The Book Boyfriend

By ellarose12

131K 5.4K 627

Rebecca Adams has been reading books since before she could walk, or at least her mother was reading them to... More

The Book Boyfriend ❤ Introduction
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four.
The Book Boyfriend Soundtrack.

The Book Boyfriend ❤ The End.

4K 246 71
By ellarose12

Two Years Later.

Flying had always been therapeutic to me; the escape from the world below was always a welcomed opportunity and now? Now the miles between air and earth were too many, I hate flying. The second we touch down my phone is being turned on before the seatbelt light turns off and the messages I'm hoping for don't come through.

Seth's did, his phone is beeping like an alarm clock and his face lights up making me hate him as much as I hate flying.

No one says anything as we get off the private jet, going through the terminal is always risky and since it's two am Perry decides to let us risk it. Noah is still half asleep, stumbling down the stairs and I don't have the patience to wait for him, heading straight inside I'm running into the terminal.

Perry doesn't have to worry, the travellers that are around at this time are more like zombies, nursing coffee in their hands or conforming in a mob to the baggage claim. No one would even look twice at us.

"Beau, she here?" Sticks ask, slapping me on the back as he catches up.

She isn't.

Disappointment is a like a bullet to the brain and I shake my head.

None of the guys say a thing as we start walking through the airport, and then I hear it. That sweet warm sound of Bec's laugh, I can't tell where it is coming from exactly. It's quiet in here and the echo could be from anywhere.

We keep going and Noah is looking at me strangely. Did he recognize her laugh too?

Getting to the escalator we're about half way down when I hear her voice, and looking around, I clench my fists instantly getting pissed off.

"You're such ass Murray! Give it back!"

Pot Luck is sitting around the metal chairs by the check in counters, their own security guard stands there watching amused and I glance back at Perry who is also keeping an eye on them.

"You made the bet, and you failed. So I get to keep it. Now let me see..." Getting closer I see he has her phone, tapping away on it Bec's face is flushed and she looks as annoyed as I feel.

"Fuck you!"

"Language cupcake!" Grayson mocks and his band all laughs, encouraging him.

"Give it back now or I'll be making sure you sleep on the bus only, and I get the fancy hotel room!" She threatens.

No one likes sleeping on the buses and Bec's threat works in her favor.

"Fine." Grayson hands her back her phone as we get closer, and he sees us before she does. "Let's kiss and make up? I know you can't stay mad at me forever."

Noah moves in front of me as we hear that, and a years' worth of rage at listening to Grayson gloat over having Bec with them is about to explode from my fist into his face.

"Oh I can Mr. Grayson, don't you worry about that!"

"Mr. Grayson? I love when you get all formal."

Bec is still distracted by her phone as he goes to kiss her cheek and just when I am about loose it completely, her hand shoots up and he kisses her palm instead.

"Totally touched the railing the whole way down the escalator and didn't wash my hands. Enjoy that." She retorts, wiping her hand on her skirt I tap her on the shoulder, glaring at Grayson who reluctantly steps back and wipes his mouth disgusted.

My pocket is vibrating, most likely with her messages and turning, the anger in face turns to surprise before she spins around and jumps into my arms.

"Hey Angel."

"Hey fiancé"

Two weeks since I had been able feel her lips on mine; that strawberry sweetness of her lip-gloss is the best taste on my tongue and I get lost in her.

"This isn't very professional." Grayson interrupts and opening my eyes Bec has lifted her arm and stuck her middle finger up at him.

"I don't have to be professional, the second we stepped off that plane my leave started."

Ignoring him, she turns back to me.

"I thought you must have been delayed when I didn't see you up there." I tell her gently.

"Nope, we were early so we came to get something to eat while we waited. Then some asshole stole my phone so I couldn't text you where we were."

"BRIDEY!!!!" Jess's scream had everyone in the terminal stopped to look. Bec's crazy best friend and newlywed herself, had offered to pick us up from the airport. Our schedules had been crazy these last few months, none of us got to see each other as much as we wanted.

Our time apart may have been a little easier if Bec didn't now have the job description of the manager of Pot Luck. Not permanently, just while their regular guy, Tyson, had to take extended leave due to illness. The family trait of being addicted to work hadn't skipped her and she had come a long way in the last couple of years from being her brother's assistant.

Grayson and I had called truce soon after Aviary. The main reason for that was due to the bar fight we ended up in a couple of weeks later. It also made front page of all the papers and the fact we even got in the fight made Bec so mad she didn't speak to me for a week.

I'm pretty sure that was the main reason behind her accepting the job, not just her brothers' encouragement or my Uncle's support with getting her trained. It only started as a six-month contract helping to organize his office and schedule the next tour and she started learning a lot more than what she already knew how to do.

