The Twin Sisters

By ShraddhaBhatia6

110K 4.7K 366

Highest Rank: #74 in Romance This is my second book! Please help me with your love and support, as I had for... More

Character Sketch
Birthday Party
The First Date
Double Trouble
Work Day
Daydreams and Nightmares
Turning Point
The Gift
Guana Islands
Lost and Found
The Bracelet and The Diary
Katherine Kapoor
Cross Roads
Wedding Dates
Game On
Second Chance
Bridesmaid dresses
Good Deeds
Kapoor Mansion
The Royal Wedding
Happily Ever After

Palau Joyo Islands

3.3K 174 13
By ShraddhaBhatia6


'Dearest Ira,

How are you? How is everything? I know its a bit selfish to talk about myself, but this trip is turning out to be the best of my life. I have no words to explain my excitement and my feelings to you, but the hardest of all is to explain how diffrent I'm. Ironically I will give all the credits to Nayesha for turning up at a wrong time, at a wrong place. But because she did.. I can feel this amazing and happy. I fell love, sister. I feel in love with Vivaan. In spite of our terrible start, I'm glad that he feels the same. It's definitely not love at first sight, but that moment that pulled us together..... Or maybe it's not love it's because of your romantic location and our alone time.... This place is heaven! I just hope things won't change once we are back.
What do you think?

P.S.: How are your relations Prince Samar?'

Ira smiled on the last line of her sister's mail.
"I wish I knew." She sighed.

It's been a week, and she too feels different like her sister. She started liking the person she is with. But her mind is still battling as to why she got so jealous three days ago.

Three Days Ago:

'So this is it? What's so amazing about it? You never saw a Sunset before?' Ira raised her eyebrow.

'I have, but something magical happens here. Just wait for it.' He smiled and asked her to sit next to him.

'Fine.' She rolled her eyes and sat with a thud, gazzing towards the waterfall and the ocean beneath.
'How long?' She poked him.

'Why are you so impatient? It won't be long now.' He tangled his fingers in hers, surprisingly she didn't protest.

After approximately ten minutes she spoke again 'Samar! Come on! This is-- No!!' She gasped when she saw what happened.

As the sun was dipping, a magical thing happned. It formed two rainbows intersecting each other, just like the one's back home.
She stood up and started walking in the same direction, a beautiful smile never leaving her face.

Samar stood up as well, and couldn't help but touch her beautiful skin.

'How did you--' She turned, tears rolling down her eyes.

He smiled and gently wiped them off.

'Thank you.' She smiled.

'You are always welcome.' He said and tilted his head, moving ahead to kiss her and for the first time she clossed her eyes welcoming him.

'Baby!!' A squeaking voice made their heads turn.

'Veronica?' Both spoke in unison.

'I was missing you honey bug.' She moved towards him with opened arms.

In a swift moment out of no where, Ira punched her and Samar gasped.

'What the Fuck bitch?' She angrily glarred towards Ira, and touched her bleeding nose.

'My land, my future husband, my sister. If you don't want to bleed anymore then Fuck off right now.' Ira said angrily.

'Samar?' Veronica glanced towards him who raised his hands.
So she went off angrily.

Suddenly he started laughing loudly. 'My future husband, eh?'

'Shut up! Let's go.' She rolled her eyes and pulled laughing Samar with her.

"May I know the reason as to why my lady is smiling?" Samar said and knocked the door, pulling her back to the present.

"Nothing.." Ira tried to cover her blush. "Meera said hi. I got her email."

"They are in love." He said with a finch of hope, directing towards something else.

"Yeah.. seems so. I just can't understand how."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean.. how can she can she fall in love with a guy like him?!"

"Do you universally hate men? Like you can't fall in love with me, your sister can't fall in love with a guy like my brother. I mean... what is it? Oh.. no!" He gasped.

"What?" She frowned.

"You like women!" He said in a serious tone.

"Shut up!" She threw a cushion at him. "Besides, why to fall in love when you can have sex without it?" She winked and winked at him.

