The Rise-Book II

By ZeroWineThirty

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Sequel to 'The Bite.' *You need to read 'The Bite' first before you read 'The Rise,' otherwise you're go... More

Chapter 1: Breaking But Not Broken
Chapter 2: Dad
Chapter 3: The Treehouse
Chapter 4: Lean on Me
Chapter 5: Dirty Dancing
Chapter 6: Females
Chapter 7: A Pack of Lies
Chapter 8: Jorts
Chapter 9: Layers
Chapter 10: More Layers
Chapter 11: Lucas
Chapter 12: Tricks
Chapter 13: Trying
Chapter 14: One Day
Chapter 15: Party Time Part 1
Chapter 16: Party Time Part II
Chapter 17: Fangs
Chapter 18: Layers and Letters
Chapter 19: The Love Doctor
Chapter 20: The Hawk
Chapter 22: Chris
Chapter 23: Stayin' Alive
Chapter 24: Good Cop Bad Cop
Chapter 25: Planning and Pasta
Chapter 26: The Long Walk
Chapter 27: There Will Be Blood
Chapter 28: Everette
Chapter 29: Surprise Party
Chapter 30: Cinnamon Rolls
Chapter 31: Man Hunt
Chapter 32: Roadtripping
Chapter 33: Origins
Chapter 34: Supernatural Squad
Chapter 35: James Bond
Chapter 36: Penny
Chapter 37: Blue Haired Devil
Chapter 38: Absolutely Nothing
Chapter 39: Pack Woes
Chapter 40: Brownies
Chapter 41: Convenient
Chapter 42: Cave of Wonder
Chapter 43: Ghosting
Chapter 44: The Mountains
Chapter 45: The Mountains Part II
Chapter 46: Heat Demands
Chapter 47: Under The Comforter
Chapter 48: Truths
Chapter 49: The Artist
Chapter 50: Babies, meetings, and flowers.
Chapter 51: Brothers
Chapter 52: Elk
Chapter 53: Connecting The Dots
Chapter 54: Amber
Chapter 55: Sleep
Chapter 56: You Are My Sunshine
Chapter 57: Death and Life
CROSS POST A/N: The Moon Blood Saga
The Hunt is Here 🐺

Chapter 21: The Deal

175K 8K 5.2K
By ZeroWineThirty

"We should try dinner, Ethan," I suggested. We were in his office, making an appearance so he could answer some emails while I looked around his office for anything that Thomas could have hidden to frame him.

"You know how I feel about it," he groaned, a pencil between his teeth as he typed away furiously on his MacBook.

"It would throw them off more. You know they wouldn't expect it, and, let's say we do get a chance, we could go get the box," I stated with eyes filled with small bits of hope as I looked back at him.

He took the pencil out of his mouth and leaned back in his chair, sighing while he scratched at his scruff which was really more a beard these days. I smiled gently and got up off the ground next to his bookcase and walked over to him; crawling into his lap and kissing his neck.

"This is getting a little long," I mused as my fingers playfully scratched at the hair on his face.

He frowned a little. "Baby I'm not shaving it. It's like Sampson's hair. If you make me shave it off, all my power will go away."

"Oh my God Ethan," I laughed out. He smiled and laughed with me before I gave him a mock scowl. "I didn't say shave it, I just don't want to feel like it's about to eat me when I kiss you."

"Speaking of being hungry," he growled lowly as his voice dropped a hair, sounding raspier and more seductive.

He moved quickly to my neck, kissing me quickly while his fingers tickled my sides. "Ethan! Stop!"

"But the beard and I are hungry baby," he whined against my skin as he tickled me some more without mercy or relent.

My belly started to hurt because I was laughing so hard; hard enough that there were almost tears in my eyes while I tried to win the tickle war. "Fine! You don't have to shave it!" I laughed while he tickled my ribs some more.

His fingers froze as a shit-eating grin tugged at his lips. I rolled my eyes and smacked his chest. "You're a royal turd."

"I know I'm the king shit baby, you don't have to tell me." I threw my hands up and tried to get out of his lap, but he just tugged me back and nipped at my neck. He rested his head on my shoulder while his fingers played with the edge of my dress. "Ok, we can do dinner. I hate it, but, if there is an opportunity, then we need to take it. We're running out of time. There's a reason the tree showed us that box, maybe it does have something we need, but you have to get Aaron on board. It won't work unless we have help."

