Cinderella with Claws (once c...

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Unedited rough draft! A world in which both shifters and humans live side by side, Ella was born into a life... Daha Fazla

Prologue "Farewell, I Love You"
Chapter 1 "Royal Encounter"
Chapter 2 "Betrothed and Disapproval"
Chapter 3 "Unlikely Seer"
Chapter 4 "No Fun Here"
Chapter 5 "When Eyes First Meet"
Chapter 6 "The Mixed Encounter"
Chapter 7 "Love Divided"
Chapter 8 "Unexpected Surprise"
Chapter 9 "The Day at Large"
Chapter 10 "Queenly Idea"
Chapter 11 "What Bestowed"
chapter 13 "Lies and Sorrows"
Chapter 14 "The likely Fairy"

Chapter 12 "The Past and Present Events."

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Very unedited!!!

                                                        Chapter 12

Ella came into Richard's backdoor and walked into the kitchen. Even though it was only ten am, the kitchen was already in full swing. There were at least a dozen servants rushing around like a little colony of ants, trying to get everything ready for the pack meeting later on this afternoon.

 When she started to move and ducked out of the way, so she wouldn't collide with anyone or thing of mostly food, she went in search of Jane.  

 As she spotted her in the dinning room, setting up the table with kitchen utensils, Ella could see that she was bickering with no other then Martha. Ella just rolled her eyes to this. She would think after all these years of pack meetings that they would come to a common ground and set up a system that pleased them both. Yet, that was not the case. Maybe it had to do with both being head servants and having that slightest sense of authority. Though, all she knew was that she had to steer clear of them during this day, which was usually hard to do. Yet, she really, really tried to do just that. 

 Once she walked into the room, she could tell that they were already equally frustrated, which Ella could tell by both irritated frowns as they glared at each other.    

 "The red ones would look the best with the beautiful roses." Jane infuriately stated as she pointed to the flowers on each end of the table.

 "Yet, the blue ones are the king's favorite color." Martha sneered back.

 Ella sighed. After all, they were arguing over something as little as napkins "Why don't you use both red and blue? You can put every other colored napkin by each seat."

 After she said this, both women turned to looked at her. Martha gave her a smile, while Jane gave her a motherly stern look.

"Hello, Ms. Farina, how are you today?" Martha asked, using the formal greeting that should be address higher up the ranking ladder. Yet, on how many times Ella have told her to call her by her first name, it seems Martha was determine to use formally costumes, even though Ella is not a higher ranking wolf any longer.

However, as she was about to tell Martha this once more, Jane spoke up before her. "Where were you? You should have been here ages ago!"

"I was helping Victoria, the midwife daughter. She was very ill, which is unfortunate for her because her mother is out of town and she had no one to take care of her." Ella said.

Jane just gave her a weird look and said. "Sense when do you socialize yourself with that girl?"

Ella didn't know what to say, so she just shrugged her shoulders.

After looking at her for a couple seconds Jane just stated, " Fine, help Martha set up the table, I will see how the cooking is coming along."

As Jane walked off, Ella glanced at Martha to see her glaring at Jane's retrieving back. Martha obviously didn't like Jane being in charge of the food, but she knew that she had no choice, Jane had a craft for cooking.  

Once Ella got to work at placing the napkins around each other seat, Martha simply said. "Jane really does care about you, doesn't she."

Ella knew it wasn't a question, but a harmless observation. Yet, Martha was right. After all, Jane had watched Ella grow up into a woman she is now. Yet, Ella has always wonder what did would have been like for Jane if she wasn't stuck as a servant. Would she have had a family, someone to love her and maybe a daughter of her own?  Ella knew that Jane only puts up with her stepmother for this long because of her and for that she has always felt guilty.


"Sir you mustn't. This is unreasonable. We already out numbered."

The king just stared at the general. Not taking his words into consideration. "We must end this war." He told him.

Then he walked towards the map at the other end of the room resting on a small table, not giving his first in command a backwards glance.

