Broken: a Draco Malfoy Love S...

By sarahslytherin

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The Malfoy and Burke families are two of the most wealthy, pure-blooded wizarding families living upper-class... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - The Upper Side
Chapter 2 - Secrets & Lies
Chapter 3 - Umbridge's Request
Chapter 5 -Third Time Lucky
Chapter 6 - High Inquisitor & the King
Chapter 7 - Draco's Nightmare
Chapter 8 - The Truth Be Told
Chapter 9 - Betrayal of the Best Friend & Boyfriend
Chapter 10 - Rise to the Downfall
Chapter 11 - The Queen of Scheme Enthroned
Chapter 12 - The Snake
Chapter 13 - Burke Estate
Chapter 14 - Dark Christmas
Chapter 15 - Annoyance
Chapter 16 - The New Years Eve Ball
Chapter 17 - Passionate Beasts
Chapter 18 - The Return
Chapter 19 - Déjà Vu
Chapter 20 - The Breakout
Chapter 21 - Queen of Hearts
Chapter 22 - Wicked Games
Chapter 23 - Begged by Blaise
Chapter 24 - Spring, Sunsets & Shrivelfigs
Chapter 25 - Holding On
Chapter 26 - The Quibbler Issue
Chapter 27 - The New Head
Chapter 28 - Chaos
Chapter 29 - Changing for the Worse
Chapter 30 - Easter Break
Chapter 31 - Rufus Returns
Chapter 32 - Waiting Games
Chapter 33 - Hogwarts or Torture
Chapter 34 - I Know You
Chapter 35 - Beauty & The Feast
Chapter 36 - End of Examinations
Chapter 37 - Beginning of the End

Chapter 4 - A Familiar Portrait

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By sarahslytherin

Alexia woke the next morning, got ready quickly, then went and waited in the Common Room for Blaise like they always did on a Thursday so the two could walk to the Great Hall for breakfast together. She sat on one of the seats waiting and when Blaise finally arrived all she got was a weak smile and a quick "Good morning".

"Blaise, are we really going to let some stupid thing Draco said get between us?" She wondered quietly.

Blaise sighed, "Sorry Al, he's just been getting to me a lot lately. I know you've tried getting him to lay off me and it's not your fault. He's just a pain in the butt sometimes and I should know better then to let him get to me," Blaise said then kissed Alexia on the cheek before they started walking up to the breakfast.

"Hey, Draco did say something weird last night once you had gone to bed," Alexia mentioned, remembering what Draco had told her, "He said you had something to tell me."

Blaise gulped, "Oh... Really?"


"Um, there's nothing I can think of that I need to tell you," Blaise lied.

"Oh, well okay." Alexia replied believing him.

"Actually," Blaise began, "There's a Hogsmeade visit this week, do you want to go to Madam Pudifoot's Tea Shop together?"

Alexia smiled up at him, "I'd love to Blaise!" She responded happily. Although Alexia had gone to the tea shop before, surprisingly her and Blaise never had and secretly she had always wanted to go with him.

"Great!" He said glad that they had moved topics.

The two continued to the Great Hall and sat down at the Slytherin table, just starting their breakfast, when a ruckus suddenly filled the hall, and hundreds of owls holding letters in their beaks and tied to their legs, soared into the hall. Envelopes fell from the ceiling, like a shower of rain. A letter fell on Alexia's plate, narrowly missing her goblet of orange juice. She was just about to open it when a small package landed with a thud on the same plate, as well as several other letters. She continued opening the letter and discovered it was a request for an interview at Hogsmeade on the weekend, and most of the other letters were along the same line. But the last letter was to do with the package. Alexia was used to getting packages in the Owl post as staying at Hogwarts for most of the year meant close to no shopping trips, so a lot of clothes and other things were sent to her by her mother instead. The letter was the usual check up on how things were going and update on what Laurel had been doing lately, which included the fact she had regained her position as an editor at Spella Weekly.

After reading the letter, Alexia moved to the parcel and began opening it. She unwrapped the paper and found the new leather purse she had asked her mother for, except it was the wrong colour.

"I asked for black, not this!" Alexia gasped looking horrified at the deep blue purse, "This won't go with anything!"

