
By AnthemForTheHomesick

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By AnthemForTheHomesick

Disasterology 5

Dedicated to @MiiMyselfandTime for her lovely comment :)

"Wake up, Sleeping Beauty."

Harry's eyes shot open when he felt someone kick his side. All air escaped his lungs, as he shot up. His face twisted in pain while he panted for breath.


Louis greeted him with an eye roll, an annoyed look on his face. When Harry regained his breath, he greeted Louis with a polite good morning. Louis ignored it though, he was lost in thought. This was once again a new side of Louis. He couldn't keep himself from wondering whether the lad actually had a nice side.

Maybe he just didn't like Harry.

That must be it. Even though Louis often called Harry beautiful, he didn't believe him. He must've changed his mind. Harry always noticed the way Louis looked at him when he inspected his bare chest. It seemed as if Louis ripped apart all the cells in his body, studying each and every one of them. Judging them. There was no way Louis thought Harry was beautiful. He just lied to himself; he had to stick to his plan.

To create something beautiful and destroy it.

"Want some food today?"

Louis asked him, taunting him with a cup of steaming soup and a donut. It was more food than he'd ever offered, but there was no way Harry would accept it.

Even though his stomach was begging for food, he refused to eat. The memories of himself throwing up were still too fresh in his mind. He could still feel the pain and the burning fever. He could still hear Niall's sobs.

Louis just shrugged, not even attempting to hide the smile on his face. It soon disappeared again though, when he seemed to remember something.

"Here, put this on."

Louis threw him a dark cloth. He eyed it suspiciously. What was he supposed to do with that? How could he possibly put that on?

"Oh for god's sake."

With a sigh, he pulled Harry closer, roughly putting the blindfold on. Harry let out a yelp, receiving an eye roll and a smack to the head from Louis. He bit his tongue in an attempt to keep himself from making any sound.

Without a warning, Louis dragged the younger boy with him, causing him to stumble on his feet. By now, he'd bit his tongue so hard, he could taste blood.

He was afraid of what was about to come. What if Louis was trying to get rid of him? What if he finally realised that Harry wasn't all that beautiful after all? What if he'd found someone new?

After what seemed like a few metres, Louis came to a halt, mindlessly dropping Harry on the floor. It felt different though. The tiles were a little less cold and for that, he was thankful.

He could hear the sound of dripping water, along with Louis's occasional sigh.

Louis ripped the blindfold off, pulling out a strand of hair by accident (or not). Harry blinked a few times in an attempt to let his eyes adjust to the light. He was in a bathroom. There was a toilet, a shower, a bath and pretty much everything else there is in a normal bathroom. For some reason, this shocked Harry. He didn't know why, but he didn't expect Louis to have a bathroom like everyone else.

"Strip off your clothes, you're taking a bath."

Louis announced, a hint of impatience in his voice. Harry quickly did as he asked, trying to get off the fabric that stuck to his wounds.

"Urgh, hurry up."

On a second thought, Louis started undressing Harry himself. All Harry could do was clench his teeth while the older lad ripped his clothes off.

"Come on, let's get you in the bath tub."

For the first time since he got here, Harry took a look at this body. It was covered in blood and vomit, wounds spread around his torso. In these four days, he'd gotten unbelievably thin.

A hiss escaped his mouth when Louis set him down in the bathtub. The water seemed way too hot for his cold skin. Louis payed no attention to it though and continued to push the boy's limbs under water. It burned like hell, but Harry really want to get clean. He hated feeling so disgusting and was afraid his wounds would get infected.

"Hey Harry."

Louis whispered, trying to get Harry's attention. When Harry looked up, he could see the mad twinkle in his eyes.

"Don't trust people who offer you a bath."

Louis had only just finished his sentence when he pushed Harry's face under water. He laughed at the air bubbles that formed in the water. Because of his weak state, Harry could barely fight back. He did try his best though, only causing himself immense pain. He could feel his lungs begging for air, his instincts taking over.

But there was nothing he could do.

After merely a minute or so, Harry blacked out.


People often compare loneliness to a drug. It hurts you, destroys you. Yet, you crave it. It makes you desperate, desperate enough to trust people you shouldn't trust at all. When you're left alone with your own thoughts for hours on end, reality and your imagination tend to get mixed up. But what's so bad about that? The illusions your mind creates are so much more beautiful than the cruel world we live in. In your imagination, that person likes you, wants to spend time with you, is already your best friend. In reality, they barely spared you a glance.

That's what loneliness does to you. It makes you go insane.

When Niall woke up that morning, the silence hurt his ears more than any noise ever could. It just felt so wrong and that made his stomach churn. Both Niall and Harry were happy lads, always in for some banter, even if they'd had a fight. They couldn't stay mad at each other.

