Blackmailing a Marquess

Oleh Owl_3030

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Lady Elizabeth Kincaid is tired of her same expected routine. With her first season quickly approaching and t... Lebih Banyak

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

Chapter Five

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Oleh Owl_3030

“Pardon me; I hope I did not startle you. May I introduce myself, Lord Nicholas Ravenhurst. ” He said when he found his voice again.

Elizabeth was stunned. Not only was the man she was wondering about last night, the man she questioned Camilla about, at the same ball as her, but was standing right in front of her, talking to her.

This is Nicholas Ravenhurst! Oh my he is nothing like I imagined. He is so devilishly handsome!

“Not at all My Lord, if I am correct, would you be the Marquess of Queensberry?”

“Yes, the fifth to be exact.” He said, a smile touching the corner of his mouth.

Anthony couldn’t stand not being able to hear if his friend was making a fool of himself. Deciding to walk over, he stood beside Nicholas.

“Ah Anthony, nice of you to join us, let me introduce you to…. I’m sorry, but I don’t believe I caught your name.”

Elizabeth forced herself to shift her eyes from the young Lord in order to acknowledge the gentleman who joined them.

“I am Lady Elizabeth Kincaid. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

“Lord Anthony Sinclair, it is a pleasure to meet you Lady Kincaid. Would you happen to be the daughter of Harold Kincaid, Earl of Bromely?”

“Yes that is correct” Elizabeth answered.

“Good man your father is, wonderful things he has done in his time.” Anthony complimented.

“Thank you, that is very kind of you to say. My family and I are very proud of my father’s accomplishments,” she returned.

Nicholas stood there. Partly thank full for his friend joining them before he made a fool of himself and partly irritated that Anthony had so much more to talk about with her than he did.

Kincaid, that name is ringing a bell, the daughter of The Earl of Bromely, and the daughter of…

Nicholas nearly went white.

The daughter of Countess Kincaid…The one mother known throughout London for her tenacity to attempt to secure a husband for her daughter. Every gentleman she encounters, she sees as a potential catch. God forbid if she observes us talking to her daughter. I must get Anthony and I away from Lady Kincaid, before her mother spots us talking with her, now!

But alas, Nicholas was too late as a voice stated from behind him.

“There you are Elizabeth, I have been looking all over for you. And who might these gentlemen be?” Her mother said smiling at the “potential son-in-laws” before her.

Bloody hell, there is no escaping her now…

“Hello mother, Camilla and I stopped at the refreshments table on our way.”

At hearing her name Camilla turned around for the first time. Busy scanning the crowd for any gentlemen she might find suitable, she hadn’t noticed the very handsome men conversing with Elizabeth.

“Elizabeth, you haven’t introduced me to your friends.” Camilla said placing her glass of champagne down and extending her hand.

“Yes that is just what I had said to her as well.” Her mother stated.

“I have only just met the gentlemen”, Elizabeth replied. “Mother, Camilla may I introduce to you Lord Nicholas Ravenhurst and Lord Anthony Sinclair. Gentlemen, My mother Countess Victoria Kincaid and my dearest friend the Lady Camilla Wellington.”

“My I have yet to lay eyes on a trio of ladies more beautiful then you.” Anthony flattered as he leaned into a deep bow. “Would you not agree Nicholas?”

“Nay, I have seen none more beautiful.” Nicholas answered trying not to make direct eye contact with any of the women.

It wasn't exactly considered proper for a gentleman to be so forthright when conversing with women one had just met, but Anthony wasn't exactly the “by the book” type.

Anthony’s eyes never left Camilla when he spoke. “Lady Wellington,that is a stunning gown you are adorned in this evening.”

A slight blush tinged Camilla’s cheeks. “Thank you My Lord. I agree, it is an attractive gown, think it suits me nicely as well,” she responded confidently

Observing the interested exchanges amongst the four, the Countess began to plot.

“Have these courteous gentlemen requested a space on your dance cards?” The Countess prompted.

