Watcher (Twilight Fan-Fic)

By UnknownBeliever

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If you love Twilight then you Probably know Jasper Hale's Story, but what if she had a younger sister? Ente... More

Trouble at Home
Chapter 2: Welcome to Maine
Chapter 3
Chapter 5: Not a Date
Chapter 6: Imprinting Sucks
Chapter 7: New Trouble
Chapter 8: Revelation
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chaper 12: The Return
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter: 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - Changin Perspective (To Jasper's)
Chapter 21 - Back to Clara
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 4

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By UnknownBeliever

We had left the beach behind a while ago, but the smell seemed trapped in my noise, Esme said it would take some getting used to, I could just hope she was right. the amount of wildlife they had near Forks was fantastic. It was a small town so the animals must've thought they could live at the edge of the forest without to much danger, weaving in between the large stony outcrops, and forests that flowed into town.

It only took a deer for me to  be satisfied, and I could feel the gold slowly returning to my darkened eyes. On the way back we held our first real conversation "you'll be alright Clara," I looked up, not sure what she meant exactly. "you already have very good control, and I hear you're attending school. That is excellent practice." she smiled down at me.

"I suppose... I still have a lot of work to do though," my eyes have always remained a  tad darker than my brothers, giving off a small, crimson glow before they turn black when I'm thirsty. Maybe that's why the wolves glared, they saw that I was more of a threat than the Cullen's. "thank you though Esme, I appreciate it."

"How is Maine this time of year."

"It's autumn, so similar to here. We are a little dryer though."

"When Edward was on his own Carlisle and I spent some time there, beautiful place," she seemed to glaze over for a moment, caught in a memory. "It was a little while after that when we stumbled upon Forks, it reminded us of Maine, and how easily we could blend in there."

"What town did you live in?"

"We resided in many places, my favorite was Lubec. West Quoddy Head in Lubec is the farthest to the east you can go in the United States, and I thought it was amazing to see the sunrise there. We still have a home there, if you ever want to visit."  I smiled at her hospitality.

 "Thank you, but I've already missed a lot of school," I looked down at my watch "We should get back home, the others are probably waiting."

As we followed the path to their home, I began to get the smell of the wolves again, this time slightly different. "so the wolves can come into your land" I questioned Esme.

"That depends on the pack Clara," she pushed away some branches in the path before continuing "Those at the house are part of Jacob's pack, not Sam's." she said it as if i was suppose to catch on.

"Hello" Alice chimed walking outside to meet us "The Wolves are back." she grabbed my arm and began to pull me towards the house.

"Yes, Clara became acquainted with Sam and Paul already." Esme said laughing.

The house was already full of their scent and the first one a met was the girl, her name was Leah. She didn't seem to care much for me, nor I for her. She politely shook my hand, but then seemed to  slowly vanish out of existence when I went to meet two boys.

The first boy was Quil. he seemed nice enough, if not a little foolish.

"Nice to meet you Clara" I stuck out my hand and he quickly took it, shaking ferociously. Wow, i thought, at least he wasn't being as rude as Sam and Paul.

" Hi I'm Embry." He also shook my hand, this time a little nervously compared to that of his friend.

"That's an interesting name."

"It's from a soap-opera actor that my mom liked." He smiled and blushed, I suddenly felt bad for pointing out his name.

"Well it's good to meet you guys." Quil asked, i shook my head. He led me outside towards the forests "Hey Jake!" he yelled into the surrounding brush. After a moment of waiting a large russet-brown furred wolf appeared from the depleting light behind the trees. He looked down at me with dark brown eyes, A low growl escaped from his mussel.

I could feel myself take a few steps backward. The large beast stepped forward, until i could've reached out and touched him. Quil stepped between us, giving me the time I needed to walk closer to the house. He looked down at Quil, who stayed motionless.

"Jake this is Clara, her folks help keep Nessie alive." Jacob looked back at me, he turned and left for the forest, A little while later a tall man came from the woods.