I snapped my head around and beamed at him. "Really?"

He sighed reluctantly and nodded. "Yes, I–"

There was a knock on the door. We stilled as our beasts trotted forward, sniffing the air for the scent of the visitors.

Ethan bit back a growl while I reached out to my beast and calmed her. "Come in!" Ethan called out.

The door opened to reveal Thomas. He eyed the two of us and smiled knowingly. "Are you two actually getting work done?"

"Yes," I scoffed. "We are very productive Thomas."

He eyed us as his brows raised and laughed to himself. "Right," his voice breathed out. "Wanted to see if you got to look at the potential hunt schedules Ryder sent over?"

Ethan shook his head. "I was emailing Greg back. I told him we could take more transfers in a few months. We only have a few rooms and he wants to send quite a few over."

"How many again?" Thomas asked as he leaned against the door.

I could feel Ethan's skin rippled slightly, mine was about there too. I leaned against his chest and tugged at the bond gently; whispering sweet things to him that I knew would balance out his anger.

"I think twenty, unmated, mostly females," Ethan replied back.

Thomas nodded. "Ya, we need to get some cabins open before. I think some wolves are ready to move out of the dorms, but we can't take them now."

"Agreed," Ethan added. Thomas looked up and eyed us for a moment. I felt an awkward tension start to settle in. My wolf started to worry. One wrong move and this whole thing could be blown up in our faces. "I was wondering, are you and Miranda free soon?"

Thomas bit his bottom lip while my wolf snapped her head towards her mate. "What did you have in mind?"

"I have some good steaks that need to be grilled. I was thinking we should all do dinner again. It was a fun time last time," Ethan said.

I felt my wolf's mouth drop to the ground as the words flowed out of his mouth. My heart rate picked up as I watched Thomas look down at the floor, furiously mind-linking who I assume was Miranda.

He slid a hand slowly up my thigh, calming me with his touch that felt like warm water sliding over me.

Thomas looked up at Ethan and smiled. "Does tonight work? Amber is out with some friends and I think Aaron had plans. Was just going to be Miranda and I but we wouldn't mind having you two over at all."

Ethan dipped his head with a polite smile. "Sounds good."

"I'll tell Miranda," He replied back. "And Thorne, stop distracting him and get to work," he chuckled out.

"Fine, fine," I said dramatically, waving my hand that wanted to turn into a claw.

"Alright, Miranda said six thirty? Sound good?"

"Sounds good," Ethan replied.

"See you two then and Ethan, just look over that schedule. We don't have to decide anything but we need to get moving on it."

"Will do," Ethan said while Thomas dipped his head and walked out, shutting the door behind him.

We were still for a few minutes.

It was a mix of rage and shock coursing over the bond. We waited until we could hear Thomas walk downstairs, far enough away from hearing our conversation before we both deflated.

I turned to Ethan with wide eyes while he stared at his desk in front of him. "What the hell was that?!"

"It just ran out," he breathed in shock. "One minute I was silent and the next it was coming out."

"Ok," I replied as calmly as I could. "We can do this. We'll get in, get out, then handle the rest of our shit. Actually, we should stop by pop and Lucy's tonight on the way to the border."

"I just asked him to have dinner," Ethan repeated it more to himself than to me.

I sighed and took his face in my hands tilting it up so he would look at me. "Yes, you did you big bearded idiot. I still love you, but we need to get a plan together."

He nodded. "We go, we get in, we get out, and then you said you wanted to do what?"

"Pop and Lucy's," I replied. Ethan sighed and gave me a bit of a long look. I kissed his cheek before looking back up at him. "Listen, we can just prod. No one is saying they did anything Ethan, but they could help us put some of this puzzle together."

"Ok," he sighed out. "I'll tell her, maybe she'll make a pie?"

I growled in approval. "She is a good baker."

"Mhmm," he hummed. "Although you are my favorite thing to eat."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Later, we have things to do."

"Fine sunshine," he said lazily. "I guess I need to thaw out those steaks."

"Ya," I laughed. "Get to it Everette."

Ethan and I didn't spend much more time in the office. We went home and started to comb back through the box contents while he thawed out some steaks.

