The Girl that Changed his Life

By XxfearsonthegroundxX

1.8K 56 6

Meet Jessica Tailipen. Every parents dream kid. She's hot, smart, and funny. She likes to paint, draw, and st... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 11

100 3 0
By XxfearsonthegroundxX

Tony's Pov

The boys and I were genius'. Seriously, genius'. Once they found out about Jessica living so close, we decided having a party would be the best way to put my plan in action. As soon as I found out what Jessica's biggest turn on was, she was a goner. I've said it before and I'll say it again; no one stands a chance against me. Especially once I've decided to make them sink like the Titanic. However, none of us knew her that well, so I'd just have to try one personality and see which one she likes. If I had to guess, I'd say she is really independant and wants a guy to listen to her. So I would probably try the attentive, caring guy first.

The party was already in full swing when I saw her and her blonde friend enter through the door. Jessica looked amazing; she always did. But she just looked sexy tonight. I seriously hope tonight's the night. If any other guy approached them, yeah.. things wouldn't end pretty. They had that Jacobson guy that I always see with them. He was okay attractive and I mean that in the nongayest way ever. He was totally not my type. But apparently a lot of other girls thought he could rival me and my group which was unacceptable. I'd have to destroy his reputation somehow... But right now I had a different objective.

I didn't go right up to her like I'd wanted to. After all, I didn't want to seem desperate. Plus she had her friend with her and I had already learned from experience that going up to two girls where one already hated you was like suicide. I think I'd actually rather shoot myself in the head then go through that again. No, I'd wait for her to go get a drink or something.

It turned out luck was on my side today though. Because, just about forty minutes later, her blonde friend went off to dance with some guy and her guy friend had ditched her to find a girl to screw. Perfect opportunity. She was all alone, probably feeling a little lonely considering this wasn't usually her crowd to hang out with, and maybe even a little dejected. Time for me fix that.

I grabbed a coke (she didn't seem the type to drink vodka or anything). I made my way over to where she was sitting on the couch.

"Hey," I greeted her, a cheeky smile on my face.

"Hi," she responded with so much enthusiasm. Literally. I could feel it radiating off of her like a it was palpable.

"What's wrong? You sound either really disappointed to see me or like your not having a good time. And considering no one is disappointed to see me, I'm gonna assume its the first one." I told her. She rolled her eyes at me. I sat down next to her.

"What do you want?" she asked me, her eyes pleading with me to leave her alone. 

"I already told you that. I want to get to know you better." I told her. 

"Bullshit." she called me out. "What do you really want?"

"You," I told her, moving closer so that my eyes were literally a foot away from her; if she breathed a little deeper, her chest would touch mine. She stared into my eyes. I could sense her walls crumbling a little bit. She shivered under me. I smirked.

Then, just like that, her resolve was built up again. She pushed me away, with enough force that surprised me.

"Sorry douche, but you're gonna have to do better than that." and with that she got up off the couch, and left me alone with my thoughts.

What is this girl smoking? I mean seriously, this is like the fourth time she's rejected me in under 3 days.

Derek sat down where Jessica was just sitting.

"Whoa, dude. She must be like immune or something." he stated, laughing at me.

"You saw that?" I asked him and after he nodded, I said, "I totally don't know what's going on with this girl. I mean seriously. She rejects me every chance she gets. Who does that? No one, that's who!" I was pretty steamed. 

"Calm down, she will just take time. Most girls know about our reputation and what we do and normally they don't care because they think we actually like them. But Jessica will need a little more convincing that you've 'changed'. Be patient."

Even though he was the one to set the bet, he was giving me advice.This is what we did. We helped each other out, even though it meant suffering defeat. 

"Thanks man." I told him, and we did the "bro hug". Girls think they understand it, but they really don't.

I would just have to work a little harder if I was going to win her over. And it shouldn't be too hard. I mean, come one. No one has resisted my charm for long. Why would she be the first? 

Picture of Tony on the side -->

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