The Rise-Book II

By ZeroWineThirty

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Sequel to 'The Bite.' *You need to read 'The Bite' first before you read 'The Rise,' otherwise you're go... More

Chapter 1: Breaking But Not Broken
Chapter 2: Dad
Chapter 3: The Treehouse
Chapter 4: Lean on Me
Chapter 5: Dirty Dancing
Chapter 6: Females
Chapter 7: A Pack of Lies
Chapter 8: Jorts
Chapter 9: Layers
Chapter 10: More Layers
Chapter 11: Lucas
Chapter 12: Tricks
Chapter 13: Trying
Chapter 14: One Day
Chapter 15: Party Time Part 1
Chapter 16: Party Time Part II
Chapter 17: Fangs
Chapter 18: Layers and Letters
Chapter 19: The Love Doctor
Chapter 20: The Hawk
Chapter 21: The Deal
Chapter 23: Stayin' Alive
Chapter 24: Good Cop Bad Cop
Chapter 25: Planning and Pasta
Chapter 26: The Long Walk
Chapter 27: There Will Be Blood
Chapter 28: Everette
Chapter 29: Surprise Party
Chapter 30: Cinnamon Rolls
Chapter 31: Man Hunt
Chapter 32: Roadtripping
Chapter 33: Origins
Chapter 34: Supernatural Squad
Chapter 35: James Bond
Chapter 36: Penny
Chapter 37: Blue Haired Devil
Chapter 38: Absolutely Nothing
Chapter 39: Pack Woes
Chapter 40: Brownies
Chapter 41: Convenient
Chapter 42: Cave of Wonder
Chapter 43: Ghosting
Chapter 44: The Mountains
Chapter 45: The Mountains Part II
Chapter 46: Heat Demands
Chapter 47: Under The Comforter
Chapter 48: Truths
Chapter 49: The Artist
Chapter 50: Babies, meetings, and flowers.
Chapter 51: Brothers
Chapter 52: Elk
Chapter 53: Connecting The Dots
Chapter 54: Amber
Chapter 55: Sleep
Chapter 56: You Are My Sunshine
Chapter 57: Death and Life
CROSS POST A/N: The Moon Blood Saga
The Hunt is Here 🐺

Chapter 22: Chris

160K 8K 6K
By ZeroWineThirty




I threw the journals into a saddlebag along with some of the letters. Charlotte was talking with Lyanna while Evan piled some things in another saddlebag to carry.

God I hoped Jaxon had something. If I had to sit through one more conversation with Thomas and Miranda, I was pretty sure that their heads will be on the table. When Miranda mentioned pups, my pups, I thought my beast was going to eat her eyes out of her sockets.

He was more than protective of any child of ours, and the thought of them breathing the same air as Thomas and Miranda made him livid. Pups. I prayed the moon would hold off on that, we had such a sea of shit to navigate through right now; the thought of bringing a child into it infuriate my beast as it did me.

"Why don't Lyanna and I go to Pop and Lucy's?" Char offered as she slipped on a clean dress. It was a dark turquoise that made her skin look like soft porcelain. "We can have Ryder and the guys follow us?"

I mused for a bit. My beast was uneasy about it, but we were uneasy about her going anywhere without us. Evan nodded a little. "Wouldn't be bad brother, maybe they can find something out while we're with Jaxon?"

"Take Ryder and Murphy I'm going to have Martin and Sam wait here for Aaron and Amber," I replied.

"You think they will talk?" Evan asked.

I nodded. "Aaron sounded almost desperate to leave, and I think it's the right thing to do. If we don't send them away, there's a chance the pack would turn on them after the challenge just because of who they are. If the pack doesn't they will always be labeled as Thomas' kids. I think this would be good for them."

"Me too," Char added before she walked over to me and kissed my cheek.

"Alright, but that blonde better spill," Evan replied firmly.

I nodded. "I think Aaron can coax her."

"Where do you think that box is?" Lyanna asked.

Char shrugged. "I have no idea."

We walked outside where I pulled Charlotte to me. Kissing her and memorizing the curves of her lips before I pulled away. "Link me if anything happens."

"Same to you white hot," she replied with a small smirk.

I breathed out a laugh and kissed her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you, Ethan, now go. Lyanna and I will meet you after."

I nodded then trotted off with Evan who pulled away from Lyanna a little reluctantly. We hauled ass to the pack line; my feet couldn't run fast enough.