I still could not believe it. I couldn't believe that he actually was the one to do it. That was word vomit at its finest.

I decided to wear a dark red T-shirt dress, one that Derek had given me for Christmas. I wanted something I could slip out of in case I needed to shift quickly and rip someone's throat out.

We told Levi about dinner and while he was 'worried that you two will kill them before I have a chance to have some fun,' he did agree that if we have an opportunity, we need to take it.

I had tried to link Aaron all day, but he was out on a hunting trip and wouldn't be back later. I wasn't sure what to do, we needed him. I told Ethan but we both agreed that we would not try anything unless Aaron helped us. If he wasn't on our side tonight, then we would just have dinner and leave.

"Ethan!" I called up the stairs. "Are you almost ready?"

Elliot was typing away on his laptop with a glass of wine, well I think it was wine. I think that he had some blood mixed into it, but it was hard to tell.

"Ya babe!" he called back. I could hear him coming down the stairs while Elliot looked up at me.

His eyes were beaming as a smile tore at his lips. "Derek is picking up Evie and Barrett at the airport."

"Really?" I asked as my heart flip-flopped happily at the news. "That's great. Will you go to the airport?"

"I don't know," he sighed.

"What's that?" Ethan asked while he started to pull the steaks on a cookie sheet wrapped up in plastic wrap out of the refrigerator.

I snapped my eyes to him and growled lowly in approval. He had on a loose long sleeve cotton beige henley with the top buttons unbuttoned so I could see bits of his chest over navy shorts.

He rolled his sleeves up as I walked to him and kissed me before looking back at Elliot. Elliot smiled and winked at me. "Derek's coming in with Barrett and Evie."

"You going to the airport?" Ethan replied as he tugged at his long hair.

"Should I? I mean, would that be ok with everything going on?"

Ethan nodded. "Elliot, it's only a night and no one has said anything about you being here. Go, it's fine. Evan and Lyanna will be here holding down the fort with Jake and Ryder. That's not to mention the warriors I have stationed out there. Will we see you tonight?"

Elliot nodded as he shut his laptop. "Course, I'll come to the cells with them."

"Sounds good then," Ethan replied with a smile. "Just link Char when you get to Tikanni and when you come back, ok?"

"Yes dad," Elliot replied sardonically which made Ethan roll his eyes.

He tugged at his hair again before looking at me. "You ready?"

"Mhmm," I hummed. I played with some of the ends of his hair before stepping away from him. "You're hair's getting long, almost as long as Evan's."

"First my beard, now my hair," he replied with a mock frown.

I rolled my eyes. "Do you want to cut it?"

He shrugged. "It's actually getting a little annoying."

"Derek can when he get's here," Elliot offered. "He does mine, and Char's. Not a bad job if you ask me."

"Sounds good," Ethan laughed out. He picked up the steaks while I grabbed a tote filled with wine; we started to walk out the door before he paused to look at Elliot. "Be safe and link us if anything happens."

"Same to you, you have reinforcements right?"

Ethan nodded. "Martin and Justin will have that house subtly surrounded."

"Good, just don't kill them. I'm looking forward to that show and I'll be pissed if I can't get it on camera."

Ethan chuckled a little darkly and nodded. "Noted."

The walk was quiet, both of us were trying to contain our wolves as we walked towards the lion's den. Mine was pacing but I calmed her; we had to play the game and work together. We could do this. We had harder things to deal with in the past, and we could certainly do this.

"You ok?"

Ethan sighed then nodded. "If anything happens–"

"Then I will be right next to you rolling in their blood," I interjected with a smile twitching in darkness.

Ethan kissed my temple then wrapped his free arm around my waist. "Try not to, Levi will kill us if we do it without him."

"I know," I sighed out with an air of disappointment.

"Just focus on the bond, it should keep her calm," he said, his tone calm but I could feel his blood simmering.

"You too white hot," I replied with a knowing side smile.

He nodded as we approached the house. "Try and talk to Aaron, if he's not on board then we do nothing, ok?"

I nodded. "Ok."



"I love you," he breathed out.

"I love you too," I replied with a small smile.

"Hey you two!" Thomas called out.

I pushed my beast back. She was shaking her fur out, ready to snap her jaws. I pleaded with her, we needed to focus. We had to stay calm.