King James really had enough of the this war. It has been almost two years and still they weren't any closer at finding Killoran's hideout or any of his men whereabouts for that matter. Well, at least not until now.

"Send the prisoner in." the king said to two of his solders, who a couple minutes later, came back with a grimy, looking man, who has been place in a cell for three days without any food or water.

"Please!" The prisoner said as the solders placed him in front of the king. He was obviously, pleading for his life, but the king new it was war. He couldn't show any mercy.  

As he  looked at the hostage, he tried not to show any emotion as he simply said. "This is simple. You tell me were your ruler lies and maybe I will save your life."

"Like I said before, I don't know where he stays." The prisoner stated as he looked at the king square in the face with revenges

But the king knew better.

He then turned to the two soldiers who brought the hostage in and nodded. The soldiers went to the table that didn't just have a map, but two knifes seating beside it. Then the king told the general. "Tie him up."  

"No!" The captive shouted as the general placed him in a chair and started tying him with rope. 

You see, I thing I've been very lenient with you for the past couple days. Maybe nourishment doesn't matter to you as pain does?" The king questioned.

The two soldiers walked up to the dishonorable man and place both knifes towards his face.

"Now, I'm going to say it once more. You either tell me were the hideout is or this time I will allow one of my soldiers to cut out your left cheek." The king said again. However, once more the prisoner said the same thing.

"Find then. Your choice."

Then one of the soldiers started curving in his cheek. He let out a cry, then gave in. "Find, find! I will tell you where Killoran stays!"   

Good." The king eyed him. "Where?"

"On SunMountain." The criminal said in defeat.

The king nodded once more to two of his soldiers. "Take him back to his cell."

As the soldiers started dragging the prisoner out the door, the king went to the map and marked SunMountain with an x.

The general spoke up for the first time since the interrogation. "I still think sending our men into this battle is a death wish. After all, we don't know how many supporters or fighters he has."

The king knew this, but he also knew if he didn't do something fast, more people and villages will die at his hands.

"Round up the troops. We had out at dawn." The king ordered.

"Yes, sir." The general said, giving up at trying to reason with him.


The king sighed as he stopped at the Stephen Barnard's office door and knocked. Just shy of forty-five, he was already getting gray hair. Stress has weight him down during the years. Kingship has become more and more tiresome in the last twenty years, especially with the war still at hand. Hopefully, Stephen finally had something good and important for him regarding the war.  

Once the door open to find Stephen grinning at him, the king had high hopes that he knew something important. As he stepped into the room, he took a seat in front of Stephen's desk.

"So, I did see the seer as you asked me too and I came back with some good news." Stephen said as went to the liquored cabinet by the desk and pour two drinks.

"Well, lets hear it!" The king cheerfully stated. If the seer did tell them some good news, he thought, then the war has to be on their side. They could actually win and save their kingdom.

With that said, Stephen sat down opposite the king, passing a brandy to him and then folding his hands on his desk. "We will win the war, however, with a prophesy."

The king let out a breathe of fresh air that he was holding during that moment. He took a drastic sip of alcohol and sat it dramatically down on the desk. 

The king did not like prophesies because he knew they are never sat in stone. It always depends on the choices the people in the prophesy makes.

"This is not good." The king said after along pause. He put his head in his hands.

"With the red wolf of course." Stephen went on saying.

With that being said, the king's head shot up. "What do you mean?" He said with his eyebrows raised.

"Well, the seer said that we only could win this war with a shifter as red as fire, but as cool as water." Stephen said, taking another sip of his brandy.

And how do you suppose it's of the red wolf?" The king questioned. "After all, the red wolf is just a myth. The red as fire part is probably just a metaphor as well as the cool as water bit."

"Yet, it makes sense, does it not?" Stephen questioned back, giving him a meaningful stare.

 The king knew what Stephen was talking about as he remembered that horrible event.


