Can't Say - Jung Hoseok

By park_pabo

132K 7.5K 6.9K

"you're not going to tell her, it's something you shouldn't say. it's something you shouldn't even think twic... More

part zero - preview
part one - introductions
part two - the destroyer of geometry
part three - parenting class
part four - flower boys
part five - a secret admirer
part six - the librarian
part seven - the three dollar bet
part eight - friendship
part nine - bad things
part ten - a date with a friend(s)
part eleven - heart beat beat beat
part twelve - company
part thirteen - make it up to him
part fourteen - nothing to fear, nothing to hide
part fifteen - daydream daydream
part sixteen - new parents
part eighteen - regret
part nineteen - boundaries
part twenty - the punch of a lifetime
part twenty one - the comfort of a nurse bed
part twenty two - the universe picks favorites
part twenty three - bright lights
part twenty four - a true friend's heartache
part twenty five - a sister's suspicion
part twenty six - a word of advice
part twenty seven - a false identity
part twenty eight - stay by my side
part twenty nine - another incident
part thirty - heal
part thirty one - together forever
part thirty two - a happy ending
part forever - epilogue
10k + #9

part seventeen - where does the pain go once the rain stops

3.7K 230 816
By park_pabo

you had came home along with taehyung, entering your house and setting the baby down onto the ground as you took off your jacket and set it onto the couch. you had brought your backpack to your room and changed into quick house clothes.

taehyung however was still in his uniform, and went inside your bathroom to change his clothes. taehyung didn't bring spare clothes with him, he has his own clothes in your house.

although that seemed strange to others, it was perfectly normal to you that taehyung had some clothes of his at your place since he likes to sleepover a lot. jimin of course would always point it out, and you thought it was cute that he cared.

but you shivered at the thought of jimin asking you out. it's not like it was disgusting or shocking, but you didn't really expect jimin wanting to continue on pursuing you.

it just didn't seem like him to be so hung up over one girl.

as rude as that statement sounded, it was true. you weren't used to seeing jimin wanting to be with one girl. and maybe it was strange since that one girl was you, and that's what made you still so hung up over him.

your crush wanted you, and jimin wanted nothing more than to call you his and kiss you and do all the things that couples did. that's what you've always wanted, but when it came, after many years of staying quiet, you rejected him.

i'm such a dick. you thought in your head as you had tied your hair into a high ponytail.

taehyung had gotten out of the bathroom, in fresh new clothes as he laid down onto your couch. you watched as his tall body was longer than the couch but it didn't matter, he looked rather cute curling his body into a ball on the furniture.

"is something wrong, tae?" you asked, grabbing yourself a bottle of water.

"no.." taehyung shook his head, "okay well-okay yeah. yeah, there's something wrong."

you smiled as you sat right next to your best friend, and although you two had made up, it still felt like forever since you two have talked.

"and what is that?"

"(your name)," taehyung called, "do you like hoseok hyung?"

you froze in your seat, registering the thought of hoseok. remembering all those times he was good to you, was there when you were a wreck, and the times where he would make jokes with you. it made you smile unknowingly and taehyung noticed that. he's never seen you smile that way before, well, only with jimin to be exact.

but this smile wasn't just over a girl thinking about her crush, it meant something more. it was the way hoseok was, differing himself from jimin. sure, they were both handsome, funny, and great.

but hoseok was always positive, and there wouldn't be much complications with dating him.

"well?" taehyung asked, suddenly giggling at your trance, "i'll take that as a yes."

"what?" you pushed taehyung lightly with the palm of your hand, "no! i don't like hoseok oppa!"

"you're still calling him oppa, (your name)," taehyung smirked.

"not like that means anything," you drank the liquid inside of the bottle, "besides, hoseok's not interested."

taehyung made an incorrect buzzer sound as he sat up, "bitch, is you blind?!"

"excuse me?"

"hoseok hyung totally likes you!" taehyung lifted his hands for emphasis, "do you not see the way he looks at you?"

"i guess i don't really pay attention.." you confessed.

"obviously," he laughed, "but hoseok likes you. it's written all over his face."

"how so?"

