Cursed [book one]

By jaemintaemin

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[au in which the characters of Percy Jackson never lived] "Your warrior instincts will come to you within the... More

[0] Prologue
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By jaemintaemin

Roman flinched as she heard a blood curling scream pierce the air, just when she was walking past the infirmary.

Poor half blood, whoever had to deal that evening with Lily-Rose's healing methods.

Though she ignored it and kept walking no where specially, gripping Desideriis in her hand tightly.

Since the three new kids arrived, something seemed off, at least for Roman. The daughter of Eros had been a nervous wreck lately, also adding the fact that at night, she felt as if someone was watching her sleep from the corner of her cabin.

The weirdest thing? Her usual nightmare left her alone. For the past four days she hasn't had the horrible flashback of the moment of her curse being placed on her. She hasn't woke up screaming at 2:00 am.

No, for the past four days she had been dreamless, thing that was worrying her. A lot. It was just so usual for her to have flashbacks during her sleep, it didn't seem right to sleep in peace.

She didn't even feel safe in her own cabin. It was like the same entity or thing that watched her sleep, was draining out her energy. Roman would make up any excuse to be out of her cabin.

She sighed as she looked up from the ground, snapping herself out of her own thoughts. Wait how did that happen?

She had just walked out of her cabin, walking among the only path to the woods. But there she was again, back at the Eros cabin. How? Sure, she wasn't paying attention at all when she was walking, but the path she took only lead to the woods.

Confused and shocked, the young daughter of Eros looked around alarmed. She slowly backed off, tripping with the stairs of the porch of her cabin. Roman got up trembling and walked around the cabin, going to the path that lead to the dinning pavilion.

No. Her head was spinning. She just appeared at her cabin again. Panicked, Roman ran off quickly as far from her cabin as she could, in a random direction. Yet again, she was just running back to her cabin.

Roman gulped and looked around scared, feeling as if the air was choking her. She wanted to scream out for help but something deep inside, told her not to do so. As she looked around, she felt the same presence that made her nervous around.

She gripped her dagger tightly "LET ME OUT!!!" She screamed like a maniac, looking around frenetically as if searching for the entity. The air around her started to get colder, as if something was approaching her.

"what do you want from me??!!" The daughter of Eros screamed again as she stared off into what she thought was the ghostly figure of someone. A light chuckle was heard "be prepared, Roman." A voice that wasn't human at all whispered in her ear, giving the young girl chills.

She turned around harshly and looked around, the chills and weird feeling disappearing. "What are you?" She breathed out in a faint whisper. The panic she was once feeling, slowly turned into anger. What really triggered, was the following.

Roman felt something warm trickling down her leg. What? Her period was last week. She looked down at her leg and her eyes widened, when she saw the bandaged wound she had from the Desideriis incident was leaking with blood. She looked at her dagger, it was covered in blood.

There was no logical explanation for that. She had been holding her dagger all the time. How could she have done that?

She decided to leave the questions for later or she'd bleed to death. She slowly tried to limp away from her cabin, towards the infirmary. Miraculously, this time she was able to leave. She limped to the infirmary, wincing at every step she took, leaving a trail of blood behind.

As she entered the infirmary, she caught a glimpse of Indigo Heaton and her sibling Nate leaving the infirmary. Oh right, the poor girl had been knocked out by one of the ares twins.

As she walked in, she saw Apollo children everywhere, running from here to there, attending people. Luckily, there was a free bed. Roman tried to walk to it.

She was almost there, when she felt a burning pain on her wrist. She looked down and saw a light burning mark under the new bracelet she now wore. She had forgotten it was there. Since Sam gave it to her that night, she had felt the need to protect it with her life. As is the bracelet had her soul inside it. She had never seen it before, but she knew it was something she needed in her life.

She didn't know why sometimes it would burn her skin from time to time. She stumbled a bit and would have fallen if it wasn't for two strong arms wrapping themselves around her waist.

"Woah, carefully there." A voice that made Roman's heart fill up with a weird feeling said.

Sam Hallows was holding her by the waist and smiling awkwardly down at her.

Then Roman did the mistake of looking up at him more. Their faces were centimetres away. She could literally feel her cheeks heat up. She quickly looking away "t-thanks." She murmured awkwardly.

Sam nodded and helped her get to the bed, setting her down carefully. He looked at her leg, frowning, like when a kid sees his favourite stuffed animal had its fur ripped. "What happened?" He asked softly, looking at her.

Roman bit her lip as she looked at him. She didn't want to lie to him, but felt she had too.

"I-I uh tripped and fell, and the wound opened again," she said quietly, looking down, watching as the bracelet burned her skin once again. Sam seemed to believe her for a second, but then his eyes flickered down to the bloody dagger she forgot she was holding.

He took it from her hand and held it up "what's this?" He asked, rather upset, thing that surprised Roman. Seeing the girl didn't speak up, he repeated his words "what's this? Are you doing this to yourself?" He asked again sternly.

Roman sighed in defeat and looked down "yes, well, no- I just- don't know...." She murmured and peeked up at the son of Apollo, who had a very confused face "I'll explain later if I can. I swear. But now, I wouldn't want to bleed to death." Roman said to Sam, giving him a small smile.

The boy didn't hesitate as he took out a first aid kit. Roman resisted the urge to groan. Everyone knew the shit that laid inside that goddamn box was toxic and stung like hell. She sighed softly as she watched Sam take out a bandage and cotton with alcohol.

"This is gonna sting so...just hold onto whatever you'd like." He said softly, but Roman was sure he wasn't expecting for her to take his hand. But he went along with it.
He dipped a bit of the cotton on the alcohol, then very lightly dabbed the open bleeding wound with it. Roman winced loudly and squeezed his hand, trying to hold back a moan of pain.
The son of Apollo looked like he was murdering a puppy as he squeezed her hand back and gently continued cleaning her wound.

After a lot of winces, hand squeezes and a simple 'you're fine', the wound was finally clean. Sam threw away the dirty cottons and the old bandage, taking out the new one and wrapping it around her leg carefully.

"There," he said, smiling proudly at his work, which Roman considered adorable "it's done. I don't think you will be able to participate at capture the flag tomorrow..." He said and gave her an apologetic look.

Normally, Roman would be very disappointed and would verbally fight him till he let her, but this time she felt safer following his orders. She nodded "got it...thanks Sam." She said, looking at him.
The son of Apollo shrugged and looked down, placing his hands inside the pockets of his doctor coat "that's what we do." He joked "oh! And you'll also have to be here for a while so I can do some general checks with Lily-Rose...."

Roman hid a smirk "doctors orders."

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