Fighting for Life

By taylahprime

277 1 0

Madeline gets faced with a life or death situation, will she take the risk. Will something bad happen? Gabrie... More

Fighting for Life
Chapter 2 - Breathe
Chapter 4 - Hospital Fun
Chapter 5 - What just happened?
Chapter 6 - Please No
Chapter 7 - MADDIE
Chapter 8 - Why Now?
Chapter 9 - LET'S EAT
Chapter 10 - Tonight
Chapter 11 - Love is in the air
Chapter 12 - Hold me
Chapter 14 - Pictures
Chapter 15 - Where is Niall?
Chapter 16 - Hurt
Chapter 17 - Awkward
Chapter 18 - Fingers Crossed
Chapter 19 - Do what you want
Chapter 20 - Fighting for Life

Chapter 3 - Unpleasant Day

16 0 0
By taylahprime

Gabby’s POV

Maddie has just been taken into the emergency room. She is so stupid. I am so angry at her, but really concerned.

I am sitting in the waiting room with Lou and Gemma, they came to see if she is okay.

I sigh and put my head in my hands trying to hide the tears. Until I hear Lou speak up “What is your name?” I turn my head towards her. “Gabriella, but call me Gabby” I answer her.

“Gabby, please tell us what just happened” She says placing her hand on my back.

I swallow before I begin to talk. “Maddie is 16 years old she has a stupid eating disorder thing..” I tell Lou and Gemma all about Maddie and myself.

They just nod without speaking.

L – “This must be hard for you?”

G – “She has been my best friend for 14 years, I don’t like seeing her in pain”

GS – “Gabby, I promise you will not have to go through this alone okay”

I just nod because I don’t really know what to say right now.

I hear a phone vibrate, I pull mine out but I don’t have a new message. I look to Lou and Gemma. It is Gemma’s.

Lou turns to Gemma “Who is that?”

“Harry” Gemma replies

“What did he say?” Lou asks

“He just asked if we were okay”

Gemma starts to type on her phone while Lou just lets out a little groan

I look up to see the doctor walking towards us “PLEASE TELL ME SHE IS OKAY!” I yell a but to loudly, not that I really care.

The doctor comes to sit opposite me “Gabriella, Madeline will be fine, but you will not be able to see her till tomorrow”

I let out a sigh of relief and see a faint smile in Lou sitting next to me. “Thank you” I say before turning to Lou with a smile.

She giggles a little bit and hugs me.

“See I told you everything will be okay” Gemma also hugs me after Lou has removed herself.

“Well, considering you can not see Maddie till tomorrow. Would you like to come meet the boys?” Gemma asks me. I had told Lou and Gemma about wanting to meet them with Maddie.

That’s the thing I want to meet them with Maddie. “I would love to, but I have always wanted to do it with Maddie next to me” I say looking down.

“You don’t have to honey, I understand” Gemma says to me rubbing my back. Wait I was going to get something from them for Maddie today anyway.

“No wait I will, thank you” I quickly state. Gemma stands and smiles while Lou takes my hand. All 3 of us walk out of the hospital.


“Let me tell the boys for you Gabby, because I know you don’t like talking about it” Lou says as we reach the venue

I turn to her and smile meaning Thanks.

Gemma opens the door for us, as we walk through.

I try to hide the sadness I am feeling at the moment, I am still sad because even though Maddie is okay for now, she still has cancer.

Gemma walks to where the boys are. They are all packing up at this point because the signing is over. I stop walking and just stand there. Lou turns around. “Bub, you don’t have to do this. I don’t know how you’re feeling because I have never experienced what you’re going through. Be strong alright Maddie is clearly a fighter, you saw her, she will not give up, I promise” Lou’s words touch me.

She is a fighter. I faintly smile. Okay lets do this poo.


By the time Lou and I have made it over to where the boys are, Gemma has told them not to ask questions. I look at Lou “Please explain” I say my voice cracking on the second word.

She gives a little nod before telling the boys about Maddie and everything that just happened. I can feel the tears coming and the horrible clot in my throat. Gemma hugs me while Lou is still talking for comfort.

When she is done she looks at me and smiles. “Thank you” is all I manage to say.

I look at the boys and they all have their mouths wide open apart from Liam, his face is tense and his fists are clenched. They gently attack me with hugs and supporting comments. Which all I can do is smile to. Niall hugs me for a little longer then the rest of the lads and just tells me that everything will be okay.

I get a few things signed from them, and get pictures taken with all of them. This would be a lot better with my best friend.

They ask me to sit down, and we all have a little chat.

They ask me what things Maddie and I like doing, considering we are pretty much sisters and everything we do, we do together I could talk on behalf of her.

After a good 30-minute chat. The boys have to leave. I say goodbye and thank you to them.

“I guess you and Gemma are going to?” I turn to Lou

“We have to, but text me what time you will be at the hospital tomorrow and I will come visit Maddie with you”

Lou gives me her number and I give her mine.

I smile and watch them leave, before leaving myself. What an unpleasant day.

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