: I'll try talk with her, she could be stubborn sometimes that's what I'm worried about.
Suho: think positive rong, everything's gonna be fine. Come let's get go I don't want you to fall sick with this cold weather.

Chanyeol get up from the bed and clean himself up. Suho and Baekhyun still sleeping, he slowly get out from the room and get some fresh air at the beach. On the way to the beach he saw someone is sitting on the sand, it was Eunji. His heart start to pound hard, should he continue the confession last night or just let it go. He walk slowly towards her, she mumbling alone, he heard her words very clear.
Chanyeol: JUNG EUNJI! what the heck you talking about?
Eunji: (looking back and startled) not..nothing..what are you doing here early in the morning?
Chanyeol: why you runaway from me last night? Why?

She keep silent and don't know what to say, she got up and walk away from him but Chanyeol grab her hand and make Eunji face him. Their eyes meet, heart start to beat faster and different kind of nervous.
Chanyeol: I promise to let you know first who is she, the girl I fall in love with. I'm not gonna break my promise. Her name is..
Eunji: stop! Please stop!
Chanyeol: no! You listen to me! Her name is JUNG EUNJI!!!

Eunji taken aback and speechless with Chanyeol confession, she look up and see his face tears falling down on his cheek
Chanyeol: Eunji-ah..I love you and I have no proper reason for that. Why? The answer is I don't know, I just do. Because love does not come from the mind to know but from heart to feel. Before I met you I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life without you and that scares me. I am so in love with you.

Eunji touched by his confession, she move her face towards him and kiss his lips. They talk while kissing..
Eunji: oppa..you love me that much? (Cont the kiss)
Chanyeol: yes..so much..you call me oppa, finally.. (slip his tongue in)
Eunji: (shivers all over her body when she feel his tongue inside her mouth) oppa..I love you too..

Chanyeol break the kiss and resting his forehead on Eunji. He caresses her hair and cheek.
Chanyeol: you love me too? But why you never told me before this?
Eunji: I don't know if you feel the same feeling like I do. You have no idea how fast my heart races when I see you.
Chanyeol: did you meant what you say just now? You want to forget and gave up your love on me?
Eunji: yes..but it was before you confess to me. I have no idea you love me so much oppa. Did you sleep last night? I can see your dark circles under your eye bag.
Chanyeol: I don't sleep the whole night because I was thinking about you.
Eunji: I'm sorry oppa about last night. I'm afraid of losing you that's why I runaway from you. I didn't know the girl is me (blushing).
Chanyeol: (held her both hands) I choose you, I'll choose you over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you (kiss her forehead).
Eunji: oppa..you touched my heart and you touched my soul, from there I know I already fall in love with you. You're the smile to my face and the beat to my heart.

They both sit on the sand, Eunji lean back on his body and Chanyeol back hug her from the back. They both enjoying the sunrise at the beach.
Chanyeol: every love story is beautiful..but ours is my favorite. I love you (kiss her hair).
Eunji: (held his hand on her tummy) agreed. I love you too oppa.

Day 3
Horizon Cafe
They all gather for morning breakfast as usual, Chorong waiting for Chanyeol and Eunji to come, she feel worried.
Chorong: oppa, where is Chanyeol? Eunji not in our room when me and Bomi woke up this morning.
Suho: Chanyeol also not in my room when I woke up. Aishhh..this 2 kids where are there?

Chanyeol and Eunji walk to the cafe while holding hands and they look happy.
Surong: yah!!! Where's you been?
Chanji: (stop from walking and both smiling look at their friends) we're are officially dating guys!
All: what? Seriously? When?
Chanyeol: relax guys..relax..I confess to her this morning and she accept it. (Look at Chorong) noona, I'm sorry.
Chorong: what you sorry for?
Chanyeol: I fell in love with your best friend (tighten his grip on Eunji hand) but I really like her noona..a lot.
Chorong: (silent)
Suho: (whisper to Chorong) rong-ah..I think they need your blessing for their relationship.
Chorong: Eunji? You want to say something?
Eunji: rong unn..unnie..I'm sorry too I..I love Chanyeol so much.
Chorong: why you never told me before this?
Eunji: I'm afraid you don't like me to be involved with your brother.
Chorong: Chanie?
Chanyeol: Eunji is your best friend noona, you treat and love her like your own little sister. I'm afraid you don't trust me to be with her.
Suho: (whisper to Chorong) rong baby..it's not wrong to put your trust on them. They look good and sweet together, I'm sure Chanyeol will take a good care and loved her. Give them your blessing, okay?
Chorong: you guys loved each other that much?
Chanyeol: more than you could imagine noona.
Eunji: I've never love anyone like this unnie. He is the one for me.
Chorong: in that case i will give you my blessing (hug Chanyeol and Eunji).
All: (clap hands) yeahhhh!!! Finally!
Chanyeol: thanks noona, I promise you i will protect and love her.
Eunji: rong unnie..thank you so much it meant a lot to me.
Chorong: love each other equally okay? Should I say congrats to both of you?
Chanji: yes of course noona, unnie!
Chorong: congratulations to both of you!
Baekhyun: welcome to the club new couple CHANJI!!!
All: yeahhh!!! Congrats CHANJI couple!!!
Suho: I'm proud of you chan.
Chanyeol: thanks hyung.
Chorong: aigoooo..my best friend now become my future sister in law.
Eunji: unnie!!! (Blushing)


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