Remembering her promise to Camilla’s mother Elizabeth didn’t look for an excuse to deny dancing.

Taking the bait, Anthony responded, “That sounds like a lovely idea, Lady Camilla, may I have the honor of this dance?” Anthony offered.

Trying with difficulty to contain her enthusiasm, that a man as handsome as the gold Adonis before her was escorting her out on to the dance floor, Camilla gladly walked away with him.

Nicholas on the other hand wasn’t too pleased to be put on the spot. Knowing this girl’s mother, in her mind he would no doubt be betrothed to Lady Elizabeth by morning. Reluctant to hurt Elizabeth’s feelings, he offered her his hand.

Once on the dance floor Nicholas guided Elizabeth to the rhythm of the song. He spoke conversationally to his dance partner, “Your mother is very… bold if you do not mind me saying so.”

“She can be a bit over bearing at times, but I have found that if I agree to her once in a while it keeps the peace,” Elizabeth responded with a hint of laughter to in her voice. She heard the song that was playing and it was as if her dream came rushing back to her. Only this time all the blanks were filled in.

This is the song that was playing in my dream! I was wearing this same dress and… Elizabeth gasped to herself he was who I was dancing with! How can this be? How it is my dream has become a reality?

Replaying her dream in her mind, Elizabeth didn’t hear what Nicholas was saying. Noticing this Nicholas added sardonically.

“And that’s how I came to try on my first pair of heels…”

“What?? You wear heels??” She responded in shock.

“No, I simply said that because you were not listening to a word I was saying.Is it not typical of a lady like yourself who takes her beauty for granted?” Nicholas said not caring if he offended her.

“I beg your pardon sir! Who are you to judge me when you know nothing about me?” Elizabeth said trying not to let the rage inside her raise her voice.

“Oh I know plenty about you already. You deem it beneath your dignity to engage in conversations with people you presume inferior to your self elevated social status.”

Elizabeth gasped, but he continued his assassination nevertheless. “You also fail to make apologies for your apparent lack of good manners.

“My lack of manners? I have done nothing of the sort to you!”

“On the contrary Lizzy Lu.” Why did I just call her that? “This morning on Bond Street you did just that. When you so carelessly knocked right into my shoulder and not so much as turned around” he accused. “You simply continued on your way as if it wasn’t your fault and people should move out of your way.” Nicholas threw in her face.

“That was you?”She asked in astonishment.

“Ah so you do acknowledge that you rudely knocked into me and continued on.” He stated with a satisfied tone.

“I do recall bumping into someone this morning. But I am well mannered enough to admit it and apologize for my actions.”

“Yes you demonstrated that perfectly well this morning.” he said mocking her.

“For your information Sir, I went to do just that when Camilla grabbed me at that moment and ushered me into a ribbon shop.”

“So you do not have a mind of your own? You always do and go where you are told like a good little girl?” Nicholas said hoping to get her as angry as he was.

“How dare you! I have never met a more insufferable man in my life! Escort me back to my mother before you cause a scene. We are through dancing My Lord.”

“If it is a scene you wish to avoid then I suggest we continue this dance until the song ends to avoid any undue attention.”

Nicholas didn’t know why, but he was not ready to return Elizabeth back to her mother just yet. The woman got under his skin and angered him more easily than any other woman ever had. When she had instructed him to leave the dance early, a sort of panic quickly ran through him and he was not willing to part from her company.

“Fine, for appearance sake I shall finish this dance with you,” Elizabeth hurled softly. “but I will ask you kindly to not attempt to speak to me ever again, thank you very much. ” Elizabeth spat out at him, proud of herself, for somewhat containing her anger.

Elizabeth was so angry when the song ended that she almost left him on the dance floor instead of walking with him. She looped her arm in his and started the steady pace back in the direction of her mother. Deep in thought over his hurtful accusations, Elizabeth was taken by surprise when she was suddenly whipped out onto one of the terraces that lined the ball room. Slight panic ran through her when she saw that this terrace was quite secluded from everything and anyone’s eyes.

