
By AaliyahSione

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Andree Valdez is a Honduran bound gang member, of the most popular Latin gang in the world: The Esses. He als... More

Forty-Six. (Finale)


225 10 0
By AaliyahSione


I opened my eyes and realized that I was still layed up on Andreson. He then opened his eyes, also.

Out of nowhere, I was yanked by my arms off of him.

"What's going on?" I asked, still in a sleepy state.

I felt cold metal around my wrists.

"Hurry up and take her out of my home." Mr. Valdez growled.

"No, let her go!" Andreson shouted as he ran over to me.

"Get back, son." Robert grabbed him, and pulled him back.

"Why am I getting arrested?" I asked.

"You are under arrest for Trespassing and violation the Valdez property." The officer said. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you do or say will be held against you in the court of law."

"Wait, I didn't do anything!" I shouted. "Let me go!"

"Isa!" Andreson shouted. "Dad, stop them!"

They dragged me outside and threw me in the back of their car. "Ouch." I hissed.

The officers looked over at me and one of them shook their heads.

I rolled my eyes as I layed down on the seat.

It was a while later when the car stopped. I lifted my head up to see we were at the police station.

They opened the door and grabbed me by my leg, dragging me out of the car and throwing me on the ground.

They then dragged me all the way inside.

The checked in, and one of the officers picked me up, and brought me to a jail cell. They unlocked it and threw me inside. Afterwards, they locked it and walked off.



"Why the hell did you do that?" I asked.

"She violated my home." He smiled. "And, she trespassed."

"She stopped me from putting a bullet in your brain. She also stopped me from Killing myself." I snarled. "I should be the one going to jail. You're just a racist bastard."

"Right.. And, she set you up, Andreson." He said. "We didn't start having all these issues until she came around. It's best for her to stay in jail."

He patted my back and walked upstairs. I ran to the phone, and dialed Lisa's number.

"Hello?" She answered after the couple of rings.

"Lisa, it's me.... Andreson." I sighed. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, honey." She said. "I'm sorry I quit.. I couldn't take staying there with you guys anymore. Your father Is just so much... From his racist talk about Isamariá to him throwing you around... I couldn't take it."

"It's cool." I said. "Well, I'm glad you left. I mean, you need to better job than this."

"Right.... Anyway, if you need anything, you can call me." She said. "And, I still live in the same apartment."

"Alright." I sighed.

I hung up the phone and sighed. Now that Lisa was gone, I knew life was going to be even worse. And, I knew my parents weren't going to let Isamariá come back.

Anyways, I went upstairs, preparing to go into my room when I heard my parents talking.

"What about that girl?" Moms asked.

"We're going to sue her family for all she's got." Pops laughed. "Not like they have much, anyway. Besides that, I'm thinking about selling Andreson's car, too."

"I put the keys in the plant by the front door." Moms laughed. "He won't find out about it."

Oh, okay. They bought me a car and didn't even tell me.

I smacked my teeth as I walked back downstairs and began searching In the vase.

I then found the keys, and walked out of the house, slamming the door.

I walked out to the garage which was like ten feet away. I pressed the button and the door lifted up.

I saw a black Cadillac. It was shiny and had the top down, like Hernando's, but mines looked newer.

I flashed a sneaky grin and hopped inside of the car, and started it up.

I quickly drove off. I knew how to drive well enough to.... Well, drive. I just didn't have my license.

Anyways, I made my way down to the police station. I knew Isa was there, and I already knew my plan to get her out of jail.

When I arrived, I parked and jumped out. I walked inside and sat one of the officers eating a doughnut at the desk.

"Aye, what's up, man?" I laughed.

He shot me a weird look. "Who are you supposed to be?"

"Andreson, Andreson Valdez." I smiled. "You know, richest guy in the country... World maybe. No biggie."

"Okay?" He said. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, my pockets were kind of heavy." I shrugged.

I took a stack of hundreds out of my pocket and threw it on the desk.

"Ahh, that's better." I smiled. "Buy yourself a doughnut or something."

As he starred down at the money in shock, I walked past him and took the keys off of the desk.

I then walked to the back and saw Isa laying down on the floor of a cell.

I unlocked the door and opened it. I picked her up bridal style and walked back to the front.

"Hey, what are you doing?" The officer asked.

I dangled the keys I my hand, and he tried to snatch them from me, but I threw them all the way in the back.

He jumped up and ran after them. I smirked and grabbed the stack of money and put it back in my pocket and walked out of the station.

I can admit, I'm pretty smooth.

I walked out to the car and gently laid Isa I think passenger side. I then go I think driver's side and started it up, quickly driving off.

I turned on the radio and 'Nuthin' but a 'G' Thang' by Dr. Dre was playing.

That song came out a couple of days ago. I also knew how his album was coming out next month.

Anyways, I turned the volume up to little louder and drove around the city. I was so happy that I finally had a car, and I'd be damned if I was going to let Robert sell it.

I could pay everything off myself.

"Andreson?" Isa groaned.

I looked over at her and smiled. "What up, baby girl?"

"What happened? How come I'm not on that cold jail floor?"

"I got you out." I said. "You thought I was going to let Robert keep you locked up?"

"I don't know.." She groaned.

"What wrong?" I asked.

"Well, for one, I still have handcuffs on." She said.

"Oh." I said. "Let me pull over right quick."

I turned and parked into a McDonald's parking lot. I grabbed the key for the cuffs and unlocked them.

"You okay, Isa?" I asked. "You're like really red."

I tried to give her a hug but she jumped back and frowned.


"What?" I asked.

She lifted up a little bit of help shirt and I saw bruises on her stomach. She then showed me the bruises on her arm, her shoulders and her back.

"Did those officers do that?"

"Yeah." She shook her head. "They kept dragging me and throwing me around."

That was NOT music to my ears.

"I'm sorry, Isa." I said. "This is my fault. Are you hungry?"

"No." She shook her head.

"You want me to take you home?" I asked.

"Sure." She said.

I drove out of the parking lot and made my way to the Bronx.

To be honest, I was pissed. I wasn't letting this slide. Those so called 'cops' had it coming.

Isa didn't say anything the whole car ride. I occasionally looked over at her, but she didn't move at all.

When we arrived to the projects, I got out of the car and loaded my pistol, sliding it in my pocket. If anything, I never came down the Bronx without a gun. That was the good solid rule to keep your life.

Isa got out of the car and looked over at me with her sleepy eyes.

"Thanks." She said. "You want to come in?"

"Where's your moms?" I asked.

"She at work, my little sister is at day care.. And, George is probably out or something." She said.

"You have the little sister?" I chuckled.


I followed her up the steps and she opened the door. I stepped in and looked inside.

The place was small. There was a small living room, with a small television and a coffee table. On the left side was a kitchen, then a hallway.

"I'm gonna go lay down." She said. "You can get some water and whatever else In the kitchen."

She walked down the hall and I sat down on the couch. I looked at the pictures on the table. One was of Isa, but she looked a little younger. She was holding a small girl, who I was guessing was her sister.

Another picture was a woman, and George, who I recognized because I sold to him before. Of course, he wouldn't know me. I always went incognito so nobody would rat me out if they recognized me.

I put the picture down and got up, walking down the hallway.

"Isa?" I asked.

"In here." She said.

I walked into a bedroom and saw her laying down in one of the beds.

"I feel bad."

"Why?" She asked.

"My dad had you arrested, and those cops were dragging you around." I shrugged. "It's not right."

"I don't know..." She said. "Why did he throw you down the stairs?"

"He always does that." I said.

She frowned and rolled over.

I sighed as I layed down next to her.

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