By gracey87

34.9K 1.2K 80

she is leaving.. and i can't do anything.. my love is leaving.. like a fool, I'm blankly standing here.. why... More

Present Day
First Encounter
Unfulfilled Love
Senior Year
Secret Love Story
Start of Something New
Jeju Island Trip (Part 1) - Love Hurts
Jeju Island Trip (Part 2) - Truth or Dare
Jeju Island Trip (Part 3) - I Choose You
Jeju Island Trip (Part 4) - Surprise!
Breaking Apart
She's Leaving
Old Friend
Coming Home
Fluttering Feelings
Baekmi's Wedding
The Truth
Good News
Where is Suho?
Begin Again
It's Official
Birthday Gift
I'm Sorry
Yes, I Do
You Are My First
I Will Kill You - (Part 1)
I Will Kill You - (Part 2)
Be With You
Kim Jun Rong
Finale (Part 2) - The End
Announcement New story!

Blossoming Love

876 33 0
By gracey87

1 week after the incident..
Park's Residence
It was her first day at school after being admitted to hospital and just resting at home after discharge. All she do is resting, eating, watching tv and texting with Suho.
Chanyeol: (knock her door) noona, are you ready? Our driver is waiting for us.
Chorong: (comb her hair nicely and spray her perfume) okay I'm done let's go.

Seoul High School
Chanyeol: noona your Prince Charming waiting for you at the gate.
Chorong: (smile looking outside) stop it chanie..

She got out from the car and Suho reach out her hand, both smile sweetly to each other.
Suho: good morning rong-ah, how you feel first day at school?
Chorong: (looking at chanyeol who are secretly laugh at her) feeling great and exited.
Chanyeol: (fake cough) hyung! You don't greet me at all, am i too invisible for you? (He pouted).
Suho: I'm sorry chan-ah. Anyway good morning to my favorite dongsaeng (show his cute face to chanyeol).
Chanyeol: yah hyung! Don't do like that, so scary!

They laugh out loud and walk in the school. Chanyeol already enter his class, Suho send Chorong to her class first before went to his class.
Chorong: suho-ah you no need to wait and send me to class everyday, I know how to take care of myself.
Suho: (look at her and sigh) no..last time you said to me like that bad things happen to you, I don't want to take a risk again enough of what happened last time (hold her hands while talking).

Chorong look down and feel surprised to see Suho holding her hands. She's blushing, heart fluttering and feeling nervous.
Suho: are you okay?
Chorong: (she startled and let go her hands) I..I'm fine thanks. I'm going in now bye.
Suho: okay see you later bye.

As she enter her class all her friends happy to see her after being absent for 1 week. Except for 1 person Hyolyn, her face full of hate looking at her. Chorong don't understand why she always acting to her like that. Chorong never ask her and just let go the weird feeling go away.

Recess time..
School bell rang and it was recess time, Bomi and Eunji went to Chorong's class and they walk together to school canteen. From far Chorong saw Suho waving at them..
Chorong: ahh..Suho waves at us let's go there.
Bomi: ehh..unnie he actually wave at you not us (laughing with Eunji).
Chorong: yahh!! You two show some respect to your unnie will you?

Both immediately stop laughing hearing Chorong words. She can be fierce sometimes that's why 5 of them respect her so much.
Suho: have a seat girls we are waiting for 3 of you to come.
Chanyeol: correction..suho hyung waiting for you noona hahahaha..!!!

They all laughed together, Chorong cheek red as tomato and Suho look down and feel shy, both leaders being played by their dongsaengs.
Suho: yahh...guys show some respect to your hyung and noona jebal..
All: ne..
Suho: Chorong forgot to tell you that tomorrow we will having an event organize by Bomi and Baekhyun. It is singing competition among students and at the same time we will ask donations for the orphanage. Event start at 10am at the assembly hall and we got 10 participants join the competition, for the gift Bomi and Baekhyun already discuss with all the teachers to sponsor and they agreed.

Chorong feel so proud of Suho because he able to manage and lead the project alone during her absence.
Chorong: that's great, I'm looking forward for the event tomorrow.
Suho: one more thing is Chanyeol will help Eunji to take photo for tomorrow event, it's for your school magazine.
Chorong: seriously?? I almost forgot about that, i need to..
Namjoo: don't worry unnie we working very hard for it while you not here, Bomi unnie take over of everything and still in progress like usual.
Chorong: (breath a sigh of relief) thank you girls I owe you this time especially you bbom-ah.
Hayoung: you didn't owe us anything unnie as long as you are here with us that's enough.

