Ordained - Jyler Fan Fiction

By BrendonBySleep

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{COMPLETED - BOOK 1} Everyday seemed like it was repeating itself, the pattern of Tyler's life becoming more... More

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twenty one
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thirty one
thirty two
thirty three


1.1K 43 60
By BrendonBySleep

Jenna's POV

"Tyler, I'll be okay, stop worrying" I shook my head, my arms swinging the shopping basket across my legs. Tyler was walking down the aisle of the grocery store in front of me, his eyes concentrating on the different food he could provide.

"I know but... But I feel weird just leaving you, I need to get stuff for you" he explained, his arms moving around as he found the words, his eyes still grazing past the shelves.

"No you don't, you've given me enough stuff" I chuckled under my breath

"I can't just leave you in a house with not enough food" he smirked, looking over at me for a slight second. I sighed, giving in to his persistence. Tyler and Josh had their first show of their tour tomorrow in Cincinnati, and after that, they'd be off riding around in their tour bus. So I would be left to be in the house by myself, which I didn't mind whatsoever, but I wasn't looking forward to the cold, lonely nights. Oh, and long days at work.

Tyler eventually threw in multiple products and snacks for me in the basket I was holding, my feet dragging along as we moved around the grocery store.

"Would you rather have crunchy or smooth peanut butter?" He mumbled, looking at the two jars in his hands as he met with me. I giggled at his concern, his head eventually looking up in confusion.

"Why're you laughing?" His lips rounded as I saw his smile, my body leaning in towards his chest.

"Because you're cute" I cooed, the balls of his cheeks glowing as I kissed his nose lightly. Tyler chuckled softly, putting down the jars on the shelf and wrapping his arms around my waist. Our foreheads touched and our noses were inches apart, our vision glued onto each other. He soon kissed my lips carefully, my mouth moving slowly as I closed my eyes. He pulled back quickly, trying not to make a scene as we were in a grocery store. His hand eventually grasped in mine as I pointed out the different meals I enjoyed, swinging our arms in sync.


"A toast to Tyler's last home dinner before tour!" Tyler's mom, Kelly, announced as we sat around the family dining table, all of our glasses rising. He smiled with such content it made the butterflies flutter in my stomach once again.

"This looks amazing mom" Tyler grinned

"I agree, Thankyou so much for having me" I added, still wanting to show them all my gratitude I had towards them.

"No problem darling, Thankyou Tyler, now eat up, you need as much food as you can get before hitting the road" She explained, his eyes rolling as he chewed on the roast beef his mom prepared for us.

"Tyler, you need bring back souvenirs, otherwise I'll kick your butt" Jay laughed, his mouth full of food as he spoke

"Don't forget me too" Zack joined in

"Me three!" Madison announced, causing the whole family erupt in laughter

"Sure sure, just text me what you want and I'll try and find it" Tyler said, eating the vegetables his mother put on his plate. It was obvious how selfless Tyler was, he'd give the world to any one who'd ask.

Tonight, Kelly and Chris had invited us to stay in the guest room so they could say goodbye first thing in the morning. I was going to Cincinnati with Tyler and Josh, Tatum driving up later so I can get a ride home. Truly, I was excited to see the boys play, more so, got to see the true joy and happiness gleam out of Tyler as he sung. I knew that I could never give him as much joy as he received when he performed, but I could never bring myself to envy. I'd be lying if I didn't say I truly had feelings for him, and all I wanted for him was to be happy, myself not having to be the reason for it.

"I'll do the dishes mom, you sit down" Tyler insisted, piling up the empty dishes on top of each other. I stood up with him, grabbing the cups and mats to show as much respect as I could.

"Look at you, sucking up already" Zack laughed, leaning back on his chair. I glared over at him, sticking my tongue out as I walked through to the kitchen. Kelly thanked us both, squeezing my forearm lightly before I walked past her. Her hands were frail but warm, the kind of motherly-like movements suiting her sweetly.

"She really likes you, so does Dad" Tyler smirked, scrubbing the dishes in the soapy water.

"I really want them to" I replied, drying the dishes after Tyler.

"Believe me, you're already apart of the family" he said sweetly, leaning over to kiss below my temple. I didn't even need to look up, a sincere smile growing across my lips as we carried on the chores. I honestly didn't mind this, even cleaning the house when Tyler's at work seems to be satisfying for me. But just standing in the kitchen with him, helping his parents made me feel somewhat happy, like this was how everything is meant to be, like it's all fitting into place.

I will admit, I did hold myself back, I still do to be honest, but I've given up trying to fight off the feelings I have for Tyler, and I was practically ready to give up my life for him. I still hardly knew him, and he hardly knew me, but it was like we fit like a two puzzle pieces coming together, like they're made to fit with each other, not having to force it down.


Tyler's POV

the bedroom we were staying in was my brother and I's old room, our beds being replaced with a queen bed instead. It held a lot of memories, but as me and Zack were both adults, we all agreed on making it for whenever someone came to visit. All our stuff was still in it, even our awards that we got through basketball. It held so many memories, I couldn't count them all.

"See that mark on the ceiling?" I pointed out, my right arm wrapped around Jenna's shoulders as we laid on the bed.

"Yeah?" She croaked

"That is from when I lifted Zack on my shoulders and he cracked his head on the roof" I chuckled, the nostalgia coming back to me. Jenna giggled as I carried on telling her stories, our voices soft as it was too late to be laughing about. We were the only ones awake, outside was the quietest it had ever been. It was as if we were the only people awake in the world, like it was ours just for that moment.

"Tyler..." Jenna whispered, my eyes looking over at her dimly lit face.

"Yes Bella"

"I'm really going to miss you"

"Me too lovely, me too" I mumbled, nuzzling my face into her sweetly scented hair


I really want an enchilada right now

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