I could just hope and pray and hope and pray that what Jaxon found was legitimate. God that would be like winning the lottery right about now, and with our luck, it seemed unlikely, but we could always hope. Maybe we would get lucky?

"Should we alert the warriors?" Evan asked as we weaved between trees.

"No, not until we know for sure," I responded before jumping over a fallen limb.

We ran past the guards until we saw Derek waiting with Caden next to him; he had some sweatpants in one hand and was waving to us with the other.

Evan and I shifted a few feet away from them. I tugged the pants on then nodded to Caden and Derek. "How's Elliot?"

"Good," he smiled out. "He and Levi are getting some blood. Barrett and Evie always need a little topper when they have to dream walk for a while."

"They here?" Evan asked.

"They just got here. They have a plan but wanted to run it by you first Ethan," Derek said.

"Where's Jaxon?"

"He's over by the fire pit. Andrea's been helping him sort through things," Caden answered.

I raised my brows. "And?"

"Well, they aren't trying to kill each other which is good," he said with a satisfied smirk.

"Gotta start somewhere," Evan added.

"Ok, let's check in with the vamps first so they can get started then we can talk to Jaxon," I breathed out. "Ev, take the bags to Jaxon, don't start without me."

"You got it," Evan replied as he slipped my bag onto his shoulder.

Derek walked us into the barn where the two vampires were waiting. They looked like runway models, straight out of New York and totally out of place for Alaska.

I smiled to myself as the male, Barrett I assumed, turned around and smiled at me. "Ethan?"

"That would be me," I replied. He walked to me with his dainty female in tow. He was wearing these tailored black slacks, a crisp baby blue buttoned up shirt with the sleeves rolled up right below his elbows. His shoes were shiny and black, much like his mate's hair.

While he was blonde with a trimmed beard and crystal blue eyes, she was like a little fairy; black hair, dark brown eyes, and rosy cheeks with a few freckles on them.

Her heeled thigh high boots clicked as she walked behind him in a turtleneck sweater dress thing that clung tightly to her.

"Good to finally meet you," he said while shaking my hand. "Derek hasn't shut the hell up about you and Charlotte."

"Is she here?" the female asked.

"No, she's visiting my grandparents, but she'll be here soon. Evie, right?"

She smiled then shook my hand. "That's me. Nice to finally meet you.

"So Derek says you two have a plan?"

"Right, well, and Evie may have a few extra ideas" Barrett started. "But what we can do is transcribe them for you."

"Transcribe?" Caden asked.

Barrett nodded. "Yup. So we basically narrate what we see when we jump in. You can record it so you have a copy of the session."

"That's some trippy X-files shit," Caden replied while Derek laughed. "Does it, I mean, how?"

Evie laughed lightly, like a little pixie. She looked at Barrett who winked to her before looking directly at Caden. The next thing I knew, Caden was standing as stiff as a board while Barrett's pupils dilated.

Barrett blinked while Caden shook his head, like he was trying to shake something off his face. "How is little Michael? I take it you named him that after your father?"

"Holy shit," Caden breathed out.

"What?" I asked while looking between the two of them.

"That's my son's name," Caden replied.

Barrett nodded with a smug smile. "Cute little fellow too. Looks like you I think."

"So why don't you tell them what you're thinking?" Derek asked.

"Right," Barrett said while clapping his hands and rubbing them together. "Well, we can start with whoever you want first. Based on what you want to know I would saw a few hours tops with both of them. We shouldn't have to search around too long, we just want to make sure we get everything recorded."

"We need to wait for the blood, though," Evie added. "It can be a bit draining if we're at it for a while. We'll need a little topper every now and then."

"We can do that. I think Levi's getting a cooler with Elliot, will that be enough?" I asked.

Evie smiled and nodded. "That sounds perfect, thank you."

"This is some fun stuff, much better than our last assignment," Barrett added.

I chuckled and nodded to him. "Well knock yourselves out. I need to meet with Jaxon outside, but I'll be back after? Char should be here soon, I know she's excited to meet you two as well."

Evie squealed. Derek rolled his eyes then pulled her to his side. "We got to get her out more."

"Do you think we could go shopping soon? I would love to take Char?"

"Evie, they are trying to take over a pack love," Barrett said, gently scolding her.

"I meant after Queen B," she replied with a coy smirk.

Barrett shook his head and looked at me. "She gives me this look and I can't say no."