"(your name), you could just tell. he looks at you like you're the most precious thing he's ever seen, he talks to you all the time and makes you laugh whenever he can. he even came to your house to comfort you when you needed it." taehyung's last example stung him, but he knew it was of good reason.

"he's literally love struck."

you shifted uneasily in your seat, blushing. he was right though, hoseok did seem like a love sick puppy to you. he wanted your attention, and would feel happy whenever he would succeed to do so.

"although i really do think your reasons are valid," you admitted, "i still think hoseok should confess if he does."

"oh," taehyung smirked, tugging your arm, "so you want him to confess?"

"w-well," your cheeks flushed, "it would be nice..since he is cute and all..and he has a really nice smile and aura..hoseok is..just really sweet."

taehyung nodded and leaned back onto the couch, making a face that you understood. it was the 'i fucking knew it' face, he slowly clapped his hands. "i was so right!"

"so right about what?"

"on you liking him!"

you grabbed your couch pillow and hit him with it. causing taehyung to chuckle into his low but cute chuckles, covering his face from your brutal pillow attacks.

after the small fight, you looked at the clock across from you. "i should get going on that date."

"oh," taehyung looked at the clock as well, "when are you coming back?"

"hm, maybe around the same time like last time?" you guessed, alrighty heading to your room.

"you guys better be dating when you get home!" taehyung yelled from the living room, making you laugh and cursed at him.

you stood in your bedroom, completely clueless on what to wear. you looked outside your weather and noticed that it was still cloudy but the sun was still out. so you chose rather comfortable fall clothing.

you grabbed a dark orange jacket and a black crop top along with pastel blue jeans. you grabbed your name brand sneakers and kept your hair tied up since you were too lazy to style it.

as you were putting on your makeup, your phone buzzed.

it was from hoseok.

agh, i'm so excited!

there's this cute pastry shop i think you'll let's go there whenever you get hungry okay??

you smiled at how hoseok was so caring about you, making you reply to his cute text messages.

sure thing!

are you already dressed btw??

you set your phone onto the vanity and continued to put your lipstick color on as hoseok replied with a picture message.


do i look ready 😂😂??

as soon as you saw the photo, you couldn't help but be surprised on how good hoseok looked. you ended up jolting in your seat and watched as your lipstick went past your lip line. you looked like the joker.

you were trying to rub it off, cursing profanities as taehyung just so happened to walk in.

"the fuck?" taehyung laughed at you, "i know you denied liking him but shit, (your name), do you really not want him to like you?"

"just get the fuck out." you sighed, smiling as taehyung nodded and closed your door.

that gave me a heart attack

you: look really good btw 😳😳

after a short while, you saw how hoseok was typing but then didn't type. he was unsure of he should say something. but that's when you saw his message.

thanks 😳

i can't wait to see how you dressed too! i can't wait ☺️☺️

also, who's gonna watch the kid while we're gone?


we're horrible parents

you laughed as you and hoseok kept on texting each other until you realized it was time to leave. you quickly grabbed your purse with your wallet and your phone on silent, leaving the room and had waved goodbye at taehyung.

"take care of our child!" you yelled.

"i got you fam!"

you went down the steps of your apartment, already heading to your car. hoseok wasn't going to pick you up since you two were just going to meet up. but as you were about to open your car door you noticed another car slowly pull up to your driveway.

it was jimin's car.

you were confused as to why your crush was here, and you saw how he rolled down the window and had his shades on.

"jimin?" you walked up to his car, "what're you doing here?"

"we need to talk." he said in a way that made him sound serious but also sorrowful.

"maybe another time? i have a date to go to-"

"(your name)," jimin said a bit louder and clear, "please..just get in the car."

you noticed how hurt and conflicted jimin sounded at that moment, and you couldn't really tell how he was actually feeling since his eyes were covered by the black abyss of the glasses.

you looked down at your phone and noticed that you still had some time before the date actually started.

you sighed, "fine, but make it quick."

you went inside of jimin's car and closed the door, seeing jimin reverse his car and drive away from your home.

"where are we going?"

