The Rise-Book II

By ZeroWineThirty

11M 437K 286K

Sequel to 'The Bite.' *You need to read 'The Bite' first before you read 'The Rise,' otherwise you're go... More

Chapter 1: Breaking But Not Broken
Chapter 2: Dad
Chapter 3: The Treehouse
Chapter 4: Lean on Me
Chapter 5: Dirty Dancing
Chapter 6: Females
Chapter 7: A Pack of Lies
Chapter 8: Jorts
Chapter 9: Layers
Chapter 10: More Layers
Chapter 11: Lucas
Chapter 12: Tricks
Chapter 13: Trying
Chapter 14: One Day
Chapter 16: Party Time Part II
Chapter 17: Fangs
Chapter 18: Layers and Letters
Chapter 19: The Love Doctor
Chapter 20: The Hawk
Chapter 21: The Deal
Chapter 22: Chris
Chapter 23: Stayin' Alive
Chapter 24: Good Cop Bad Cop
Chapter 25: Planning and Pasta
Chapter 26: The Long Walk
Chapter 27: There Will Be Blood
Chapter 28: Everette
Chapter 29: Surprise Party
Chapter 30: Cinnamon Rolls
Chapter 31: Man Hunt
Chapter 32: Roadtripping
Chapter 33: Origins
Chapter 34: Supernatural Squad
Chapter 35: James Bond
Chapter 36: Penny
Chapter 37: Blue Haired Devil
Chapter 38: Absolutely Nothing
Chapter 39: Pack Woes
Chapter 40: Brownies
Chapter 41: Convenient
Chapter 42: Cave of Wonder
Chapter 43: Ghosting
Chapter 44: The Mountains
Chapter 45: The Mountains Part II
Chapter 46: Heat Demands
Chapter 47: Under The Comforter
Chapter 48: Truths
Chapter 49: The Artist
Chapter 50: Babies, meetings, and flowers.
Chapter 51: Brothers
Chapter 52: Elk
Chapter 53: Connecting The Dots
Chapter 54: Amber
Chapter 55: Sleep
Chapter 56: You Are My Sunshine
Chapter 57: Death and Life
CROSS POST A/N: The Moon Blood Saga
The Hunt is Here 🐺

Chapter 15: Party Time Part 1

189K 8.2K 4.8K
By ZeroWineThirty

"Are you ready for tonight?"

Ethan inhaled deeply and exhale out the tension from the unknown waters we were about to find ourselves in.

He pulled me against his bare chest; his torso painted onto my back while he drew little swirly lines on my belly. "Are you?"

I turned to look at him. We had spent most of the night making up. I had to go to the pack house and spend the morning setting everything up for tonight with Lyanna.

Which was absurd.

Miranda came down twice and told us to move a few things before disappearing, leaving Lyanna and I to do it all on our own.

But we got it done a little after lunch, in time for me to devour a plate of pasta that Derek had made for us before he left, before Ethan decided to kidnap me for the rest of the afternoon and devour me. Apparently, we were still 'making up.'

The afternoon was dwindling away, rays dancing over his skin littered with scars and blemishes from his training.

I nodded. "We just need to get in then get out of your dad's office."

He kissed my shoulder. "We'll be fine. We can make it through tonight."

I sighed and nodded. "I hope so." 

"We just have to keep our heads down and sneak into my dad's office when everyone is drunk, we can do that Sunshine."

"Ok," I breathed out, letting my nerves that were building at the thought of tonight go with the exhale of my breath. "Are the other's coming over?"

"Mhmm," he murmured against my skin, his nose was trailing the line of my shoulder up towards my neck.

"We should get up then," I thought out loud. A rumble vibrated through me, causing me to shiver a little. "Ethan..."

"Fine, have it your way," Ethan whined. I rolled my eyes and moved to scoot out of bed when a strong arm pulled me back and pinned me down to the soft mattress. "Kidding," he whispered against my neck before he kissed it.