“What in the world do you think you are doing!?” She nearly screamed starring down at the hand that was tightly gripping her wrist.


Before Elizabeth knew what was happening, his lips forcefully took over hers. His arms wrapped around her tiny waist, pulling her stiff body tight against his.

It was as if every sense of hers heightened. She could feel how large his hands were as they splayed across her back. His rock hard chest pressing against hers. His powerful arms crushing her body to him. Her lips felt as if they were bruising her. She could taste a little bit of her own blood.

“You know if you relax this would be much more pleasurable for the both of us.” She heard Nicholas’ husky voice against her ear.

Still holding on to Nicholas, Elizabeth waited a second for feeling to return to her knees before she let go. Taking a step back, Elizabeth slapped him as hard as she could across his cheek.

“How dare you!”She glared at him accusingly.

With out saying another word, or waiting for a response, Elizabeth turned on her heel and left him standing there with naught but a welt in the shape of her hand spread across the left side of his face. Walking through the doors leading back to the ball room she could still hear the sound of Nicholas mocking laughter following her.

“My that was some show” Anthony said emerging from behind one of the vine covered balcony doors that had hidden him from view.

“Saw that did you?” Nicholas replied rubbing his cheek.

“Aye, that little chit has some spark to her doesn't she?”

“If you could feel the pain in my face you would not be asking that.” Nicholas said still rubbing the side of his face.

“No I suppose I would not. Tell me, what in the world possessed you to do something so brash? I know you find it irresistible to sample the delights of young maidens, but do you have to flout propriety so blatantly in a place as public as this? What if you were caught? You would be compelled to make an offer for the lady and you know marriage is not on your agenda right now!”. Anthony asked trying to stifle a smile while raising an eyebrow at his friend.

“To be honest with you Anthony I do not know.” Nicholas said looking rather sheepish.

“Well just be sure to keep this impulsive behavior of yours at bay, the last thing you want is a marriage to a woman you have no intentions to marry.” Anthony cautioned as he placed a friendly hand on Nicholas' shoulder.

“Duly noted. I think its time we take our leave.”

“Yes I agree. I am truly bored here. Though I'm sure that welt across your cheek will start whispers and no doubt gossip tomorrow should we leave through the front exit. Shall we find a less visual escape?”

“Yes that is a good idea. I believe there is a door on the wall in the far back of the garden.” Nicholas responded.

“Oh? And when did you have a chance to view the hidden recesses of the Winterhaven's estate?” Anthony said implying his friend had a secret rendezvous.

“I may have indulged in my own private investigation. “Nicholas said in a slightly bashful tone.

“Hmm, now that is something I wish I could have seen. You sneaking around like a common thief, plotting your escape ahead of time were you?”

“Possibly." Nicholas spoke mysteriously. “Now may we make use of the work I did and depart?”

“Of course, what say we visit Hunt and Hounds for a little “debauchery” before bed.” Anthony winked.

Hunt and Hounds had been the main gambling house Anthony and Nicholas preferred to frequent since they were young lads. When they were of an age, Anthony's father brought them to the establishment for their first taste of drunken revelry and to experience a woman in a way, to this point, that they had only yet to imagine.

“I will leave the debauchery to you, while I enjoy a few drinks and maybe a game or two of cards.”

Anthony nodded his agreement. “Shall we then?”

Motioning his hand to the stone stairs off the terrace that lead down into the gardens, they made their way down the path that would lead them in the direction of the hidden door, nodding to the people they passed. The two kept a steady pace in order to not draw attention their way. Once reaching the wooden door Anthony checked one last time that no one was looking before pulling on the handle.

“Its stuck!” He said, frustrated.

“Are you sure you are opening it correctly?” Nicholas inquired

“Do not mock me old man. I am well practiced in the art of opening doors.” Anthony said in an annoyed tone.