She groaned inwardly but eventually retreated to the back of my mind where she could brood from a safe distance.

"Hey!" I called back with a smile. "I brought some extra wine!"

"Good! I got some beer, Ethan?" Thomas asked as we got closer.

Ethan nodded. "Sounds good," he replied with a smile.

Thomas met us halfway and slipped his hand under the cookie sheet. "Let me get those, I got the grill already going. I think Miranda is about done, shouldn't be too long."

"Good I am starved," I replied as my belly growled a little on cue, which I praised the moon over and over for.

Thomas chuckled and nodded. His beast eyed me for a bit then sat back in his mind lazily; so far, so good. "We've got plenty Thorne."

I rubbed Ethan's back; I could feel hair starting to sprout. He pushed it back as he took a deep breath then let it out.

"You ok?"

"I'll be good."

I kissed his arm then let him link our hands together. We walked in the house to see Aaron trot down the stairs, freezing in his steps as his eyes landed on us.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Having dinner, what does it look like?" I replied.

He muttered something under his breath as he followed us to the kitchen. "Here, let me take that," he said from beside me as he reached for my tote of wine, locking eyes with me that looked more fearful than anything else.

"Thanks," I breathed out.

Ethan watched him then flickered his eyes to me. I slightly shook my head. "Still in progress."

He gave me a tiny nod before tugging me in the kitchen where Miranda was stirring up potato salad. I could see the hair on her arms raise as we walked in; I tried to tone my blood down more, but I didn't think I was capable of suppressing it that much.

"Hey Miranda," I breathed out, offering her a cheek much to her surprise.

Her wolf eyed me curiously before she rubbed her cheek against mine. I could feel her beast's discomfort, but she seemed to settle once Miranda pulled away.

"Good to see you two," she replied politely.

"Agreed," I breathed out. "Babe, didn't you say you wanted a beer?"

"Ya, that would be good," Ethan replied while Aaron set the tote on the counter.

"In the refrigerator Charlotte," Miranda said while nodding her head to it.

I walked over to the shiny stainless steel refrigerator while Ethan made small talk with Miranda. Aaron eyed me curiously as I pulled the door of it opened and scanned the beer in it for one that Ethan would like.

"Want to tell me what you two are up to?"

"We had this conversation, Aaron."

"But we never finished it..."

I pulled out a bottle of Samuel Adams and eyed Ethan, who was leaning against the island while he spoke to Miranda.

I could see him warring with his beast, warring to keep him at bay. Sighing as I closed the refrigerator, I walked over to Ethan and handed the bottle to him with a reassuring smile.

"Opener?" He asked.

"I got it," Aaron replied. "Char which wine do you want?"

I shrugged. "I don't care, Miranda?"

"What did you bring?"

"There's red and white I think," I replied.

"Red stains my teeth," she practically grumbled. "White would be lovely."

I groaned inwardly. I was more of a red wine girl, but apparently, we were making all kinds of sacrifices today.

"I got it, Char," Aaron offered as he handed an opener to Ethan.

"I want a deal," Aaron whispered into my mind.

I flickered my eyes to his. He looked torn, yet there was a tiny bit of resolve there.

"Aaron wants a deal," I whispered to Ethan.

Ethan popped the top of his beer and chunked it in the trash then took a long sip. "Open up a link."

"Miranda, do you need help?"

She shook her head. "I have vegetables in the oven that are staying warm. Aaron? Will you see if your father needs help, and take those plates outside with you." He nodded and grabbed the yellow dining plates before heading out the door. "It should be done soon."

"Well, want me to carry something to the table?" I offered.

She finished stirring the potato salad and nodded. "If you'll grab that," she said nodding to the potato salad. "I'll get the vegetables."

"I got it, babe," Ethan said, scooting in front of me and taking the bowl before I could stop him.

I sighed while Miranda gave me a tiny smile. Ethan disappeared out of the door while I grabbed some napkins and silverware to take outside.

"He seems very infatuated with you," Miranda stated politely.

I let a blush come to my cheeks and shoved my wolf back. She didn't like this female, this vile creature, even speaking about our mate.

I nodded to her, faking shyness as I bit my lip. "The feeling is mutual."

Miranda smiled as we walked out of the door to their backyard. "Well, should we be expecting pups soon then?" I flushed a little more. I opened my mouth and closed it while she laughed a little. "I was the same way when Thomas and I first got together, you have nothing to be embarrassed about."