I breathed out a laugh while Caden nodded deeply. "I know the feeling."

"Alright, I'll be back. Derek, can you and Caden stay here? If they find anything I want to know right away."

"Already done Ethan," Derek added with a nod.

I nodded to him then walked quickly back outside where Jaxon was sitting anxiously on a log in front of the small campfire. Andrea was talking with him, it looked like she was trying to help him piece something together.

I smiled inwardly. She was starting to come around, whether she wanted to admit it or not, and so was he.

"Jaxon," I called out. "Please tell me for the love of God that you have something?"

Jaxon nodded as I approached. "I think I've definitely got something. Do you by chance, or did your dad, have any journals around the time of the attack? Around that week to be exact?"

"Yes but they are missing parts, it's like there's a ghost of something," Evan replied.

"Can I see them?" Jaxon asked.

I nodded to Evan who started to pull some journals out of the saddlebag while I sat down. "What do you have?"

Evan handed the journals to Andrea who started to comb through them while Jaxon looked over the mess of scattered papers, journals, and documents in front of him until he found a small worn black leather journal in front of him.

"Ok, so do you remember how we talked about how my father was a royal dick?"

"Yes," I breathed out while he flipped through the thin pages of the journal.

"So, I knew he was into some bad shit. I never knew how much. I mean he was so good at keeping it hidden from us. I knew he was trying to get back his old rebel gang, the 'Pure Seven,' or at least I suspected. I never had anything solid though, and after he died I wanted to bury his memory from our pack. Start over you know?

"I started going through those boxes and at first I was so damn frustrated because I couldn't find anything. It was like my dad purposely wrote bullshit in journals just to throw me off and piss me the hell off."

I breathed out a laugh. "Sounds like a real dick who was trying to cover something up."

"Ya," Jaxon said with a breathy laugh. "It wasn't until I found a set of journals around the week of the attack. Now, separately they don't mean anything, but together Caden and I found pages that connected if you will. It was like my dad would scatter them to throw people off.

"Andrea's been putting some together before you got here. I thought that maybe there could be something in your father's journals that would help us make sense of everything."

"Is this why you called me out here?" I asked with a raised brow. My beast wanted his mate, as did I. I wasn't feeling fantastically well about leaving her on her own.

"No," Jaxon replied. His eyes turned dark as the flickered down to the book in his hands then back to me. "I found this. I remember my dad always had a nickname he went by, they called him 'The Bear' because my dad used to love mauling his enemies faces off like a damn bear."

"Holy shit," Evan breathed out as he handed Andrea another journal.

"I know, real charmer right?" Jaxon snickered out. "Anyways, I stumbled across these pages where he talks about these 'nicknames' that were kind of like his. He actually mentions himself in here and I wondered if–"

"They went by nicknames, by codes," I finished. "That could be why no one found all of them or knew who they were. If they always changed the code around, changed the nickname–"

"Exactly," Jaxon added.

"That's not it Ethan," Andrea added solemnly. She nudged Jaxon. "Show him."

Jaxon let out a stressed breath then handed me the journal while Andrea started to go through through my father's journals. I took the little black leather book in my hands and started to scan it over.

They talked about each other in nicknames, nicknames I didn't recognize. I didn't recognize until I saw a name I did recognize, 'The Hawk.'

"The Hawk?"

Jaxon nodded. "He was one of them. Keep going."

I scanned the pages some more. Finally written handwriting led me to a part of the page that read, 'Thomas the 'Suckling' made us proud today.'

"The suckling?"

"It means new or newborn in its dictionary definition," Jaxon added. "I think that was his name when they first let him in? It could be what new members were called?."

It clicked. It was like an initiation name. Initiation to this rebel group. Thomas was one of them.

"Shit," I breathed out.

"Ethan," Andrea said, gentle in her tone with apologetic eyes. "Turn the page, there's more."

I turned the page while Evan walked over and sat next to me. Moving the book in the middle of us, I scanned the pages until a savage growl ripped through my lips.

Iron Fists.

Evan's eyes widened. He looked at me and shook his head before looking back at Jaxon. Jaxon let out a shaky breath and flickered his eyes to me. "Is it true?"

"It is," I stated. Iron Fists was my grandfather's nickname. They said that when his fist hit you, it felt like you were getting pounded with Iron. All his friends apparently called him that and sometimes gran did too.

"But that doesn't mean–" Evan started to say.