He smirked. "You never had any, with either one of us. So how do you know?"

"Whatever. Which reminds me... With how many woman you had sex with?"

"Umm....None." He smiled.

"Are you kidding me?"

He smiled and moved towards her. "I always wanted it to be for love." And kissed her head.

She was dumb stuck, this had been happening a lot lately, but she was immobile now.

"What do you want to do today?" He softly asked, his face inches away from here.

"Whatever you want. It's our last day here, I want it to be your choice."

"Umm... okay. Well, there is a theme park here...."

"Let's go then. I'll met you outside in 15 minutes." She gave a brilliant smile.

"Okay.." he smiled and moved out.

After waiting for 39 minutes patiently, he turned to fetch her when he found her standing next to him.

"I'm ready!" She said cheerfully.

This time he was taken aback, she was looking beautiful, yet playful and ofcouse extremely cute in her dress.

"I dressed as per the location." She said.

"No doubt. You look ravishing." He smiled.

"Is it some royalty thing or is it just you? Can't you say beautiful or pretty? Something easy you know? Geez."

He chucked. "You look like a beautiful angel who dropped by to make me feel like the luckiest man alive."

"Well.. Thank you. Let's go now." She turned to hide her blush and started walking.

They were walked a few kilometers, when suddenly Samar came at a halt.
After a half an hour of journey they reached their destination.

"What? We are here already?" She asked in confusion, unable to see anything in the dark woods.


"But I can't see anything!"

"Well, this park was shut down an year ago as they were making huge losses because of lack of people visiting."

"Then it's not worth it. I bet not even a single swing would be working."

He smiled, tangled his hand in her's and squeezed it lightly.
Then all of a sudden he whistled and their surrounding lit up.

Ira was amazed when she looked around. All the swings, lights, music made her so happy that she jumped with joy.

"Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! It's amazing!" She jumped and hugged him who almost stumbled but caught himself in time.

He could smell the beautiful lavender in her hair, touching her soft skin, encircling her curves. Everything gave him goosebumps.

"Let's go" she grabbed his hand and started running towards the giant wheel.

"Giant wheel?" He raised an eyebrow while he saw her climbing in the seat.

"Why? Scared like a kitten, Prince Samar?" She had her wit.

He took the challenge and climbed next to her.

The wheel came in motion but just when their cage reached the top, Ira started yelling.
"Stop! Stop! Stop!!!!"

"What happened?" Samar worriedly grabbed her hand as the swing came to a halt.

"Nothing, I just want to be here for a while."

He took a breathe of relief. "You are going to be death of me."

To which she just smiled and started gazzing outside. There was only music below, soft breeze passing by and comforting silence between them.

"I was three when she died." She spoke, still gazzing outside while his eyes were fixed on her face.
"He married another woman. Her own sister. He never loved her, nor his first born. All these years I fought for his love, for a bit of hope. But he was busy, all the time he was busy."


"My sister took care of me. She loved me, she still does. But still there. is a little part in me that feels lonely, carves for some love. But love is giving in who you are and giving someone else power over you, to destroy you."
She turned towards him, who was intently looking towards her as if he understood each and every word she spoke.
"It's not that I can't love. I do want to love you. But I can't give you power to destroy me."

Samar took a deep breathe and sat on his knees, closer to her. "Love is not just about giving, it's about sharing a feeling. Cherishing it. But most of all its about making the one you love happy. In every circumstances Ira, I want you to be happy. Be it with me or with someone else."

"You won't--"

"I do understand. You want love that's why you are in pain. I want your love that's why I'm in pain. The pain is constant. The only way to eradicate it by letting it go. It's like a family, who doesn't know what a doctor will do with their loved one but still they trust him with all their heart, irrespective of the outcome."

She smiled. "Your proffesion won't leave you right?"

He smiled "I love you, Ira. With all my conscious and unconscious being. I will always love you, as long as my heart will keep on pumping blood. I will have you in deepest parts of my heart."

