Chapter 3 "Unlikely Seer"

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                       Chapter 3 "Unlikely Seer"

Victoria shot up in bed with startle. Lately she been having the same dream of a young woman with long, curly hair. The dream woman is standing in the middle of the battlefield with many dead bodies surrounding her. Her brown hair is blowing in the wind as she has triumph grin on her face. On the right side stands a tall man with long, straight, black hair, tied in a low ponytail behind his back. On the left side stands a younger man with shorter brown hair wearing a crown. Victoria never gets to see their faces, but she is pretty sure she knew who they were, especially since she saw one woman with brown, curly hair almost on a daily basis. She was mostly afraid as a cold shiver went down her spine.

She has never told anyone of her dreams, especially when they started coming true. She was only five years old when she had the dream of her father. He was in the mines when a storm came through. The people in town thought it was a tornado warning. Her father didn't listen and just said it would blow over. He told them that he would be underground and the storm would not effect him. This is mostly because he had down his work in storms before. He promise Victoria that he would be just fine, but she knew he wouldn't. She kept on warning him that he would get hurt. She tried making him stay behind, basically begging him. But in the end he went. After all, who would believe a five year old. Her parents thought they were just dreams, but she knew better even then. Later on, one of the mine workers came to their house and told them the horrible news. The mine tunnel close in and they couldn't get Victoria's father out. The terrible thing was that she saw it happening, even if it was just a dream. She had nightmares for months after that. She would just close her eyes and she could see her father taking his last breathe.

Victoria tried to shake off the nightmare as she got ready for the day ahead. As she got dress, she went down the stairs to find her mother slaving over the stove.

"Hello, mother." She said as she went over to the table and grabbed a banana out of the fruit bowl.

Her mother turned toward her as she looked at her daughter from head to toe. A common, judgmental frown spread across her face. "Tori, don't tell me your going to be wear that today of all days? The king and prince are coming into town this evening."

Victoria spread a devious grin on her face. "That is definitely why I'm wearing it."

Her mother let out a disapproving grunt. "Honey, this is not the way a proper lady dresses."

She just rolled her eyes. "Well, I'm not a lady am I, but just a plain peasant."

"A lady is anyone who proves themselves to be one." Her mother stated, whole-heartlessly. "Anyways, how can you win yourself a man dress like that and don't get me started on the rumors."

"And how do you know they are just rumors?" Victoria said, sheepishly.

"Don't even tell me your fooling with other men." Her mother point the spoon at her. "I will not have it."

Cinderella with Claws (once called Cinderella Omega)Where stories live. Discover now