Walking back to class..
Chorong: bbom-ah how working with Baekhyun? Is he okay? Not giving you any trouble?
Bomi: we're okay no problem at all he taking care of me very well and enjoying our time together. He also text me and asking about my day (answer in full speed without looking at them).

Chorong and Eunji look at each other and laugh.
Eunji: bbom-ah why you look nervous? Chorong unnie just asking how well you work with Baekhyun. What are you so afraid of?

Bomi startled and don't know how to answer eunji, her cheek start to blush but hide it and walk fast to her classroom leaving Chorong and Eunji dumbfounded.
Chorong: what happen to her?
Eunji: seriously I have no idea unnie.

3 days before..
Text messages between Baekhyun and Bomi..
Baekhyun: hai Bomi..how about our task? We need to settle it within this 3 days. Suho hyung ask us to do the event on Tuesday next week.
Bomi: hai..we meet at the magazine room club tomorrow and we will discuss about it, okay?
Baekhyun: okay..good night Bomi-ah..
Bomi: good night to you too baek..

Magazine Room Club
Bomi already at the magazine room club and waiting for Baekhyun, while waiting she was listening to her song on mp3. She feel nervous working together with him because as they all know Baekhyun got lot of admires in school and one of them is Bomi. She kept her feeling for him since 2 years ago. It was when Baekhyun practice with his basketball members and he unintentionally throw the ball and hit her head. She fall on the floor and feel dizzy, he help her and send to school clinic. Starting from that day she had a feeling for him but she keep it for herself not even Chorong and Eunji know about her feeling for Baekhyun.
Baekhyun was excited because he will met with his dream girl. Yes, Baekhyun secretly in love with Bomi and working with her is the opportunity of a lifetime. Even though he got a lot of admirers because of his handsome looks but his heart beats only for her. All this time he only watch her from far but today they in the same group and work together as team. He arrived outside the room and saw her sitting and wait for him.
Baekhyun: (tap her shoulder) how long you've been waiting?
Bomi: (lift up her face and it was him) owhh..not long about 5-10 minutes. Shall we start?
Baekhyun: (fascinated by her looks) you're so beautiful Bomi, everyday I watch you from far away and now here you are in front of me. How can I make you fall for me? (Talking alone).

Bomi waiting for him to answer, he look at her with his beautiful eyes makes her even more nervous and heart start to tremble.
Bomi: Baekhyun! Why you not answering my question? Why you look at me like that? Something wrong with my face?
Baekhyun: you look beautiful..
Bomi: (eyes wide open feeling shocked of Baekhyun sudden confession) come again? (She actually heard it very loud and clear).
Baekhyun: (woken up from his day dreaming and swearing to himself) owhhh shit...!! Shit..! Ishhh..I hope she didn't hear it. Why you so careless and stupid Baekhyun-yahh!!! (Talking alone) ermmm..errmmm..not..not..nothing..sure..sure we can start our discussion now.

After almost 1 hour in discussion they stop for awhile and rest. Baekhyun out from the room to buy them drinks.
Bomi: i heard what you said to me..you must be crazy Byun Baekhyun..(talking alone)
Baekhyun: who you talking to? (Coming back out of nowhere).
Bomi: (startled) what?! Nothing..Nothing..you bought me drink?
Baekhyun: okay..yes, here you go iced caramel latte just the way want it.
Bomi: thank you..

Bomi take a glance at him few times without Baekhyun notice it. She look at her face..
Bomi: no wonder you have a lot of admirers you look handsome and cute, small mouth and your eyes hurmm..your eyes can melt every girl's heart including me, but i never heard you dating anyone before. You got the whole package..why?

Baekhyun feel someone looking at her and it was Bomi, he start to feel nervous. He lift up his head and both eyes look at each other. It's like an electric power that connected both eyes and they been in that position for 5 minutes when suddenly the room turn into dark.
Bomi: baek!! Where are you? Why is it so dark? I'm scared..(almost in tears).
Baekhyun: I think it's blackout, don't worry I'm here. You just wait there I'm coming and get you.