"I thought you said I could have it my way?" I teased while he nipped at my earlobe, his hands reaching under me to playfully squeeze my ass.

"You can have it multiple ways," he replied with a coy smile. "But they have to be in this bed."

Lifting up to kiss him, I let him distract me–us, for a while longer until finally I convinced Ethan that we really did need to get up. We had to get up and get going, we had that damn party tonight, and I was hellbent on getting into Chris' office.

"Well, nice to see you up little sister," Evan said with a knowing smile as I trotted down the stairs. My hair was still wet and dripping onto the back of my shirt and slightly onto the sweatpants I had stolen from Ethan.

"Hey Ev," I replied before kissing his cheek.

"Char, want some coffee?" Elliot asked.

"That would be great," I said before rubbing my cheek against Lyanna's. She hugged me tight and let out a shaky breath. "You ok?"

"I don't know Char," she sighed out.

I searched her eyes and hugged her to me. "What's wrong Lyanna?"

"She doesn't recognize Thomas as her alpha, I don't know if she'll let me make the pack bond," she whispered to me.


I didn't think of that. I blinked hard and tugged at Ethan from our bond. He needed to come down here and help me figure this out.

"Do you think it's just you?"

She nodded. "I haven't heard of anyone else, I think because I'm so close to all of this."

"Ok," I sighed out. "It will be ok, let's just see what Ethan says, ok?"

Shit, shit, shit, shit...

Ethan and I hadn't thought of that. I prayed inwardly that it was just Lyanna, that we wouldn't have a small group of wolves sparking a fire that did not need to happen just yet.

Lyanna nodded then walked over to stand next to Evan, who kissed her temple tenderly before giving me a tight smile; stress. We were all more than stressed, we couldn't afford for anything to go wrong tonight,

Ethan trotted downright as Billy, Jake, Ryder, and Andrea walked in. Ryder walked straight over to me and bumped me playfully. "What's up Ghostrider?"

I shook my head while I rolled my eyes as Elliot handed me a cup of coffee with a wink. Ethan shook Billy's hand then walked to the coffee pot while Andrea rubbed her cheek against mine. "You ok?"

I nodded. "Just ready to get this going."

She nodded then moved to stand next to Jake while Billy nodded at me with a smile. "Charlie."

"Billy," I replied into my mug as Ethan came to stand next to me, putting a protective arm around my waist.

"Ok everyone," Ethan said before he took a sip of his coffee. "How are we feeling? Before we talk about the plan, any concerns?"

"Well," Lyanna softly said.

Evan sighed and kissed her temple again then looked up at his brother. "She's not recognizing Thomas as her alpha, her beast isn't."

"What if she won't let me make the bond?" Lyanna asked. "She recognizes you and Charlotte, the thought of Thomas makes her lash out."

Ethan looked at me with eyes heavy with worry. We didn't anticipate that. We didn't anticipate someone rejecting Thomas; we didn't anticipate the pack turning on him this soon.

"Lyanna you're going to have to force her, work with her and talk with her," Ethan calmly explained. "She may fight it, but you're the master of your beast, she bends to your will."

"What if she doesn't? What then?" Evan asked ominously.

Ethan let out a hot breath. "Let's cross that bridge if it comes, alright?"

"Ethan what if that doesn't work?"

"We've never had it happen before."

"But that doesn't mean it couldn't," I replied back.

"I know, I don't know. No one can really force you to take a bond, we just need to keep her calm and relaxed," he thought out loud.

"Ok, I can do that,"I added.

He looked around while I leaned into his side, calming him. "Alright, let's go over the game plan. Tonight, after the initiation, they will handle Larissa's punishment. Char is going to ask for banishment, which we know will happen. Packs leaning that way and both Thomas and Miranda gave her their word that she could choose."

"Martin and I have some of our faster men ready," Ryder said as he leaned against the counter. "If she tries to go anywhere that is not Jaxon's boarder, then we will herd her there."

