My King

By Gotham_xo

1.4M 58.4K 19.1K

Highest Ranking #6 for Demon category Highest Ranking #7 for the witches category Highest Ranking #11 for Go... More

Coming Soon
Chapter one.
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six
Chapter seven
Chapter nine
Chapter nine improvement
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen: Warnings
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty Two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty- six
Chapter Twenty seven
Unfortunate times
Important so please dont skip!
Chapter twenty- eight
Chapter twenty nine
Giveaway - 18th march 2021

Chapter Eight

58.2K 2.5K 1.4K
By Gotham_xo

Authors Note: It's been almost a month since my last update due to me wanting to perfect two very important chapters of My book I Was His. But enough of me babbling , please enjoy this chapter an don't forget to vote and comment !

Authors Note from 2020: I know o keep mentioning my book I was his but I suggest you don't read it ( well you can if you want but I wrote it when I was 15 so it's very clichè and yeah) . The only book I recommend you read along side this or after this is The Punishers Mate as the characters crossover a lot .

'Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad'
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

As his lips descended to mine, my body and brain seemed to freeze simultaneously as I didn't know what to do. I had never been kissed before which meant I was incredibly inexperienced with no useful insight and I wanted this kiss to be perfect .

"What is wrong human?" He asked with a frown as he gently pulled back from my lips as he noticed I had became as still as a statue.

"Jasmine" I corrected automatically before whispering "I- I uh, I'm not s-sure what to do? With my mouth ?"

My face flushed bright red at my statement, could I sound anymore like a dork? Why did I constantly have to embarrass myself ? Couldn't I seem cool for once in front of him?

A grin spread across  his face faster than I could blink before he let out an earth shattering laugh; embarrassment and anger crawled up my stomach but as I was about to glare at him , I stopped.

His usual cold and hostile demeanour seemed to vanish which brightened the room up significantly, his mesmerising smile took up the whole of his face and made him turn from devilishly handsome to hearbreakingly beautiful .

My breath caught in my throat with the thought of how I had been made specially for him , that someone as average and forgetful was destined for someone so powerful and unforgettable. It was unfathomable, I couldn't even begin to understand how or why but I felt incredibly happy and blessed - finally, I would have somewhere and someone to belong too .

Too caught up in my day dreams I didn't realise that Chaos had stopped laughing and when I finally did, I felt my skin heat up again due to his intense and curious gaze that rested upon me .

"What?" I mumbled out , shyly ducking my head.

"You like my laugh " He stated, his tone sure and confident . He wasn't bragging , it was just very matter-of-fact.

"It's pretty" I confessed with a shrug , finding no reason to lie.

"Hmmm" He rubbed his throat before saying "I have not laughed in over one hundred years , how odd".

My eyes widened in shock; how was it possible to go so long without laughter ? I knew he was being serious as something told me that he didn't understand the concept of a joke .

"Are you serious ?" I replied , not being able to help it .

"I am always serious human, now, you have never been kissed before ?"

I shook my head .

"Good. Because If you did then I would kidnap them, kill them and mate you over their dead corpse so they knew who you belonged too" He said while casually tucking my hair behind my ears.

"Excuse me!" I squeaked out, trying to take a step back which was quickly prevented due to his harsh glare.

"You are not mine then?" He growled out,  his expression as harsh as a winters morning .

Was he being serious ? He had just threatened to 'Mate' me over a dead persons corpse without seeing nothing wrong with it and expected me not to be freaked out ?

"Get off me" I whimpered as his hands tightened on my wrist due to my lack of answer.

" I did not mean to hurt you" He replied loosening up his grip but not letting me go .

"Then got off me" I whispered as my anxiousness seemed to crawl up my body .

My anxiety wrapped around my throat making it almost hard to breath , what he has said was barbaric and monstrous- why would he say such a ghastly thing ? I needed some breathing space to think , my desire had clouded my senses , how could I be so stupid ?

I didn't know this person and I was willing to let him kiss me and touch me after he told me how he had killed children, men and women.

What the hell has happened to me ?

Had they drugged me?

Had I lost all common sense?

"Do not panic , it tugs at the bond . What are you fearing , my little human?" He asked , looking genuinely baffled.

"You just said you would m-mate me over someone's dead body , that's crazy" I gasped shakily , while still trying to tug my hand out of vice like grip .

"I did, I would not do it over his body whilst he was alive because he would see your naked body which just won't do. Maybe I should mate you now just in case anyone has any ideas" His eyes wondered up and down my body "Yes, I think that's a good idea.

"N-no! I don't want too, p-please!" I choked out,  my tugging becoming frantic.