"Thank you," I replied while I walked over to Ethan. The only thing keeping my wolf from killing her was the daydream I was letting her have where she killed her, repetitively.

I put the napkins and silverware down while Thomas tossed the finished steaks on a plate. "Almost done guys!"

"Take your time babe!" Miranda called back. "Arron, go get that wine inside, will you? And bring the glasses!"

"Ok Mom," Aaron replied before he trotted back inside.

I took a seat with Ethan next to me. He slid an arm around my waist and pulled me a little closer to him while Miranda sat across from him.

"You all moved into Ethan's then Charlotte?"

I nodded. "Yes, well, we have to unpack a few things."

"Well good then," she replied as Aaron walked up with two bottles of wine, red and white, and some glasses.

He opened the white and poured his mom a glass before eyeing me expectantly. I sighed and opened the link up then pulled Ethan in. Ethan took a sip and eyed Aaron as Thomas walked over with the steaks.

"Thorne, how do you like your steak? Should have asked you before."

"It's alright Thomas," I replied with a smile. "Rare is fine."

"That a girl," he replied with a wink. He set the steaks down and ran back to get the others off the grill.

Rare. I would like to have him rare right about now, my beast agreed. I reached into the bond and let it calm me, soothe me. I could feel Ethan caress the bond; reaching out to me when I needed him, helping me to keep from making two rare pieces of meat out of Thomas and Miranda.

"What's this deal you want Aaron?" Ethan said.

Aaron sat and took a long sip of a beer. "I need assurances that you two won't kill me after you do what we know you're going to do."

"A deal works both ways, what do we get from you?" Ethan asked as Thomas

"Besides that, how do we know you're loyal? They are your parents, Aaron," I added.

"Alright, let's eat," Thomas said while clapping his hands together as he sat down at the head of the table.

"Where's Amber?" I asked as Ethan forked us both a steak.

Thomas shrugged. "Out with some boy, you know how girls are Char."

I nodded with a smile as Aaron passed some grilled asparagus to me. "Well, too bad, she's missing out."

"Damn right, these are some good steaks, Ethan. Where'd you get these?" Thomas asked.

"Off a deer, Char got not too long ago," Ethan replied with a hint of pride in his voice.

Thomas nodded at me approvingly as his wolf cocked its head and eyed me some more. "Nice work Thorne," he said as he gave himself a generous scoop of potato salad.

"Listen, I don't know that much. I will tell you everything I know, but I would rather not do it here or now."

"Because?" Ethan asked slowly.

"Because I don't want this to turn into a shit show. I don't know if what I know means anything. It's pretty much squat except what I've put together over the years. They don't tell me shit, but I'm not stupid.

"I can feel you, Ethan. I did before you walked in my house. Look at my damn mom, she's squirming in her seat. I don't want to set them off. I don't want that to go down here or now."

I flickered my eyes to Miranda as I took a sip of wine while Ethan scooped me some potato salad. Aaron was right. Miranda would subtly squirm in her seat as she ate, it was like she wore a pair of uncomfortable underwear that wouldn't sit right on her ass with a huge stick up it.

Thomas looked over at Ethan with a smile that was so warm I wanted to throw up. "So, how's mated life?"

Ethan pushed back his beast. I rubbed his leg while I ate some potato salad, reaching out to the bond to try and calm him.

"Much easier," Ethan smiled before taking a sip of his beer.

Thomas laughed and nodded. "I remember those days, you remember babe?"

"You mean your horrible haircut and t-shirt collection?"

"It was a great collection," Thomas replied back in mock hurt.

I laughed a little and nodded. "I'm trying to get Ethan to cut his hair, but we seem to be at an impasse right now."

"Good luck with that," Thomas replied to Ethan before he winked at me.

"What do you want Aaron?" Ethan asked.

"I want you to promise that you won't take Amber or me out. Let me take her away, let me take her somewhere safe. You don't understand, she's got her own hell here too. She's not a bad wolf, she's just confused. Let me go and start over. I know Amber will throw a fit, but I think it's what's best for us. We won't ever do anything to harm you or the pack. I just want to get her out."

"So Thorne, did you ever hunt before all this?" Thomas asked.

