Bad Girls Always Win.

By PoetsGarden

381K 6.9K 796

Katarina Wentworth's life did a 180 turn when her father thought it was time for her to settle down. He didn'... More

Chapter 1: The Nightmare Begins.
Chapter 2: Dessert
Chapter 3: Visiting The Past
Chapter 4: Meeting The Family.
Chapter 5: Chloe & Aiden.
Chapter 7: Fake Orgasm
Chapter 8: Hot Chilli Peppers
Chapter 9: Damon Carter
Chapter 10 : The Princess & Nerd.
Chapter 11: Mulan & Alaadin
Chapter 12: Travis's Birthday
Chapter 13 : Our Golden Star
Chapter 14 : Mr Tibbles.

Chapter 6: Banquet Dinner.

22.4K 448 27
By PoetsGarden

- Chapter 6

The sun was shinning high in the sky as the wind softly blew the warm summer breeze. The weather was absolutely perfect to take the kids for a walk to the central park, and that’s what I exactly did. The whole afternoon I took Aiden and Chloe out, we walked through the park and brought breadcrumbs to feed some ducks. Both of them were excited and happy to feed the ducks that their eyes were glowing as the ducks swam near them. Not long after, the three of us had ice creams as we watched children fly kites above the sky, dogs being walked by their trainers and families having their picnics with their kids run around. Aiden and Chloe ran around for a short time but got immediately tired.

As we hopped into a carriage, my phone suddenly vibrated. I wasn’t surprised or shocked to see the message was coming from, none other than, Armani. The message read: Where are you?! We need to meet my parent in half an hour. Half an hour! Get home A.S.A.P. I can hear Armani’s voice loud and clear just by reading the message. Ha! Too bad for him, this is what he gets for leaving me along in the streets. He purposely left me alone, and now is my turn to leave him alone. Now was payback.


An hour and a half later, I went home with my lovely twins mainly because of two reasons. Firstly, they got tired, as it was time for their naptime, and secondly, I had to waste an extra half hour before I go home, knowing Armani would be waiting for me. The cab pulled up in front of Armani’s house, I paid the driver and thanked him. I held my hand for Aiden and Chloe as I guided them through the house. As I walked into the living room, with the kids following me with tired eyes, I bumped right into Tony and Liam. Their hand were crossed below their built chest and stood in front of the door blocking my way out.

" Where were you?" Liam asked.

Tony looked at Aiden and Chloe, who were holding onto my hands tighter while hiding at my back out of fear, and said, " Who are they?"

" I was out,” I said a-matter-of-factly and averted my eyes towards Tony, “This is Chloe and Aiden and I’m going to put them to sleep."  There was a threating tone in my voice, which left them no choice but to move aside as I went upstairs.

I ushered them to change to their ‘jammies’, as they called it, before I set them on Armani’s bed. Since this was my choice of room, this was also the Chloe and Aiden’s.

Once they were tucked in the bed, Chloe sat up and motioned me to come closer. “ What is it Sweetie?” I asked in a soft voice.

" I love you Kitty," Chloe said in her sweet innocent sleepy voice and kissed my cheek before snuggling her bear and closed her eyes to sleep.

Aiden was already sleeping soundly holding his monkey in his hand, which made a huge grin appear on my face. I always admired and loved how cute my babies sleep. I kissed them both on their foreheads before I slowly closed the door and walked out.

Without a surprise, I walked right into a pair of bodyguards my lovely- notice my sarcasm- husband has left me with. Not wanting to walk the children up, I grabbed their arms and pulled them both into the game room.

" What do you guys want?" I asked as I grabbed a slice of pizza on the table and crashed on the couch.

Tony sat by me. " You’re supposed to be with Armani at the banquet hall."

" Yeah so?" Obviously, if they were smart enough, they’ll eventually figure out that I didn’t want to be with Armani or even close to him.

Liam sat on the other side and said, " Fine. But when he comes home raging at you. Possibly murdering you, don’t say we didn't warn you." I timidly nodded not giving a f-ck about what they were even trying to say. We plugged our gaming headsets and played some Modern Warfare 3.

