Broken: a Draco Malfoy Love S...

By sarahslytherin

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The Malfoy and Burke families are two of the most wealthy, pure-blooded wizarding families living upper-class... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - The Upper Side
Chapter 2 - Secrets & Lies
Chapter 4 - A Familiar Portrait
Chapter 5 -Third Time Lucky
Chapter 6 - High Inquisitor & the King
Chapter 7 - Draco's Nightmare
Chapter 8 - The Truth Be Told
Chapter 9 - Betrayal of the Best Friend & Boyfriend
Chapter 10 - Rise to the Downfall
Chapter 11 - The Queen of Scheme Enthroned
Chapter 12 - The Snake
Chapter 13 - Burke Estate
Chapter 14 - Dark Christmas
Chapter 15 - Annoyance
Chapter 16 - The New Years Eve Ball
Chapter 17 - Passionate Beasts
Chapter 18 - The Return
Chapter 19 - Déjà Vu
Chapter 20 - The Breakout
Chapter 21 - Queen of Hearts
Chapter 22 - Wicked Games
Chapter 23 - Begged by Blaise
Chapter 24 - Spring, Sunsets & Shrivelfigs
Chapter 25 - Holding On
Chapter 26 - The Quibbler Issue
Chapter 27 - The New Head
Chapter 28 - Chaos
Chapter 29 - Changing for the Worse
Chapter 30 - Easter Break
Chapter 31 - Rufus Returns
Chapter 32 - Waiting Games
Chapter 33 - Hogwarts or Torture
Chapter 34 - I Know You
Chapter 35 - Beauty & The Feast
Chapter 36 - End of Examinations
Chapter 37 - Beginning of the End

Chapter 3 - Umbridge's Request

24.8K 471 286
By sarahslytherin

The first week back dragged on slowly and the fifth-years already had mountains of homework. September soon became October and the days seem to become windier, rainier and drearier than ever. Draco sat in Charms on a Wednesday afternoon, towards the end of October, staring dully out the window at the tar-black sky, considering ways of how to use his Prefect status to his advantage. There was a soft tapping on the window, which then became a pitter-patter. He watched students running for cover near the edge of the Forbidden Forest where Hagrid taught his terrible lessons (he still hadn't forgotten the lesson two years ago where he had been attacked by an ugly beast). Just as the beads of water falling from the sky became even heavier, there was a loud knock at the door of the classroom. It swung open and a short woman, over-dressed in pink came into view. It was Professor Umbridge.

"Hem-hem ..."

Professor Flitwick turned from the blackboard he was writing on, "Good afternoon Professor Umbridge," Flitwick addressed her sounding slightly bothered.

"Good afternoon," She replied in her high-pitched, girlish voice.

"What can I do for you?" Flitwick squeaked.

"I'm wondering whether I may have a word with Mr Malfoy and Miss Burke? It shouldn't take too long."

Draco sat up a little higher at the sound of his name and Alexia's.

"Um, yes ... sure," Flitwick stuttered.


Draco followed Alexia's lead and stood from his seat, following her out the door to where Umbridge now stood.

"Excuse me Professor?" Alexia said in her overly politer, foolishly sweet voice, "Have we done something wrong?"

Professor Umbridge flashed her wide toad-like smile, "Well of course not!" She exclaimed in a sugary-voice, "Just follow me!" She motioned them towards her with her stubby, ring-adorned fingers, then set off, bobbing up and down as she walked.

Draco exchanged a confused look with Alexia, but didn't dare to speak seeing as Alexia had taken to ignoring him after his remarks about Blaise.

They ended up in Umbridge's office, which was unsurprisingly covered in everything pink. There were pink seat covers, pink-feathered quills, doilies, bottles of perfumes and a shelf filled with china-plates each with a different cat painted on them that meowed and moved around constantly.

"Do sit," Umbridge said as she took a seat behind her desk which was topped with pink cushions.

Draco and Alexia abided and each took a seat on the pink chairs on the other side of her desk.