I shook my head as I swallowed down some steak. "I think the most hunting I did was looking for detergent in Super Target."

Thomas and Miranda both laughed as Ethan kissed my temple. "I can get on board with that. Char?"

"I can as well," I added.

"You said you went to college?" Miranda asked. I nodded into my wine glass. "What did you study?"

I set the glass down and wiped my mouth with my napkin. "Art. I minored in graphic design."

"Damn Thorne, maybe I should start calling you Picasso?" Thomas teased.

I laughed and shook my head. "I'm not that great."

Ethan scoffed. "She's obviously just being shy, she drew a great picture of me naked the other day."

"Ethan!" I hissed out as my cheeks flushed wildly.

Both Thomas and Miranda almost spat their food and drinks out. Thomas laughed heartily while Miranda looked a little horrified. Aaron rolled his eyes and laughed while Ethan gave me an innocent shrug.

"Babe, I don't see why you're embarrassed, it was a good picture."

"There is no naked picture!" I looked over at Thomas and Miranda. Their beasts were both amused and relaxed. It was in that moment that I realized what Ethan was doing; I wanted to kill him for embarrassing the hell out of me, but it was brilliant. Distracting them by playing into the charade, was absolutely brilliant. "There are no naked pictures," I said a little more firmly, trying to reassure them and play into Ethan's charade.

"Uh huh," Thomas said with a raised brow. "She photoshop that shit?"

Ethan chuckled into his beer. "I told her to add a few inches."

"Oh my God," I groaned. I was pretty sure my face was beat red as Thomas laughed his vile ass off. Miranda just huffed and smacked him while Aaron laughed into his napkin, shrugging innocently at me.

Miranda looked at both Ethan and Thomas pointedly. "That is not talk appropriate for the dinner table." She looked back at me with a small smile. I mouthed 'thank you' to her, earning me a nod as she poured more wine into my glass. "They never grow up dear."

"Apparently," I grumbled into my glass.

"After dinner, you get Amber and bring her to our cabin. I'll tell Evan you're coming. Jake will meet you halfway. I want to know everything, do you understand?" Ethan said.

"As long as you let us leave," Aaron replied.

"We will, but right now, we need a distraction."


"Doesn't matter, but we need to get a few minutes without their eyes on us. If you do anything to let either of them know what we are up to, I will kill you myself Aaron, and believe me when I say that it will not be quick," Ethan said.

Thomas twitched a little. Ethan was starting to simmer a little, his blood coming forth. I rubbed his leg and gave him an eye of caution, causing him to cool it off a little.

"Sorry Thorne, although that is pretty cool. Why did you want to do that?" Thomas asked.

"Fine," Aaron huffed.

"Well, my mom was an artist and my dad was an architect. He designed bridges, but he was also great with a sketchbook. I guess they both rubbed off on me."

"What did you want to design?" Miranda asked.

I shrugged. "I'm not sure. I liked using charcoals a lot. I also loved painting, really with anything that I could dip a brush into. I liked dallying in architectural design as well. "

"Well Ethan, I think I just got you Christmas ideas right there," Thomas said with a smug smile.

Ethan eyed me a little then nodded. "Perhaps so."

"I'll go to the bathroom. Wait like a few minutes then spill something on her, something good. Mom will send you to her bathroom, but that should give you more time. Just don't get caught."

"Just say when," Ethan said as he rested his hand on the table, close to my glass of wine.

"So, have you two talked about pups yet?" Miranda asked.

I almost choked on my food which made Thomas laugh while Ethan rubbed my back. I was fighting hard with my beast. She was pretty damn pissed that this creature would even dare talk about any pup of ours.

I shoved her back and reminded her why we had to stay calm. She was going to get us killed. She huffed some more then laid down in my mind, still licking her lips while she brooded.

"I'll be back," Aaron said as he stood up. Thomas gave him a raised brow of inquisition. "Bathroom," Arron said, causing Thomas to nod.

"Hey grab me another beer while you're in there," Thomas called out. "Ethan?"

"Sure," Ethan nodded.

"Alright," Aaron called back.

Ethan shrugged. "Not really, but I guess that's up to the moon."

Miranda nodded. "Well, I am sure you two will be fairly blessed.

