Watcher (Twilight Fan-Fic)

By UnknownBeliever

28.3K 429 22

If you love Twilight then you Probably know Jasper Hale's Story, but what if she had a younger sister? Ente... More

Trouble at Home
Chapter 2: Welcome to Maine
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Not a Date
Chapter 6: Imprinting Sucks
Chapter 7: New Trouble
Chapter 8: Revelation
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chaper 12: The Return
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter: 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - Changin Perspective (To Jasper's)
Chapter 21 - Back to Clara
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 3

2.2K 39 1
By UnknownBeliever

I tapped my foot impatiently on the white tiled floor while I waited for my parents, they had gone to Fork, Washington. Surprisingly so had I, of course we didn't go at the same time. Scott and Amanda had gone a while back to help with the family little problem with the Volturi. Alice had called us up about a week ago, saying that the Volturi were heading back to Italy, but demanded that they meet the rest of our Coven. Oh how i hate that word, Coven, it implies no sympathy, no compassion, we were more that a Coven, always had been, we were a family.

I chewed my nail, turning in time just to catch Clark playing 5-secent flirt with a flight attendant clearly just getting off work. "she's suppose to be older than you," I said elbowing my brother, who only appeared around 18 or 19.

"She's kinda cute." he said teasing "Besides sis, 'The course of true love never did run smooth." he said, quoting Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. I just rolled my eyes, she was at least 30. I could see why she was appealing to him, she had a rich Carmel skin tone, and dark hair and eyes, Clark had always preferred a more exotic look.

"Don't get any ideas, we're waiting for a cab and then it's off to Forks," I said pulling him along and finally getting a cab to pull over. There weren't a lot of them, but it helped that I practically stepped into the street. "Hey do you know where this is?" I questioned the driver, handing him the  address scribbled into the folded paper.

"Yeah, it's real far away though miss." He looked at me behind thick, dark shades. His voice was harsh, scruffy. "ya running away?" he asked.

"I'm not the type to run away." i retorted, leaning downing into the car "why wouldn't I just take a plane anyway?" i said cocking my head in the airports direction, he shook his head.

"Don't know, it's just you'd be surprised how many kids disappeared a while back." I almost laughed, Scott told me about that a vampire that went after the Cullen's with a bunch of New Borns, it reminded me of Maria's army.

Clark and i spent the long car ride in silence, I'm sure the driver thought we were nuts. We were almost there when my phone rang, pulling it out i had no idea who was calling. i held my phone over to Clark "it's dream boy." he said cackling, it took me a moment until I realized what he meant.

"It's not the kid from lunch," i groan, Clark gave me a smile of pure trickery. I pulled the phone out "Hello?" i asked, using the most innocent, charming voice i could muster.

"Hi Clara? It's Danny." he sounded nervous "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out, that is" he stuttered "if you're not busy." I looked at my brother knowing he could hear the conversation.

I sighed "I totally would love too, but I'm in Washington. Like the state, family trip. Mind if i call you back?" there was a silence, he was trying to figure out if i was lying. "I promise I'll call back." i said, almost to flirtatiously for my tastes.

"OK," he gave up "talk to you later." he hung up, allowing me to hit my brother in the arm.

"you dolt!" i yelled, he just smiled as we passed the 'welcome to forks' sign. We didn't speak again until we were at the Cullen's. I payed the cab driver and waved him on leaving Clark and I alone for the walk up the Cullen's home. Clark and I went faster that any human and it took a short time to reach their door, I knocked and saw a flash past the window.

Jasper opened the door and I felt myself pulled forward and embraced by my older brother. We had continued to talk since he had left Maine, but seeing him in person, knowing he was alive, it was wonderful. I breathed in his scent, no matter how much vampirism changed him I could still smell the home that I thought I'd long since forgotten. From the fresh-cut wood, to the long stocky grasses and summer sun.

"Clara, Clark come on in." I drew back and walked behind them, we passed through room after room and eventually came into a family area in the back of the home. I glanced into a mirror and glared at my reflection, two crimson-black eyes stared back at me, while both my brothers had their coppers glowing. All that time with humans on the plane and in the car wasn't good for me -Even Jasper had more time to adjust than I had- I was weak.