"Looks like someone still isn't on their mummy's good side," Draco said from a few seats away.

"Malfoy, no one asked for you to speak!" Alexia snapped, "And you still owe me a new headband!"
"Yeah, yeah."

Alexia complained about her purse all morning, telling Pansy and Daphne how she was planning to use it in Hogsmeade but now she couldn't as it didn't match her chosen outfit. The two, who pretended to be disgusted, secretly didn't think there was anything wrong with the colour. Infact, they would have been happy just to own the purse, whatever it's colour was. Alexia decided that she would write back to her mother and ask if she could switch the purse with a new black one, even if it was a different style, which is what she did over lunch in the Great Hall.

Thursday and Friday zoomed by and soon enough Saturday arrived. Alexia spent most of the morning getting ready for her date in Hogsmeade. She knew she always had to look her best when she went to Hogsmeade as there would always be someone there secretly taking photos that would end up in gossip and fashion magazines, and seeing as she never replied to any of the letters requesting interviews, there would no doubt be someone there for that too. Alexia dressed in a skirt and shirt, with a pair of cream stockings and flats. She took one of her nicest cream coloured coats and wore it over the top of her outfit to keep her warm in the autumn wind. The coat was soft and rather long, sitting just above her knees and covering most of her outfit. It was detailed delicately, with gold buttons on the top of each shoulder pad and gold buttons going down in sets of two on the front. The buttons on the front were each connected with a tiny golden chain, which matched the gold chain on her emerald green bag. She filled the bag with a pouch of money and pocketed her wand. She zipped up the beautiful green bag, swung it over her shoulder, grabbed a scarf in the same deep green colour and made her way up to the Entrance Hall to meet Pansy and Daphne to go to Hogsmeade together.

When the three arrived in the picturesque little village of Hogsmeade They walked into the main street which was packed already with with excited students from Hogwarts. There were students hovering around the window of Zonko's Joke Shop, looking at the latest products that were on display, and several third-years were out the front of Honeyduke's sharing with each other what sweets they had just purchased.

"Hey, can we go to the quill shop? I need a new quill," Daphne said as they walked along the street.

"Yeah, sure," Alexia replied.

They walked towards the small shop known as Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop and entered through the creaky, wooden door.

The shop was almost empty apart from a few girls who were checking out the rainbow inked quills which sat on top of one of the shelves. Alexia and Pansy followed Daphne as she searched the shelves for the right quill. Once she had, she purchased the quill and after being hassled into buying some new parchment as well by the weedy man at the counter, the three girls left the shop.

"Well I should probably go meet up with Blaise now, do you two want to come say hi?" Alexia asked.

"No that's okay Alexia, we were thinking of going to get a drink at the Three Broomsticks." Pansy said, "Have fun on your date!"

"Alright, thanks." Alexia said hugging the two girls before heading off in the direction of the tea shop.

She spotted Blaise with Theodore Nott, another Slytherin student, turning onto the main street.

"Blaise! Theodore!" She called, walking a little faster to reach them.

"Hey Alexia!" Blaise exclaimed, pulling her into an affectionate hug.

Alexia was about to kiss him when she remembered Theodore, who was standing awkwardly unsure where to look.

"Oh," Blaise said noticing why Alexia hadn't given him a kiss, "Theo, you don't want us to come with you, do you?"

"Er no, no that's okay. You two enjoy your date," Theodore rushingly said.

"Okay, well I'll see you later then?"

"Yeah, see ya."

"Bye Theodore!" Alexia added as he walked off by himself towards the main street. She looked up at Blaise and giggled, he smiled back at her, then claimed her lips.


On the way to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop, Alexia spotted a photographer snapping photos of her and Blaise, but when she looked over, the photographer pretended to be taking photos of the nearby trees. She also spotted Draco Malfoy snogging a girl behind a bush, and close-by to them were Crabbe and Goyle pushing around a short boy with black, curly hair.

"After you," Blaise said, holding the door open and allowing Alexia to enter the tea shop. The two took a seat at a round table beside the window, which were steamed up, making it hard for anyone to see in or out. Too bad for that photographer, Alexia thought to herself.