'Fairly blessed?' I shoved my beast back while Ethan fought with his. Smiling into my glass I nodded. "We'll cross that bridge when it comes I guess."

"True," Thomas added as he bit into an asparagus. "Enjoy it now, you'll miss all the sleep you lose after you get your own litter."

I leaned back and set my glass down. Ethan went to put his arm around me but expertly knocked the wine all over me.

I stood up with a squeal. "Oh shit!" I hissed.

"Baby, I'm so sorry," Ethan rushed out as he handed a napkin to me.

"Use my bathroom dear, there should be some towels. Good thing it's white wine," Miranda said with a polite smile.

"Thank you," I said while trying to pat my dress dry.

"Nice move Everette," Thomas teased.

Ethan eyed me apologetically and shrugged. "Sorry babe."

"It's ok, I'll be right back," I said before rushing into the house.

"In the house," I linked to Aaron.

"Be quick, I have an eye out."

I rushed into their master bedroom then into the bathroom and closed the door. The vanity was sitting next to a window, a different place than in the tree, but it was still there.

I turned the sink on and picked some towels off a little wicker shelf over the toilet before going over to the vanity. I saw the drawer, the one she pulled open in the memory from the tree; opening it myself, my breath hitched in the back of my throat.

It wasn't there.

The clear box I had seen was there with a mix of her jewelry in it, but not the wooden box.

I felt around in the drawer for a false bottom but found none. My heart was pounding. I frantically searched through the vanity, being careful not to touch anything so I didn't spread my scent.

But it wasn't there.

It was gone.

I cursed myself inwardly then pulled open some drawers in their bathroom, but I found nothing. Just some toothpaste, Old Spice deodorant, and her drawer of makeup–a hell of a lot of makeup.

"Ethan, it's not here," I rushed out.

"Get out, get out of there now," he replied back, borderline frantically.

I started to pat myself dry and decided to take a towel with me so I could try to get some of the wine out.

There was a knock on the door. "Char, you ok?" Miranda asked.

I walked quickly to it and opened it with a stressed smile. "Ya, it's just, well. Ugh, he is so damn clumsy."

"Like his mother," she mused. "Always had her head in the clouds."

I felt my heart constrict as I forced myself to nod in agreement with her. "I know, drives me up the wall."

"Well, is your dress ok? I could get you one of Amber's?"

"It's fine, it's just white wine. It's nothing I can't fix later," I said while waving my hand to the side. "Say, I saw you have the Ben Nye banana powder?" I said while nodding over to a little jar of yellowish-setting powder next to her perfume on the counter. "How do you like it?"

"Oh," she sighed out as she stepped out of the way for me to walk out of the bathroom. "I love it. Honestly, nothing else works as well."

"Really? It's so hard to find good makeup."

"I know," she replied as we walked through the kitchen. "I've been trying to get Amber to use some, cover up those wrinkles she refuses to acknowledge."

"Oh, well, I mean she looks fine. I haven't noticed," I said with a smile as we stepped outside.

"Well, she does take after me," she replied smugly. I felt the vomit rise to my throat. How vain was this damn woman?

"Good thing it wasn't red wine," Aaron added with a smirk.

"I know," I breathed out as I walked back over to Ethan, his eyes relaxed as I moved to sit next to him. If felt like we had dodged a bullet.

The rest of dinner was the same charade of bullshit small talk. Bullshit small talk that did very little to distract me from the obvious; the box wasn't there.

I couldn't stop thinking about it and when we finally left, I was relieved because all I wanted to do was go back to that damn tree.

Thomas and Miranda waved to us as we left while Arron nodded from inside the window. We had to get them out. I had no idea what Amber's story was, but I felt like helping them start over was the right thing to do.

Ethan and I were quiet as we walked through the valley, he kept looking over his shoulder until finally, he relaxed a little. "What the hell?" he breathed out. "We saw it. We saw it in the tree."

"I know," I replied. "There's no denying what we saw."

"Where the hell is it. Do you think they got rid of it?"

"Maybe," I mused. "Just because it's not there now, doesn't mean it's not there."

Ethan stopped in his step right after we crossed into the tree line. His beast puffed up as his eyes widened.

"Ethan?" I said as my beast shook her fur out. "Ethan, what is it."

"It's Jaxon," he breathed out with a small smile tugging on his lips. "He found something." 

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