Chapter 10

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his is basically a continuation of chapter 9, sorry it was so short! I just wanted to let ya'll know that I still exist and am hoping to finally write something good for this story! thanks, Anyway onto the story :)


"So do all the girls meet you like this?" I questioned Blake, he smiled.

"Only the ones that have dangerous enemies." His face turned solemn "That southern blood-drinker for instance..." We all ashamedly took our seats.

"He's been sighted, where!' Danny let out a low growl. I placed a hand on his forearm, and it seemed to calm him down.

"This is not the time, or place for that." I said referring to the people outside who had no idea of the supernatural creature thing. He looked down at me, then back at his brother.

"No don't worry about him yet Daniel." Blake was using Danny's full name, being an Alpha I guessed. "He hasn't come very close, still he is getting closer."

"Let my family and I take care of him." I suggested, and was met with a stern look.

"We can not ask to place your family in so much harm, we can work together maybe."

"It's one vampire!" I retorted, almost yelling.

"you're right, but it's better to be safe than sorry, we will wait and see how much of a threat he becomes, or if he comes close enough to begin with." He crossed his arms, signalling end of discussion.

As we left I whispered to Danny "No matter how old your brother acts, I have a lot more experience." I was still fuming.

"And how many years of experience is that?" he wrapped an arms around me.

"Old enough." I said, rolling my eyes, He laughed.

"Guys grab your gear, we're leaving!" someone called over to us, we waved them on. She was a young girl, probably ten or eleven.

"Hey I thought you guys were only bringing imprints." I quizzed.

"yeah, but word got around and I guess you can see what happened." he gestured around the mass of cars. We grabbed our bags and camping equipment before making our way up the narrowing trail to the camp site. It was really only about a hour and a half up the mountain.

The field had been recently cut, the fresh smell still lingering. We had everything set up in seemingly no time and we quickly at work with diner. everyone seemed to have their own circles of people around the fires that spread across the field. It felt like a dumbed down , much safer  Woodstock, or how I assumed Woodstock would've felt since I was never in attendance. Different types of music and entertainment floated around from the fires.

I sat nearby Danny's circle of friends and occasionally glanced up when I heard my name mentioned. I, however, was in serious need of a breather. "I'm going for a walk, anyone wanna come?" Danny immediately stood, followed by Blake and Jeff, then Jenna who must've appeared sometime back.

The woods glowed with a hue of silver in the moonlight. Danny held my hand tight in his and I occasionally looked up at him, grateful for the company. I looked down at my own hand and saw it twinkle just a little in the decreased light.

"So hows your brother?" Danny asked after a while a silence. I shrugged.

"When I get to see him, he seems fine. Lately he's been spending his time with Celia."

"Have you gotten to meet her, does she know?" He squeezed my hand just a little, surely trying not to offend me. I smiled up at him.

"My brother said 'soon' which for him is rare, so I'm assuming she's figuring things out." I laughed "She's a smart girl, thats for sure I'm surprised she hadn't figured it out sooner."

"Thats my friend our talking about!" Jenna chimed in from a few feet behind us, hanging out with Blake.

"She wasn't saying anything bad." Jeff supported. "besides Jen since when are you super protective?"

"I'm being realistic Jeff." we stopped to look at her "What happens if she cuts her figure, or scrapes her knee? I don't like that your brother and her are so close, alright? it's dangerous!" she huffed and turned the other way, walking back to camp.

I went to chase after her, but Blake stopped me "Don't. Jeff go after her." Jeff jogged around us before disappearing into the darkness.

"Why send him?" I questioned.

"He's Jenna's cousin if anyone can calm her down it's him."

"shouldn't you go too?" Danny asked.

"No we have bigger problems." Blake said, letting out a low growl. I turned in time to see a large wolf appear out of the tree line, and then another. I sighed with relief when I also saw Alice appear from behind them, then Esme.

"My dear," Esme said, wrapping her arms around me. I pulled away and could see the sadness in her eyes.

"What is it?"

"Alice had an awful vision, we weren't sure if we would get here in time." The wolves disappeared back into the wood, followed by Quil and Embry emerging.

"What Esme's trying to say is we've got a situation, the guy you were acquainted to... what's his name." Quil looked over at Embry.

"His name was Xavier, how can you not remember?" Embry exclaimed, pushing Quil playfully for a moment.

"Alright. Anyway Alice says he's back."

"And why are you here?" I questions

"Well, Forks is boring and we figured we could lend a hand."

"It is summer break soon." Blake said "but he's just one vampire."

"Actually..." Esme began "Alice believes he's part of a coven, and a big one at that."

"Like Victoria's army?" Danny asked, referring to the event that plagued the Cullens a months ago.

"Smaller than that, but the same basic idea." Embry informed us. "Only six or seven at the most. still that's a big group." we nodded.

"What are they after?" I questioned.

"So far nothing, they are probably just hostile to the vegetarian lifestyle, or the wolves." I sent a look over to Danny, he smiled down reassuringly.

"We'll get him, don't worry." Quill chimed.

"Still keeps your eyes opened," Blake stated, "and if I may ask, where is your Alpha?"

"Jake didn't want to leave his girl behind." Embry said, being honest.

The rest of the camping out went like this, the wolf pack took turns walking around the camp. I myself stayed with the girls- and tried to ignore Jenna- to make sure no one suddenly disappeared. Quill and Embry are staying in a rented house with Esme. They all left after our meeting, not wanting anyone to wonder about their sudden appearance.

Then when all the girls had fallen asleep I was able to spend some time with Danny, but he eventually also fell asleep, which gave me the opportunity to run and tell my family how interesting the camping was.

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