Chapter 14

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Writer's Note: please comment you guys, I have serious writers block and don't know what to do!!! thanks for reading and the votes! you guys are amazing. Sorry I haven't written anything, I just got a job a few weeks ago and have been working hard at keeping it since I need the cash, hope you understand.

Now Onto The Story:


The porch was long, wrapping around the back of the house with stairs leading down into the backyard, then the woods. I noticed him standing in the shadows of the treeline "Hey, how long have you been over there" I called.

"Hello ma chéri." He walked through the glass doors of the back deck, the moonlight leaving just a glaze of snowy crystals on the surface of his skin. "long enough, I was wondering if you'd thought I'd actually leave."

"That doesn't seem like your style. What are you doing here?" before I could threaten him he was in front of me, to close in front of me. I jumped back, moving farther into the house towards the kitchen.

 "Just wondering about you, and what I've been putting up with lately." He crossed his arms, showing complete distaste.

"Then why do you keep doing this!" I yelled, enraged. He seemed surprised "I mean come on! You come and threaten me, the people I love, and practically reveal vampires with the stunt you preformed at the camp site! I'm sick of it!"

He smiled "You've got gusto." he laughed, then suddenly turned stern "I suppose after all this time you have earned an explanation."

He followed me inside before continuing "I've always been there for you, Clara. Even when you didn't know it." I gasped, embarrassed, and applaud, feeling my anger boiling over.

"What!" I screamed "Listen I don't kno-" He raised a hand calmly.

"Please," he was asking for silence, I held my peace "I say that only because you don't remember your past. It was so many years ago when I first met you, you were just a young girl then. A young human girl I might add."

His eyes glazed as he recalled a long almost-forgotten memory "Your brother, Jasper recognizes me or could you not tell?" He played with the pendant on his necklace, rolling it between his fingers. "I can't recall how old I am Clara, not even if I tried.-maybe I was born this way-" He joked "but you, Clara Whitlock, was the first person to make me feel... human, is that the proper word to use." it wasn't a question.

"Shut up!" I yelled "stop this, you lying I know you are! I would remember you!" I began to walk away, trying to stop this from happening. I pulled my hands over my ears like a child, desperate to lock away the nonsense.

"Clara -my dear- you would remember me, you will. I know you will, your stronger than this." He came close again, reaching out and pulling my hands into his, not letting go. "Fight what your brothers have done!" he yelled.

I stopped moving, instead glared up at him "What my brothers have done?" I quizzed, "What my brothers have done! They have been trying to protect me, especially from the likes of you!" I tried to break away, again and again. Panting, pulling before giving up. "What is it that my brothers have done?" I was still enraged, he knew that, but he smiled at my surrender.

"They blocked you from me Clara, using their powers they forced you to forget everything, me, our past, your powers..." he trailed off "please tell me theres not pieces of your past that you can't remember, memories from just before you turned that have completely disappeared. The kind you should still remember."

He moved a hand up, I watch him push hair just behind my ear, before quickly moving it back to my hands. My eyes burned bright with hate still, I could almost see them glow back to me in his two orbs of black. "Powers? I have no powers," I scoffed "If I did I swear I'd use them to escape your grasp." I directed my eyes down to our hands, his holding my wrists.

"I'm sure you would Clara, that's what I loved about you. No matter what happened, you stayed strong." His eyes were sincerer, his grasp light enough that I could tear away. I told my feet to move, but they didn't. I stayed there.

"What happened exactly? You said my brothers did something." Curiosity was getting the better of me, and I knew it.

 He pulled us out to the porch, I suppose it was in case he needed a quick getaway. "It was still about a year before you turned, but your brothers and I had already met. Your brother Clark had actually tried to convert me to animals then too," he laughed "but just as now that was not my style. Your other brother, Jasper told me all about his lovely sister. How she burned a candle for him every night, and how much he missed her, and regretted not being able to get close to you again."

Xavier looked up as if to see my response, but I stayed composed. "It was then I decided I would do something good for your brother, since he saved me from dieing by convincing Maria that she could use me to enlarge her army, and so I did."

"Wait!" I paused him, just realizing what he said. "You're the reason I was turned into a vampire?"

He laughed "Of course not, that was your own fault. However I did seek you out, I found your old home. Jasper used his abilities to calm you over his disappearance, which is why you stopped placing the candle out for your brother."

I interrupted again "and what did you do? I mean other than track me down?" He smiled.

"I kept an eye on you ma chéri," he moved his hand to my face again. This time longer than before, he pulled my head up gentle to meet his eyes. "but Clara when you watch someone grow up, and you learn so much about someone -at least in my case- I began to fall in love with the girl I kept safe."

"Safe from whom?"

"From what you could've become, or I suppose have become. You may not remember this, but you loved me as much as I still love you. We were together almost a year, until..." he trailed off again, but I knew what he meant.

"It's not your fault," I reminded him, feeling sorrow for the man I had been so sure hated "you said so yourself."

"No," he defended "it was my job, my life to protect you. Then one day I had to hunt, you went off on your own. Clara, you shouldn't have to live this way, I should've stopped Maria. I could've done something!" he yelled.

"Yes, you could've." We both turned to see Jasper and Clark standing, starring at us. "Unfortunately the simple job of protecting my sister fell to your hands, and to think," he scoffed "At one time I trusted you. Leave Xavier, now!" Jasper yelled, anger radiated from him, it was terrifying. I had never seen my brother this way.

Xavier let go of my hands, though his touch had been light, and friendly minutes before. "Good bye, Clara Whitlock," he leaned down and kissed my cheek before running for the woods. I saw his black eyes turned just before he vanished. Giving one last glance in my direction.

"Go inside Clara!" Clark commanded. I did as I was told, and obviously must've looked terrified for neither of my brothers came up to talk to me, or maybe they were just mad. It was only when I was upstairs that I dared to look at what Xavier had slipped into my hands before he was gone.

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