“Well that doesn't appear to be the case at this moment, move aside let me show you how it is done.”

Moving aside Anthony watched Nicholas approach the door, jiggle the handle a few times, push as hard as he could, then finally taking two large steps back he ran shoulder first at it nearly breaking the door off of its hinges.

“That is one way to go about it. And here I was under the impression we were avoiding being spotted sneaking away.”

Wincing at the loud crash the door made Nicholas' cheeks reddened a little.

“Its a good thing the music and commotion going on inside is too loud to hear anything this far away from it.”

You are just one big brute tonight aren't you. Now if you could bring the man back that has some restraint, I would rather prefer if I go home unescorted tonight due to my own accord, not yours.

Elizabeth couldn't believe the nerve Nicholas had. First insulting her as he did, then stealing a kiss from her and then laughing at her for being justifiably outraged for taking such liberties with her.

If I never see that cad again it would be too soon! Who does he think he is? Does he think he can just go around taking what ever he wants when ever he wants?!

Elizabeth steadied her breathing calming herself down as best she could. The last thing she needed was her mother questioning her demeanor for the rest of the night. Walking back to where Camilla and her mother were talking she noticed a look of confusion on their faces.

“Elizabeth darling, where is Lord Ravenhurst? I am sure he is gentleman enough to know that you always escort a lady back to her chaperones after a dance.”

“Lord Ravenhurst felt rather ill after the dance mother. Mentioned how warm it was in here so I suggested he take a step out on to the terrace to cool off in the nights breeze. I assured him I would be fine to find my way back to you unharmed.” Elizabeth lied better then she thought she could.

“My word I do hope he is alright, maybe we should bring him a cool refreshment.” The countess said reaching for a drink.

“That wont be necessary mother, I am sure he is doing just fine with the nights air.”

“And what of you Elizabeth? You are looking a little flushed as well. Are you feeling alright dear?”

Elizabeth's cheeks turned from pink to red when she realized that her face must still be blushed from the kiss. Thinking about the kiss again her stomach tightened causing her to instinctively place her hands over it.

“I am fine mother. It is a little warm in here you know.”

Countess Kincaid noticed Elizabeth's hands reach for her middle and commented...

“Yes well a place being warm does not cause you to hold your stomach. Come dear we will take you home to lay down. Don't want you becoming ill and missing most of your season now do we. Better take caution early. I will go find Countess Wellington and our fine hosts to inform them that we will be taking our leave sooner than expected.”

Elizabeth wanted to protest leaving since she had been there not long at all and only danced one dance. But she didn't think that she would be able to hide the feelings that were fighting inside her for the rest of the night. And from the looks of the ball it was going to a very long night at that.

Turning to Camilla she said “ Mother and I will be departing shortly. She believes I am ill and in need of rest.”

“Oh Lizzy are you alright?” Camilla asked with concern in her voice.

“Actually I am perfectly fine. If anything I am just infuriated at that scoundrel Nicholas Ravenhurst.”

“What? The two of you seemed to be becoming acquainted rather nicely on the dance floor. What happened?” Camilla asked in a low tone.

“It was all a show. He is a rouge of the worst sort Cam. If you wish to stay I shall tell you all about it on the morrow.” Elizabeth said trying to keep her voice at a low level as well.

“Dear me with information this intriguing I shall leave with you so you may tell me about it when we arrive at your house. I will inform mother that I am going to stay with you tonight to ensure that you are alright.” Camilla said hiding the excitement of what sounded to be a juicy story.

“Alright, let us say our good-byes then.”

Elizabeth and Camilla found their mothers in the crowd and made their way over to them. Gracefully weaving their way through to abundance of people cluttering the room.

“Jonathan!” Elizabeth exclaimed as she approached her mother and Countess Wellington.

“What ever are you doing here? I thought you decided not to come tonight.” She said excited to see her brother after the assault Nicholas played on her emotions.

