Revulsion [zm au]

By ace100

623K 29.5K 7.3K

❖1950's❖ It was wrong, so very wrong. I knew that I shouldn't have felt the way I did towards him, but I did... More

Twenty One.
Twenty Two.
Twenty Three.
Twenty Four.
Twenty Five.
Twenty Six.
Twenty Seven.
Twenty Eight.
Twenty Nine.
Thirty One.
Thirty Two.
Thirty Three.
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five


14K 646 184
By ace100

*Chapter unedited*

Rain. One of my least favorite things in the world. It's cold and wet, and always seems to find a way to ruin your clothes. To my utter dismay, I was forced to walk in this horrid weather. Why? Because my mother found it necessary that I go out and fetch my father a pack of Cuban cigars.  

You see, the building that sold tabacco products was right down the block from us so a car wasn't required. 

"Excuse me." I mumbled as I accidentally pushed into someone on the sidewalk.  

"It's okay beautiful." the person stated. I snapped my head around, recognizing the voice immediatley.


He grinned brightly at me, pure joy in his eyes. 

"Oh, Liam...hello." I greeted in surprise. I didn't expect him to be out on a day like this. Even though he was prepared with his large black coat and umbrella.

"As much as I am pleased to see you, I'm curious as to why you are out here on such a dreadful day." he said holding his one palm up as rain drops fell on it.

I clutched my coat closer to me, "My father needed some cigars." 

"Ah, I see. Well here, I'll walk with you, seeing as I have an umbrella. No need for you to catch yourself a cold because you got soaked." he said, shuffling closer to me so that we both now stood under his umbrella.

"Thank you." I smiled, glad I wasn't exposed to the cold water anymore.

"My pleasure." he said, staring down at me with gentle eyes. He scanned my face carefully, momentarily stopping on my lips.

"Shall we go?" I questioned softly, finding myself getting lost in his brown marble like eyes.

"Of course." he murmured, continuing to stare at my mouth.

I turned away quickly, feeling my cheeks burn.  My feet began to move forward, and soon enough we were both walking in sync.

"How have you been Elizabeth?" he asked curiously.

"I've been well. You?" I asked looking up at him for a second. I wasn't surprised when I found him staring at me.

"I've been great. Even though I will admit I did miss you greatly." he said sweetly.

I chuckled, feeling a weird sensation in my stomach.

"Miss me?" I questioned with a small smile.

He smiled back, "Of course. How could one not miss someone like yourself?" 

I giggled, "Mr Payne, you must stop with the compliments for I will just continue to blush like a mad woman." 

He grinned widely, "But I very much enjoy watching you blush."

I shyed away, looking straight forward. Luckily the cigar shop was close.

"You're too sweet Liam." I said seriously as we stepped towards the front doors.

Like any gentleman he opened the door for me, standing to the side patiently. I mumbled a quiet thank you, relieved to feel the heat from inside the shop hit my cold face.

"You're very welcome my love." he said, folding his umbrella and coming up beside me again.

I looked around the shop, finding the proper isle. I walked over, Liam following silently.

"Which kind does he like?" he questioned peering at the selection.

"Uh, Cuban...." I said, suddenly unsure of which box to choose. How was I to know anything about cigars?

"Oh, I believe we must go up to the register since they come imported." Liam said knowingly.

I blushed in embarassment, "Oh...I'm sorry, I just have no clue about tobacco products."

He waved his hand, "Do not apologize. It's no big deal my dear."

I smiled, admiring Liam's kindness. 

"Come." he said holding his hand out for me.

I stared at it for a moment, growing shy again. I carefully grabbed it, surprised by how soft and warm it was. 

Like a baby's bottom.

We walked to the counter where a large burly man stood, leaning on his elbows as he read today's morning paper.

"Excuse me?" Liam spoke first.

The man looked up, his pale blue eyes glancing at us. He stood up straight, giving a small smile.

"How may I help you two?" he questioned.


"Thank you again Liam." I said gratefully as we walked down the sidewalk. Fortunatley,the rain had stopped which meant we didn't need the umbrella anymore.

"Oh no need. If anything, I'm glad I was there to help you....I was like your knight in shining armour." he joked with a gentle smile.

I smiled, enjoying his company greatly. I guess I was now developing a crush on him....after all these years.

Suddenly his hand brushed against mine, and soon enough we were holding hands. I loved how warm and soft they were. 

"Well here we are." Liam stated, his tone filled with sadness. I looked up at my home, also feeling a bit saddened.

"Here we are." I copied, turning my body so we were facing each other, our hands still attached.

"I hope to see you soon." he said gazing down at me again with that adoring look.

I bit my lip hesitantly, "Me too."

Suddenly something in the corner of my eye moved, and I couldn't help but look in that direction.

To my surprise I saw Zayn working on our lawn. He was picking up the decorative rocks my mother wanted on our pathway. 

I clenched my jaw, noticing that his tan long sleeved shirt was soaked from the rain that showered before. His chest muscles were obvious for it stuck to his lean figure. His hair was drenched, some of it pushed back and the rest flopping all over the place. To say he looked absolutley beautiful was an understatment. I didn't think  someone could look so wonderful when soaked from the rain.

He must be freezing though. How could my parents make him work in this weather!?

I turned away, looking up at Liam. "I'll see you sometime this week?" I questioned.

He eyes lit up in pure joy, "Yes. Of course. Any day will work for me." 

"Wonderful. Goodbye Liam." I said, unclasping our hands. With some confidence, I leaned up, pressing my lips softly against his cheek.

I pulled back, meeting the shocked eyes of Liam. 

I giggled before turning away and walking up my driveway.

"Goodbye beautiful!" he hollered, his voice laced with excitment.

I smiled, my eyes staring at the ground as I walked.

I continued walking but found myself stopping once I reached the area in which Zayn was working.

To my surprise he had stopped and was watching me.

"Hi." I said, suddenly feeling self concious.

"Hello Miss." he greeted, face impassive. 

My eyes lingered, taking in the small stubble that covered his jaw. His eyes lashes were wet, making them appear darker than they usually are.

"Why are you working today? It's freezing out and not to mention wet." I blurted.

 "Your mother wanted this done today." he answered, motioning around him.

"Oh." I said dumbly, continuing to stare at his attractive face. He stayed silent, water droplets falling from his hair and onto his face.

"You are going to catch cold." I said softly, my voice filled with worry.

His features suddenly softened, his mouth parting slightly. 

"You should come inside. My parents shouldn't be home, I believe they left a few minutes after I did to go visit a friend." I said clutching my coat closer to me. I was beginning to shiver from the cold, my lips probably blue.

He reached up, running his fingers through his black hair. I couldn't help but admire his natural beauty.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to be a-"

"I'm positive. Please come in, and have something hot to drink. I would feel awful if you were to get sick." I said seriously, finding myself concerned for his health.

"Thank you." he said softly, peering at me with his honey brown eyes that make my heart rate accelerate.

"Come." I said, nodding towards my home.

He walked towards me, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He came up beside me, his strides matching my own.

I glanced up at him as we walked, blushing brightly when we shared eyecontact.

(A/N) First, I'm sorry for not updating in forever! Secondly, thank you for all the support! And thirdly, please check out my new Louis Tomlinson fanfic, I'll be starting it soon! 

Comment and vote! Thanks <3


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