"Good," Ethan said into his mug. "We've talked with Jaxon and he's on board. He'll be waiting for us there. He will have guards with him Ryder and he's agreed to assist in pinning her down. I would send some of our guys ahead to link of with them so you can all coordinate."

"Roger that," Ryder replied. "I'll talk to Remi and see if Tikanni can get there and get set up."

"I can go down early too," Andrea offered. "I'll take some of the trackers with me, believe me, that bitch isn't getting away," she said, her tone tense and holding back a growl.

"Easy my daughter, you'll have your turn," Billy said before wrapping an arm around Andrea's shoulder.

"Jake?" Ethan asked.

Jake snapped his eyes to Ethan and nodded. "She's been linking me all day man, like, you guys owe me so much."

We chuckled a little. "Just get what you can Jake," Ethan replied, trying to conceal a laugh while Jake groaned.

"What about Dad's office?" Evan asked.

"We should wait until after the initiation after people are a kind of drunk," Ethan thought out loud.

Evan nodded then looked at Lyanna then back to Ethan. "Any ideas?"

"I think that once everyone is kind of drunk, that it should be fine. If we need a distraction, then we'll come up with one," Ethan replied. "Alright Billy, what about Tate?"

"Been tailing him and that son of a bitch knows something," Billy practically growled out.

Ethan rumbled angrily while clenching his coffee much. "Charlotte and I can feel him out, but keep an eye on him. After tonight we may have to drag his ass to the cells with Larissa."

Billy nodded. "I'll have guards around this house, so Elliot, you'll be safe. Lucy and pop are coming over too, this place will be on lockdown."

"If anything happens brother, we are with you. The warriors are ready, you only have to say the word," Evan added.

"Hopefully it won't come to that tonight," Billy added.

Ethan nodded at him before taking a sip of his coffee. "Alright after the party, Evan and Lyanna I want you to go home with Char and take anything we may find from dad's office with you. Billy, Andrea, and I will head to the border and meet up with Jaxon."

"Sounds good brother," Evan said with a firm nod.

Ethan let out a hot breath and nodded. "Alright, everyone keep your link open and ears up."

"Come on Lyanna," I said while offering a hand to her. I drug upstairs and let Elliot help us both get dressed for the party; thinking that maybe it would take her mind off things and calm her nerves.

I prayed that it would calm her nerves. The last thing we needed was her wolf rejecting Thomas; that in itself would be a disaster.

Elliot made me put this gunk in my hair that made my waves stand out a little more, he said it made them more defined but I just found it to be a sticky inconvenience.

I let Lyanna borrow a black and white thick striped A-line spaghetti strap dress, and some black wedges that Evie had sent over, while Elliot put me in a dusty pink A-Line tank with a cinched waist and flared skirt; the bodice dipping a little low, letting the peaks of my breasts tease the eye.

I slid on some nude-heeled sandals and tossed on the necklace that Claire had given me before dragging Lyanna and her flowing blonde hair that Elliot had straightened down to the kitchen with me.

"Just relax Lyanna, how is she?"

"Ok, she's angry, but she understands," she breathed out.

"Just keep talking to her, you can do this," I replied gently to her as we walked arm in arm to the kitchen.

Evan whistled as we walked in and Ethan just groaned. "Really babe?"

"What? What's wrong?"

He shook his head and gave Elliot a scowl. "Nothing's wrong," he grumbled before pulling me to him. My beast rumbled in approval; dark jeans with a crisp white button down tucked in. He did look edible, like candy that needed to be unwrapped.

"You alright?" Evan asked Lyanna.

She nodded while letting out a tense breath and gave him a tiny smile of courage. "I'll be fine, it will be fine."

Evan kissed her chastely then looked back at Elliot. "Pop and Lucy should be here soon. Lucy wants to have a James Bond marathon and pop asked about the furniture you've been making."