“After seeing you in that gorgeous gown I thought it better then to let you go the night alone.” He said kissing his sister on her forehead.

“But I am not alone, mother, Camilla and Countess Wellington are here with me.” She responded innocently.

“Indeed they are, but since father could not make it I felt it better you have a man here to eye the gentlemen that may not be suitable for you.”

Elizabeth knew better. Jonathan's concern wasn't with assessing which man would be right for her, more so to keep the gentlemen away from her.

“How noble of you.” She said sarcastically.

“Rather thought so myself. Now let me have a look at that dance card of yours.” He said reaching for her wrist.

“Jonathan my boy that will not be necessary. We were just about to depart. Elizabeth here is not feeling too well and is in need of some rest.” Their mother chimed in.

“Oh? Is that so Lizzy?”

“Well I was but I seem to be feeling much better now, and I have yet to have my card filled. Jonathan would you like to take the first spot?” Elizabeth asked feeling a sense of calm now that her older bother was there.

“I would love to Lizzy.” He said smiling.

They waited for the next song to play since the current song had begun and the other guests had already started dancing. Jonathan wasn't too upset that he decided to come to the ball. After finding his mother and making his way over to her he was a bit disappointed that Elizabeth was no where be seen. Though after only a moment of searching for her in the crowd he spotted her and Camilla making their way over to them. Again Jonathan was none to happy to see his sweet little sister in such a mature looking gown. But he put the thought from his mind, they were already here, there was no need for him embarrass her over it any further. Looking around Jonathan took in everything there was to see.

Such a beautiful place. Truly luxurious. The Winterhaven's have always done well for them selves but I had no idea they did this well. Everything here is to the highest quality one could come by. Jonathan thought to himself.

Distracted by his critical scrutiny of the ballroom, Jonathan had not initially noticed Elizabeth in conversation with a gentelman.Thinking it time for big brother's presence to be felt ,Jonathan made his way to his sister's side.

"I trust you are enjoying the evening Elizabeth?" Jonathan's said eyes were glued to her companion.

Off course brother dearest is only interested in the identity of my companion. She said to herself

"I am enjoying the evening thank you Jonathan," she fired a knowing look at the brother. "I am sure you still remember Earl Carlisle."

Sudden recollection dawning on him, Jonathan exclaimed, “Julian Carlisle! So good to see you again old friend. Tell me when did you get back to town?” Jonathan inquired nostalgically at the sight of his child hood friend.

Julian Carlisle, Sixth Earl of Croydon, had been one of Jonathan's closest companions growing up. The two studied in school together and created quite a few memorable nights together as teenagers. After taking their tour of the continent, as most privileged men did fallowing graduation, Julian took over his fathers trading company. Where he frequently traveled with his ships when there was business to be handle in the Caribbeans. So it was no surprise seeing him talking with Elizabeth as if they had known each other for years. To Jonathan, Julian was his Camilla. Elizabeth knew him almost as well as he did.

“Why just last night, planned on coming by but it was dreadfully late and I thought you would be asleep. Mother mentioned that with this being your sister's first season I might find you here, keeping a close eye on her. And I see the old gal was right.” Julian responded with a smile.

“Ha.” Jonathan laughed. “Yes I would say that does appear to be the case, but as you can see with your own eyes Elizabeth has grown into quite the young woman.” He proudly stated, curving a possessive arm around his baby sister.

“Aye that she has.” Julian said as he took in a discreet eyeful of her. “Elizabeth, would you do me the honor of dancing with me, or is your card already full?"

“Only my over protective brother for the moment.” Elizabeth giggled.

“Though the dance after that has yet to be filled if you would like to take that one.” She said thrilled that the night seemed to be turning around for the better.

Camilla standing close by was listening to the conversation between their mothers with half an ear. She was much more interested with eavesdropping on the one her friend was having with the dashing young man but a few feet away. She could tell the tall, tanned, hazel eyed man was captured by Elizabeth's beauty. Fearing that if Elizabeth waited to dance with him he may find interest in the next woman he danced with, Camilla decided to interfere.