Tears rolled down her eyes, and it was the first time she literally cried after her mom's death.
She lightly touched his face and pulled him close, closer to her own.
He obliged and held her hair and lighlty kissed on her lips.
It was after a full minute they pulled themselves to catch their breathe.

"We have several swings waiting for us." She whispered.

He smiled and signal to resume the swing.

After spending almost two hours in the park, they were back on the shore ready to move back to their yatch.

"Wanna race?" Ira asked playfully pointing towards the jet ski.

"You'll lose."

"Bet my life! If you'll lose, you are gonna buy that yatch for me! Deal?"

"Okay. If I'll win, you are going to marry me the first thing in the morning. Done deal?"

Ira fell silent but soon enough her wicked smile returned and she sealed the deal with a handshake. "Done!"

"On Mark of three. 1.2.3." Samar said and roared his engine, moving towards his goal, all set to win the bet and marry the woman he loves.
Within 10 minutes he reached the yatch.
"Ha! I win!" He said and turned, but surprisingly Ira was no where to be seen.

Confused. He took a full round around the yatch searching for her but still had nothing.

"Ira!" He called in a worried voice and started moving in the direction he came from.
Not a far, he saw her jet ski upside down.
Immediately he leaped and moved towards her ski. "Ira!" He called again but there was silence all around.

"Ira!!!" He yelled but still there was no reply. Without even giving a second thought he jumped in the cold water and dived in, searching for her.

Fear was now seizing him as he couldn't find her, and was losing his breathe.
But then he saw a figure sinking in, and he immediately moved towards it. It was her.

He pulled her closer from her back and moved upwards.

He gasped for air and the first thing that came out was "Ira!" He tried shaking her but she was cold and blue.

"No.. You have to be okay!" He whispered again and loaded her on his ski, moving as fast as he could to reach his yatch.
This time it wasn't about winning the race.

He hurriedly carried her to the cabin and immediately turned himself from a man in love to a doctor working to save his love.

"Ira.. get up!" He pressed her chest, but her heart rate was still not stable.
"No... Get up." Tears started rolling down his eyes.
"I love you So much. Please. You can't do this to me." He gave one final jerk and she gasped for air then started coughing water, shivering badly.

"Oh.. thank god!" He immediately hugged her.

"I'm...Cold.." she managed.

"Your clothes are wet.. I can change...But."

"Please, I'm.." She raised her head.

Samar took a deep breathe.
'I can do this! I have done this before. I can do this.' He thought, and pulled a fresh pair of clothes from her pile.

After he changed and tucked her in a bed, he got dry clothes for himself as well.

"I'm still cold." She whispered.

"I'm making fire." He smiled towards her softly.

"Can you come here and lie with me?"
She asked hopefully.

He was about to deny but her eyes decided against it. So he moved and sat next to her on her bed.
She moved a bit making space for him, adamant on her demand.

"Ira... I don't think it will be a good idea." He murmered.

"What do you mean?" She spoke weakly.

"I... I won't be able to control myself.... I never felt like this before... "

"Then don't." She said and he could trace burning desire in her eyes.

"No... I told you I want it to be for love."

She smiled and caught his hand. He winced on her cold touch still worried about her.
"Samar.. it's new for me too. I never felt so cold outside but warm inside. This is killing me, trust me. But I like it."

"Are you serious?"

"Very." She smiled and he took a sharp breathe.
"Now come here. I don't want to sick on my wedding tomorrow."


"I'm marrying you tomorrow, Prince Samar."

Samar couldn't contain himself on her words.
"I love you Ira Kapoor." He yelled and got in the bed, pulling her closer.


"Where are your witnesses and your bride? It's been an hour now!" The priest said impatiently, as both Samar and him stood alone in the small church.

"Yes.. I'll call them." Samar said in a worried tone and pulled his cell phone out, just when he heard footsteps approaching.
He took a breathe of relief at least someone is here.

"Brother." He smiled when he saw the couple approaching.

"Congratulations, young one." Vivaan briskly walked and went straight to hug his brother.