"some place where we can talk privately. i know taehyung's at your place and i don't want him to see us."



you paid attention to the scenery laid out before you, the outside changing and drifting away from your house as jimin had parked the car some where else. he had stopped at a place where that many people weren't at, where people didn't usually go to.

you were nervous, your thumbs rubbing against each other as you were confused about this sudden meet up. that, and you wanted jimin to make this talk quick or else you would've missed your date with hoseok. which you really didn't want to happen.

"so..what is it you wanted to talk about?" you gulped, finally looking at jimin.

jimin turned his head at you, and sighed he took off his shades, revealing his red and tired eyes. they looked lifeless, and hurt.

"oh my god, jimin, what happened?!" you asked, hands already touching his face.

jimin smiled bitterly, his hands holding onto yours as he sat in the seat. it felt warm inside of the car as the weather outside was feeling colder. jimin only wanted your touch, your warm gentle hands caressing his skin, he wanted the things that hoseok got even though you two were just friends.

"jimin..?" you looked at him with concern.

"i still like you, (your name)." jimin confessed, his eyes closing at the feel of your touch. "and i really want us to be together."

you heart was already a beating mess, jimin looked so vulnerable and needed you. he looked like a wreck, aside from his eyes, his blonde locks were messier. you were surprised how horrible he looked after already leaving school, well, he didn't really look okay earlier now that you thought about it.

" know we-"

"i don't care if we can't!" jimin broke away from his sad exterior, "it shouldn't matter what people think or will do. i'd rather ruin my dumbass reputation than to not have please.."

your eyes widened as jimin leaned closer to your face, his warm breath hitting your neck and face ever so softly. he was tempting, he wanted you. he needed you.

"jimin," you shook your head, "i don't-"

and quickly, his eyes closed as he laid a powerful yet genuine kiss onto your lips.

it was the best feeling you've ever felt, sparks flying at jimin continued kissing you, and reluctantly, you chose to kiss back. you were weak, his kiss was too good and savory, he went deeper, trying to convince you to be his.

you ended up giving in and slowly, yet hesitantly, wrapped your arms around the boy's neck. jimin's small hands wrapping themselves onto your waist, gripping you calmly, pulling you in for more.

both of you had pulled away after the somewhat steamy yet meaningful kiss, catching each other's breaths as jimin placed his forehead onto yours.

"you were my first kiss." you said stupidly out of breath, making jimin chuckle at your statement.

"so," jimin had finally regained all the breath he lost and looked directly at you, "was that a yes?"

you were lost in those beautiful brown eyes, and the plush lips that were just on yours that made you feel amazing. you put a smile, and your eyes smiled along with it, "of course."


"of course she's just slightly late." hoseok had repeated to himself quietly, tapping his foot onto the ground as he stood there, waiting for you to show up.

hoseok tried not to let himself worry though, he didn't really enjoy feeling negative since he was such a happy person. hoseok was waiting patiently, slowly feeling time go by as he noticed how the weather was slowly shifting.

after breaking so quickly, hoseok grabbed his phone and looked at the time. it was read as seven forty two. you were already forty two minutes late, but hoseok just assumed it was the traffic.


it's been two hours.

and hoseok was still standing in the same place, not wanting to move as his eyes were on a search for you. he had looked through the crowds of countless people many times, his ever lasting hope on finding you. hoping that you would walk out of the crowd and surprise him.

but you didn't. and he didn't want to believe it.

as hoseok sighed and checked the many messages he had left you, they weren't marked as read.

suddenly, hoseok felt a small drop of water hit the tip of his slender nose, and then more continued to fall. he looked up and it was exactly what he feared.

it was raining.

hoseok didn't want to leave the spot because he was hopeful that you'd show up, and refused to believe that someone like you would've stood him up.

but after the long wait, and the rain getting stronger, he was now drenched, and cold. he wrapped his arms around himself, shivering and his teeth chattering.

you had left hoseok out in the rain by himself on your date.

the date that you made him anticipate.

and the same date that hoseok was planning to finally confess to you how he feels about you.

how he was certainly, and most definitely, was starting to fall in love with you.


no comment. you all probably hate me for this chapter. but please vote, agh, iM SORRY

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