“Jonathan, do be a gentleman and let him have the next dance with Liz, if I heard correctly he has just returned home. What a nice way to start his home coming then to dance with our beautiful Lizzy.” Camilla said from beneath her eyelashes hoping he would not be able to deny her request.

Elizabeth blushed over Camilla's bold statement. Looking to Jonathan to read his reaction she was surprised when he conceded.

“Alright, but that leaves me without a partner myself you see, so you Camilla dear girl, you will just have to take her spot.” Jonathan said with a mischievous expression.

“Oh I would like nothing more My Lord.” Camilla nearly blushed herself.

Noticing Jonathan and Camilla were gazing at each other for longer than appropriate, Elizabeth looked for a distraction.

“Lord Carlisle, have you been introduced to my very dear friend Lady Camilla Wellington?”

“I have not, it is a pleasure to meet you Lady Camilla.” He said bending and placing a kiss on the back of her hand.

Camilla giggled at his over the top greeting. As he let go Camilla looked over to Jonathan to see his reaction to the show his friend had just displayed.

Is that jealously I see in John's eyes? I think it is, well he has no right to be jealous when he has yet to make clear his feelings for me. And I know there are some. I have noticed the way he looks at me when he thinks I am not paying attention. But I always am. Maybe if he sees enough gentlemen interested in me tonight it just might force his tongue to say something. At least I will know what his intentions finally are.

“Ah the next song. Shall we dance?” Julian held out his hand to Elizabeth.

“Yes we shall.” She answered placing her dainty hand in his rather large one.

Holding out his arm and guiding her in front of him, Julian stopped her for a moment.

“Pardon me My Lady, but there seems to be something stuck to your gown, hold still while I remove it for you.”

Elizabeth fought not to turn red at the embarrassment of this handsome man plucking something that did not belong off of her dress.

Oh my! How embarrassing! What could it be!?

“Ah there we are, it seems your necklace had slipped off and caught itself on your gown. Lucky that is. It would be a shame to lose something so beautiful. Looks a bit antique, a family heirloom?” he said showing her.

“Huh? That is not my...” Elizabeth was confused when he said it was her necklace. She hadn't worn a necklace to the ball.

Then the thought hit her.

He removed it from my hip. Well I have not been around any exceptionally short woman tonight nor have I stood closely next to anyone. No one has raised an alarm that their jewelery is missing, so it could not have come from one of the many woman I passed. It can only be from one person.What on earth would he be doing with this and how would it have became stuck to my dress? Is it for his mistress?! Was he holding it in his pocket and planning on giving it to her tonight when he saw her?!She jealously thought.

... What I mean is I am borrowing it from a friend. She thought it would bring me luck tonight.” Elizabeth lied for the second time.

“Well I hope it has.” Julian said hinting at himself as he turned her from him and placed the necklace around her neck.

Hunts and Hounds sat by the docks in a less than appealing area of London. A small building with one lantern dimly glowing above the front door gave the appearance as if the structure should be condemned. Nicholas and Anthony shamelessly walked through the front door and were met with an array of commotion, clouds of cigar smoke filled the inside, the sound of chips and cards being dealt met their ears, as did the music you could barley hear over the chaotic jumble of conversations. Nodding to the large doorman as they made their way past him, the dirt clad man grinned a toothless smile in return. Knowing they came here quite often, there was no reason for this beast of a man to question their appearance.

“Ah do you smell that Nick? It smells like a bloody damn good time to me!” Anthony stated excitedly.

Rolling his eyes, Nicholas put his arm around Anthony and said “My friend, you have one hell of an idea of what exactly fun is.”

“Aye that I do. And if my eyes do not deceive me I see my fun for the night right over there. Do not mean to be rude old man but you are on your own”.