Elliot raised his brows then nodded politely. "Sounds like a fun time."


"It's fine Char."

"No it's not, what's wrong?"

He smiled at me before walking to the refrigerator to pull out a beer. "I have a feeling, but it's mostly nothing. I'll be fine. Just come home in one piece."

My beast stood up and shook her fur off. Ethan eyed me curiously before looking at Elliot.

"Is he ok?"

"I don't know," I replied honestly, biting my lip before I walked to Elliot and hugged him goodbye.

"You call him if something happens," I whispered to him.

"Don't worry about me little one," he replied before kissing my cheek.

"Are you sure?" Ethan asked as he tugged me along with him out of the house.

"Pop and Lucy make him uncomfortable, I don't know though. He doesn't either."

Ethan looked back at the house for a pregnant moment before shrugging. "Everyone's tense right now, I'm sure it will be fine."

Ethan flickered his eyes down to me for a brief moment before he decided to scoop me up. I eyed him curiously while Evan did the same for Lyanna. "Those shoes are not made for walking sunshine, and we have places to be."

I rolled my eyes. "That's really your reason?"

He squeezed one of my cheeks. "Obviously not. It's your fault your wore that damn dress, you'll be lucky to have it on later."

"We're right here!" Evan grumbled out while Lyanna laughed.

My cheeks flushed as Ethan continued to carry me through the forest and down to the pack house. "I'm worried about Lyanna."

"I know, I don't know what else to do."

"Do you think there are other's like her?"

He flickered his eyes over to his brother then to Lyanna. "I think it's just her. She's so close to everything and she came when shit really hit the fan."

"I hope you're right," I breathed out.

The pack house was lit up with warm lights that glowed in the summer dusk sun. I leaned into Ethan and started to daydream about a time in the future when this big house wouldn't seem so ominous.

Ethan set me down gently on the little dirt path, letting me straighten my dress out before he linked our hands together. Evan walked up next to us with Lyanna and let out a long tense breath.

"Ready?" Evan asked, more like he was asking himself than anyone else.

"There's an open bar right?" I asked.

Evan gave me a long look. "Little sister, we may be wolves but we're not amateurs."

I threw my hands up in surrender while Ethan just rolled his eyes. "Come on, let's get this over with." He flickered his eyes to Evan who stiffened more and more with each step he took. "Try and get everyone drinking Ev, the sooner the easier it will be for us."

"Will do," Evan replied.

Lyanna gulped faintly; Evan wrapped an arm around her waist and whispered something to her. Christ, I hoped that she could do this.

We stepped into the house and the only word to describe it was awkward. It was like a very awkward middle school dance. Instead of boys on one side, and girls on the other, it was wolves for Thomas on one side, wolves for us on the other, and the ones on the fence floating around.

I groaned. Ethan kissed my crown then nodded his head to the kitchen. "Let's make a hot lap."

"Does this hot lap include wine?"

"Course baby," he replied with a wink.

My heart fluttered, it never ceased to amaze me that he could still do that; give me butterflies with just a tiny wink.

Jake was already in the corner schmoozing Amber. She was wearing high waisted black shorts that showed some of her ass cheeks and a nude crop top that was way too tight for her. Tacky.

She looked like she was enjoying herself, but Jake, well poor Jake was forcing a smile that looked pained. Ethan sighed before tugging me into the kitchen where wine was lined up on the counter and few kegs were set in a corner.

"You're doing good Jake," I whispered to him.

"Keep her talking Jake," Ethan added.

Jake flickered his eyes to us for a brief moment; there was a little plea of help in them, but there was nothing Ethan and I could do. He had to buck up and make it through this one.

Ethan got me some wine and himself a beer before pulling me out of the kitchen with him. "Keep your eye out for Tate," he whispered to me.