I was really into the game as was currently kicking some serious ass out when someone called, which sternly disturbed our game as it intercepted the headsets. “Yo man, what’s up?” Liam asked.

" Man you ain’t gonna believe who's here!" Logan's voice boomed through our ears.

Tony sat up straighter, " Who?"

" Mindy! And she’s all over Armani. I think he’s going to fall back into the trap." Just the mention of the girl’s name made both of the boys stiffen up, which took me by surprise.

Their response to Logan’s words made me all curious which lead me to interject on their conversation. " Who's Mindy?"

" Oh hey there Kat,” Logan answered with a odd voice which seemed surprise at my voice. “Umm… Mindy is my… um.. cousin?" He sounded unsure his statement ended up as a question. I’m not that stupid not to recognize Logan was lying, he was stuttering for Pete’s sake!

Crossing my arms I warned, " Logan! Who is Mindy?"

" Do you guys want to tell her or should I?" Logan asked the two guys through our headsets.

I looked at them and Tony shifted in his seat. He made contact with my eyes before he replied. " You should. We’re right next to her, she can hurt us.”

I heard Logan take a deep breath. “ Mindy was Armani’s high school sweetheart. They were going to get married. Hell they were engaged. Until Lucas, Armani’s brother, got involved. Someway, he got Mindy to leave Armani, which created the Armani you know today.” Logan said this really fast, but I managed to catch up.

Don’t be territorial Kat. I reminded myself then his words sank in. “ Wait, so Lucas is the reason Armani lost someone he loved? Why?”

“ Yeah, pretty much. Why? Because Armani was first in line to get the company in 3 years and Lucas was jealous because he was older and apparently to him it wasn’t fair.” Tony filled me in.

Taking off my headset, I ran up the stairs. I can hear the guys calling out my name but I ignored them. I knew what I had to do. I knew exactly how it feels to be betrayed by your family, especially when betrayed to someone you have loved so much. It hurt like hell, and I knew Armani would have felt it. I wasn’t going to let Lucas do that to Armani.

I looked through my clothes and pulled out a pink strapless mermaid dress. If I was going to make that little whore eat her heart out; I was going to do it right. I slipped into the dress and curled my hair as quickly as possible. I put on some light make up and ran down the stairs putting on my heels. I’m sure I look decent, respectable, beautiful and presentable at the same time, any guy would be proud to know I’m his fiancé.

“ Take care of Chloe and Aiden,” I yelled as I hurried out the door, “If you don’t know what to do call me.”

Just as I stepped out, Tony was right beside me. “ Where are you going?” He yelled as if I was crazy.

“ I’m going to make my husband proud and a certain bitch eat her crippled heart out.” I grinned as I jumped onto the first motorcycle I saw.

Quickly, I started the motorcycle’s engine and drove away to the banquet hall, furious. I wasn’t being territorial, I was merely being protective because I’ve felt that pain before, and I would never wish that even upon my greatest enemy. Luckily, the streets weren’t s busy and with my speed, I made it in enough time. The second I got there I threw the motorcycle at the valet and ran through the doors. Thankfully, I bumped into Logan.

“ She’s sitting by him,“ he whispered. I dusted of my dress and straightened it up. I made sure my hair flows perfectly without looking like I just hopped in a motorcycle, which I actually have.

Linking my arm through Logan’s, I put my award-winning smile and walked through the huge golden double doors. With all my pride, I raised my head and saw the entire hall turned to me as Logan and I walked in. I give them all a smile with a slight nod, out of respect, and walked towards Armani’s table. Searching through the crowd, I saw a blonde sitting a little too close to Armani, whispering something to his ears while giggling. Obviously, Armani wasn’t giving him attention and wasn’t slightly interested as his eyes gaze everywhere. When Armani’s eyes made contact with mine, a wave of relief washed over him.

I walked towards him, still with a smile on my face and looked towards Blonde, or should I call her Mindy? She stopped once she noticed a figure right in front of her. With a wicked smile, I introduced myself, “Hi, I’m Katarina, Armani’s fiancé. It’s really sweet of you to keep my seat warm till I got here.” If smiles can kill, mine would have skinned here alive.

