The Want of the Heart - R. G...

By thenextstevenmoffat

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The only thing more mysterious than a boy who doesn't say much is the boy who no one knows at all. ==> He see... More

author's note
1: The Boy With The Weird Presence
2: The Boy With Persistence
3: The Girl With The Awful Brother
5: The Boy Who Messed Up
6: The Boy Who Actually Did Something Decent For Once
7: The Girl That Might Have Possibly Made The First Move
8: The Girl That Wore A New Dress
9: The Boy That Had A Rumor About Him
10: The Boy Who Stood In The Rain
11: The Girl Who Wanted More
12: The Girl Who Wanted To Believe
13: The Boy That Came Back
14: The Boy That Got What He Wanted
15: The Monsters You Never See Coming
bonus: The Girl Who Never Got To Leave
possible sequel...?

4: The Girl Who Was Attacked By The Wild Animal

4.4K 148 27
By thenextstevenmoffat

The next morning, everyone seems so solemn. I see people -- mostly girls -- crying. The guys comfort them, all of them with the same look of fear in their eyes.

A dead body was found near the school early this morning. I didn't know the girl. She was a cheerleader, and I saw her around, but I was never friends with her. Her body was ripped to shreds, blood was everywhere, and there were signs that she had ripped her fingernails off trying to get away from whatever attacked her. They're saying it was a wild animal.

The whole situation is scary as hell; I'm not going to lie. I'm honestly surprised that they're even having school today. By the state of things, it looks like no one is going to be able to focus. The teachers will probably give us an easy day and keep the homework pretty light.

I head to my fourth period class and find that Shelley isn't there. I'd say that she stayed home today after she heard what happened. I know I saw Roman lurking the halls earlier today, and lucky for me, he's left me alone. When I saw him, he looked pretty annoyed, flashing nasty looks at the dozens of crying girls.

Lunch time rolls around; still no sign of Shelley. The normal roar of the cafeteria is replaced with more of a hushed chatter. The new boy Peter brushes past me, looking ahead of him to the hallway he was headed for. I turn my head and watch him walk down the hallway. I had heard rumors about him.

I heard that he was a gypsy, or he was related to the gypsy that lived in the heavily-wooded part of town. There is another rumor, but it sounds too ridiculous to even be remotely true. A young girl -- a freshman, I believe -- said that he was a werewolf. Some believe he has something to do with the death of the cheerleader. Maybe he could have something to do with it, but to think that someone is a werewolf. Someone needs to wake up.

Hemlock Grove is a strange town. A bit murky and gloomy and spooky. It's the perfect setting for a gothic horror novel, but to believe that the mythical creatures of those stories are real, that is something a child would do. The child believes because the parent or authoritative figure threatens them with scary stories just to get them to listen.

"If you don't get into bed right now, the 'Boogie-Man' will come and get you."

Or my personal favorite:

"You better be a good girl this year, or Krampus will come and eat you."

I pity the ones who believe. Either Mommy and Daddy didn't love them enough to tell them that mythical creatures weren't real, or they're too messed up in the head to realize that the real monsters aren't the ones with claws and sharp teeth. The monsters are the ones with the pretty smiles and kind gestures. The ones who hold your heart in their hands, controlling the power to help you or destroy you. They're the monsters you never see coming.

Later, right before last period, I stop by my locker to check my cell phone and grab my books. Roman comes over, and I don't have to look at him to see that weird grin already plastered on his face.

With me facing my locker, I ask, "Where was Shelley today?"

"Oh, so you're going to speak to me today?" he replies.

"She sick?"

"I knew I would get to you," he says, still ignoring the question.

I turn to face him. "It's always about you, isn't it?"

He shrugs. "I'm more concerned about you."

"I'm sure you are," I reply. I close my locker door and head for class. I hear the familiar footsteps behind me, not as hurried as usual. "You're not going to try and stop me? Slam me up against a wall and get in my face?" I look over my shoulder. "Looks like we're both just full of surprises today."