The king marched his troops towards battle, not stopping for days on end, not for food, not for water and definitely not for rest. Most would have said that he was going mad, especially during war. Yet, the king only had one mission, to stop the true mad man before he destroyed everything the king hold dear, which were his people and  his country.

As he reached the top of SunMountain, he felt his burning heart cooling with every step he took closer to his enemy. He wouldn't let anyone stand in his way, especially his leading general.

"My lord, we should stop for rest. We need to save our strength." The general said at every chance. Until now, the king would have ignored his wise statement, even though he knew deep down that the his general was right. Yet, at this particular moment he decided to listen to his first in comment. 

"Yes, your right." The king told him as he stopped his horse. He then turned to his men. "We will rest tonight. Tomorrow we will go into battle, just behind that cave overhead. There lies the entrance. Killoran and his followers will be lying inside the mountain." He then turned to the mountain with a haunted look on his face and went on. "They are probably watching us as we speak. Yet, If I still know Killoran as I once did,  I bet they won't make the first move. We will take a specific times to watch guard in groups of twenty with ten humans and ten shifters as we sleep."

Then the king got down from his horse and started making camp. Once he did so, he knew that his men were relieved just by the tension that was lifted in the air. He even saw some men throwing up from the corner of his eyes. But, he knew that he couldn't feel any guilt. Like he thought before, he couldn't show any mercy in times of war, especially with his men. It would make them fragile.

During the night it was actually peaceful. He guess he still knew Killoran at he once did. As friends since childhood, Killoran still thought that it was better not making the first move when face with his opponent. This is because he thought that he had more time to judge what he is truly facing. Guess to him this was no different, but to the king it definitely was. After all. it was personal.

As the king called his last group of troops to guard the camp, he fell asleep with restless dreams. Once it turned dawn, he woke up his men and got them ready for combat. Like every battle, he gave them a speech of hope.

"Today, we fight not just for our kingdom, but for the men and women of all species that died at the head of our enemy. We will not rest until we see every last blood of hope from Killoran's eyes vanish and when he takes his last breathe, know that are country will be free from horrible mourning and chaos. Once this is all over, we will celebrate for our men who died honoring what we loved. Whose with me?"

"Aye!" All the men roar as the humans started galloping and the shifters transformed and started running on all fours towards the rival's entrance.

However, as they almost got to the entrance, fire started fly out towards them. They all stopped in their tracks. The king looked to the top of the mountain as more fire started flying down like ran.

"Brace yourselves." He said, but it was no point. As he turned around he couldn't believe his eyes. He saw men after men that when touched with the blazes, burst in ashes right in front of his eyes.

As he and his men got closer to the entrance, men came out of the mountain with blue flames in the palms of their hands and started shooting at them. It was hard enough trying to duck out of the way, but once the king had a slight chance to look at his surrounds, he could see his men that got hit from the blue light vanishing from thin air.

"My majesty, look out!"

As he looked towards the voice he could see his general yelling and pointing at something. As he turned to see  what the general was pointing at, found a blue light flying at him. It was all in slow motion too, especially when the general knocked him to the ground.

With that, the men with blue lights palms stopped their firing.

Then they heard someone speak from the top of the mountain. "Capturing one of my men and finding my sanctuary is very clever, but you forgot one thing James. Knowing what you're up against, which has been one of your weaknesses since you were a boy. It's a pity you still have it after all these years. Because of this, I will surrender this time. Next time we meet,  there will be no sympathy. Hopefully, I will be fighting someone of equality. Now get off my mountain." Killoran said.

Once the general and the king sat up and knew Killoran was done. The general asked "Are you ok?" as they looked at each other, both with an astound expression on their faces.

"I'm fine." He said back, but as they both tried to get up they found something shocking." What happen to your leg?"

As the general looked down at his left leg, he found part of it missing. "I think I got hit by the blue firer light?" He said with shrug.

The king eyebrows raised. "Why didn't you vanish, like the rest of the men?" He asked in wondered.

I don't know? Maybe the fire light has to be hit in the heart for someone to die?" The general hypostasized.

