You used to be mine

By TinaEmma

45.4K 1.4K 82

Selena Gomez is 24 years old, she is just about the most famous singer in the whole wide world... She hid her... More

-Chapter 1.
-Chapter 2.
-Chapter 4.
-Chapter 5.
-Chapter 6.
-Chapter 7.
-Chapter 8.
-Chapter 9.
-Chapter 10.
-Chapter 11.
-Chapter 12
-Chapter 13.
-Chapter 14.
-Chapter 15
-Chapter 16.
-Chapter 17.
-Chapter 18.
-Chapter 19.
-Chapter 20.
-Chapter 21.
-Chapter 22.
-Chapter 23.
-Chapter 24.
-Chapter 25.
-Chapter 26.
-Chapter 27.
-Chapter 28.
-Chapter 29.
-Chapter 30.
-Chapter 31.
-Chapter 32.
-Chapter 33
-Chapter 34
-Chapter 35
-Chapter 36.
-Chapter 37.
-Chapter 38.
-Chapter 39
-Chapter 40.
-Chapter 41.
-Chapter 42.
-Chapter 43
-Chapter 44.
-Chapter 45.
-Chapter 46.
-Chapter 47.
-Chapter 48.
-Chapter 49.
-Chapter 50.
-Chapter 51.
-Chapter 52.
-Chapter 53.

-Chapter 3

1.4K 41 3
By TinaEmma

Selena's POV

I'm middle of flipping a pancake when I hear someone throw up, Maddie looks up from the pancake that she was eating. I still haven't talked to Melanie about Maddie, I don't know how she will react, to finding out she has a sister.

"Mommy! Taylor is throwing up in my bathroom" Melanie comes running and hugs my legs, she didn't even notice Maddie.

"Darling it's alright, we clean it up" I say and rubbed her back. She just found out, but I mean what do I know.

I walk down the hallway, to see Taylor laying on the floor half asleep.
I gently shake her, and she turns her eyes right at me.

"You startle me" she says making her stare more intense.

"Come on we needs to get you together" I grab her trying to pull her up so she would stand up.

"Come on, I go get the girls lunch box ready, then when I get back or you come out you'll be ready" I look at her and she nods just like a little girl. I hear two little feet coming toward us down the hallway.

"Mommy you know there is a girl in the kitchen right?" Melanie comes into the bathroom as well, she does not know why Maddie is in the kitchen. Taylor suddenly burst into laughter.

"What did I say wrong?" Melanie asks confused and pouts.

"Nothing is wrong honey, your auntie is just weird" I gave Taylor a glare.

I lead Mel out of the bathroom to give Taylor some space, and get her ready. She promised yesterday that she would be there for Melanie's first preschool day. I've decided that is only fair, if Maddie isn't home 'schooled' then Melanie shouldn't.

"Mommy look I'm done" Maddie says when we got back to the kitchen. "Are you going to drop me off at preschool?" She asked hopeful, it's been a while since I have dropped her off.

"She is my mommy" I hear Melanie whisper a little to loud. Maddie does not like sharing me, and last night I told her about her little sister she seemed to be happy, maybe because she didn't think she would stay here for long.

"Well she was my mommy first you little brat" Maddie replied, she did not want to put up with her at all.

Melanie's eyes started to water up, the tears streamed down her face.

"Madison! That was not nice, did daddy tell you that?" I ask her, I know Justin have had a tough time lately, that might have had influence on her behaviour.

"Daddy wasn't there for me so..." She says shrugged her shoulders. What Justin wasn't there, he told scooter loud and clear I was even there when he told helium, he would be there for her step by step.

"Wait daddy weren't there? Where was he?" I ask, my blood is boiling, he better not be fooling around with girls while my daughter is there!

"He was partying with Sofia, and she hit me" she answered, I could hear that she isn't suppose to tell me, but I'm her mother she should tell me. How could just leave your daughter alone, she is like four years old she needs her daddy just like she needs her mommy. When the mommy can't be there then the dad should and conversely.