She can feel Baekhyun hands touching her hand and her shoulder then go up to her neck. She can hear his breath getting near and their lips meet. She then realized Byun Baekhyun kissing her right now. She actually enjoy the kiss and surprisingly didn't refused him. Her heartbeat pounding very hard, her knees shaking and almost fall but he hold her waist, she put her hands on his shoulder then they continue the kissing.
Baekhyun touch her hands..shoulder and lastly reach out her neck. He is out of control and try to kiss her, he can feel her lips moist and taste like cherry. He feel surprised when she didn't refused him at all. They both enjoyed each other kisses, he try to slip in his tongue and she also did the same thing. They kissed until both gasp for air and stop, resting his forehead on her. The room suddenly become bright again and they in the hugging position, feel shocked and release the hug. Feeling shy and awkward after what happened earlier, both keep silent and don't know what to say.
Bomi: what happened just now? Did we just kiss? (Mumble alone).
Baekhyun: i kiss her..i kiss Yoon Bomi..should I just confess my feelings to her.. (Mumble alone).

Baekhyun look at Bomi who look confused of what just happened.
Baekhyun: bomi-ahh..about what happened earlier I just wanted to say..
Bomi: I know..you want to say your sorry and didn't mean to..am i right? No worries I'll forgive you and don't talk about it anymore.

She walk fast leaving Baekhyun alone dumbfounded. He sigh and slammed the table in front of him..
Baekhyun: I wanted to say that I'm in love with you Bomi-ahh..

Seoul High School
Event Day
Time show 9.30am Eunji and Chanyeol already prepared their cameras to take photo later meanwhile Chorong and Suho at the backstage of assembly hall waiting for Bomi and Baekhyun.
The hall already full with students and teachers and waiting for them to start. All the participants also ready with their outfits and songs to perform but both of them not yet arrive.
Chorong: where are this two kids? We have another 30 minutes left to start.
Suho: don't worry rong-ah they will be here (try to calm her down).

After 10 minutes both arrived together at the same time.
Baekhyun: sorry hyung..noona we're late.
Suho: no worries.. So all the participants are here and ready with their song on hands. What's next?
Bomi: okay good, Choi Minho will become the emcee, I will handle the participants and Baekhyun will arrange the sound system and play their song. Chorong unnie and Suho oppa can go and sit with others, don't worry we got this under control, okay?

Chorong and suho nod, leave them and join the rest to enjoy the show.
Baekhyun: Bomi-ah, after we settle with this event can I meet you alone at the school rooftop?
Bomi: (question mark on her face) okay..

All 10 participants done with the singing and waiting for the judges which is also their teachers to calculate the marks. Bomi and Baekhyun feel happy and smile to each other because the event almost successfully come to an end. Minho who is same class with Suho and also friend with Baekhyun and Chanyeol calling Baekhyun to the stage.
Minho: don't you guys feel bored? We still waiting for the judges to count the marks. So..I'm calling one of my friend to sing a song and entertain all of you..sounds good??

All students claps and cheering feeling happy. They agreed with Minho.
Minho: I'm calling my friend the man behind this event Byun Baekhyun!!!

All students cheering loud than before especially the girls. Bomi look at him, he look a bit blur and confused when Minho calling his name.
Minho: as you all know my friend here is well known with her skills playing basketball but what you all don't know is he also can sing very well and don't feel surprise later hearing his voice, okay! Baek, the stage is yours.

Bomi join with the others and take a sit next to Chorong. She actually never heard of him singing before so this is something new for her.
Baekhyun: this song I dedicate to someone that I fall in love with and care so much in my life, you captured my heart from the start until now. I'm sorry I was such a coward boy because I don't have enough courage to confess to you but I hope you will listen to this song and the lyrics. The lyrics is the same what I felt about you for the past few years.

All of them look at each other except Bomi who is looking at Baekhyun.
Chorong: suho-yah, do you know who is he talking about?
Suho: seriously I don't know he never told me before. My dongsaeng is growing up now..(smiling to Chorong).
Hayoung: wow..Baekhyun oppa is so romantic..that girl so lucky to have him.
Sehun: you like romantic guy? (Looking at Hayoung)
Hayoung: of course.. (Blushing)
Chanyeol,DO & Kai: good luck hyung!!!

Eunji and Naeun just laugh with the boys. Baekhyun turn back and give Minho green light to play the song. He look at Bomi before start singing, he take a deep breath and start singing..

My heart is slowly tinging at your cute and innocent image oh..
Whenever I came across you, I become awkward for no reason..

