Proxy Problems (Creepypasta x...

By HomicidalSweetheart

162K 3.6K 8.7K

(Y/N) was a normal, orphaned teenager. She had a bunch of disorders, her mother was dead, her father was... g... More

A/N Before we start...
1. Operation: Undercover
3. Interrogation
4. Competition
5. Oh... Joy
6. Secrets Revealed
7. Dude... we're Screwed
8. Dreams
9. Friends
10. Boys are Idiots
11. Gone
12. This is what love is like
13. Decision
14. What Happened?
15. Saving the Proxies
Warzones: Sneak Peak
Nearing the End

"Mood Swings"

17.3K 370 1.9K
By HomicidalSweetheart

~Your PoV~

"CREATIVITY!" I yelled as I ran through the house with multiple paintbrushes covered in various colors of paint. I splashed the walls, the floors, the counters... about anything and everything I set my eyes on.

I felt energized and danced every so now and then to the radio that blasted Mad Hatter by Melanie Martinez.

"I'm peeling the skin off my face! Cuz I really hate being safe!" I yelled through giggles

Yup, just a normal day. Normal if you had split personalities.

Oh! And the best part is, as soon as I switch back to normal, I won't remember a single thing that's happened. Including the occasional murders.

But I do that when I'm... well.... Me. So no big difference, right? Right.

"Ooh! Lefty's sooooo gonna hate this!" I yelled

Did I mention that I had two split personalities? Well, I have. I call them Lefty and Righty. Their personalities resembles the two sides of my brain. The right side, creativity, sloppiness, all the fun and color, would be Righty. The left side, being order, neatness and logic, is Lefty. Me, as in (y/n) (l/n) is an equal balance of the two.

You can pretty much guess which one I'm now.

After a while, I grew a bit tired and stood in the middle of the living room, catching my breath, twitching every few minutes.

In case you were wondering, I have Tourette's. Before you start wondering what other disorders I have, I'll just tell you. I've been 'diagnosed' with schizophrenia, but believe me when I say, those things are real!

What's the point anyway?

No one cares.

I'm a freak, no one's gonna listen.

I sat down on the living room floors, dropping the paint brushes on the floor next to me. I sighed.

Crossing my legs and looking down, I briefly closed my eyes and reopened them, the last hour or so missing to me.

Wonderful. I'm back to normal. Uh... normal-ish.

I twitched and stood up, examining the scene. Colorful splotches of paint was everywhere. I accidentally stepped on a paintbrush and picked up the rest. I went to the kitchen sink and started washing them, then walking the Art room, or better known as Righty's room. My split personalities basically became different people, trapped in one body.

My home consisted of a few rooms, it wasn't very large, but very nice for a 16-year-old living on her own. Yeah, I'm basically an orphan. Add that to the pile of DIFFERENT. My mother died when I was young and I never formally met my father, but I knew who he was. He knew me too. That is all information that's needed.

My home had two bedrooms, mine and a guest bedroom, a bathroom, a large living room with a TV, multiple gaming consoles and two couches.

There was the Righty's room, which was basically a big room with art canvasses, musical instruments and a computer all lazily and messily placed around the room. There was no order, no neatness, and all a bunch of colors.

Basically, Lefty hates it.

Right across the room of 'OCD's Worst Nightmare', was Lefty's room. In it, was various bookcases, filled with books that's organized alphabetically, a desk with a high-tech computer, fit for hacking, and my school bag. All of it neat, clean and devoid of color. All black and white and looking modern.

Meaning: Righty is bored out of her mind in here.

After cleaning most of my mess, being too lazy to do a good job, I decided to play some video games in my room. For the next few hours, I played Dragon Age: Inquisition, cursing every time I twitched and pressed the wrong button. After I while, I stopped and went to get myself something to eat. After standing for little over ten minutes in the kitchen, debating what I wanted to eat, I settled for a slice of cheesecake.

While I silently munched on my cheesecake, I felt dizzy, and closed my eyes, and when I reopened them, I was suddenly all logic and neatness.


I examined the room, seeing poorly-cleaned paint splotches covering the walls.

"Goddamit. I hate it when everything's a mess. Righty, you are seriously annoying me!" I yelled to no one, really. I finished my cheesecake and started to furiously scrub the paint off the walls.

Why do I always have to clean up the mess? Can't she be NEAT for once in her lifetime?!

Soon, I had all color erased from the walls and floors. Feeling satisfied with myself, I trudged to my room, turning on my computer. Let's see if I can hack some unlucky loser's computer. But just as I started, My eyelids drooped and I was back to normal.

"Goddamit! Ugh..." I groaned, standing up. As I walked back to the kitchen, wondering if my cheesecake was still there, a knock sounded on my front door.

Surprised, I looked at the door, frowning slightly. Another knock sounded and I snapped out of my frozen state and went to open the door. On the other side, stood three teenaged boys.

"Well shit. This is new." I muttered.

I don't know if this was a prank or if these guys were just weird, but all three of them had masks on. Something clicked in my mind, and a forgotten memory popped up.

