How To Make A Boy Love You. [...

By LaceUpBieber

59.7K 3.3K 880

In which Jason McCann teaches his best friend how to make a boy love him. Cover by: @/BADXSSBIEBER More



2K 137 20
By LaceUpBieber

>Justin Bieber<

I sighed as I walked up the stairs and Kit stood at the top with a smile "hi Justin" he said and I gave him a wave as I walked by his side "I need you to do me a huge favor" Kit said and I raised a brow "you know Bryan right?" Kit asked and I nodded "Master Sergeant said he won't be attending drill down because he found out about all the drugs and he has to turn in his uniform tomorrow, can you tell him for me? I've got an appointment that I SHOULD be heading to now but I can't find the kid" Kit said and grabbed his watch out of his pocket "s-sure" I said "awesome! His last name is Ocampo, he's blonde and tall! Thanks! I'll pay you back!" Kit waved as he quickly left the building.

I turned around and quickly hid behind the corner as Jason was leaned back against his locker, talking to Ethan as they both laughed. "What? So you could see Ms. Tompkins ass? Did anyone else notice?" "The whole class did! And you wouldn't believe what Nathan did!" Jason leaned against Ethan's ear and Ethan's eyes widened as he bursted into laughter.

I turned around and went to a different hall, there were a few people here because of the after school activities. I noticed a blonde boy standing in his uniform, talking to another boy and they seemed to be exchanging things.

I made my way towards him as the other one left and he turned around, my eyes widened as I noticed who he was. "What are you looking at?" he scoffed and crossed his arms "command sergeant major S-sorry to bother you I--" "no need to call me that.. i won't be the CSM for long" he said with a sigh.

"Let me guess, Master Sergeant sent you to tell me I'm off ROTC right?" he said and I nodded as he sighed "I saw this coming.. but since I'm getting kicked out.. why not make the best of it huh?" Bryan smirked raised his arm to hit me as I flinched, landing on the ground as I groaned.

"You know what's funny? They almost chose you to be CSM but I couldn't let a little pussy get the position over me so I convinced them that I was better than you and it was so easy" Bryan laughed and put his foot on my head as I yelped.

I closed my eyes tightly and after a few seconds I opened my eyes in confusion, looking up at Bryan as he held his bloody nose.

"Dude, you've got so many ribbons and medals, all these awards and you're still a dick" Jason said with a smirk then leaned against Bryan "don't ever touch my Justin again" he said before kneeing his gut.

I stood up and dust myself off before standing back, Jason grabbed my wrist and ran down the halls as Ethan waited at the end of the halls. "Everything okay?" Ethan asked and Jason nodded "yeah but I think I might've knocked the kid out" Jason laughed "I'm going to go check on him but Justin.. be careful okay?" Jason said and I only nodded in surprise.

Jason gave me a soft smile "I miss you Justin" he told me before leaving with Ethan.

I watched him leave wide eyed, my heart skipped a beat and I blushed before turning around to leave.

Maybe I should make it right with Jason, I've been wanting to for so long but I'm so afraid. I don't know why I'm afraid, Jason has never done anything wrong for me to not trust him.

I stopped at my track, what the hell is wrong with me? Why am I walking away? I stared at the bus stop and turned around, running back into the school. I made my way towards the hall were Jason stood and ran towards him.

Ethan noticed me and poked Jason's shoulder as he turned to me "Justin? What are you--"

I crashed my lips against Jason's as i wrapped my arms around his neck. I knew my face was probably red as a damn tomato but I couldn't hold it in anymore and i finally felt relieved when Jason kissed me back and held my waist in his arms.


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