"That would make sense at least?" The king stated. Then he turned to his condense men. "Least go."

The journey back home was a quiet and grief one. No one said a word, especially the king. He was the one who marched his men towards a murder bath. He felt like the worst rule at that moment. The general was right. He should have listen to him.

After a couple days back at the castle, the king was sitting down with his lovely wife and son having beautiful lunch in the garden. Yet, that was ruin as the nurse came to see him.

"My lord, you most come quick. It's the general." She said.

As the king raced towards the infirmary and came in front of the general lying in bed, he could tell that his sickness has worsen. "Oh, David." He said as he put his hands to his face, not letting his first in command see him so sadden. "What have I done?"

"You were a king that took it too personal then you should have." The general said in between weaken breaths.

"I wish I can take it all back." The king said with a stress sigh.

"How would you know that blue fire was going to hit me." He said again in a fail smile.

"Yet, I don't know how to help you." The king stated frustrated.

"Make sure my family is alright and provided for." The general said. "Especially my dear daughter Ella."  

The king knew that what David Farina treasured most was his daughter. He talked about her all the time. "I'll make sure she is will provide for." The king promised. A couple hours later the general sadly died.


Stephen sighed as the king left his office. He got up from his chair and walked to the window. He could now see some of his pack members in groups huddling around his front lawn, socializing. Most of them were glancing towards the house, probably seeing if they could catch a glimpse of either the king or prince that came to stay at the Farina's house, most of then probably wondering why they are even there to beginning with. Yet, if he new the dreadful Luna of this pack, most of all the pack members probably new already, which made Stephen's blood boil.

Just then someone barged into his office. He didn't have to turn around to know it was her. After all, the Luna of the pack had no decent or proper manners to beginning with and she only came here for one thing.

"Stephen, just the man I wanted to see." She said as she walked over to him and put her hands around his neck. She looked out the window and let out a gleeful squeal. "This is going to be wonderful. Just imagine what are pack members are going to think once they found out about my dear daughter betrothed to the prince."  And then she went to the liquor cabinet and poured herself a drink.

Stephen just watched as she then took a big sip of whiskey and sighed. This was getting more and more complicated. All he wanted to do was shield Ella from her future fate, like Kyle asked him before he went fighting for the war, leaving him in charge of his pack and his daughter.

At first he didn't understand his Alpha and friend when he told of the prophesy. Stephen would have thought that Kyle would be glad and honored that his daughter would hopefully stop the war. Yet, he didn't want his daughter apart of the it at all, so Stephen did what he had to do. He turned a blind eye when it came to the Luna and her hatred towards Ella. Yes, Ella was an omega now. Yet, she wasn't out in the open, but kept away, so no one important would expect her of being a red wolf, which is believed to be the most powerful of wolf shifters.

"Are you even listening to me?" Claudia asked as she stared at him in disbelieve as lifted from his thoughts.

This made Stephen even madder. How dear she come bursting into his private office unwelcomed and thinking that he was doing anything improper or offensive. Whether she was the one being the rudest, so he gave her what she wanted. He snaped at her. "Well, of course not." He straight-out told her. "You come in here like you owned the place."

She just looked at him with a iniquity grin. "But you see, I do owned the place." She said back. "I own almost all the pack loyalty, which makes me the rightful leader of this pack."

Stephen just glared at her because he knew she was right. Even though he is the Alpha of the town, half of his pack is first and foremost loyal to Claudia, which he never knew why. Yes, she was consider the Luna because Stephen never remarried, but Kyle Farina was a great pack leader, who generally cared about each member. He treated each shifter as a friend first and a leader second, which made him the leader he was. So, Stephen would have thought that they would be first and foremost loyal to Ella, the person that Kyle hold dear in his heart. Yet, this was not the case.

"However" Claudia went on. "You could always take my offer." She said as she put the glass of whiskey down and pushed up against him flirtatiously.

"Like I said before, I will never marry you." Stephen explained as he walked away from her towards the office door. He opened it and said. "Get out."  

