Prologue "Farewell, I Love You"

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                                   Prologue “Farewell, I love You”

The year was fifteen twenty one and the midwife was holding her tears in as she looked down at the precious little girl before her, wondering what in hell will happen to this child now that her mother is gone from the world.

The midwife looked over to the now lifeless woman in bed. Her brown curls lying around her face on the white pillow. Just days before, she was laughing and telling stories of the past about her childhood adventures and how she came about at capturing the heart of Duke of the town. She was only seventeen moons at the time and a human at that, but when they locked eyes she knew that the Duke was the one for her. They married and mated a year later.

The midwife was surprise when they came knocking on her door. It was a sunny, Saturday afternoon. She just got done at delivering twins just days before and was now relaxing before she had to deliver yet another child in a couple of days. When she opened her door, she just stared at the two in front of her, wondering what they were doing there with beaming smiles on their faces.

When they set down on the midwife's couch in the living room, and told her the great news, she almost faint from astonishment.

"I'm pregnant!" the newly mother said as she laughed and gave her husband a kiss on the cheek. The Duke just looked at her, smitten, not caring at all of these news.

The midwife stared with raised eyes. It was very rare that humans and shifter reproduced. If they did and if the newly mother is human, the pregnancy can result in her and the baby's death.

The midwife just nodded as they told her what they wanted to do. The Duchess wanted to give birth to the baby. It was suicide no less, but the midwife knew when to keep her options to herself.

She has been with this woman for nine months now. She came to really care for this newly mother, who was now twenty years her junior. She could also tell that the Duke really loved this young woman and now looking down at their beautiful little girl, wonder how he would take the information of his wife's passing.

The midwife sat in the rocking chair by the bed with the child in her arms, waiting for the Duke to arrive and tell her what to do. He had to go away on business and didn't realize that his wife would give birth a week earlier then usual. Communicating with her through their wolf links, he said he would be there in less the ten minutes and she should wait until he got there before making any decisions.

The midwife looked down once more at the child, who was staring up at her with the most piercing brown eyes and whispered "you will be alright" as she rocked her to sleep.


Nine years later

Ella looked at her nine years self in the mirror. She looked like a big, fat peach with fizzy, brown hair. She let out a sigh of frustration, putting her hands on her hips.

"Stop making that face Ella. You look most beautiful today. You new mother and stepsisters are sure to love you" Jane said as she was tying a pink ribbon around her head.

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