Together In A&E {Casualty}

By _X_Sammii_X_

3.9K 150 30

(Sequel To Romance In A&E) Ainsley and Madi survived the crash that almost killed them. Now, things have chan... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Ten

120 7 3
By _X_Sammii_X_

A/N - So this chapter begins an abuse storyline for Ainsley by her ex-partner Tom. It will be slightly dark but not every chapter. I will put a warning whenever I do a chapter that involves the storyline.

Warnings - Mentions of rape, self-harm
Ainsley and Iain returned home from the engagment party the following morning. Ainsley hadn't stopped thinking about the night she had spent with him. She wanted more.

When they got back to the house, Ainsley realised they didn't have to get the kids until later on. "So, we could go and have some fun."
"I'm due at work," Iain said. He wanted to do her but he didn't want to be late.
Ainsley smiled. "Be late. I don't think anyone would notice. Too hungover."
Iain nodded and kissed Ainsley gently. She smiled. He ran a hand gently up her nightdress and back down. Ainsley grinned.
"You shouldn't do that Mr Dean," Ainsley said.
"Why not soon to be Mrs Dean?" Iain asked. Ainsley was shocked.
"What did you just say?"

Sam woke and couldn't stop thinking about Ainsley. He loved her so much. He wanted her back.

Cal got up. He did his PTSD exercises to help with his condition. He thought of Ainsley and his kids. He loved them all so much.

Ainsley straddled Iain. "Did you just ask me to marry you?" Ainsley asked.
"Yeah. Will you?"
"Y-Yeah," Ainsley said. She kissed him passionately. "I love you too bits."
"I love you too. I can't wait to make you my wife," Iain said.

Iain got Ainsley ready and they began having sex. Ainsley loved being with him. He made her feel good.  "I cannot wait for our hen do and stag do."
Ainsley grinned. "Let's have joint," she said.
"Oo brill. I get to see your sexy outfit," Iain teased.
Ainsley grinned and kissed him passionately. Eventually, they were both sweaty out of breath messes on the bed.

Madi got up and went inside. Iain smiled and lifted her onto the bed. Madi giggled and cuddled into her mum. Ainsley held her close.
"I need to get ready to go to work," Iain said. Ainsley smiled.
"No problem. I'll join you later with Jordan and the kids," Ainsley said. Iain nodded. He got out of bed and went to the chest of drawers. He grabbed a pair of clean black pants and put them on. He went back to Ainsley and Madi. He kissed them both before going to the bathroom with his clothes.

Ainsley didn't want to see anyone. She got the kids their breakfast. The door opened so Ainsley went to see. She saw him standing there. "I thought you'd be working."
"I couldn't work without seeing you," he said. He closed the kitchen door slightly so the kids couldn't see. "Where's Angel?"
"In her moses basket asleep. Why?"
He smirked and kissed her passionately. He gently pressed her against the wall and she wrapped her legs around his torso. "We shouldn't. T-The kids," Ainsley mumbled.
"Fine. I'll see you soon though," he said.

Evie, Layla and Madison had gone with Connie for a few hours. Angel slept peacefully. The door was kicked open. Ainsley frowned and went to see what had happened. She saw Tom standing there. "What the hell do you want?"
"I want Madison."
Ainsley glared. "You're not having her!"
Tom went over to Ainsley and grabbed her by the scruff of her neck. He dragged her upstairs and threw her on the bed.

She lay there as it happened. She didn't want to move. She knew Tom would hurt her even more. Eventually Tom left her alone.

Ainsley went downstairs and locked the front door. She put the sofa against the front door so no one could get in. She was dirty and she felt cheap. She began scratching at herself.

Angel woke up crying and she ran to her. She lifted her up and held her tightly.
"Mummy's here," Ainsley said.
Angel calmed down in Ainsley's arms. Ainsley kissed Angel's head.

He began knocking at the window when the door was locked. Ainsley looked out and seen him there. She was still naked. She seen him walk around the back. He came in and gasped as he seen Ainsley all scratched, naked and bleeding.
"What's happened?" he asked. Ainsley cried as she held Angel.
"Nothing! I got into a fight with Leoni," Ainsley mumbled.
"Yes! Get out," Ainsley screamed. She put Angel down and went over to him. "Get out!"

Ainsley got him out and she locked the backdoor. She got the kitchen table against it. She wanted to be alone. She didn't want anyone around her.
Ainsley curled up on the sofa. She felt so dirty. She didn't want anyone near her except Angel. She heard the door knocking. She quickly took Angel upstairs with her.

"Ainsley it's me!" Jordan called through the door. Ainsley ignored her. "Ainsley open up!"
Ainsley didn't mean to say it but she just wanted Jordan to leave her alone. "Go away you cancer freak!"
Jordan left. Ainsley cried over what had happened to her and what she had just said. She hated herself so much. She put Angel in the cot and kissed her head.
Ainsley looked at the bed and felt anger. She went over and began ripping the covers off and screaming. She hated feeling like how she was. She had vowed to never let Tom hurt her again.

Jordan went to find someone who could help Ainsley. "Connie! You need to go and see Ainsley."
"I think something has happened," Jordan said.

Ainsley threw the bedding out the window and broke down. She heard the door knocking again. "Leave me alone!" She screamed.

