Chapter 22

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I was strange to be down south again. It felt like... home. Like that comforting and scary feeling right before you see an old friend, or your parents after it's been a long time. I enjoyed every second of the travel. The feeling of the weather shifting from the cold to a warmer climate, the sun playing behind the leaves of trees in a familiar, dreamlike way, and the hum of the wind in the hot air that sounded ever so faintly of bees.

Breathing deeply the air smelled of good and bad memories. Of honeysuckle with wild grass and of Cotton and paw-paw trees. I ran over to one of the trees and grabbed at it's branches, taking one of it's dark purple white flowers into my hand. I remembered always loving the flowers as a human. I even had my brother bring me home a plant, he was in South Carolina at the time and I begged him to no end to bring me one so I could plant it home in Texas.

"Jasper," I sighed half-heartily before placing the maroon plant into my mesh of strawberry hair. "Eventually he's bound to forgive me, isn't he Xavier?" I said, turning to my friend.

He was rolling the unripened fruit of the tree between his two hands. "Oh he'll forgive you, he always did. As for me..." he trailed off "- hey I remember you loved this plant. Asimina Triloba. I remember because this used to be one of your favorite foods come autumn."

I nodded "Yeah, I just hope he doesn't blame you for the whole fiasco, now come on" I said before beginning to walk again -just truly realizing that we'd stopped- and heard Xavier also begin to move behind me.

I moved through the forest like a spirit, feeling refreshed I could tell my movement swayed More and felt my feet glide like air over the soft grass. This is what I needed, with all the drama it had never occurred to me that I maybe I just needed a trip back to my roots.

"So how much further?" I asked as Xavier caught up with me. I smiled widely as he just pointed ahead, as if to say we're almost there in his own way. I moved a little faster. My nerves began to shake me as we inevitable approached. If I were human I wouldn've fainted, but since I'm not I just moved along.

"No turning back," I said to myself. We stopped a few yards away from where I knew it would be. The place had a air around, like a pull. "This is it." I said, tying my hair behind my head and wiping any dirt from my face. I knew it wouldn't matter what I looked like, but still.

Xaiver moved first, going on without me "Come when you're ready," he had said. I just nodded. I sat down and allowed my legs to feel the small amount of shaking that my nerves created, it's funny, I thought, that after everything I've been through this is what makes me nervous,

I stood after a short while, noting that I had calmed some I finally made my way to the edge of the grounds. I could hear them all. There were at least as many in the army as when I'd left I wonder how many are still here that help us fight against the uprising?

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, I let out a small yelp as I turned. My face quickly turned from a scream to a smile as I looked up at the towering man. "Garth," I sighed, hugging my friend. At first he seemed taken aback, but quickly hugged me back. "It's been a long time hasn't it?"

"Close to forever, well a human's forever anyway." He said before pushing out of the hug "I'm surprised to see you, and that you remember me? Let me guess. Xavier?"

"Xavier. I said in agreement, beside even without him how could I forget you and Delila? Speaking of Delila, any chance I could see her?"

"Absolutely, although I believe I know why you're here." He said, giving me a look of almost sympathy. With that I felt him begin to push me towards the encampment. I smiled, happy I wouldn't be entering the almost alien place on my own.

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