He knew that marry Claudia would be best idea politically. His pack will only strengthen because they wouldn't have to pick sides. Yet, he couldn't marry this woman. He will become mad with her always at his side. Even thinking of making love to her gives him the shakes.

She looked at him from the widow for a few minutes, observing him. She then took her glass of whiskey from the desk and took along last sip. Once she was done she walked towards him.

"Then we will do what we have always done." She told him with lopsided grin. "I'll be the face of the pack, while you stay in the shadows, doing all the behind the scenes."

Then she picked her dress and left without a backwards glance. Stephen slammed the door behind him. He then went and sat at his desk. He put his hands on his head and grunt.

It was time and he knew it. It has become far bigger then keeping Ella out of the political affairs. After going to see the seer that was asked of his king, the prophesy did not change as he hoped. Ella is still destined at fighting and stopping this war. He most tell the king who the red wolf is. Yet, he can't seem to do it because he going to have to tell of Ella's true identity.

However. after speaking with that dreadful women, he knew it most be done. He can't life like this any longer. David's daughter most except her fate soon enough. Hopefully, the seer's word runs true enough still and Ella's destiny won't frightfully change on us if she except it, which because of her past, she might not.     


David  lead his wife and daughter  deeper and deeper into the forest. His whole pack was in high spirit today because it was Ella inauguration day. Soon she will fully take her place among her fellow pack members.

From glancing at his daughter at ten years old, he knew she was scared. It can be a traumatizing experience, mostly because of the pain it does to the bones the first transformation. David  took his only blood child little hand in his as they walked on in the moon light. He turned to his newly wife of only two years and saw her smiling at him. She really was the woman that he needed. She was so caring and understanding of him and his daughter, which he always wanted as a wife for Ella after his one true loved died. That was why she was here. Traditionally, it is consumed that the mother will help her daughter through the first transformation, yet he knew that Ella felt uncomfortable with the idea of  letting Claudia help her go through it, so he thought it was best that he came along. As he kept his hand in Ella's, he knew it was the right idea.   

As they came to the middle of the forest, where there was less tress and the moon illuminated the brightest, he looked at the stars and realized it was about twelve clock. He turned to his daughter and got down on his knees. "It's about time, my sweet."

Ella looked at him with panic, big. brown eyes. "I'm scared, papa."

David gave her sympathetic look. "You will do fine. Your strong. After all, you take after your father, who is the strongest of them all."

This made her chuckle, which got smile on his face. Her laughing was a good sigh. It meant that she was indeed tougher then she looked.

"Now you go over to your stepmother. I'm going to be right here cheering you on, alright?"  He said.

She just nodded as she walked over towards her stepmother as they clasped hands. He saw them walked to the middle of the field, right under the moon gazed and then Ella fell to the ground. David could here her bones cracking. Ella cried out in pain, but he didn't have to worry. His wife was there giving Ella words of encouragement.

Yet, just then he saw something weirdly unusual. Burst of blue light was coming of Ella as she changed. He turned to his wife who seemed that there was nothing abnormal about Ella's transformation. He was about to call her out on it when saw another blue light of to the far left, hiding behind to rows of trees. David stared at it for couple minutes to realize to was a woman glowing. She was dark skinned, with really dark, black hair. Her body was almost exposed and the only cloth that covered her was hips and breast. It seem that she was moving her hands back and forth and chanting some kind of  language that he couldn't  here. Then she spoke into his mind.

"Your daughter will do great things, especially towards your people. She will help save the shifter race."

After that her voodoo magic stopped. Whatever happened to Ella was no more. All the blue light seem to vanish. But not just that, her pain seem to as well and she then turned peacefully and gracefully all the way into her wolf form. David eyebrows raised as this was not supposed to happen.

Then his  daughter looked at him with her wolf, golden eyes, which seemed to be the only normal thing about her because what stood before him was a very strangely, red wolf.