"Jacob." I said walking the short distance to him "It's good to meet you." he seemed to glare before replying 'likewise' and passing me.

"I wonder whats up with him." Embry said.

"I know whats wrong," Leah said, appearing again out of thin air, we turned our attention to her "He saw that you had red eyes, nice move girly." she also let out a growl, similar to Jacobs. Quil and Embry seemed to take a step backwards.

I pushed back some strands of strawberry hair that  fell in front of my face from a gust of wind "When did he see me with red eyes." Leah smiled and let out a humorless laugh.

"When you were talking to Sam and Paul, he was going to come and meet you then since you were with Esme, but he say that you were nothing more than a leech." She seemed to spit out the words, letting the venom of them burn.

so much for my good impression, I thought as she continued "you're lucky he didn't step around Quil and just break you in half." she walked away then, leaving Embry, Quil, and I standing dumfounded in the yard.

"Was she telling the truth?" Embry asked. I looked over to him.

"Kind of," I offered that as my answer, but he folded his arms "Well, I don't have as much experience with animal blood as my brother, and so before my eyes turn back I often revert back to my original instincts and so they momentarily turn red, though I have not touched the blood of a human in many years.

Embry sighed "This isn't good Clara, for you or your family."

"Trust me, We know," Clark said appearing behind me. "She's been making excellent work though." Clark is the oldest out of all of our coven, he's almost as old as Carlisle, but  never met the Cullens because he preferred living in the United Kingdom, only staying in America when he began to train me.

It was moments like this where playful Clark left, and serious, hundreds of years old Clark was revealed. "There's not really that much we can do about this now, except hope that Jacob will understand why your eyes were the color of a... what word did she use again." he turned his attention to Quil.

"She said 'leech' it's what we call the vampires that we don't trust." he said a kind of embarrassment washed over him when explaining.

"A leech then, I will talk to him with Scott, you can stay with Bella and Rosalie. Their in the Living room." He guided me back into the house.

"Guess your not gonna meet Seth today, he's Leah's brother and she won't want him hanging around." Embry mentioned. Bother Quil and Embry went with Clark and Scott.

I sat across from to Rosalie, who shared the loveseat with Emmett. They were both to busy frolicking in one another company to notice me existence. Bella was nice enough, we talked a little while she played with her daughter, I could see the similarities between them. I almost felt bad for causing the trouble I had.

Jasper came in a little while after Bella had left with Renesmee, and I began to feel more relaxed, or a bit of joy. I glared at my brother "Stop it Jasper, your not helping." he came over a placed a hand on my shoulder.

"It was worth a shot Clara, besides I'm sure he'll understand." I shrugged his hand off my shoulder.

"Doesn't matter, I've decided that I'm leaving." I said standing from the chair, gaining Rosalie and Emmett attention.

"Please don't go," she said coming over to me "who cares what Jacob's going to say?"

I shook my head furiously "No I must go, he is correct. I pose a threat here, at least back home there is less people for me to break the necks of." I said in a rush.

"Careful, you're beginning to sound like Edward before he met Bella." Emmett said, partially jokingly.

They continued like this for a while, trying to convince me to stay, but within the hour I was gone, not caring to hear the final verdict. Surprisingly 'king country international Airport' was leaving for Maine just a little while after I arrived. 

I landed in Maine after about 6 hours, and was back in town by 4:00 am, perfect I could get to school on time. The house was silent and strange when I walked in. The only noise was the answering machine, it beeped with two new messages. I quickly pressed the button, the first was Scott, he was saying that he just left Washington and was on his way home, he'd see me after school.

The second went like this:

"Hi Clara, I wasn't sure when you were gonna call so I am calling you instead," It was Danny "I wanted to talk to you at school tomorrow, but... I'm not gonna be able to get to school for a while. So call me when you can, bye!" how odd, I thought, but decided not to worry. Whats the worst that could've happened, right?

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