"Look at the date," Jaxon interjected.

I flipped through to the front of the journal and searched feverishly until my eyes found a date. July twentieth, two thousand and six. The attack was on the twenty-fouth of July, this journal was dated four days before.

"No," I breathed out.

"I'm sorry Ethan," Andrea added.

"Hey what's this?" Jaxon asked curiously as he squeezed the flap of one of my dad's journals curiously. It was firm at first, not giving at all until Jaxon was able to rub his hand over the top of the flap while another hand rubbed the bottom. Suddenly they seemed to slide a little, like they were a pocket of some sort.

I couldn't think straight. I was trying to answer his question and wrap my mind around everything. I started to flip back the pages to where I was, to see if it was true, if my eyes were deceiving me.

I tried to reason with myself. It didn't mean that he was involved. We knew he was a turned rebel, it could mean something else.

But my beast was shaking his head. He was shaking his head because we both had a feeling that said otherwise.


"Ethan," Andrea called, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I snapped my eyes up to see Jaxon whip out a claw and start to slice at the cover. "The hell?!" Evan rushed out.

"There's something here," Jaxon replied as he flicked his hand that returned to normal after he finished the slice.

He pulled something out. A letter. Folded and old with a coffee stain on the envelope. "I think this is for you two," Jaxon breathed out.

"Shit," Evan hissed.

I tossed Jaxon the journal and quickly took the letter. Ripping it open I found a few pieces of paper with the title on the first that read, 'The Real Letter You Need To Read If I Die.'

"Ethan?" Evan breathed out.

I unfolded the papers and set them in front of us for Evan and I to read. My heart was racing and my mind spinning. My beast surged forward as we looked at the letter, the letter that I had a feeling would change everything.

"To my children,

Kids if you found this it is because I have passed and gone to the moon, and most likely your mother has too. I know you must have found the other things in the boxes, and I apologize for not making things a little easier for you. I couldn't risk it. If this information fell into the wrong hands, it could cost you all your lives.

I want to start by telling you why I challenged my father when I did. As you know, pop isn't old or out of shape. When I challenged my father, he still had plenty of years left. I had just met your mother and the whole year prior, well, close to a year I felt this insane pull.

It was like it was pulling me to a fight, to the challenge. Your grandfather was a hard man and a hard father. There have been so many times in my life that I swore I would never be like him, I wouldn't raise you like he raised your aunt Eve and I.

He came from a different time. A time that was unforgiving, stubborn, and stuck in their damn ways. His father, Ezra, was a good man, but my grandfather was a unique thinker in an era where many people did not think like he did.

My father always loathed his father. Swore he wouldn't be like his father who he always saw as too soft hearted. Ezra was a big softie in a way, but he was no weakling.

When the council passed the treaty, your grandfather fought it hard. At first we thought that he just was being stubborn, but I knew better. My father hated vampires and was not ok with humans mixing with the werewolf species.

Some of his hate I could understand, the vampires had killed plenty of our kind without repercussion. Some of them were friends of his, of mine, but we had done the same. No one was innocent, no one is. There was blood on both sides of the line and it was time for us to put it aside so we could work to preserve our kind.

Honestly the only reason he caved was because I think Luca Thorne scared the hell out of him, although Luca scared the hell out of everyone. That and he was outnumbered, our neighbors would have ostracized him and he didn't have the support of the rebel group after we started to diminished their numbers.

I thought he gave it up. I thought he had changed. I wanted to believe it.

But he didn't. Men like him don't change. They brood and they get even.

When I challenged him it was because I could feel him brooding again. He was taking more trips to Lusa to visit with alpha Jeremiah Black, a former rebel collaborator. He was doing things, things that were shady and rubbed your mother and I the wrong way.

He was into something. He was starting to lash out more at our pack and tightening up the borders; it was like he wanted us to be in isolation up in these mountains like the packs in the north.

One night I had a dream. Your great grandfather Ezra came to me and told me it was time. He told me night after night until I talked to your uncle Levi, who only told me to do it. Although your uncle Levi really doesn't care why you do something, as long as there is a beating involved.

His father, Luca, helped me. I would go over there when my dad wasn't paying attention and train with them. When I did take the pack from him, I gave him the option to stay. I told him that I didn't want to lose my father, I wanted him in my life and yours.

He agreed and I thought that maybe he would change, and for a while it seemed like that was the case. He loved you kids. When Eli came into this world and Emmett first held him, I thought that he was a changed man.