He chuckles softly. "Have you changed your mind about dinner, pretty girl?"

"Nope, and I don't plan to."

"Come on, I could get you a nice dinner at a nice restaurant, get you a pretty dress, drive you around town in a fancy car." I turn and stop in the middle of the hallway, giving him this small, lighthearted grin; people walk around the two of us as we stand in the middle of the hallway. "I could give you anything you wanted. What girl wouldn't want that?"

"I can't be bought. You need to show some real interest and actually be a decent person if you want to impress me."

"I'm saddened that you think so little of me, pretty girl."

"What can I say? Your reputation proceeds you."

He scoffs. "And who have you been listening to?"

"Hm, let's see...who are you sleeping with this week?"

He flashes a look at me and rolls his eyes. "And what are you trying to say?"

I smile. "It makes me wonder, Roman. How many girls have you been able to seduce with the offer of a nice dinner and brand new things?"

"And why can't I just be interested in you? Why does it automatically become some sort of seduction routine?"

"Because if I'm not mistaken, you're a womanizer. I give in to your little ploy, and all I'm going to end up with is a broken heart and probably chlamydia."

"I'm clean."

"Yeah, that's what my aunt's boyfriend said before she came home from the hospital with an STD."

"Ever heard of condoms?"

"I'm a virgin, not an idiot."

The bell rings, and the hallway quickly clears out. The two of us are still standing there. "Look at that, I'm late, and so are you."

He smirks. "If I'm not mistaken, that's the second time this week for you. That's detention, pretty girl."

I start walking in the direction of my class. I hate to admit it, but he's right. "That's two for you as well, Mr. Godfrey."

"Looks like I'll have another chance to see your lovely face Friday afternoon."

"I think they might be a little more lenient considering it's the beginning of school."

He looks down at his wrist and points at his watch. "Tick tock. Tick tock. Getting later by the second."

I roll my eyes and head for class, being able to sneak in without being noticed. I take a seat at my desk just as my name is being called. The class drags on, and I spend the entire period staring at the clock, trying to keep from falling asleep. When class lets out, I'm surprised to see Roman standing outside the door. The girls flash him flirtatious looks and wave at him, giggling when he waves back. I keep my eyes forward, looking ahead of me. His eyes never leave me.

Girls call out for him, but he ignores them as he hurries after me. "Our conversation was rudely interrupted earlier, pretty girl," he greets me.

"'Pretty girl,'" I mimic him, "Do you have to say that every time you speak to me?"

"I like it. It's a nice name for you."

I don't say anything as I head down the hallway. We make our way to my locker, and still he stands there.

"You're not telling me to go away."

I look over at him. "Okay, and?" I reply.

A smile spreads over his lips. "You're starting to like me. I can tell."

I flash him a look. "You don't even know my name. How do you know me enough to tell me when I like you?"

He leans down and says to me softly, "I know you more than you think I do."

My pulse quickens, but I don't let the nervousness show. "You don't scare me."

"Pretty girl, I'm not trying to scare you." He leans in closer; the aroma of cigarettes and his strong cologne fills the small space of air between us. "I'm trying to make you fall for me."

"You think you're going to win me over, don't you?" I ask him.

"Of course I'm going to win you over. You think you know me, pretty girl, but there's one thing you're forgetting."

"And what is that?"

"I never lose."

He stands so close to me that I can almost feel his lips on mine. His eyes move to my lips, and my breath hitches. He hears it because I see the left corner of his mouth turn up. I back away from him and grab my things from my locker, shutting it.

"Tell Shelley I missed her today," I say, heading for the parking lot.

He sighs and turns to watch me leave. "See you later, Zoe."

I freeze and slowly turn to face him.

"I told you," he says, walking towards me, "I know you more than I think you do." His hand brushes over mine and he leaves the building. I look behind me, only staring at the doors he just walked through a moment ago.

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