Soul | Destiel/Sabriel

By milkovich-

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"I love you." "I know." More

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By milkovich-


Cas woke up in Dean's arms and immediately smiled. He felt protected, and cared for, something that he longed for. With Dean, all Cas' problems melted away.

Dean stirred and kissed Cas' nose, sending warmth through his body.

"Good morning, angel," He murmured, beginning to shower Cas with kisses. All over his face, down his jawline, down to his collar bone, was covered in kisses. Cas giggled as Dean ran his hand through Cas' raven colored hair.

"I love you so fucking much, Cas," Dean said breathlessly.

"I love you too, Dean," Cas giggled. Dean smirked and straddled Cas, pulling him up into a rough kiss. Cas responded immediately, kissing back passionately and pulling Dean closer to him. He flipped Dean over onto his stomach as the green eyed boy began grinding into him lustfully. He groaned as Cas kissed him again, trying desperately to unbutton Cas' jeans.

"Fuck me, Cas," He moaned.

"Not today," He whispered, getting off of Dean after kissing him one more time. "We have school."

"Fuck school!" Dean yelled. "No, don't fuck school. Fuck me."

"I care about lot about my grades, Dean," Cas sighed as he threw one of Dean's AC/DC shirts on.

Dean looked at Cas dreamily. "You look so fucking hot in my clothes."

"Is that so?" Cas laughed. Dean nodded vigorously. Cas straddled his lap once again. He got right up to Dean's ear and whispered, "Now I know what makes you tick."

Dean shuddered and grabbed Cas' ass. "God, Cas. Quit being a fucking tease and fuck me!"

"Not yet, Dean," Cas growled. Dean whimpered and pouted, but got up and got dressed anyways.


Dean, Cas, Sam, and Gabe got into the Impala and drove to school. It was a pretty chilly morning, the September air was crisp and windy with fall coming. Dean lent Cas his leather jacket, and Cas proudly wore it.

Once they reached school, Cas and Dean got out. Dean grabbed Cas' hand and walked up to the school, not even caring about the things people around them were saying.

"Is that Dean Winchester with that weird kid?" One asked.

"That blue eyed kid turned him into a faggot," another scoffed.

Cas just focused on Dean, who was happily skipping along beside him.

He took a deep breath and pushed down all the worries that threatened to spill into his mind.


During lunch, people whispered around Dean and Cas, who sat at a table with Charlie. Dean fed Cas bits of chocolate and booped his nose while Charlie fangirled.

Suddenly, Dean stood up on the table. "EVERYONE LISTEN UP! I LOVE CASTIEL NOVAK. HE'S MY SOULMATE. IF YOU'VE GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT, SAY IT TO MY FACE, YOU DICKS!" Then, Dean kissed Cas in front of everyone. Of course, Cas kissed back, but he stopped when he felt piercing gazes on him.

The school bullies were staring at him like they wanted to kill him.


"See ya later, babe," Dean kissed Cas' head. "Are you sure you don't need a ride?"

"I'm fine, Dean. I promise I'll be fine," Cas assured.

"Okay. I love you, angel."

"I love you too, Dean."

Dean got in his car and drove off, leaving Cas alone in front of the school. He wasn't alone for long, though, as Alastair's gang came up behind him.

"Hey, faggot!" They yelled, shoving Cas forward.

"You turned the new kid into a faggot just like you, huh?" Alastair taunted.

"Leave me alone," Cas growled.

Alastair laughed. He punched Cas in the face, sending him flying backwards. Then, the rest of his gang began kicking Cas as hard as they could. They finally stopped when Cas was coughing up blood.

"Go on home to your faggot boyfriend, Cas," Alastair spat.

With what little strength he had left, Cas stumbled home. When he went into the house, he climbed right up to the bathroom, ignoring Micheal and Lucifer's questioning. He locked the door and began to cry, sliding down the wall.

That's when he saw it.

His favorite little torture device.



Dean sat by his phone, waiting for a text from Cas. He made him promise to text him when he got home safely.

Instead, Dean got a call.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hello, is this Dean Winchester?" A gruff voice that Dean didn't recognize asked.

"Yes, it is. Who's this?"

"It's Lucifer," the man explained, "And... it's Cas. Come quick."

Dean dropped his phone, dropped everything, and sprinted to his car. He sped down the street, not caring about speed limits.

All he cared about was Cas.


Dean burst into the Novak house, looking around frantically.

"What's wrong? Where's Cas?" Dean asked.

"He came home, beaten bloody," Micheal, "He locked himself in the bathroom, crying his eyes out. Then, suddenly, it stopped." Dean's eyes popped out of his head.

"Oh no, Cas!" Dean groaned. He ran up to the bathroom and pounded on the door repeatedly.

"Cas?! Cas! It's Dean! Open up, baby, open up!" He begged.

No answer.

"Cas? Are you in there?"

Still no answer.

"Fuck!" Dean yelled. He kicked down the door with one swift movement, running over to the bloody form that was sat on the floor.

"C-Cas?" Dean asked, squatting down beside him.


Nothing but the shallow, slow breaths Cas was taking.

"Call 911, quick!" Dean cried, picking up his broken angel and running him to the car.

Dean didn't care what it took.

He was going to get Cas to the hospital, and he was going to be okay.

No matter what.

"It's okay, baby. Just keep breathing. Keep breathing for me."

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