For a while he was. He was a devoted grandfather and Lucy as infatuated with being a grandma as he was being a grandpa. Everything seemed fine, until it wasn't. Until he started to give me that look again that said he was into something, into the same shit he was in before.

I should have known. I should have known that he would do it. I should have known that he was probably always still up to something, he just got better at hiding it.

If I die, and you are reading this, it is because my father had a hand in it. I can't tell you how or why, other than I know that he is making moves. He's been talking more with Jeremiah Black and I fear that he's been turning Thomas against me.

Now, kids, Thomas wasn't a bad beta. He was a good man, he was a fair man, but Thomas always wanted more. He always wanted what he couldn't have, like my sister. He was in love with Eve. When we found out Levi was her mate, it crushed him. I didn't know if he would get over it until Miranda came along.

I fear my father has put seeds in his brain and using him to plot against your mother and I. Billy and Nick starting to catch onto Thomas as am I; I can see the way they look at him and the way he returns their gazes. They know something isn't right, but that's because something truly is not right kids.

I found these black rocks that I think he's using to get rogues in, but I have no idea how they work. I sent them to witches but I haven't heard back yet. I know these are hiding the scent of the rogues test our borders, which you will find my notes on in these journals, but I just don't know how yet.

If you're reading this, you need to know that my father will do anything to get what he wants. I know he wants to stir up his cause again and I know Thomas has been eyeing my seat for a while and Miranda has been eyeing your mother as well. Emmett doesn't just want me gone, he and his rebel group want to build an empire.

You need to stay close together and look after each other. Eli, you need to watch your ass. I fear that Emmet has his eye on you son. I know you know something is brewing, and I know in a few years that you will be able to hold off your grandfather on your own. Stay close to Levi and look after your younger brothers and sister.

But if something happens to Eli, then Ethan, you and Evan need to be the ones finish this. You need to finish what I couldn't and keep our pack safe. Keep yourselves and your sister safe.

I know you're not old enough to probably understand everything right now and I can only pray that when you are that you're strong enough to do what you need to do. I know you have it in you, you just need to do it boys.

Use this letter as Evidence if you need a challenge. I don't know who will have my seat, but if whoever it is not one of you three, then you need to remove them, boys. That is your pack and your's to look after.

Do not let this pack fall into the hands of someone greedy and out for themselves, someone who can be easily swayed like Thomas or is seduced by power like your grandfather.

I love you all so much and it kills me that I have to write this. I am so proud of all of you, you kids are more than I could have ever hoped for in this life. You are four blessing that I never expected the moon to give me, and for that I am thankful.

Please know that your mother and I are working hard so you never have to read this letter. We are doing everything we can kids. Know we didn't die without putting up a hell of a fight.

I'm so sorry that I will not be around to watch you grow into strong men. I wanted nothing more than to get fat and retire, a plan Levi and I always had, and watch you all grow with families of your own.

Stay close to Levi and your aunt Eve. Levi will always keep you all safe, just don't steal his damn ice cream. Honestly, it's not worth it. I paid way more than I received for that one.

I am so sorry kids that I never told you any of this sooner. I just wanted to shield you from the ugliness that is life. You are all strong and brave, you have veins that burn so damn bright that it takes my breath away half the time.

Eli, stop fighting with Ethan and look after them. Honestly, if I have to watch you from the other side of the moon break one more piece of furniture, I will have your ass when you eventually get here. Listen to Ethan and use your head son, all of you kids–use your heads and be smart.

Ethan, you're strong son. Keep Eli in line. Also, don't forget to work on blocking hits. You always want to beat the crap out of the other person so much you forget to watch your ass. Help Eli, but if for some reason Eli is not there, then son, I have no doubt you can do what you need to do.

Evan, stop fighting with your sister. You're getting big now and I'm sorry that I'm not around to take you running in the mornings, but make Eli and Ethan take you and listen to them. You're strong son and will be able to have their asses soon, I know you will son. Start going with your brother's to Levi's and don't get too pissed when Levi has your ass. Just listen to Eli and Ethan and you'll do just fine son.

Evangeline, don't let your brothers pick on you too much. Listen to your mother and Aunt Eve. You're so like your mother sweetie, and I'm so sorry I won't be there to watch you shift. I know you're going to be a hell of a female.