"I take you are wondering why I have brought you here?"

Draco and Alexia nodded.

"Well, I believe your families have a-" she paused, deciding on the right word, "-grudge ... on the Headmaster here at Hogwarts."

The two stayed quiet.

"Yes, well Cornelius Fudge and myself believe that Albus Dumbledore is trying to overthrow the Ministry and gain the position of Minister for Magic." Umbridge told them, "I find that things here at Hogwarts are far worse than I thought."

"What do you mean, Professor?" Alexia asked, leaning forward in exaggerated interest.

"Dumbledore has been spreading lies that you-know-who has returned." Umbridge answered in a disgraced voice, "And seeing as I trust and respect your families, I want to ask for your help."

"What with Professor?" Draco asked.

"In a weeks time I am meeting with Cornelius Fudge and informing him on what has been going on at Hogwarts and about these statements Dumbledore has been making. I would like you two to write a short paragraph each so there is proof for the public." Umbridge said sweetly yet deceitfully.

An evil grin formed on Draco's face, he enjoyed the sound of getting rid of Dumbledore, but Alexia must of looked a little unconvinced as Umrbidge quickly added, "Miss Burke, can I just say, if I was Headmistress of this school I would have definitely chosen you to be Prefect and not Miss Parkinson." which sold the deal apparently.

"Thank you Professor, that's so kind! I'd love to help you!" Alexia said, beaming and totally convinced.

"And you Mr Malfoy?"

"Why certainly, Professor." Draco said slyly.

Umbridge sighed, "Lucius has brought you up well, Draco."


Not long after, Draco and Alexia had been dismissed from Professor Umbridge's office and were walking back to class together, through the deserted hallways of the school. They were walking quite slow in no rush to get back to class. They also walked in silence, thinking about the conversation with Umbridge.

"I don't get it," Alexia said out-of-the-blue, "Why don't the Ministry believe the Dark Lord's back? I mean he is, isn't he?"

"Yeah," said Draco, "and I think they do know he's back. How else do you explain Diggory's death when the only person who witnessed it says it was the Dark Lord? They just don't want to believe it, or anyone else too."

Alexia nodded; it was true what Draco was saying. She turned and studied Draco as they walked, "Lucius will be happy that someone's finally getting rid of Dumbledore," She said, "and he'll be proud that you're helping make it happen."

Draco nodded but stayed quiet and continued walking.

Alexia knew that Lucius and Narcissa loved there son and spoiled Draco with everything, but she also knew how Lucius was the more demanding parent. Draco had told her about the time Lucius had been openly critical of his school marks being lower than a muggle-born and how Draco had felt that he had let his family down. He never seemed like the person to be hard on themselves, but he was and Alexia knew how he felt. She too faced a similar situation with her mother. Regardless of the pressure, Alexia and Draco each looked up to their parents and always tried there hardest to impress them, especially with their high social status.

"Hey, do you want to skip the rest of Charms?" Draco asked.

"What? Draco no, if we get caught and my mother finds out-"

"How would she find out?"

"She's bound to somehow! She's well connected with the board."

"I doubt it! Come on! Just this once!"

Alexia hesitated for a moment, before eventually coming around, "Fine!" she sighed. "But where will we go?"

"Follow me," Draco said, grabbing her hand and pulling her back towards the direction they had come from.

He led her through the hallways and down flights of stairs until they finally made the Entrance Hall.

"Draco its pouring!" Alexia gasped as Draco opened the front doors on the castle and a gush of wind and rain swept through the entrance.

"It's just a little rain," Draco smirked.

"Excuse me Malfoy but this," she motioned towards her hair, "is a new satin headband that my mother's best friend gave me just recently."

"I'll buy you a new one," Draco said, "I'll buy you ten if you want, and an extra for your mother's friend," he added cockily.

Alexia sighed dramatically, "You know, I guess I could do with letting my hair down for once. I've been working my butt of lately just to get back on my mothers good side."