The tables were decorated with lacy napkins and small china bowls that were filled with sugar, and a bell over the door announced customers in a tuneful twinkle. Madam Puddifoot, who was a very stout woman with a shiny black bun, almost immediately approached them and took their orders.

"I'll have a coffee thanks," Alexia said cheerfully.

"Me too," Blaise said, getting rid of the woman as fast as he could so he and Alexia were alone. He reached over the table and took Alexia's hand an caressed it in his own, "You look beautiful today Alexia," he said, staring into her eyes.

"Thank you Blaise," She replied softly, moving to the edge of her seat and leaning closer to Blaise across the table,

Blaise also leaned closer, then took one of his hands that was holding Alexia's and gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face. Instead of returning his hand to hers, he held her face and brought it closer towards his, then the two shared a long and passionate kiss.

They were interrupted by Madam Puddifoot's soft voice, "Excuse me dears," she said politely.

Blaise and Alexia separated and smiled apologetically at Madam Puddifoot.

She though did not look bothered at the sight, but instead stood with a happy grin, as though she was used to interrupting enthusiastic teenagers (which she probably was). She placed the coffees down on the table, "Enjoy!" She chimed, turning and making her way over towards another table with another couple seated at it.

Alexia added a small teaspoon of sugar to her coffee and carefully stirred the warm, strong smelling drink. Blaise on the other hand, took a large sip of his coffee straight away. The two drank their coffees, kissed some more and happily talked together as more and more people filled the cosy shop. By the time the two had finished and paid, the shop was completely full and extremely stuffy and they were both very happy to breathe fresh air once again.

The sun peered through the fluffy clouds in the sky and the cold breeze made Alexia's hair blow in the wind as they wandered throughout the village and finally made there way to the main street where they met Pansy and Daphne, along with some other Slytherin girls who were holding bags of sweets from Honeyduke's. They eagerly told Alexia about some of the new pink coconut ice they had tried at Honeyduke's and how she too had to try it. So Alexia was forced off with the group of girls (who were also extremely interested in hearing about her date with Blaise), promising to meet Blaise back at Hogwarts that evening.


Alexia eventually called it a day and returned to Hogwarts with Pansy, Daphne and Millicent Bulstrode, a large built girl who shared their dormitory. Alexia usually tended to avoid Millicent as she wan't exactly the most feminine girl she had met, but she did come to good use when she needed someone to physically intimidate people to get information out of them. Once they were back in the Entrance Hall, Millicent left to find Tracey Davis, the other girl who shared their dorm.

Once Millicent was out of earshot Pansy made a rude remark about Millicent's hair, which Daphne found highly amusing.

"According to Crabbe, it's her birthday soon. Should we get her some new shampoo as a gift? Do we usually give her a present?" Pansy asked, a grin forming on her face.

Daphne let out a loud laugh, "I don't think we ever have, but it's never too late to start!"

"Maybe we should set her and Crabbe up, hey?" Alexia laughed.

Alexia led the way down to the Slytherin Dungeon, vaguely muttering the password at the stone-wall entrance. The three girls walked into the grand, underground room which was practically empty seeing as many people were still in Hogsmeade or out in the grounds. They each flopped onto the green and black tufted armchairs beside the crackling fire under the elaborately carved mantelpiece. Alexia flipped her legs over the arms of the chair she was sitting on and leant back, staring up at the dark ceiling. Pansy on the other hand, had picked up a copy of the Daily Prophet someone had left lying around and was lazily flipping through the pages, occasionally showing Alexia and Daphne anything that seemed interesting.

"You know, I think it's time I said those three words to Blaise." Alexia said, now inspecting her nails.

Pansy and Daphne looked up from the page they were studying in the Prophet.

"Haven't you said it yet?" Pansy asked, sounding almost worried.

"Well ... no," Alexia said, "I guess I've been wanting too, and for a while now, but we did agree to take things slow-" she paused. Pansy was folding up the newspaper and getting up from her seat. "Where are you going?" Alexia asked.

"I'm getting kind of hungry. I think I might go have dinner." Pansy told her.

"Oh, um, okay." Alexia muttered sounding a little disappointed.

Pansy shiftily smiled and quickly hurried away.