At that Anthony winked at Nicholas and started towards the young brunette waitress. Nicholas laughed to himself over his friend's enthusiasm and scanned the room for an open table to join in a game of cards. Finding one quickly he joined in a hand of poker.

Nicholas seemed to be on a winning streak. After three games he had already won quite a hefty amount. The other men around the table were starting to get a bit angry at that, albeit Nicholas won them fair and square, he was taking all their money all the same. Just as he was about to excuse himself from the table and find another game to keep his attention, an attractive, rather large breasted waitress made her way over to him.

“Hello My Lord, is there anything you are in need of?” She asked as she leaned provocatively over his lap to grab a empty glass.

Knowing how the women here made a little extra money by entertaining men in the loft above, and changing his mind about not sampling the delights these women had to offer, Nicholas was happy to oblige her intentions. Pulling the waitress onto his lap he asked, “What is your name Miss?”

“My name would be Christina Sir.” she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“There might be something you can do for me Christina. You see, my friend over there has left me, and I find myself quite alone.”

“Is that so? Well with all the company at this table I hardly see how you are alone Sir.” Christina tauntingly purred.

Nicholas sighed. “Yes but you see I find myself tired of this game and this company, perhaps I am in need of some other entertainments.” He said as he brushed a blonde curl from her breast.

“Oh that can be arranged My Lord, follow me and I will show you to a much better game and morepleasurable company.” The waitress seductively said as she stood.

Standing Nicholas collected his winnings and bid the gentlemen a good night. They all but grumbled their good-byes in return, happy to have their chances at winning back with him gone.

The waitress stopped at the edge of the a staircase in the back of the building and waited for Nicholas. As he neared her his anticipation started to race. He placed himself so close to her he felt that if he took a deep enough breath he could pull down the rest of her top that was already barley hanging on to her chest. His right hand slid up the back of her neck and into her hair. His blue eyes turned a smoldering sapphire that seemed to burn a hole right through Christina. Wrapping her hair around his fingers, he forcefully pulled her lips to his. She yelped in surprise, but surrendered with ease. Pressing her body wantonly against his, he snaked an arm around her waist intending to pick her up and carry her the rest of the way. Feeling her body slide under his fingers Nicholas jerk to a halt. An image of Elizabeth smiling and laughing as he spun her around on the dance floor flashed before his eyes. The burning inside him quickly vanished. It was as if at the thought of her his body lost all interest in another woman.

WHAT THE HELL!? What is going on? Why am I suddenly not in the mood to toil with this little trollop? And where did that thought of 'her' come from?

“Are... are you alright My Lord?” the waitress asked when she felt his body go rigid and he did not respond to her touch.

“I..I am fine. Perhaps I have had too much to drink," Nicholas shook his head for effect. "Perhaps another time," he shut his eyes, hoping to get rid of the image of Elizabeth.

“Oh, alright?” She sighed disappointedly.

“Thank you nevertheless," He placed a few notes in her hand and left her standing by herself.

Frustrated at what just happened Nicholas ordered another glass of brandy and found his way over to the table he was at before.

“Ah gentlemen, it seems I left before I was ready to. What say we have another game?” He said hoping to take his mind off Elizabeth and the waitress.

“Why? So you may steal our money again?” One of the men that was in the previous games said.

Noticing that the man seemed to be quite a bit more foxed than he was before, Nicholas decided to laugh the comment off and make light of it.

“Ah, it is not stealing when you fairly win my friend.”

“ But it is when you cheat!” The drunk man said as he stood up knocking the table over with him.

“Cheat! I did no such thing! It is not my fault that I am a better card player than you are sir!” Nicholas shouted at the man, his anger rising at the accusation of cheating.

“A better card player you may be, but a fighter I think not!”