"I'm ripping his head of" I whisper to my self.
I pick Melanie up, and Taylor comes back this time put together. I honestly don't know how long she'll stay,but she is welcome everyday.
"Who's ready for pre school" she asked excited and clapped her hands.

I noticed that her belly wasn't small I mean it looks like she is 6 months pregnant, she has just been wearing loose clothes so I didn't even notice, but in that case the baby can't be Toms baby. Omg it's Calvin.

This can't be good for them or the baby, they fought on social media that means they are not on good terms. Why didn't she just tell me the damn truth. I don't feel like fighting right now since I just got the girls to calm down. Maybe later I will.

We arrived the pre school, Maddie didn't seem to be happy Melanie was there with her, she doesn't like her like last night.

"Stop being a brat she is you little sister" I couldn't take this anymore out of all the people I love but hey are fight the most. Her eyes starts to tear up, I gave Taylor a nod to just take Melanie to her class.

I have some alone time with Maddie now so I can catch up, and know why she is acting this way.

"Maddie, what happened to my little girl" I ask her and take both of her hands in mine.

"Mommy you don't love me anymore" she say and reach for me to hug her. Me heart just broke into a million pieces.

"Madison Bieber Gomez, if you think anyone is not gonna love you anymore? Mommy and daddy are the last person you need to think of, we are the ones who loves you the most okay" I say trying hard to make her understand.

"Then why don't you be together" she ask looking up at me.

"What do you mean honey?" I ask her gently.

"Daddy and you, as a family" she sobs against my chest.

"Oh honey, maybe someday we will" I say scared to make her a promise, I miss him a lot.

She took of running, she didn't look back, I get back to the car Taylor was waiting, I broke down in tears.

I don't know I just feel like my life is so messed up right now. I just cancel the rest of my tour.
My fans will be so disappointed of me. Taylor is pregnant I tried to be there for her, but it is to much all of it.

"Selena honey what is wrong" Taylor asked me, I didn't even notice her climbing besides me.

"Am I a bad mother?" I sob and rest my head on the steering wheel.

"What no! Who told you that?" She asked furiously, the hormones I shake my head smiling.

Taylor doesn't understand.

"Taylor how long are you" finally got that out of the system.

She didn't seem to want to tell me but I think she is still trying to hide what she is hiding I mean why can't you just tell me that Calvin  is the daddy.

"I don't now okay"  she screams And broke down in tears too.

"You don't know? How long has it been since you had you know?" I fell like it is a little awkward talking about it.

"6 month with Calvin" she says and I slap my forehead. Jeez Tay? And I make bad life choices.

The rest of the The rest of the Drive we didn't talk much. We sat in silence.
She only asked if she could stay with me for a while. No one know that she is pregnant except me.

Taylor is laying on the couch sleeping, she sleeps a lot lately, which make total sense.

The hours went by me watching gossip girl, I have just watched a whole season. I let Taylor sleep, and I had to get my girls. I don't remember where their class room are.p, but I just have to ask I guess.

I did just find Maddies class room, she moved to another class. I see a brunette standing there with her and she reaches up for him. I walk up to him and he tuned around.

I gasped, Justin I haven't seen him in a long time like this wearing normal clothes and not sweaty.
"J-J-Justin? What are you doing here" I asked trying to get my self together.

"I'm picking up our daughter" he says like it is obvious I reach for her and she jumped into my arms laying her head on my chest.

"As far as I'm concerned, you haven't been taking care of her, As you promised" I almost shouted.

"Well you haven't either have you" he shakes his head "you just got pregnant, what a slut"

"Don't you dare, she is a precious little girl, she got a bigger heart at the age of three than you and you're 22" I screamed at her.

I quickly regret it. I see my little Melanie crying and she ran over to hug my legs.
"Who is a the father? Huh do you know or do you just get knocked up?" He screamed at me and Maddie starts crying too.

"Great, and by the way I've only slept with one in my entire life, and haven't you been busy? Hailee and the Sofia you went low" and walked out of the classroom with two very upset little girls.

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