"Why does she always do that?!" Alexia impatiently cried once Pansy was out of earshot, throwing her hands in the air and sitting up straight. "Why does she always walk out on our conversations or change the topic all the time? Especially whenever I bring up anything serious about Blaise and I."

"I've noticed that too. She's been acting different ever since she came back from her trip overseas." Daphne agreed and pointed out.

Alexia nodded with a suspicious look on her face, "Come on, let's go get some food. Maybe you can get something out of her Daph."


Alexia and Daphne proceeded up to the Great Hall for dinner. When they got there, Pansy was half way through her meal and sitting near Crabbe, Goyle and Theodore Nott. Surprisingly, Millicent Bulstrode sat on the other side of her; something Alexia thought would never happen even in a hundred years.

Alexia and Daphne took a seat across from the two girls and without speaking, started eating their dinner. It felt like a very long amount of time had passed as they ate. It was extremely quiet and Pansy looked very uncomfortable, but Alexia didn't dare speak or dare to make Pansy comfortable. It was almost as if she was waiting for Alexia to question her or excuse her from the table like she was her mother.

"Well," Pansy said, taking one last sip from her goblet, "I think I'm going to go do some study. I'll see you in the Common Room."

Alexia put on a fake smile, one of the ones she would do for a teacher, then waited until Pansy was halfway out of the Great Hall before turning to Daphne.

"She never studies on a Saturday night!" Daphne spoke in a hushed tone.

"Never mind that! Now's your chance. Go and find out what's up with her!" Alexia exclaimed in a whisper, feeling Millicent Bulstrode's eyes on her.

"But I haven't finished my food," Daphne said.

"So? Daphne, this is much more important than your roast chicken." Alexia assured her, raising her eyebrows and giving her a very serious look.

Daphne sighed and rolled her eyes, "Fine!" she said, giving in to a smile.

"Thank you!" Alexia chimed with a grin and a small wave.

"What are you looking at?" She snapped, turning back to Millicent who was taking a bite of her pie and pretending she wasn't looking.

"Er, nothing."


Alexia didn't see Daphne or Pansy until quite a while later that night. Once she had finished dinner and was on her way back down to the dungeons, she bumped in Draco who told her Professor Umbridge was needing their paragraphs confirming Professor Dumbledore's accusations by Monday so she could check through them. Then, when she finally had shook off Draco, she found a familiar painting on one of the walls in the Entrance Dungeon.

The witch in the portrait was Elizabeth Burke, Alexia's great-great grandmother and once a headmistress at Hogwarts. There was once the same painting hung in her home in Wiltshire, but it no longer was there anymore and now Alexia knew why. Strangely, she had never noticed the painting hanging in the Entrance Dungeon before. The woman had fiery red hair that was tucked into an odd, frilled collar. She also wore a pointed, black witches hat on her head and around her neck was a long, pearl necklace. She sat still in a dark dress, looking rather stern until Alexia moved closer to observe the painting.

"The password is Slytherins are supreme." The portrait hissed.

"Erm, okay. I'm your great-great granddaughter by the way." Alexia replied hesitantly.

"Alexia Burke," She said, "Yes, I've heard lots about you amongst this dungeon. And I remember when my painting was displayed in your home. I liked it there a lot better."

Alexia smiled politely but was pretty sure what was said about her in the hallways of the school was not all nice.

"Come by here whenever you need a shortcut to the Main Dungeons, okay? Go along now, get back to the Slytherin Dungeon before anyone comes."

"Thanks, um Slytherins are supreme,"Alexia said and the painting of Elizabeth swung open and revealed a low entrance.

Alexia ducked down a little to get through, then found herself in a stone passageway.

"Lumos," she said, alighting her wand and casting a light infront of her.

She walked carefully along the unleveled ground, that had a few rocks sticking out of the floor here and there. It was quite a narrow passageway; only wide enough for two people, but a much shorter walk to get to the Main Dungeons. She knew it would come in handy when the dungeons were crowded. Satisfied with the new short cut she had found, she continued to the Common Room to find Daphne.


A/N: Just some quick information! Elizabeth Burke's painting actually was hung in the Entrance Dungeon and hid a secret passageway. The password I used is actually the correct password too. I found all this information on the Harry Potter wiki.

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