I hated the fact she got to go on the road with them, but I trusted her completely and while Grayson didn't miss up a chance to piss me off, I knew it was harmless. I'm pretty Bec put him in place early on too, though neither admits to it.

"Jess!" I was rejected as Bec managed to run rather easily in her heels to her friend, the pair hugging each other as a fit of squeals sounded from them.

"You know how lucky you are having her?" The John from Pot Luck came to stand beside me and we watched them talk quicker than I thought was humanely possibly, yet they understood every word the other was saying.

"Don't need to tell me John, how was it?" It was only polite to ask about their tour; of course I knew all the details from my phone calls to Bec.

"She had everything perfect; I almost wish it could be permanent only Ty is back next week."

"If you think she's good with tour shit, you should see her with this wedding stuff."

"Good luck with that bro, many a man will cry now you've made it official."

"I'll see you guys there." I waved them goodbye and my guys soon followed me out.

"There he is!" Jess looked over still smiling and gave me a hug before going around the entire band.

Finding Bec, I kept her against me almost possessively. I couldn't help it. I loved her, I needed her and my life had completely changed since she walked into it. There had been an innocence about her that reminded me of my ex, the way she had walked into the party looking completely at home yet so out of place. She had stood in a corner, watching everyone and I had to talk to her. Since that first kiss on the balcony; I knew it would be stupid of me to ever compare them again.

She was nothing like Julia.

There wasn't a selfish bone in her body, and yet she wasn't pushed around either. She had a confidence and strength I don't think she even knows she has.

"Hey man." John was waiting with the car, the limousine big enough to fit us all in.

"Hey." We hugged awkwardly; I don't know why we never really got along. I guess I'd be the same with who ever my sister dated, that's if I had one. Despite our rough start, her Dad was so much easier to win over and I'd have to admit - even Grayson had been easier than John.


"Now are you sure about this?" Uncle Adrian adjusts my tie and leaving the house we walk down towards where the marquee had been set up by the pool.

"I'm positive."

It wasn't long before everyone stood; the bridal march beginning and looking to Noah he discreetly gives me the thumbs up. Sticks is fidgeting with his suit sleeves and Seth is distracted by his son, who had been a surprise to all of us last year. He was the reason behind the break up of his Mums band and the youngest member of ours.

At least these days her hair isn't blue.

Jess's Nana winks before holding her daughter, the pair starting to cry at the sight of the woman in white.

I can't look. I'm freaking out that I'm dreaming, that all of this isn't real and closing my eyes I'm scared to open them; that when I do, I'll be back on the balcony watching her walk away.

"Beau, open your eyes." Her voice is a whisper, and the love in it is undeniable.

I can't look.

The gentle touch of her hand on mine gives me the courage I need and doing as she asked, I open my eyes. Her face is concealed by a thin piece of veil and it doesn't do anything to hide the smile on her face or the tears in her eyes.

"Are you ready?" She asks softly and I glance to her Dad nodding.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate Rebecca Elise Adams and Beau Joshua Morgan, commitment to one another by binding their relationship in marriage." The celebrant smiles down at us from where he stands on the small platform and I look back to Bec, who truly looks more like an angel than ever before.

"Who gives this woman to be wedded to this man?"

Just as we rehearsed, her Dad steps forward.

"Her Father, and I do."

The celebrant nods, and pulls back the veil to reveal her face. They hug briefly, and he kisses her cheek, passing her hand to mine.

"Hey Angel." I mouth to her, and she is quick to wipe away a stray tear, passing her bouquet to Jess and our hands are now joined. Her Dad takes his seat beside her Mum and seeing my own, she is crying just as much beside my Uncle.

"Hey boyfriend."

Just touching her again is calming my nerves; this is real. This is happening.


The fact it is our wedding day hits me as I'm taking of her dress later that night. The meters of ribbon that hold it in place are cut off as I have no patience to sit there unthreading it and Bec doesn't even complain, eager to get the dress off too.

"Did you have a nice day?" She asks, the pile of white fabric dropping around her feet to reveal a rather enticing and familiar black corset with a matching lacey thong. Her question is forgotten as I can only stare her figure in the forbidden lingerie. She was always so embarrassed by this ensemble, getting her in it was nearly impossible.

"Is this the...?"

"Yup." She takes my tie in her hands, pulling me to her and as she kisses me, the tie comes off. So does the shirt and she doesn't stop there.

It is like our first time together all over again, minus the awkward parts. We know each other inside and out now, only tonight it feels all new again as we consummate our status as husband and wife.

Music may be my life, but every song I play for her.

The End.


Soooo............. What did you think? Did you like the way things turned out or expected more? If so, what? I'd love to hear it :)

Thank you to every single person who has read/voted/commented and to all of those who read it in the future. Without your support and encouragement, nothing would ever get finished and when I say thank you, I really do mean it!!

To my more regular readers... See what I just did up there?

A happy ending! ;)

Till next time,



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