Iain had came too. They managed to take the front door off and move the sofa. Connie and Jordan ran upstairs. Iain put the door back on.

Ainsley was in hysterics in her room. Connie and Jordan tried to stay strong as they looked at her.
"Right sweetie, let's go and get those cuts cleaned up," Connie said. Ainsley just cried. Jordan tried to go near her. Ainsley said rude stuff again. Jordan couldn't handle it. She had to leave the room. Iain took Jordan's place upstairs. "What happened?" Connie asked as she held her daughter. Ainsley said nothing still. "We can't help if we don't know what's wrong."
"Leave me alone," Ainsley mumbled. She pulled away from Connie. "Why are you all here? Leave me alone!"

"Where's all the bedding?" Iain asked.
"Needed washing. It was dirty. Like me," Ainsley whispered. No one heard her.
"N-Nothing. I want to be alone now!"
Iain left. Connie got a face cloth. Ainsley let her clean the cuts on her legs. Connie tried to clean her thighs but Ainsley pushed her away. Connie seen blood on her private area.
"Ainsley, you need to tell me what's happened," Connie said gently.

Iain went downstairs and seen Jordan in floods of tears.
"Jordan?" Iain asked.
"She called me a cancer freak," Jordan sobbed. Iain was shocked. He knew Ainsley would never ever say that to anyone.
"Somethings really hurt her and she didn't mean what she said," Iain said. He held Jordan as she cried.
"I know she didn't. But she won't let us help her," Jordan said.
"We just have to try and find out then. Don't we?"
Jordan just nodded.

Ainsley locked herself in the bathroom. Connie began banging on the door. Iain and Jordan ran up. "What's happened?"
"She's been attacked. That's all I know."
"She tell you?" Iain asked.
"No. She hasn't told me anything," Connie said.
"How did you know?" Iain asked.
"Her... private area was bleeding badly. It wasn't a period. It's on the carpet in the bedroom too," Connie said. Iain burst out crying. Connie took him away.

Jordan knocked on the door when everyone left.
"Go away," Ainsley mumbled.
"It's me Jordan," she said. Ainsley said nothing. "Can you let me in? I wanna tell you a story in private."
"How can you even want to see me after what I said," Ainsley said.
"Cause I love you. Now open the door sweetie. It's just me here."

Ainsley opened the door and quickly closed and locked it when Jordan came in. Jordan began to run Ainsley a hot bath with bubbles. Ainsley sat on the toilet lid.
"What's the story?" Ainsley asked.
"I was raped sweetie. No one knows about it. But I was. I know what you're going through," Jordan said. Ainsley nodded. She got up off the lid and whined as she seen all the blood.
"Come into the bath and we'll get you all clean," Jordan said. Ainsley got in.
"I wasn't raped! I fell down the stairs and had a fight with Leoni!" Ainsley screamed.
"Fights don't involve bleeding down below."
"She kicked me."
Jordan just nodded. "Okay. You say so."

Ainsley went into the bedroom after her bath. She sat on the bed and looked at Angel sleeping in her cot. "You shouldn't have been here when it happened. Mummy is so sorry," Ainsley whispered.

Connie walked in. "Listen. I'm sick of this now. I want to know what happened and who did it," she demanded.
"Nothing happened!" Ainsley screamed.
"Ainsley!" Connie screamed. Ainsley slapped her. Connie was shocked.
"Mummy I didn't mean to," Ainsley sobbed.

Jordan cleaned the bathroom from the blood when Iain came in.
"I'm taking a lot of time off work," Iain said.
"I'll share shifts with Jez for you," Jordan said. Iain thanked her.
"Something has happened. I will find out."
"I might go and see Leoni. Find out what happened," Jordan said. She kissed Iain's cheek before she left.

Connie held Ainsley close. "It's alright. We're going to get through this together. But I need you to tell me what has happened," Connie said.
"I-I told you. I got into a fight with Leoni," Ainsley mumbled. She was clearly in denial.
"Sweetie tell me," Connie said gently.
"T-Tom," Ainsley mumbled. That's all she said. That's all she needed to say.

Connie knew what had happened. She held Ainsley tightly and kissed her cheek.
"Everything will be okay," she said. Ainsley said nothing. Iain came in.
"Jordan has gone to Leoni," Iain said. Connie looked up.
"Ring her and tell her to come back," Connie said. Iain frowned but did as Connie said.
When he hung up, he looked at Connie. "What happened?"
"She was raped. By Tom."
Iain was shocked. Iain had never met Tom but he knew how horrid he treated Ainsley. "We need to call the police," Iain said.
"No! No police."

Jordan returned. "I didn't even get halfway there. What happened?"
"She told us what's happened," Connie said as she held Ainsley.
"Tom," Iain said. Jordan sighed and nodded. She sat down with Ainsley. Ainsley cuddled into her too.
"It's okay," Jordan said.

Ainsley gripped Jordan's hand.
"Don't leave me. I'm sorry," Ainsley said to Jordan.
"I'm not leaving you. Not ever," Jordan said.

Ainsley saw him standing there and smiled slightly. She knew if she had his love and support then she maybe had a chance to stay strong. There was just something bothering her. - what would Tom do to her next?

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