Deep in thought, he made himself a bowl of Lucky Charms. Fucking Lucky Charms. What kind of name is that?

He quickly set the bowl down on the counter, before he could smack it against the wall. Niall was never one to get aggressive, but times change.

After devouring his cereal, much like his mind was devouring itself, he fell down on the couch. His shift started at 8pm, so he still had a lot of time to search for Harry.

A shiver ran down his spine at the thought of the cold wind and rain. In an attempt to get it off of his mind, he scrolled through his Twitter.

His thoughts wandered to the new number in his phone. That was someone he could talk to. He offered it himself, right?

Louis. Louis Tomlinson.

He seemed nice enough.

Actually, he seemed very nice. He smelled of home and sounded like clouds. The fluffy white ones, not the the ones that were now ruling the sky. It was quite a weird comparison, but that's just how Niall's mind worked.

He quickly opened the contact, pressing 'message' before he could change his mind.

To: Louis Tomlinson (the stranger with the tea)


Hey, do you think we could hang out this afternoon? Niall Horan (the stranger who couldn't stop crying)

He drummed his fingers on the coffee table, waiting for a reply. He knew that only a few seconds had passed, but it felt way longer. He just needed for Louis to reply now.

But who was he kidding? The boy probably had a life o-

From: Louis Tomlinson (the stranger with the tea)


Sure :) Wonna come over? You can stop by now too if you want, but I assume you'll be continuing your search for Harry.

Niall's heart fluttered a little. Not necessarily because he liked Louis, heck, they had only talked for an hour of two. He just liked the fact that someone wanted him to come over. He didn't know why, but didn't feel like questioning it.

To: Louis Tomlinson (the stranger with the tea)


Yeah, you guessed that right :) I'll be over around 11 if that's okay with you. Make some tea, I'll be cold.

He silently hoped Louis understood that he was joking and didn't think that he was a demanding prick. He was pretty much inviting himself. It was until he heard the exciting '1 new message' beep of his phone that his heart rate calmed down a little.

From: Louis Tomlinson (the stranger with the tea)


Whatever you want, love :)

On the other side of the line, Louis was stressing out. He climbed out of his bed, rushing to the kitchen. Niall was coming over in less than 2 hours and there was still a lot he had to do.

He quickly munched down some toast, fixing his hair as he did so. After throwing on some clothes and taking a shower, he ran a bath. Harry didn't know what Louis had in store for him today.

Seeing as he was running out if time, he decided to tease the lad a bit more. He'd just offer him some soup and a doughnut, there was no way he'd accept it anyway.


Louis's eyes lit up when the bell rang. He threw his sheets on the coffee table, not really caring about the mess he was making.

"There you are."

He answered the door with a bright smile, but it soon faded when he threw a glance at the person on his doorstep. His voice dropped an octave, as he threw an arm around Niall.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

A few whimpers escaped Niall's lips, but nothing more than that. He just let Louis burry his face in his neck, as he tried to hold back his tears.

"C'mon, let's head inside. You're freezing, love."

Niall nodded weakly, following the older boy inside. He was led to the living room once again, only now, it felt a little less awkward.

There were two steaming cups of tea on the coffee table along with some sheets filled with an endless amount of words. There were even some blankets and Ed Sheeran's album was silently playing in the background.

"Give me your coat."

Louis said, hanging the coat on one of the chairs to dry. He then handed Niall his tea and handed him a blanket.

"Now tell me what's wrong."

His tone was soft and gently, much like the look in his blue eyes. Niall swallowed, trying to find some words. Any words.

Louis noticed that the boy was once again at a loss for words and plopped down beside him with a blanket of his own. He rubbed the boy's back, patiently sipping is tea while he waited for the boy to explain his unshed tears.

"I-I just don't know what to do anymore."

Niall's voice broke mid-phrase, sending shivers down Louis's spine. His blue eyes were clouded with tears that soon rolled down his cheeks. Louis tried to wipe them away, but there were just too much. So he let Niall drench his shirt, a new wet patch appearing, next to the old ones.

"I'll never find him."

He croaked, his words causing a new feeling in Louis's stomach. He felt hatred. Such hatred towards Harry. He was the one who had caused Niall this pain.

His mind flashed back to the air bubbles escaping Harry's mouth, as his protesting got weaker and weaker.

Niall didn't notice, he just cried and cried, listening to Louis's soft coos. Because sometimes, all we need is someone to tell us we're not as bad as we think we are.


Oh god I'm so sorry. You guys overload me with comments and what do I do? I take ages to upload! 'm sorry for the boring chapter :c That's probably why it took me so long to write.

Oh, and if you have an idea for a 'don't trust people who...', don't be afraid to tell me about it!

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