I nodded and took in the area. The paper lanterns from the council meeting were strung up and the little black hightop tables were scattered about. The cooks were blocking off the kitchen so they could start to set out food, while gammas set out a mini bar outside.

Ethan looked around and nodded approvingly. "It does look good babe."

"Well it damn well should," I grumbled.

Ethan kissed my temple before pulling me outside; there was soft music playing off someone's iPad that we had hooked up to some outside speakers. "Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?"

"I see what you're doing Ethan." I gave him a playful pointed look. He opened his mouth to reply when I snapped my eyes across the yard to the outside bar we had set up.


I recognized him instantly. Billy had sent over a picture to Ethan and I after we told him about the wolves to look at. I had burned that image into my mind, I couldn't forget his face if I wanted to.

He was a wiry man.

Wiry with a blonde tangled ponytail hanging from his head. He was wearing a washed out pair of blue jeans and a faded red shirt. Hazel eyes sat on top of a long face that looked sharp, hollowed like he didn't eat enough.

Hazel eyes.

"Ethan look," I whispered. "He's at the bar. Ethan, he has Hazel eyes, he has those eyes."

Ethan snapped his eyes in the direction I was looking then back to me. "I'll be right back," he whispered. He set his beer down, out of sight, and started to jog down the stairs as more pack wolves started to fill in.


I bit my tongue and turned around with a smile on my face. "Hello, Miranda."

Miranda smiled tightly at me; eyeing my dress then looking back at me. Her wolf was cocking its head, assessing me and waiting to see if I would make a move.

"It looks lovely out here."

"Thank you, Lyanna was a lot of help."

She nodded and let a heavy silence blanket us. I toyed with the stem of my wine glass while I tried to keep my beast under control. She was more than ready to rip out of this skin and show the female in front of her whose teeth were sharper.

"So where will Thomas do it?" I asked, playing the naive human and breaking the silence up.

She looked over my shoulder to the top of the stairs. "Right there," she nodded. "It's easier to for everyone to see, usually we try to herd people out to the yard."

"Noted," I replied politely before taking a big sip of my wine. "I saw Amber, but I haven't seen Aaron?"

"Oh I am sure he's at the bar," she muttered tightly. "Anyways, I have to help Thomas."

"Alright, see you in a little bit?"

Her beast cocked it's head a hair before she nodded. She walked away and I felt like a heavy chain metal blanket had been taken off of me. Holy shit that was awkward.

Ethan was getting another beer, talking to the bartender, and eyeing Tate as subtly as he could. I watched them as I walked down the stairs; I watched as Tate would shudder just a fraction when Ethan would test him.

"Char!" Sam called out.

I smiled and walked over to where she, Nessa, and Mandy were standing with Andrea. I rubbed their cheeks then let out a sigh of relief, my beast and I were more than happy to see the familiar faces.

Sam pulled me into a tight hug when she rubbed my cheek. "How was Miranda?"

She pulled away and I shrugged. "Like she always is."

Andrea bit her bottom lip and looked over my shoulder at Ethan. "Just watch out for her Char," Sam added.

My beast shook her fur out. "Oh, we will," I replied before meeting Andrea's gaze. "Wine?"

Andrea nodded. "I think they opened the kitchen back up inside."

"Char," Nessa said with a small smile. "Just let us know, if well, you know." She eyed me for a while; she knew. I knew she knew what could happen, and she was behind me.

I looked into all their eyes and saw the same look, loyalty. "Where's Mary and Julia."

"On their way," Mandy answered.

"Good," I breathed out. "Just keep your ears up. No need to jump to conclusions, understand?"

They all nodded before Andrea linked her arm in mine. We hurried up the stairs and made out way back into the house that was starting to fill up more and more with wolves.

My beast smiled in the back of my mind, she more than liked to see the other wolves that would be in her pack. Hers to look after.

Andrea and I walked back into the kitchen, where people were starting to line up for wine. She got in line and pulled me with her, when I caught the watchful eye of Aaron.