With that the man flew across the gap between them and swung a large fist at Nicholas' face. Nicholas dodged the blow at the last second. Wrapping his arms around the man's waist, he tackled him to the ground and pinned him there. The man's arm swung wildly but to no avail. With Nicholas holding his shoulders to the hard wooden floor, the man couldn't reach Nicholas' face. The drunken man was trying everything he could to wound Nicholas. He reached for the dagger he had hidden in his belt. Raising it up with the intentions to stab Nicholas in the ribs, the blade was knocked out of his hand. Nicholas had seen the light reflect off of it out of the corner of his eye and reacted instinctively. At the sight of the weapon, the anger inside Nicholas turned to pure rage. Lifting himself and balancing on his knees, Nicholas threw punch after punch to the man's face. Blood flew from his mouth and nose. Crimson drops splashed the front of Nicholas' face and shirt. The sight of the blood did not stop him though. He kept pummeling his rock like fists into the man's face. Nicholas could feel the bones crack under the impact of his hands.

It took four men to pull Nicholas off of the unconscious man laying on the floor. Looking down at the blood soaked wood, Nicholas felt nothing, not regret, not sadness, not anything. He was numb. Staring at the scarlet liquid covering his hands, all he could hear were the drops of blood dripping from them and hitting the floor.

Slowly the sound around him returned...

“Nick, Nick, Nicholas!” Anthony shouted in his face.

“We must to leave! They are threatening to call the authorities if we do not this instant!”

Nicholas turned a blank expression to his friend, nodded and started for the door. The crowd of people jumped back when he neared them, afraid to be his next victim. But that was the furthest thing from his mind. Nicholas wasn't normally a person who so willingly fought another man. On the contrary, he would strive to never throw a fist. His main plan in every physical conflict was to hold the man at bay until he calmed down enough for his senses to return. But the sight of the man's blade, the thought of the desperate lengths the man would go to to harm him, end his life sent Nicholas over the edge. He walked to their carriage and waited inside for Anthony to join him. Sitting quietly as Anthony went on about the fight in every detail Nicholas kept quiet. Replaying the event in his head scene by brutal scene.

The carriage stopped in front of Nicholas' home as Anthony said “Have you heard a word I have been saying? Do you not have anything to say in return old man?”

“Come by tomorrow.” Was what Nicholas left him with as he exited and made his way into the house.

Elizabeth danced, she dance the night away as if it were her last. There were many gentlemen throughout the night that she graced an extra smile for. There was the tall blonde one, the handsome stocky one, the rather short but very sweet one, that all treated her as if she were the crown jewel. But only one made her feel like a princess. And that one was Lord Julian Carlisle. With every turn on the floor, every dip, every bow, no matter what they were doing his eyes never strayed from her. Every word he spoke was for her ears only. Sure he was a gentlemen and danced with other ladies, but when ever the songs dance brought him to her direction his eyes would search for hers in the most discreet way, and she searched for him as well. Every time his eyes found her, she would meet his with a blush as her lashes feathered her cheeks for only a moment.

Before she knew it, the ball was over. Elizabeth had spent the night dancing, smiling and laughing away, that time seemed to get away from her. She was actually disappointed that the evening was over. Wishing that just for one more hour the night would go on, Elizabeth bid her farewells. As she was about to step into the waiting carriage and join her mother, brother, Camilla and Countess Wellington, she felt a gentle hand secretively wrap around hers. Looking down at the hand she followed its arm up to see the face of the one person she hoped her eyes would meet. Julian Carlisle stood before her, his eyes more intent then she had ever seen a mans befor.

“My Lady Elizabeth, I understand it is late and most unorthodox for me to be requesting this in this sort of manner, but should I call on you tomorrow, will you do me the honor of agreeing my request?”

Elizabeth didn't know what to say at first. An abundance of emotions ran through her. Looking into his eyes, the eyes that were once filled with the mischief of a boy not so many years ago, but now held the honesty of a man, she responded with enthusiasm.

“Lord Carlisle I would like nothing more than to visit with you on the marrow.” She accepted, her eyes locking with his flirtatiously.

With that he placed a gentle kiss upon the back of her hand as he lifted her into the carriage and bowed farewell.

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