Oh! Right! There's some freaks with masks that were after me! But... these guys looked different. Their masks didn't match, and they were young. Their masks were also way different than the other guys'.

What if they're hallucinations?

Hesitantly, I lifted my hand and lightly poked the guy in front in the center of his chest. When my hand didn't pass through, I recoiled and squeaked. I jumped back and exclaimed: "Shit!"  

Grabbing my back-up weapons, which I always kept close to the door in case this happens, and pointed a gun at the guy on the left, and raised an axe in front of the guy in front.

"Who are you and what do you want?!" I demanded, social-anxiety disappearing and my neck twitching involuntarily.

The boys stiffened, obviously surprised, but didn't respond.

"Better answer, I have Tourette's, meaning my finger could twitch any moment now and blast your buddy's brains out." I said, jerking my head towards the guy I was pointing my gun at, who was wearing a mouth guard and orange goggles.

"Y-you have Tourette's too?" he asked. I looked at him. Too? Meaning he has this god-awful disorder as well?

"Well, yeah, but we're getting off topic here!"

The guy in the center, who was wearing a white mask with black features, cleared his throat and straightened up.

"Erm... I'm Tim, or Masky, Twitchy, here, is Ticci Toby, or just Toby and this is Brian, or Hoodie."

I looked at all three of them.

The one on the left had a black ski-mask with red eyes and a frown stitched on it. He wore a yellow hoody, hence the name, and light blue jeans. He was looking slightly down, hands in his hoody pockets.

The guy in the middle, or Masky, had a tan jacket and grey pants, dark brown, almost black, hair was seen sticking out from under his hood. By the way his mask was tilted, I guessed he was smiling.

The last guy, known as Toby, had a grey-brown jacket, black jeans and chestnut colored curls sticking up in various directions. His head was tilted to the side curiously, observing my every move.

Despite the masks, they looked relatively normal. For some reason, I felt like I could... trust them.

I stepped aside, allowing them to come in. They hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside. They were so tall! How the hell am I supposed to look menacing when I'm only 5'3?! The tallest guy, being Masky, was probably an entire foot taller than me!

While closing the door, I heard a sickening crack, which was Toby cracking his neck.

"Ooh.. that sounded like it hurt" I said.

"Nah, I can't feel pain. I'm okay" he replied. I stared at him, mouth hanging open.

"Lucky! Of all disorders, I had to be stuck with the annoying ones! No pain sounds so awesome!"

Toby snickered at my antics, and I smiled. I think I made a good impression on him. Good.

I looked over to the one named Hoodie. He didn't say anything yet. Kinda reminded me of myself when I'm usually around people, but at the moment I don't exactly have a choice but to talk to them, do I?

I walked over to him and looked up at him, right where his eyes should be. I raised my hands to the sides of his stitched frown and lifted the corners, attempting to make it look like a smile.

"Smile~" I sang, smiling. He pulled away, and judging by his body language, he was probably blushing. I smiled a bit more and a little blush seeped up my cheeks as well.

"Well! I think I made a good impression on everyone! You hungry? I have... cheesecake. And waffles!" I said, perking up. Uh oh, Righty is trying to escape.

"Oh no you don't..." I muttered to myself.

I walked over to the kitchen and the boys excitedly followed.

...Maybe they really like waffles and cheesecake...?

~ Hoodie's PoV~

We trudged through the forest, going over our target's information.

It was late afternoon, the sun beginning to set, since these two kept bickering and slowed down the preparation. We had our weapons, just in case something happened, but hid them to look less... suspicious. Although, I couldn't help thinking that we forgot something...

I shook my head and focused on the papers in my hand.

Name: (y/n) (l/n)

Age: 16

Height: 5'3

Race: Partially Human, but otherwise unknown.

Parents: Mother- DEAD

             Father- (crossed out)

Description: Pale, almost pure white, (e/c) eyes, (h/l) (h/c) hair and very skinny. Has a slightly round-ish face, what humans would call a 'baby-face' even. I'm trying to be as specific as possible, seeing as I don't have any photos of her.

Disorders: I do not know how many she has, but I have noted that she has Split personalities, like Timothy, which she calls 'Lefty' and 'Righty', since they resemble the left and right sides of her brain, Creativity and Order. She also has schizophrenia, which is mainly my fault, but I'm the only 'delusion' that's real, if my speculation is correct. She might be bipolar, but that  could just be her Split Personalities.

Status: Lives on her own, in a small town near the Slender Woods. Has unusual abilities that are unknown even to me. DO NOT PROVOKE HER.

Mission: You are to befriend her, and bring her to the Mansion WILLINGLY. Ensure she doesn't get harmed, so protect her at ALL COSTS. DO NOT let her know of me, or that you work for me. Try to seem as normal as possible. Stay as close to her as possible, and do not let her out of your sight.

"Gee, if this girl is freaky enough that even Slender doesn't know what she is, we should sure as hell be careful" I said, reading over the papers out loud.

"Why is her father crossed out like that? Is Slender hiding something?" Masky asked.

"Heck if I know...." I muttered.