 Little Miss Bimbo didn’t hesitate and got off my chair. I gratefully smiled at everyone seated on their respective places before I took my seat. I made eye contact with Mr. and Mrs. Salvator as their eyes beamed with appreciation upon my arrival. I sweetly smiled back at them and apologized. “I’m sorry for my tardiness. I was at the orphanage taking care of some business.”

Mrs. Salvator smiled some more as she heard the words came out of my lips. “ You volunteer in an orphanage?” Her voice was mixed with happiness, pride, respect and honor.

“ Well, when I was younger, yes, I used to volunteer, but a while back I bought the orphanage with the money I had saved. Got it redecorated in any shape, way or form the kids wanted. Now I just go to visit and add some minor details here and there.” It was all-true. Probably the only thing I’ve accomplished the most, it was a treasure I can surely be proud of. The orphanage was something I’m very pleased to show off.

Mr. Salvator raised his eyebrows while the rest of the table nodded in approval, “Oh well that’s splendid. Your father failed to mention that to us.”

“ Well I like to keep that part of me private. Strictly to myself.” I said with a laugh.

Armani chuckled in my side as he held my waist possessively, “ You should see her with the children. She’s a natural.”

“ Oh you’ve gone with her?” A woman, who was sitting by a man who looked like an older version of Armani, asked in utter shock.

I smiled, “ Yeah, I brought him along to this little carnival they had. I even painted his face into a big bad lion.”

Everyone on the table laughed while he blushed, “ Well you wanted to paint my face so badly and I couldn’t say no to that beautiful face.” He kissed my temple.

“ Ah nice cover-up story, but everyone knows you came and begged me to paint your face.” I teased, that earned more laugh and I heard some that was in awe.

Mrs. Salvator made a womanly giggle. “ I think she’s perfect for him,” she said and turned towards her husband. “Don’t you agree Walter?”

“ Definitely.” Mr. Salvator grinned my way, his eyes move towards Armani, and he looked happy for him?

Acting shy, I giggled, “ Aww that’s sweet of you Mr. and Mrs. Salvator.”

“ Sweetie, we’re family. Call us Claire and Walter.” Claire smiled at me as she remained on her posture. In an instant, I already loved the woman. I admire how she seemed so disciplined but yet she makes other feel welcome. Surely, Armani’s mother is a woman with a soft gentle heart.

Nodding I said, “ Okay then, Claire and Walter it is.” I can’t help myself but return back their smiles.

I turned to look at Armani, and saw him relaxed. He seems less tense, not to mention he looked happy. In the corner of my eye, I noticed Logan giving me the thumbs up from the other side of the table. I let out a soft laugh at his childish action. Soon, the food was served, and when everybody wasn’t paying attention around, I saw Lucan motion for Mindy to get up. I quietly nibbled in my food and had light conversations with Armani’s relatives for a couple of minutes before I stalled and excused myself. I followed Mindy and Lucas while I picked up mos of their conversation.

“ I thought you said he didn’t care about her!” Mindy hissed, her voice simply suggests that she was pissed.

Lucas laughed humorlessly. “ He doesn’t. It’s all an act, all you need to do is get him away from her and we both win. You get him back and I get the company.” Lucas was so sure of himself.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Lucas was that selfish that he would break up his little brothers marriage for money. Yeah, the wedding was just to get our parents off our backs but still. Oh, there’s no way in hell was I going to let him do that. I couldn’t dare watch people get hurt and betrayed by their family, not especially after what happened to me!

“ Fine! He better not love her or I will hurt you Lucas!” She warned before stomping away back towards the table.

Lucas shortly followed after her. I took a deep breath before I counted one to thirty and made my way back to the table. Except when I got there Mindy was nowhere in sight. Then out of nowhere all the lights turned off only to shine a spotlight on a girl who’s back was facing us. Then I realized it was Mindy with a microphone on her hand. Apparently, she was going to sing. Resting my chin on my hand, I rolled my eyes. The music began and of course the song she decided to sing was “ Cater 2 U By: Destiny’s Child” and I could have sworn through it all she was making lovey dovey faces at Armani. I hate her! Especially because she was so formal and everything about her annoyed me, especially her face.