As Ayden rode up towards the Bernard's house, he let out a loud grumble. He wasn't looking forward to this insanely, pack meeting, which seemed like more of a party then ever. Yet, after talking to his betrothed, they do this every month, dress up and have a enormous feast, which was more parties then they have at the palace. They might only have two to four during the year, which Ayden dread each time. He hated small talk when it came to very stuck up, political people, especially relating to their daughter who each one seemed to think would be an excellent queen. To bad for them that they didn't know that he was already betrothed when was thirteen. His father thought it was best to keep it a secret because of these political matters.

Ayden took a sigh as he stepped out of the carriage. When he did so, each eyes that were standing on the lawn looked in silence. No one made a sound until he walked into the house. Then he head a lot of murmurs. He just shook his head in frustration. This was the second time the town did this. The first time was fine, but a second time was annoying. He guess he has to live with these kinds of awkwardness until he died or at less when he leaves the palace grounds.  

As he stepped into the house, he looked up towards the staircase which was right in the middle of the room to see a man with grayish brown, wavy hair and beard coming down to greet him.

"You most be the prince." He said as he came to shake his hand. "My name is Stephen the Alpha of the town." He gave Ayden a warm smile as he lead him away from the entrance.

"I believe I have seen you at the palace many times then once." Ayden said back as the walked into the living room that was filled with trays up along the walls the concise of mostly finger food.   

"Yes, but never met face to face." Then he pointed to the couch. "Seat, I'll get on of the servants to give you a glass to drink. I'll go get your father. He should be in the dean. Then I'll everyone in from outside. I think the servants are almost done setting up." Then he left the room.

After seating there for a view minutes, a woman came walking into the room. His eyes went wide when he realized it was Rosa.

Today she looked completely different. Her hair was up in a fashionable bun, where usually it lead beautifully down her back. When her hair was out of her face, he could see the line of her neck that seemed long and lean. It also made her eyes stand out more. Her presents to his breath away.

"My prince." She said as placed the cup on the table. "It's red wine."

Then she turned around and was about to walk away from him, but he unthinking grabbed her arm to stop her. He couldn't let her leave.

He couldn't find words at first. He was definitely tongue-tied as he looked up at her from the couch.

"Your so beautiful." He finally said. Then smacked himself mentally in the head. Why did he say that.

"Um, thank you." She uneasily said. She wasn't as fierce as she was a week ago in the barn which he thought he would have seen when he grabbed her arm.

"You probably hate this day of the month?" He asked trying to make small talk. Yet, he could see from the look in her eyes she whether be anywhere but here.

"You don't have to talk to me if you don't want to, your highness." She said, not answering his question.

"Yet, I want to talk to you." He simply said as he smiled up at her, smitten.

Then the fierce look glisten in her eyes. "Honestly, your almost a married man and not all omegas are whores."  After that she tore her hand away from his grip and walked hastily out the room. All the wonder, Ayden looked at her retrieving book. After all, he really wasn't even flirting with her.


Claudia left Stephen's office with a smile on her face. She knew what she said rubbed him the wrong way, but seriously, the sooner they wed the better the pack would be. Yet, she could always moved to the palace with Rosa and marry another man of  higher position. However, this pack seemed to really grow on her. After all, she loved the feel of empowerment.

As she sat on the couch, listening to Ralf, Stephen second in command talking about nonsense. She turned to look at the prince, who was by the far wall with many admirers hanging on to his word. She had to give him credit, he definitely knew how to charm them, which can come in handy as a future king. Yet, she was angry at the fact that the only woman he is suppose to charm is his soon to be wife. She looked around the at all her fellow pack members and couldn't find a single trace of her.

"Ralf" Claudia asked as he stopped in midsentence. He really did cherished her as he looked at her fondly. "Can you go find my daughter, Rosa. I know she is here somewhere." But not where she needed to be. Claudia didn't get this far and sacrifice so much for her daughter to let her ruin her own future.