He held my gaze, firm and almost fearful, before looking back down. "I'll be right back," I murmured to Andrea.

Aaron stiffened up as I approached him. He flickered his amber eyes to me that almost looked frightened. "You ok?"

Aaron looked over my shoulder at Lyanna and Evan, who were chatting with some wolves near the kitchen with drinks in their hands. "It's not me that you should be worried about."

"Want to tell me why?"

"What will you do if she doesn't accept the bond?" he asked quietly. Eying me like he was scared, scared for me and for himself.

"She will," I replied. "Why do you care Aaron?"

"Because," he sighed out. He looked down then back to me with a sad smile. "She doesn't deserve what would happen to her if she didn't."

"They're about to start."

My wolf was eying Aaron, and we wanted to push harder and stay, but we knew we needed to get back to Ethan. "I have to go."

Aaron nodded. "See you around then," he replied before he looked back at Lyanna.

I turned quickly and caught up with Andrea, who was looking at me with a raised brow. "What was that?"

"I have no idea," I muttered out. "I need to talk to Ethan."

Ethan was standing with Murphy and some of the other warriors and their mates near the front when Andrea and I walked out. Andrea nudged me a little. "I'm going to go stand with my dad."

I nodded. "Alright," I replied before rubbing her cheek. "Be careful tonight?"

She sighed. She felt edgy. Her beast was unsettled; it made mine anxious, she paced a little as we watched Andrea.

"I'll be fine Char, I'll link you, ok?"

I nodded. "Ok."

Ethan walked up and took my hand then pulled me a few rows of people back to where he was previously standing. I walked to standing next to him; smiling at Murphy, Mary, Drew, and Nessa.

"How was he?"

"Billy's right, there's something off."

"Have you seen Thomas?"

Ethan stiffened a little. "No, you?"

"I saw Miranda, she told me the decorations were nice."


"Stiff as the stick up her ass." Ethan almost spat out his beer before eyeing me with a smile he was trying to bite back. I laughed into my wine glass and shrugged. "Also, I talked to Aaron?"


I let out a tense breath. "He asked what we would do if Lyanna didn't take the bond."

"Shit," he hissed. I felt his beast start to stand up and shake his fur out; I moved so his arm was around me, so I could be closer to him and calm him.

"He was more worried Ethan. I asked why he cared and he said because 'she's doesn't deserve what would happen to her if she didn't."

Ethan suppressed a growl as Evan and Lyanna walked towards us. "Do you think Thomas knows?"

I shrugged. "He didn't say, but let's pray he doesn't."

I nudged Lyanna a little and gave her a reassuring smile while Evan looked over at Ethan; holding his gaze in a link that looked both worried and angry.

"You can do this Lyanna."

She let out a shaky breath and nodded to me. "I know, I just, I don't want to screw up."

"Just get through it. Just keep your head there. You'll be fine."

More wolves walked out and packed the backyard. Our people were scattered about strategically, making sure the split in the pack was not evident.

The chatting had grown louder, and didn't quiet until the music was turned down. People looked up from their drinks and conversations as Thomas walked out with Miranda and his children behind him.

Eyes immediately flickered between Thomas and Miranda to Ethan and I. I could feel Ethan stir some more, heat up some more. I rubbed his back with my free hand and prayed to the moon that we could make it through this without bloodshed.

"Alright, let's get this going!" Thomas called out, silencing everyone."

Ethan and I both bit back growls at the sound of his voice, the voice of the male that was as bad as the sweat on Satan's back.

Thomas walked behind a little plastic table that had been set up and sat down with Miranda on his right and Aaron on his left.

Aaron on his left. Not Ethan. Not his beta.

Drew looked up at the seating arrangement and raised his brows before looking back at Ethan. Ethan gave drew a hard look that shut him the hell up while Justin grumbled something to someone behind us.