"Thank you. Meera." He nodded.

"We are extremely sorry for being so late." She said.

"No problem, it was on a very short notice." Samar inwardly smiled when he slipped last night to make all the arrangements.

"You look really handsome. Where is Ira?" Meera asked.

'I want to know that too.' He thought.
"I dont know, when I got up. I saw a note. 'I'm going to pick my own dress.' It's been two hours now." He pressed his lips.

"Don't worry, she'll be here any minute." She assured him.

"Are you sure? I think she bailed off and ran away.... again."

"That sounds just like Ira." Vivaan chuckled and Meera frowned towards him.

"Samar--" Meera began but just then someone called from outside.

"Hello? Are we ready? Can I come in?" It was Ira.

"She is here." Meera smiled towards Samar.

He returned her smile, and gave a nod to priest. "Yes.. you can." He yelled back and heard the heels clicking.

When she came in front of his eyes slowly walking towards him with a white pearl bouquet in her hand in an exquisite white dress, he stopped breathing.
She was looking, exotic. Just like the one he day dreamed off.

"Stop staring." She whispered when she was closer.

"You look beautiful." He kissed her cheek.

"I know." She. winked.

"Shall we begin?" The priest cleared his throat, and everyone got in their place.


After a small wonderful ceremony, both the couples went back to the island, where a sweet aroma filled their nostrils.

"I'm starving." Ira said.

"Me too!" Meera said and both the sisters ran towards the small tent, that stood exactly at the same place where Samar brought Ira for the waterfall.

Both the brothers laughed, and followed them.

Vivaan grabbed two bottles of beer "Mind if me and my brother go for a walk?" He asked but both of them were busy eating, so he just sighed and signaled Samar to walk with him.

After eating their hearts content both the sisters were sitting on the sand with a glass of wine.

"Oh.. I'm so full!" Ira laughed.

"I have been eating a lot lately!' Meera complained.

"Yeah.. I can see that. You even eat meat!" Ira laughed, knowing her sister was a pure vegetarian.

"I love it now a days." Meera smiled shyly.

"Good. So, how did it happen?" Ira asked.

"How did what happen?" Meera frowned.

"You... falling for him.??"

"I'm not sure. It just happened. All I know id that I'm happy with him. A lot. What about you? How come you came down at marrying him?"

"I just know that he loves me a lot, no one ever loved me this much?! It's sweet, but scary."

"Excuse me?" Meera raised an eyebrow.

"Aww... I love you too!" Ira jumped to kiss her.

"Get off me! Stop ruining my dress." Meera tried pushing her off but she was already on her and both were playfully laughing now.

"Meera?" Vivaan called her name and she turned. "It's time." He smiled.

Suddenly she lost her smile and there was sadness in her eyes.

"Time for what?" Ira frowned, getting up.

"His company made their first ship. They are going on a ride." Samar explained.

A small tear escaped from Meera's eye.
"Oh.. no." Vivaan pulled her up, in his arms.
"I'll be back before you know it." He kissed her head.

"Yes." she smiled weakly.

"Lets leave our newly weed couple alone. I want to say goodbye in a proper way to my lady." Vivaan winked, and they bid their goodbyes.

"Will miss you." Meera hugged Ira and with a final nod left.

"I'll be back." Samar said as soon as they went off and turned.

"Woah... where?" Ira pulled him back.

"I have a surprise for you." He winked and kissed her head and turned.
"On second thought." He said and pulled her closer, kissing her like there is no end. Ira too got her hands in his hair pulling him closer to her body.
"Gosh.. I want you." He whispered.


"No. I have a surprise." He gave her a long kiss and left.

Ira chucked when she saw him disappearing.
"He makes me happy too Meera. A lot! And I think I really love him." She spoke to herself.

"Surprise." A familiar voice called and Ira got a hard hit on her head and then there was darkness.

Finally!!! Isn't it?
I'll be more regular now, as I feel better.
Thanks to you, amazing people for your well wishes.

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