Claudia knew this was the only way. Her second husband is died, and the pack hatred her. They only tolerated her these four years out of respect to their alpha, but she knew she would never when over their loyalty. But after all, they didn't understand her and it felt like she always says the wrong things around them. She always felt out of her skin, especially doing pack business. When she decided to let Stephen Bernard take over most of the pack business, it seemed that she was place in the shadows. no one even talked to her unless she discussing Ella.

And there was Ella, who seemed to grabbed everyone's attention. She seemed to light up the room with just her presentence and it wasn't even because she was a adorable little child. If this was so then her daughters would get the same attention. Yet, they didn't. Ella got special treatment just because she was their alpha's daughter. Yet, the pack should have bowed down to her. After all, she was their rightful leader, so she knew what needed to be down.

As the carriage stopped in the deserted street at the end of town, Claudia stepped out and walked into abandon building that looked like it was going collapse at any minute. Once inside she called out.

"Hello! Is anyone there?"

There was nothing she could see other then run down walls and cemented floor. She called out one more time when she saw a light flicker in a room farther in the distance.

As she walked into the room, she saw a older looking woman sitting in a desk in front of her. Behind this woman  she saw horribly, wood design kitchen and  a little, twin size  bed to the right side of the wall, which was  nice and tidy.

"Have you gotten what I ask for?" She said as she looked up at Claudia with one eye that was red as blood and the other one as white as snow. They didn't have any pupils, which mad Claudia nauseous to the stomach, but she pretended not to show as she got something from her coat pocket and putted on her desk.

Then the old lady picked it up, opened and looked inside. She then looked back and smiled at Claudia with only one tooth in the middle of her mouth. "I can buy plenty of nice things now I got some coins to buy them with." Which Claudia knew from looking at this dump.

"Your quite right, my dear. My place is a dump indeed." She said, which made Claudia eyebrows pop straight up.

"Well, what did you respect? I'm a witch of insight. I can read your mind and other things." She explained.

Then she got down from her desk chair and said. "Follow me."         

They step to the left side to a door that Claudia thought was a closet. Then the witch took something from her dress. It was a key. She putted into the doorknob and turned.

"This is not a closet, but a room that I keep most of the supplies." She told Claudia.

As they step into the room, Claudia had found herself surrounded by shelves and shelves of bottles and bottles of what she assume was the witches collation of potions.

"Now which one did you say you wanted?" The witch asked her.

"I want a spell that a can turn my pack members into loyal servants or at least make them respect me as their Luna of their pack."

The witch turned and looked at her as she said this. It seemed to her that the witch looked at her which some sort of pity.

"You know," She went on to say. " You can obtain this with no magic."

Claudia just glared at her. "I didn't ask your wisdom, especially from a witch like you."

The witch didn't seem offended by this as she walked to on of her shelves and took a bottle with yellow liquid to her. "I was just asking because magic always comes with  a price, my dear."

Claudia knew of this, but she didn't care. She would trade anything to have better life, even someone else's life.  And then she grabbed the bottle out of the old woman's hand.

"Wait, before you drink it." The woman said before Claudia could open the bottle. "Taking to much of the liquid can cost you something more then death."

Claudia didn't know what she mean. Surely, there isn't anything worst then death.

"But, there is my dear." And then she grasped both of her hands in Claudia's. "Drinking to much will cost you your soul."

Then the old lady gave Claudia an evil grin and flipped her hands in the air and then pushed her with some force of air out the door into the street by her carriage. She turned to see the driver looking at her with wide eyes.

"My Luna, you were gone for the longest time, where did you go?" He asked.

She was about to tell him how idiotic he sounded when she turned back to the building to see that it vanish from sight. Her eyes widen for a view seconds before she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Never mind that, just take me home." She said as she got into the carriage and it rode away.


As David laid in bed, knowing he was going to die, he knew what he had to do. After seeing the war first hand, he knew it was no ordinary war with just shifters. The only way to win was the red wolf, who believed to have powers beyond compare. 

That is why when the king came in, he asked for a promise that the king would take care of  daughter at all cost.

Okumaya devam et

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