The First ~10K~ (book 1)

By Maddib12

46.1K 864 144

I was his first and he was my first. When I needed him most, he was first to come. It was him first, it was m... More

1: Reunited
2: When It's Time
3: Remember The Mission
4: Sisters Of Mercy
5: Kidnapped
7: You did your Best
8: Sweet Hugs
9: Doctor of the Dead (pt 1)
10: Doctor of the Dead (pt 2)
11: Doctor of the Dead (final part)
12: The Murphy
13: White Light
14: First Time
15: Plans
16: Zombaby! (pt 1)
Good news and bad news
17: Zombaby! (Part 2)
18: Zombaby (final part)
19: Romace
20: Zombie Baby Daddy!
21: Pit Stop
Please read...
22: Day One
23: End Times

6: Where are you?

1.7K 44 3
By Maddib12

Can we just appreciate him for a moment please? ^^^

10K POV----

"Did you find her?" Doc asked when Warren and I walked back.

Warren shook her head. I just stared at the ground, thinking of what could be happening to Maddi right now. Was she hurt? Was she okay? Even worse... Was she dead? Would I have to give her Mercy?

"10K?" I heard my name being called. I looked up, expecting to see Maddi. But it was only Cassandra.

"What?" I asked, trying not to sound angry.

"Are you okay? Do you need to talk?" She asked.

"No. I'm fine. I just need to find her, then I'll be better." I growled, gripping the strap to my sniper. "I'm going to talk to Warren about searching someplace else. See you later."

I stormed away, my eyes still glued to the ground. I found Warren sitting in the car drinking some water. She saw me coming and stood up.

"Is there any where else we can search? Any where?" I begged, leaning against the car.

"10K, I know Maddi means a lot to you, but we didn't find anything. There was no way-"

I slammed my fist against the car, interrupting her.

"That doesn't mean ANYTHING. We will find her and you'll help me get her back. I don't care how long it will take, I will find her and no body will get in my way." I growled, clenching my fists.

"Okay, okay. I'm trusting you on this. And if we can't find her..."

"We will find her." I corrected.

"There might be some houses down the road. We can check those." Warren said. "Everyone, listen up!"

Murphy, Doc, and Cassandra gathered around.

"We're checking a few more places for Maddi." Warren announced.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What about me?" Murphy asked.

"What about you?" I snapped.

"I'm the important one, here." He replied.

"Murphy." Warren scolded.

"Does anybody care that I'm the one who can save humanity? Who cares about a little brat who-"

I cut him off by punching him in the jaw. He fell to the ground and I jumped on top of him.

"DONT TALK ABOUT HER THAT WAY!" I screamed, gripping Murphy by the shirt and pulling him up.

"Hey, hey, hey! Cut it out!" Warren yelled.

I ignored her and slammed Murphy in the car. I punched him one more time, making him fall. I went to kick him in the stomach, but I was pulled back. I kicked and squirmed about.

"10K! Chill, man!" Doc yelled.

Cassandra helped Murphy while Warren stormed at me. She kneed me in the stomach. I wailed and fell on my knees. I gasped for air and Doc patted my back.

"Man, kid. I didn't know you had that in ya." Doc said.

"He deserved it." I managed to get out.

Doc helped me stand up. My legs felt like jelly and my stomach ached.

"You alright, kid?" Doc asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I think I'll be okay."

I walked off towards the woods. I leaned against a tree and closed my eyes. I whispered to myslef; "Where are you, Maddi?"

Maddi POV----

I quickly slipped out of the horrible pink dress and put on my normal outfit that I always wore. The camo sweatshirt, ripped black skinny jeans and black combat boots.

I hid the scissors up my sleeve and opened the door. I crept down the stairs. Sebastian wasn't anywhere to been seen. Great.

I quietly tip toed over to the living room. Sebastian was sitting there, reading a book.

I crept behind him and stuck the scissors to his neck. He dropped his book and took in a deep breath.

"I knew this would happen." He said. "You have no need to be freighted, darling. I won't hurt you."

"I don't care. Take me back to my people," I hissed, pushing the scissors deeper to his neck. "Or I'll kill you."

He chuckled. I pushed the scissors deeper. He stopped and swallowed hard.

"I don't know where your people are." He lied.

"Bullshit!" I snapped, pulling him off of the couch and slamming him into the wall and pointing the sharp end of the scissors to his throat.

"I'm telling you the truth! I found you with some creep carrying you. I killed him and took you to make you better. When you got better, I was going to let you go." Sebastian explained quickly, trembling under my grip.

"Why should I believe you?" I growled.

"Because I'm a just a guy who lost his family. You're the closest person to my daughter since she died." Sebastian said.

I loosened my grip a bit. I pulled the scissors back from his throat and looked straight in his eyes. They were a beautiful green.

"You-you had a family?" I asked.

He smiled and nodded. "A beautiful wife and a gorgeous daughter."

I released him and dropped the scissors.

"What happened to them?"

He looked at the floor. I knew it was a bad question to ask, but if I could know more about him, maybe I could start to trust him.

"They were attacked by the Z's. I had to mercy them." He told me.

"I'm... I'm so sorry, Sebastian. I had to mercy my entire family. My mom, dad, sister, and brother." I said.

He started to pull me in a hug, but I turned away from him.

"You know I'm not not going to hurt you, right?" Sebastian said.

"I don't know you. So I don't know what you're capable of doing." I snapped.

I pushed past him and hurt a loud bang at the door. Sebastian pulled me back.

"I knew they'd be here." He whispered.

"Who?" I asked. Sebastian didn't answer, he just paced back and forth biting his nails. "Sebastian. Who is it?"

"The people who killed my family."

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