Kids, I love you all so damn much. Stay close together and do what you need to do. Do not let my father finish what it is that he wants to finish.

I'll see you on the other side one day,



PS: DO NOT DRINK THE TEA. If your grandmother or Miranda offers you tea, do not drink it. Spit it out. If you do swallow it, try and throw it up– get it out of your system.

It's a poison. I am not one hundred percent sure how it works, but it is a little like Wolfsbane. In small doses it seems fine, but in the amount in that tea, it makes you weak.

Your mother was getting these headaches for a while and it wasn't until the other day that I put two and two together. It's made her weaker kids. I think she'll be ok, it just takes a while to get out of your system.

PSS: If things do get really bad, you need to go to Tikanni and get Levi. Don't be afraid to ask for help, and make sure you listen to Levi. He's a pain in the ass most times, but he loves you all. "

"Shit" Evan hissed out. I felt fur start to sprout and my veins start to sizzle. "Ethan?"

I was shaking. I was shaking furiously as it set in, as it all set in and rocked through my brain, ripping it open and forcing itself inside.

The truth.

We had been betrayed, by our own family. Our own damn family! My beast roared out in the back of my mind; saying he was furious was an understatement. We were the epitome of fury.


"Goddammit!" I growled out as I sprung up. "Put that letter somewhere safe!"

"Where are you going?!" Jaxon called out as Evan handed the letter to Andrea before taking off with me.

"Charlotte, she's in danger! Andrea, keep that letter safe!" I yelled out. "Remi!"

Remi snapped his head to me as Evan and I started to haul ass away from camp. "Ethan?!"

"Get Levi! Bring his ass here now!"

"Charlotte?!" I called out.

"Charlotte, please answer!"

"Ethan she was right, they were right," Evan choked out from next to me. "Our grandparents. They–shit," he growled out.



"Where are you?"

"Making a route around your grandparents, why?"

"Get the girls out of there now. I don't care how you do it, get them out!"

"Ethan, what's going on?"

"They were part of it Ryder, they helped him. Get Martin and tell him to bring some warriors now! Evan and I are on our way."

"Roger that, on my way now."

"Shit," I growled out before jumping into my shift. My beast roared out; in pain and for his mate. Our mate. Goddammit to hell she walked right into a lion's den. I let her walk into a lion's den. I should have taken her instincts more seriously, she had a sick feeling about it the whole time–about our family.

Our own family.

Our own blood.

Our own blood turned on its own, own its own pups. Killed them. Let them be slaughtered like dogs along with half the pack that was at one point theirs.

The fire in me was angry; crackling like fireworks and lashing out like a whip. I wasn't holding it back now. If I found out one hair on her head was harmed then the things I would do to them would make the Devil himself squeal in delight; they would more than suffer.

I didn't give a shit if they were family or not. They were not my family anymore. Not after this. Not after they let their own pups be slaughtered along with their grandchildren, orchestrated it.

They were no family of mine.

My beast agreed and growled out again with Evan next to him. Evan let out a loud furious growl as he hauled ass next to me. My brother was getting stronger and would soon be able to have me on my ass, which I needed.

"Charlotte!" I called out again.

I felt my heart twist as every possible horrible scenario ran through my head. I should have gone with her. I should have stopped her. I should have made her wait.

I should have listened to her damn Thorne itch.



"Baby, oh my God are you ok?"

"Yes, we just had pie, what's wrong?"

I let out a relieved breath and pushed harder through the dark forest. "Listen, I need you to stay calm ok?"

"Ethan, what's going on?"

"I am on my way with Evan. Ryder, Jake, and Martin are coming for you, you need to stay calm and get out of that house."


"Baby, stay calm. If you can't leave then stall until one of us get's there."

"Ethan did they–"

"Yes," I breathed out. "Just stay calm I won't be long. Just stall, stall as long as you can sunshine."

"Oh my God Ethan," she breathed out. I could feel her beast start to shake with anger over the bond, and rightfully so.

We had been lied to in the most vile way.

"Sunshine, do not let them know you know. Keep Lyanna calm. Just hold on baby, ok?"

"Ethan, please hurry," she replied softly, fear laced in her voice.


She was fearless my mate, it was one of the many things I loved about her, but hearing fear in her voice only drove my beast wild.

I would have their throats.

"I am baby, just stay calm. And Char?!"

"Yes?" she whispered back to me.

"Baby, whatever you do, do not drink the tea." 

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