“ Thank you all. This is dedicated to the love of my life.” She winked Armani’s way. Armani stiffened in his seat.

The entire room turned to look at me and I managed to fake a smile and clap, “ Hey I’m wondering is this a open mic thing?”  I stood up and asked.

“ No-” Mr. Salvator cut Mindy off, “ Yeah. Do you want to go up there Katarina?” He asked.

“ I’d love too.” I faked enthusiasm.

Walking towards the DJ, I asked him to play the song “ I Love You: Chris Brown”.  The song began and I grabbed the mic tapping my foot along the intro. Everyone was clapping along with the beat and I was ready.

“ I don't know what it is, but I love you, I love you, I love you

I don't know what you do but I love you ooooh baby

Baby, I don't know what it is but you drive me crazy.

Everytime I'm around you boy it feels amazing.

And I'm on my best behavior when I'm with my baby cuz I can't lose my baby oooh

I done met a lot of guys in my life but they not like you noooo!

I done been with the best and baby you the best of the best you the greatest oooh!”  I sung.

Of course I wasn’t trying to copy Mindy so while I sung I ripped the bottom of my dress and began dancing around.  Throwing a couple of crazy dance moves here and there, earned me laughs from some people but hey I didn’t care. I was just going to have fun. Even a couple little girls joined me on the dance floor and I let them. I ran up to Armani and planted a kiss on his cheek before I went back to the dance floor and kept singing and dancing. When the song ended I bowed and blew a kiss towards Armani. The entire hall began clapping and cheering. Logan even added a couple wolf whistles, which made me laugh.

“ Thank you everyone. That little crazy thing I just did is for the amazing man I’ll be spending the rest of my life with.” I said into the microphone before walking back to the table and sitting down.

Armani’s arms wrapped around me as he grabbed me and sat me on his lap, “ You’re amazing.”

“ You’re too sweet babe.” I blushed as I felt a shiver run down my spine when he held me closer to his chest, with his hand resting on my back.

Logan grinned, “ Liam and Tony are cheering you on from home.” 

“ You did not record that?” I smirked because of the face on Mindy was priceless.

James who I just realized was there chuckled, “ Oh yeah. They saw the whole thing.”

“ You’re close with the boys as well?” Lucas asked in disbelief and twitched his eyes.

Smiling I said, “ Of course. I play games with them all day well that’s after I force them to take their daily showers.”

“ She’s very demanding with those!” James whined while everyone laughed.

Armani laughed, “ Oh she is. I thought she’d mind living with five guys but she’s perfect with everyone.” He kissed my shoulder.

“ Hey, they’re just awesome people to live with.” It was true. They were fun to live with.

Mindy scoffed and said, “ Please we all know it’s not fun living with five guys. Especially those five guys.”

“ Actually it is. You get to play videogames all day then dig into some amazing takeout and then you hangout with some of the funniest people you’ll ever meet.” I defended the boys.

Looked like she had a problem with them. Logan and James grinned, “ Thank you Kat.” They said in harmony.

“ Anytime guys.” I laughed. After I defended the guys, I had some short conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Salvator regarding the wedding. They asked how far we were on the planning. I lied and said we were halfway done.

By the time I felt my eyes getting heavy, it was already eleven p.m. Thankfully, Armani noticed me and realized I was dozing off. He stood up from his seat with a smile on his face and told everyone goodnight and hoping they’d see each other soon before the wedding. I smiled at them politely before I gripped into Armani’s arms as he guide me towards the car. I noticed Logan came right back us and took the motorcycle while James said he’d be staying around for a little while to get some girls as I attempt to stay awake, sitting on the passenger seat. As soon as we drove off, Armani turned the radio on and just my luck, the radio played soothing soft songs in the background that my eyes dared to close. Soon, I drifted into a dreamless sleep.

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