Chapter 20 - Changin Perspective (To Jasper's)

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The Following Chapter is from Jasper's Perspective to give you an idea of whats been going on. I know that in one of the books Jasper graduates, so this is college. Hey we all gotta start somewhere:

  I tapped my finger on the table impatiently "This is ridicules!" I thought, glancing at Edward. He looked back at me, more than a little puzzled "Clara. Who does she think she is? How could she think it was a good idea to rush off with Xavier?" I was ready to pound my fist on the desk, although it would've easily broken. I glanced at the clock, 3:40. Twenty minutes before I could leave, I wasn't going to wait for the others. Ever since Clara left I had one thought on my mind, revenge.

  I didn't know who I was more upset with; Xavier, or myself. "I shouldn't have left her, not again. I always leave her, and shes so immature." I looked at the clock again 3:42, closer. The teacher of the class, Mrs. Stewart was going on and on about the American influence in foreign country. I had taken this course at the school we had gone to before Forks, where was it? Either way it was unimportant. 3:48... 3:54... 4:00. Finally the bell rang and I'd gotten up and out of the room almost to quickly.

"Where's he going?" I heard the girl sitting behind Edward ask. She was in one of my other classes as well. She was nice enough, but a little to chatty.

"I don't know, I'm gonna try to catch him." I had just heard him when I'd gotten to the end of the hall, and out of the building. Edward had always been the fastest in the family though, when he could he caught up.

"It's not your fault Jasper. We were all like that once, I left my coven, you left yours-"

"Yes, but I also left without my young sister." I spat back. "I've been looking for her and all I have found is dead ends. It's so frustrating, where could she be? Alice has been unable to see her future since she dated that wolf, and even now can't get a glimpse of her whereabouts." I felt ready to die all over again, and yelling at Edward was no help. "I just do not understand what I'm suppose to do."

Edward approached me, placing a hand on my shoulder "You could leave her life up to her, there is only so much we can do. I know how you feel Jasper."

"I just can't believe she's with him." I could tell I was beginning to sound like Jacob, back when Bella was human.

"If you're so concerned you could always give her boyfriend his memories back and have him track her down." Edward said it very nonchalantly, however we both knew the outcome if that were to happen.

We had observed the connections that are formed with imprinting, Xander had better odds against the Volturi than a raging werewolf. They were like children in situations like this. I laughed, but it wasn't intended to sound the slightest bit joyful.

Edward scowled. "You can't keep complaining of Clara all the while you sit on the sidelines. You were a general in an army for God sakes Jasper. you can find her. We both know that."

"You're right Edward," I smiled as a plan began to form "If I can't find her I do believe I have some friends who may be able to help me."


Yeah short chapter, but at least the accounts not dead. I'll try to write more I've just been in a permanent writers block of whatever-dom. Don't hate me.  :)

- BTW he kinda sounds like a villain  >:P


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