I keep getting curious about everything about you
Every night I dream a dream of my own oh..
What would it be like if you become my lover
And I finally confess my hidden love for you now

I hope you will be my lover
I hope you will be my one and only love
Please only tell me your confession on love

I hope you will be my lover
I hope you will stay by my side
Wherever you go, whatever you do
I hope you will think of me

I have a lot of feelings to show you but
I don't know how I should begin oh..
My heart is impatient for no reason
So even if i seem awkward, please accept my confession

I hope you will be my lover
I hope you will be my one and only love
Please only tell me your confession on love

I hope you will be my lover
I hope you will stay by my side
Wherever you go, whatever you do
I hope you will think of me

I pray that I become your lover

Promise me that you'll be my lover
Promise me that you'll be my one and only love
Please whisper love to me sweetly like chocolate

He finished the song and look at Bomi, he saw Bomi in tears and left the hall. Everyone in the hall clap their hands and all the girls scream and calling his name. He gave the mic to Minho and go down the stage.
Baekhyun: Suho hyung, where is Bomi?
Suho: she left just now. Baek don't tell me you..

Baekhyun leave them and run to the school rooftop, he have a feeling Bomi is there.

School Rooftop
He is indeed correct Bomi is sitting on the bench and crying. He slowly walk and sit next to her.
Baekhyun: Bomi-ah..why you runway?

Bomi still in the same position not looking at him and just keep silent. Baekhyun stand up and kneel down in front of her, he hold and lift her chin up facing him.
Baekhyun: why are you crying?
Bomi: nothing..
Baekhyun: bomi-ahh..I'm in love with you..i love you..when the first time i saw you after the incident where I unintentionally hit your head with the ball. After that incident I'll always think about you everyday but I don't have any courage to approach you, I'm scared that you don't like me after what I've done to you. I can't figure out is it meant to be this way my feeling towards you, so hard to say. I can't live without not seeing you in a day, know if this real tell me am I mistaken to fall in love with you? (Take her hands and put on his chest) can you feel my heartbeat? I just want to know if you feel the same way as I did, I didn't regret at all when we're kiss that day in fact I feel so happy and lucky because you did reply back my kiss. Bomi-ahh..I'm sorry for falling in love with you, I just can't help it (look down and finally tears coming out from him).
Bomi: (hit his chest few times) pabo BYUN BAEKHYUN!!! Why took you so long to confess to me? (Lift up his head, wipe his tears and kiss him) I love you too..
Baekhyun: (look at her and feel shocked) you..you.. really love me?
Bomi: (smiling shyly) yes, I'm in love with you too. It all started when you feel sorry for me and send me to the school clinic after the incident. The moment i lay my eyes on you my heart flutters out of nowhere. Sadly after that you didn't even talk to me and I don't why. Sometimes I notice you stared at me during recess time but when I look back at you, you will look somewhere else. I thought you hated me so much then I decided to kept my unrequited love for you deep inside my heart and no one will know.
Baekhyun: (hug and kiss her forehead) I didn't know that bomi-ah. I watched you from far because I like you and when I saw you looking back at me I was nervous that's why I look at somewhere else. I'm sorry, it takes years for me to build up my courage and finally confess my love to you but it's worth it. Thank you for loving me back bomi-ahh..
Bomi: how about your admirers? They must be hated me knowing that I'm your girlfriend.
Baekhyun: I will protect you.
Bomi: thank you for non stop loving me oppa..

All 10 of them hiding behind the walls and listening to their conversation from the start finally comes out.
Chanyeol: (clap his hands and join by the others) congratulations hyung!!! Welcome to a new couple BAEKMI!

Baekhyun and bomi startled, shy and surprise to see all of them. They all giving bless to their relationship and both feel happy because they can accept it.
Chorong: I never know you like him bbom-ah..(hug bomi).
Eunji: bbom-ah..you need to behave yourself from now on since you already have a boyfriend.
Suho: I'm proud of you baek, from now on please take care of her okay? But I'm wandering why you never told us before this?
Baekhyun: (scratch his nape and smile shyly) believe me hyung I want to tell you guys but I'm afraid that you will mock me.

They all laugh together and congratulate Baekhyun and Bomi.
Later that night at home the new couple texting to each other..

Text messages between Baekhyun and Bomi..
Baekhyun: bbom-ahh..thank you..😘
Bomi: for what oppa?
Baekhyun: for your love💓
Bomi: thanks to you too for not giving up on me and love me endlessly💘
Baekhyun: I fall hard for you..i love you..good nigh and dream of me💞
Bomi: I love you too oppa..good night and dream of me too💕

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