Chapter 1 "Royal Encounter"

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                              Chapter 1 "Royal Encounter"

Ella was awoken by a sound in the distance. She bolted on all fours and sniffed the air. Someone was coming and she was ready for them. Just then she heard a stick cracked a few feet away. Her fur was sticking straight up, she was ready to bounce. She turned to the sound to see a large, brown fur of fluff flying towards her, she fell to the ground with a big thump. She looked up to see an enormous, hundred and forty-five pound wolf on top of her. 

"Richard, what are you doing"  She asked not at all surprise. He was always doing things like this, which was always just plan annoying.

"Have you missed me?" He said playfully, wagging his tail.

"I just saw you yesterday, weirdo. Now get off of me at once." She said, with tiresome patience. Just then he stuck out his tongue, like he was going to give her a wet kiss. "You better not even think of it." But it was too late. He licked her entire face with that big, fat tongue of his. "I can't believe you." She mentally screamed.  

"Oh, shut up, you know you loved it."  He said as he got off of her. "Me on top of you."

I'm going to bite your ear off, that what I'm going to do. Ella said. She started to growl as she came towards Richard, who was taking a couple steps back.

Come now, I was just teasing. No reason for aggression. Richard screeched, but Ella was still on his tail. Richard puffed, Fine, I'm sorry. Happy?

Ella stopped her attach and jump on all fours. She came back down and said. See, that wasn't too hard, now was it?

You cheated. You know I can't fight girls. Richard wept.

Your just scared that a girl can beat your butt. Ella mentally laughed. 

Not true. Richard explain. I can any time, any day.

Really now? Well then I will race you back to your house. And then she was off, running as fast as her paws could take her, while trying not to bump into any trees.

She looked in the corner of her eye to see him gaining on her fast. He was looking start at her with a lopsided grin. She tried to pick up more speed. She was definitely panting now. It was good that she was in her wolf form or she would be sweating form head to toe. The only sweat that came from her wolf was her foot pads.   

They were head to head now. "I'm winning, I'm winning!" Richard sang, but just when he was about to sing it one more time, he went smacking into to a tree. He let on a whine as he flew backwards.  

Cinderella with Claws (once called Cinderella Omega)Where stories live. Discover now