Those in attendants were Carlisle, Esme, and Edward, along with the leaders of the Volturi, Aro, Marcus, and Caius. I almost felt nervous, as having never met the Volturi before, and they glowed with their all-knowing power. "Ms.Whitlock" said a man I was sure was the fabled Aro, he reached for my hand. Jasper nodded showing that it was alright.

"Aro I presume." I gave him my hand, his grip was stern and full of pull. he held his grip for what seemed like to long. Then he abruptly turned to Clark reaching for his hand as well, this time holding on for barely anytime at all. I glanced at my brother, knowing all to well he'd used his powers to make Aro stop.

"very interesting." he said glancing back at me "you two aren't mates." it wasn't a question, but i still almost laughed, or gagged. Why would he figure we were mates? disgusting.

"No sir, only my sister." Clark answered anyway, placing a protective arm around my shoulder.

"do you have a mate?" Aro asked, why so interested? then i thought about the circumstances that brought us here, I suppose Aro didn't want another Renesmee walking about.

"I have a 'crush' sir." he imitated the slang from the current generation, and I felt my head spin to face him. really? who was this crush? a thousand questions filled my mind, Aro smiled, but it was clearly only skin deep. he was nervous.


After my brothers announcement the meeting went quickly, we answered questions about our coven such as, 'Are you expecting to expand your coven' which was no, 'how long are you staying in Maine?' that Amanda answered, as long as possible, and 'how long are you staying in Forks' which then Esme answered 'as long as desired.' she smiled at us in her warm, motherly way. She seemed very sweet.

Time seemed to pass in fast-forward after that, we were introduced to all of the Cullen Coven, including the little Renesmee. It was after we had met them all that Esme noticed my eyes "dear me," she said then turned to Carlisle "I think I will take Clara out for a bite, would you like to  come?" He turned us down, but Emmett and Clark were more than thrilled to join.

The woods weren't much different than Maine's though maybe a little greener. "Have any good idea of what you want?" Emmett asked between his playful fights with Clark. They were both perfect for each other when it came to sparring. Each a giant mass of strength and power and each an equal thirst for victory in a fight.

I shrugged my shoulder before feeling Esme's light touch on my forearm "how long have you been doing this?" she asked, and I knew what she meant, how long had I been drinking from animals.

"Less than my brother." I said, and could hear the  shame in my own voice. "Maria's army was my world for a long time, i didn't know there were other options. She never told us and so I was content. Now that I know though that contentment has twisted into guilt, and self loathing. Sometimes I still feel like I'm just a few inches before I fall off the Wagon." If I could cry, I would've then.

"Don't worry about it kid." Emmett said, running along next to me "we all stray every now and then, you think me and Esme got it down the first hundred years." he laughed. It was a loud booming noise that probably scared away any potential game.

We went two separate ways at that point, Esme and myself off towards the waterfront, and Emmett and Clark up towards the mountains. They both wanted something with a bit of a kick behind it. The beach was cloudy and a strong breeze went across the sand.

"we can't venture past here." Esme said, grabbing my shoulder. As the wind picked up i caught a strong, horrid smell coming from down the beach.

"What is that?"

"Sam's pack of wolves." Esme said, not turning to face me when she answered.

"Wolves?" i pressed the question.

"Shape-shifters, we aren't aloud to cross into their territory." The smell grew stronger as we walked along the line, suddenly a pair of boys appeared.

"I thought I smelled something." One of the two yelled from the tip of the woods. They had copper skin, and dark hair like the girl from the airport, but something was off about them. "what are you doing here."  The taller, and clearly older boy stepped forward, he was the leader, this was something you could feel in the air.

"I'm am just showing Clara the law of our lands." Esme said looking down at me before back at the boys.

"Good, we'd hate for anything to happen to her." the younger boy seemed to snicker, he was enjoying the idea of my demise.

"Thats enough Paul," the older boy said, glaring down at him. "how long are you looking to stay in Forks?" I shrugged, not really sure.

"Not long, I have a life in Maine." Their smell was getting to me, what was it? Wet dog?

They stayed, glaring, for a while. It was like they were expecting a fight, but I'm not Clark, there was absolutely no reason to pick a fight. "Come one Clara," Esme said "you still have to hunt, have a nice day Paul, Sam."

**********************************Author's Notes**********************************************************

sorry bad place to end I know, but i'll probably add more on later. :)

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