"First up is news," Thomas announced professional. "As you know, we've had issues with rogues–" He was cut off by gasps, growls, and voices growing louder at the word.

He growled loudly, shutting everyone up quickly before giving the crowd a hard stare. A stare that just pissed Ethan and I off.

"I know how you all feel about it. We have a team on it and we are working very hard to make sure that no rogue get's on our border." Ethan's blood heated a little more. I scooted closer to him as Evan's started to boil a little and seap with Ethan's throughout the crowd. The crowd whose hair raised a little as the sense of power reached them.

"Baby you have to calm down," I rushed out to him. "Just think of us, think of me, reach out to the bond."

That seemed to do it, because in a few moments, after blinking his eyes hard he opened them; they were not a slow brewing storm anymore, they are calmer, but they still held a fire in them what I knew wouldn't be satisfied until blood was spilled.

"We have some suspects and we are looking into it," Thomas called out. Once he said it I felt my blood start to boil. I couldn't help but wonder if this was the part where he would set Ethan up for all of his shit. "Ethan and I will be working very hard to get to the bottom of things, you have nothing to worry about."

I held onto the bond so tightly, as did Ethan, after he said those words. It was everything we both had to not run up there and rip him apart limb from limb.

I opened my eyes while Ethan kissed my crown and breathed in the scent from my hair, calming me and himself from acting on an impulse that wouldn't be good for our pack.

"Alright! Now let's get to the fun part. Initiations! If you are being initiated, then line up in front of Miranda here," he said as Miranda stood and walked around the table while some wolves started to form a line in front of her.

"You can do this Lyanna," I whispered to her.

Evan kissed her, tender yet desperate, before letting her walk away to the front. Ethan sighed and nodded to Evan. "She'll be fine."

"Come here Ev'," I said, pulling him close to us. He kissed my crown and let me rub his back with my other free hand.

Aaron got up and pulled out a knife, the same knife Thomas had used on me when he let me join the pack. He stood next to his dad with a clean rag in his hand as Thomas waved the first wolf up.

Aaron had a clipboard in his hand and showed his dad something on it, while Thomas sliced his palm. Aaron then took the knife and passed it to the young female, who sliced her palm with a wince, before she handed it back to Aaron.

"Alright," Thomas said. "Louis Smith, do you accept the membership to the Mangata Pack?"

"I do," she replied before she took Thomas' palm.

There was a little buzz across the pack link, like a soft shock as Thomas pulled her into the pack link and bond. After he released her hand he offered her a rag and smiled at her warmly. "Welcome to the pack, who's next?"

Wolf after wolf, everything went smoothly, until it was Lyanna's turn. Evan's beast was pacing back and forth as Miranda nodded at Lyanna to go on up.

I felt my heart still a little and Ethan's beast started to stalk in the back of his mind. My beast was right there with him; if he hurt out little sister, we would kill him. We were pretty certain of that.

Evan let out a breath, shaky with anger and tension. Lyanna looked back at him a little nervously; Evan smiled and held her gaze, mind linking her something that I assume was meant to calm her down.

"She can do it Ev," I whispered to him.

The warriors behind us started to shake out their fur. They are ready at a moment's notice to strike, we just needed to say the word.

"Another damn Thorne," Thomas tease. He teased and it was everything I had to bit back a growl.

Lyanna nodded politely before looking back at Evan one last time. Arron seemed to sense her discomfort. He flickered his eyes to me, worry and hints of fear in them, before looking back at Lyanna with a warm smile.

Thomas sliced his palm that had healed up already and passed the knife to Lyanna. She sliced her palm, with a painful hiss that made Evan rumble from next to me.

"Evan," I warned.

He sucked in a deep breath and let it out. "I swear to the moon if he hurts her..."

I rubbed his back while Ethan watched; he watched and waited, waited ready to jump out of his skin if he needed to.

"Well," Thomas said with a playful smile. "Lyanna Thorne, do you accept the membership to the Mangata pack?

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