Draco chuckled, "Come on," he said and led her out into the wet, rainy grounds.

At first Alexia was hesitant but then she eagerly skipped out into the rain, pulling her hair out of its low ponytail as she went. She spread her arms out and stared up to the stormy sky, letting the droplets of water splash down onto her face. Draco watched her embrace the rain until she opened her eyes and looked over at him. He laughed and ran towards her, tackling her and they fell onto the wet grass.

"See, it's not that bad after all, is it?" Draco shouted over the loud rain pelting on the nearby Greenhouse roofs.

Alexia giggled, "Okay, sorry! This is fun! I never thought Draco Malfoy, the stuck-up snob would know how to have fun."

"Oh I know how to have fun, it's just usually in bed," He shrugged casually,

Alexia scorned, "You are disgusting Draco!"

"If you think I'm disgusting why are you still lying on top of me?" He questioned.

Alexia's eyes widened as she realised they were still lying on the grass. She gasped and quickly stood up, "I'm leaving," She announced, trying to sound unbothered. She tossed her wet hair over her shoulder and held her head high as if nothing had happened, "Goodbye," She added, then turned and ran back through the rain towards the castle.


Draco didn't see Alexia until later that evening at dinner in the Great Hall. Her hair was now completely dry and she had changed into a new set of clothes. She didn't even acknowledge Draco as she walked past where he was sitting, but instead walked straight towards Blaise and planted a kiss on his lips, making sure Draco had seen it long enough before they finally stopped. Draco cleared his throat as they finally pulled away from each other and Alexia took a seat a few seats down on the opposite side of Draco.

"What's your problem?" Alexia asked, annoyed.

"Oh I was just thinking about today and how wet I got you..." Draco sighed, then looked over at Blaise who had stopped serving himself some Pumpkin soup and was staring at Alexia.

Alexia too had looked over at Blaise, "What he means is that he made me run through the rain today," She said.

"Right," Blaise said, sounding slightly unsure.

"And I got wet," Alexia said, then quickly added "As in, my hair and clothes ... I mean-"

"Yeah, I get it," Blaise nodded going back to his food.

Alexia turned back to Draco and gave him a rude signal with her hand. Draco snickered, then took a good sip of mead from his goblet and started talking about Quidditch with Crabbe and Goyle.

After the students had finished their dinner and dessert, they all headed back to their Common Rooms; the Ravenclaws and Gryffindors each to separate towers, the Hufflepuffs to their basement near the kitchen, and the Slytherins to the dungeons.

Draco was finishing his Potions essay beside the fire with Crabbe, Goyle, who were staring blankly at the pages of their Potions textbook as if waiting for an essay to magically appear that they could copy. Draco was almost finished (while Crabbe and Goyle had only just started) when Alexia came up from behind them and tapped Draco on the shoulder.

"Get up," She ordered, then walked off towards an empty part of the Common Room.

Draco did as he was told and stood up, "Don't copy my essay you two, it'll be obvious if you do, you never get full marks," He said to Crabbe and Goyle, then rolled up his essay on his parchment and followed Alexia over to where she was now standing.

Alexia stood, leaning against the wall, glaring at Draco as he approached her, "Why did you say that at dinner?" She demanded.

"I was just saying what happened," Draco said.

"Blaise hasn't spoken to me since then, are you happy? Do you want to tear us apart?" Alexia asked, desperately.

"Well what if what I said is going to tear you two apart, there will be no chance of anything between you two after what Blaise has to tell you," Draco said.

"What? What are you talking about?"

Draco shook his head, "Look, I'm sorry about what I said before. I shouldn't have said it, but it was amusing to see your reaction I have to admit."

"Oh so now I'm your entertainment?" Alexia asked in disbelief, "Draco, do you actually care at all about anyone but yourself?"

Draco took a minute, pretending to think, "Hmm... No, not really." He said. "I guess I care about you a little."

Alexia scolded, "Well you have a unique way of showing that!" she grumbled, then walked off.

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