"Fine, you have four days to prepare yourself for the mating as I refuse to wait any longer. You're lucky I'm being so tolerant with your bad behaviour human"

And with that he was gone

I sagged onto the floor as dread, anger, shock and fright circled around my mind - I had four days to prepare to get 'Mated'.

What did he even mean by mated, surely, he couldn't mean sex?

I had known him for two and a half weeks and I'm using the term 'know' incredibly loosely here .

'Well you didn't seem to mind when you were sucking on his finger like some Popsicle' Snorted the voice in my head .

Just great, I was going crazy too .

'No dumb dumb, I'm your- ''

"My what?" I asked aloud as the voice stopped .

'Nevermind, you'll find out after you're marked officially. Good luck! '

Marked? What did the voice mean by marked ? How was I meant to prepare for something I wasn't sure about ?

"Are you okay?" Asked the cautious tone of Cindy as she peeped her head around the door.

"No, apparently I need to prepare to get mated and marked in four days time. I-I'm so confused and lost , I just want to go home . I'm s-scared"  I whined, wallowing in self pity .

Cindy and Sam tried their best to console me but how do you console someone who knows that in four days time she was going to lose her virginity to a God who she barely knew ?

The wickedest thing was that I knew there was a part of me that was looking forward too it , what had I turned into ?

"You'll be fine Jasmine, he won't and can't hurt you. He will make this as painless and enjoyable as possible" Sam assured me after my tears had subsided .

"But I don't want too" I sniffled,  digging my nails into my wrist at the white lie.

"Aren't you a little bit intrigued My Queen?"Asked Cindy with a sly smile .

"I-uh, I mean I-I er" I stammered pathetically , turning bright red .

"You're such a bad liar!" They giggled while I ducked my head in shame and embarrassment.

"I know but I don't want to want it, I know it's wrong and sick- he's not planning on 'Mating' me because he loves me but to ensure I don't run off with some other guy. The worst part is that I don't even care , it's awful" I groaned flopping down on the bed .

"The heart wants what it wants" Shrugged Cindy.

"But now , it's time for operation Mate!" Grinned Sam , clapping her hands in glee.


"I'm not sure about this you guys"I muttered nervously scratching the back of my neck .

"You'll be fine My Queen, don't you want to look nice?" Frowned Cindy as we looked at the computer screen that was full with lacy and racy underwear .

"I'm not even sure I want to do it" I sighed dejectedly .

I knew I was going to do it weather I wanted it or not , I knew He wouldn't rape me but Chaos and I both knew I wouldn't be able to resist and it's not rape if you're willing .

I was more nervous about him seeing my body; it was something I was incredibly self conscious about as I wasn't the type of girl who acted like they had the worst body but really was flawless. I had an awkward shape- boobs bigger than my frame, long thin legs , little rolls when I sat but I also had stretch marks along my bum.

My stretch marks were always something I hated as they made me feel flawed and ugly, Just the thought of Chaos seeing them made my stomach churn .

I felt physically sick, I wondered what his reaction would be when he saw my body .

Would he like it ?

Would he hate it ?

That was what I loved about clothes, you could hide behind them without being judged , nobody would know how nice or unappealing your body was but now He would .

"Hey, what's wrong ? You don't have to get anything if you don't want , we already made you get the bikini wax and stuff . We can just chill out for the rest of the two days before V Day" Cindy said softly after seeing me slump in depression .

"That's okay, I just wanna be by myself for a while so I can prepare" I informed them , avoiding their gaze.

"Of course My Queen" They bowed before walking out .

Sighing, I decided to have a shower to relax my muscles and sort myself out , there was no point dwelling on the unavoidable . There was nothing I could do to change my body, unfortunately, I would just have to suck it up and try and shield as much as I could .

Climbing out the shower , I looked into the mirror with a frown as I judged what I saw. I tried to picture myself as Chaos by putting myself in his mind set, would he like what he saw?

Twisting around to get a side view I let out a scream as a boy , about 18, stood watching me with his mouth hung open in shock . Panic gripped me as I tried to hastily grab my towel but in my haste I slipped on the floor , almost knocking myself out in the process .

"Shit" I cursed as my vision started to go blurry but I could just about make out the boys arm which was outstretched to help me up .

However , that was the last action the boy would ever perform as the room turned chillingly cold and large hands gripped his neck and twisted his head off until it was hanging off an unnatural angle .

"Looks like you will be getting mated over a dead corpse after all " Came Chaos's icy tone as he stared at the boy in annoyance .

Vomit gushed itself out my throat as I looked at the head lolling to my side and His disapproving frown was the last thing I saw before I passed out .

Authors Note: So, I bet you guys weren't expecting that little twist ! What are your thoughts of Chaos's behaviour , was he in the right to kill the boy ? What do you thinks Jasmines reaction should be ? Until the next time Vote , comment and follow me

#EDITED August 2020

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