"Guys, I think that's her house!" Toby exclaimed as we broke through the dark barrier of trees.

As we neared her house, I still couldn't shake the feeling that we forgot something...

Masky knocked on the door.


We waited a few seconds then he knocked again. This time she opened the door.

She was pretty, and a few inches shorter than me. She looked surprised to see us, and was frowning slightly, slowly, she raised her hand and poked Masky. She squeaked and jumped back. C'mon, we're not that strange!

I looked at Masky, then noticed why she's so freaked out. Our Masks! We forgot to take off our masks!

Well, no use in pretending now. Masky seemed to notice this, and decided to drop the 'normal' act. I stared at the floor, feeling like an idiot, and almost didn't notice when the others were walking inside.

We stepped into the living room, which had a kitchen that was separated from the living room by a long counter. It was nice. I still wasn't focusing on the girl... that is, until she stepped in front of me.

She lifted her hands to my face and lifted the corners of my stitched frown, in attempt to create a smile.

"Smile~" she sang, giving me a small smile. I blushed and recoiled from her touch.

Good thing I wear a mask. I'm way too easily flustered for a killer. Heck, I'm too easily flustered for a normal guy! Stupid social anxiety...

"You hungry? I have... cheesecake. And waffles!" she said to all of us. I perked up at the sound of my favorite food, and followed her to the kitchen.

~Toby's PoV~

I bounded over to the kitchen, helping the (h/c) haired girl make waffles. She already cut two slices of cheesecake for my partners and was now smiling like an idiot. This must be her 'Righty' personality that Slender mentioned in the report. I like it! Reminds me of myself.

"Waffles~! I love waffles~" she sang, and bounced around the kitchen, searching for something to put on her waffles.

She looked over to the messy counters and started giggling.

"Oohhh! Lefty's gonna be sooooo annoyed!" she said, sounding like a child who gloated over the fact that they're friend got in trouble.

"Hehe, Lefty is sounding an awful lot like Masky" I said, chuckling at how adora- I mean silly she was.

"Hehe then she might just be good friends with him! Ooh! we need music! SILENCE IS BBOORRIINNGG~!" she sang, skipping towards a radio that was standing on the counter next to the fridge. She turned it on to 'Happy Song' by Bring me the Horizon.

Odd that the perky personality likes metal.

She turned around, still smiling and faced us. Suddenly, her smile dropped and she stumbled a bit, clutching her head. She righted herself and shook her head. She opened her eyes and surveyed the scene, to the music blaring, the messy counters and the three boys watching her with much interest.

"Aw, shit, not again!" she whined and plopped down on a chair and hit her head on the table once.

"Judging by the mess, I'm guessing... Righty? All perky and Creative?" she asked, her face still schmushed against the table.

"Yup! She's fun!" I said, walking up to her.

"Sorry... I have split personalities... I can't control it." she mumbled.

"Don't worry, I know how you feel. I have split personalities too." Masky said.

It's true. He has caring, determined and friendly Tim, and his more frequent personality, which is insane, cruel and irritable Masky.

His personalities doesn't bother him anymore though, since Tim basically became a bit insane too. Along with Hoodie. But Hoodie didn't have split personalities, he just chose to change his identity, insisting that he no longer felt like the calm, normal person he used to be.

I wasn't part of their pasts though.

(Y/n) seemed to feel better, knowing she had met people who shared her disorders.

She looked over to Hoodie.

"You're still not smiling" she said.

"It's not like I have a choice" he said.

(Y/n) stared at Hoodie, mouth hanging open then gave a small giggle.

"He spoke! Yay! Hahaha!" she giggled and smiled, pumping her fists in the air because she succeeded in her attempt. Hoodie looked away and scratched his neck, obviously blushing. This annoyed me for some reason.

Determined to get attention back on me, I tried talking to the strange girl.

"So... do you have any other disorders? I'm bipolar and... nope that's it. Tourette's, C.I.P.A and I'm Bipolar." I said.

She looked at me and thought for a while.

"Hmmm... Let's see, I have Split personalities, Tourette's and.... schizophrenia, but I swear that... thing was real!" she said, looking at me.

"Interesting.. What... was this 'thing?'" I asked.

"I... don't know. There's this... demon thing, but the most frequent was that fuck-face Slenderman." she said. We stiffened. Shit... she knows.

"S-Slenderman? That's just a legend" I said, laughing awkwardly.

"Bullshit." she stated plainly. She sounded irritable. Like Masky.

"Okay, fine, if you say so. Wait, what about the other one? The demon?"

"I... don't know. I tried searching online for info, hacked into a few government secret case files, but found nothing." she said. Hacked? This chic has skills.

I didn't respond though. She spotted something on the table near Masky, then growled, grabbing a rag in the sink and went over to the spot, wiping away a syrup stain.

This must be her other personality, Lefty.

She saw my confused face and said: "Sorry. Sometimes I can be a bit... OCD."

She looked at Masky, then tilted his mask right, which was slightly crooked. Noticing what she did, she grunted and flicked her forehead.

"Stop it!" she said to herself. I snickered.

I think I like this chic.

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