Zayn + Rebeca = Love?

By 1DandHarryLover

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What would you do if your brother was in one of the biggest boy band of all time? What would you do when he l... More

A/N ~ trailer on side
Let me tell you about myself
ch 1.On my way
ch 2. panic attack
ch 3. you?
ch 4. Talia
ch 5. You're beautiful
ch 6. stay away
ch 7. i'm sorry
On hold
sign up
ch. 8 What happened
ch 9. dinner time

ch 10. Remember?

53 2 3
By 1DandHarryLover

Liam's P-O-V

I wake from the smell of bacon and eggs coming from the kitchen. I look around the room and I don't see Maddie anywhere so she must be cooking. I get up and quick shower and get dressed. When I walk out of the room I see all the lads and the girls except Rebeca.

"Where's Rebeca?" I ask as I sit at the table and get bacon before Niall and Sasha eats it all. Yeah, Sasha almost has a bigger appetite then Niall, I never knew that was possible.

"She still sleeping" Louis says while reading the news paper.

"Do you want me to get her?" Lou says in her voice while playing with Lux.

"No I'll go get her" Eleanor says getting up and walking out the door.

"Okay everybody tomorrow is Rebeca's birthday but i want everybody to pretend to forget it," Louis says to all of us.

"Why do you want us to pretend?" I say.

"because it's also Sam's birthday," Louis say with a sad look.

"Who's Sam?" Harry asks with a look of confusion on his face.

"He was my brother and Rebeca's twin," Louis says looking as though he was about to cry. "He Loved us very much till he started drinking and getting high every night. Then he started to beat me up but never in front of them or my mom. Then one day when my mom was gone he started tying Rebeca Sam and I up. I was screaming and crying for him to stop but he just pulled out a gun and shot Sam. Then he pointed it to Rebeca after sam had been shot and died. The last thing I remember thought is somebody coming into the house and Rebeca being shot," Louis says and is now full on crying.

"Does Rebeca remember?" Niall asks as he stops eating.

"No, when she got shot her heart stopped but the doctors brought her back and she was put in Acoma for 6 months but when she woke up she lost all memory of him. I told myself I was never going to tell her but e was her twin she has a right to know." Louis says gaining his composer back.

"So lets get off the subject and do something fun," Lou says while picking up lux and taking her over to the table. "How about we go to an amusement park and have fun to remember how much fun you had with Sam,"

"That sounds like a good idea. Where should we go?" Niall says.

"I've heard that there is a Disney in Paris," Gabrielle says.

"That sounds like a good idea how about we leave in 3 hours or so?" Zayn says.

"Yeah, now every body go get ready'" I Say and everybody scurries of to their own rooms

Eleanor's P-O-V

As I'm walking down to Rebeca's room I hear crying coming from her door. This hotel gave a key that can open all of our doors so when I knock and she doesn't respond I use the key to let myself in. I follow the sound of sobs and eventually come to her room. When I open the door I see that she is sleeping but not peacefully. She is crying, sweating, thrashing around with all of the sheets on the ground.

"Rebeca, Rebeca, Rebeca!" I say while shacking her till she wakes up.

When she finally does she sits up and hugs me for dear life.

"Shhh," I say while rubbing her back. "what's wrong?" I ask after she calmed down but still won't let go.

"he was in my dream," she says while trying not to stutter.

"Who's he" I ask with full confusion in my voice.

"My bully" she whispers.

"Want to talk about it?" I ask. She nods.

After she finishes explaining what he did in her dream I could not believe how somebody could be so mean. In her dream she said he was beating her up a lot worse then normal. He was punching her in the face and stomach. She also said that he drew a knife and started to cut her wrists and her back. But the worst part was that they made her only friend at the time watch.

"But there's one thing I forgot to tell you," She says looking down.

"what is it?" I ask.

She pulls up her sleeves and this wasn't just a dream. It really happened. She had deep cuts on her wrist.

"It's okay," I say pulling her into a hug as she starts to cry again. "shhhhh".

"Will you promise me one thing though?" she asks.

"Sure what is it?" I ask.

"don't tell anybody about this," she say pointing at her wrists.


Hey guys im so sorry it took so long to update maybe ill try and do another update this week because I have only two more days of school till Christmas brake.

Merry Christmas!!!

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