We're So Human (Kellic)

De thisbabymermaid

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"My body isn't wrong, It's what other people think of my body that is wrong." -- Mai multe



385 16 11
De thisbabymermaid

I wasn't really used to having someone else in my bed. When I saw Aaron beside me the next morning, I jumped slightly. I don't know why I didn't remember he was there. Sometimes when I wake up in the mornings I don't feel real, therefore I have no memories; no last night, no history of who I am or what I have done. I am a blank slate for a few moments. Then everything falls back into place and I remember Aaron and I staying up until 5 am, watching anime and listening to our friends sound like they were dying in the next room.

I rolled out of bed and ventured out into the kitchen. Vic was already awake drinking his morning coffee. I didn't know what time it was, I forgot to grab my phone.

"Morning!" He said, cheerfully. Vic was always in a good mood after having sex. It was like the fucking shifted everything into their proper place again.

"Hi," I spoke, less enthusiastic. I started making tea for myself. I didn't drink coffee. It made me feel like not myself. The caffeine fucked with me and made me feel like my insides were raging to metal music.

"You don't sound like someone who got laid last night. Did he have a small penis?" Vic spoke. We had no filter when we talked to each other.


"John, did he have a small penis?" He said penis again.

"His name is Aaron," I corrected. "And I don't sound like someone who got laid, because I didn't." I put my water to boil on the stove.

"Why not?" He questioned.

He knew why. I didn't have to tell him why it was so difficult for me to have sex with people.

Before I could say anymore, Sarah walked into the kitchen. She was dressed in last night's clothes, her makeup was no more, and her hair was now in a ponytail. Even without makeup she glowed.

She smiled at me before going over to Vic who sat at our island in the middle of our kitchen. It was kind of fancy for a cheap apartment.

Sarah wrapped her arms around Vic's shoulders from behind, and kissed the top of his head, saying good morning. Vic then asked Sarah if she enjoyed herself last night, and I zoned out. I didn't want to hear their pillow talk. It was too early.

After a while my water was heated up enough and Sarah asked me where Aaron was.

"He's still asleep." I responded. She looked behind her to where the living room was, then looked back to me confused.


"My room, next to Vic's." I explained. She was asking because she said she and him had to leave soon. She smirked at my words, floating a little away from Vic.

"Oh, I see." She said before winking and making her way to retrieve Aaron. She was assuming I had sex with Aaron. She had assumed wrong.

I made my tea and voiced to Vic that I would be in the shower. I kind of just wanted to not be around when Sarah and Aaron left. I was too awkward for goodbyes, plus I smelled like B.O.

By the time I was cleaned up, Sarah, Aaron, and even Vic were gone. Vic had some study thing at school today, so I didn't worry.

After changing, I finally grabbed my fully charged phone from the charger, and found a little note underneath it.

I had fun last night. Let's do it again?

It read, followed by a number. Of course I knew Aaron had written it. I crumbled up the paper and threw it away.


Work was, well... work. There was nothing exciting about it, especially since I worked at a call center. You had to have some serious nerve to work at a call center. Everyone with a phone hates people who work at call centers. I know how annoying it is when you get an unknown number asking you if you want to take some random survey. No one want to take these surveys excepts old ladies who have nothing else to do, and their children haven't gone to visit them in years. Even they sometimes curse at you for wasting their time.

Just the other day some old lady yelled at me, telling me that she was going to lunch with her boyfriend. She must have been like 70 and it was only 11 am.

I walked into the tiny building that only had 10 employees in total. It smelled like plastic in here like all the time, and coffee which made me feel sick sometimes.

"Good morning, Kellin." I heard, immediately. Cassie then walked up to me. Cassie was tiny and had short hair, like in a pixie. He liked to wear flowing dresses and she smelled like lavender.

"I bought you a coffee," She spoke.

"Thank you," I wasn't going to drink it, I would just give it to my kind of friend and cubical buddy Gabe. Gabe loved coffee, in fact, I'm pretty sure it's the reason he is alive. I don't think he ever sleeps. Sometimes he calls me in the middle of the night to tell me about something his dog did. He was kind of a lonely guy so I never hung up on him. I wouldn't talk back, but I would just hold the phone to my ear and say things like 'mmm' and 'really?' just so he knew I was listening.

"Sure," She smiled, softly. Cassie liked me, and I wasn't just saying that because she bought me coffee and was nice to me, I knew Cassie had a crush on me because she asks me out on dates and questions if I'm currently seeing anyone. I always told her no, to both questions. I just wasn't interested in her. She was the kind of girl who said 'omg' instead of 'oh, my god' and I didn't appreciate that. Also, she was a girl.

I took the coffee and went to my cubical where Gabe already was. Gabe was a pretty, dirty blonde with these sort of blueish-green eyes that you could get lost in. As you can see, I am incredibly gay, unfortunately, Gabe is very...not.

I left the coffee on his desk while passing to get to my own desk. "Cassie coffee?" He asked because I did this often. We wouldn't have this problem if she would just stop buying me coffee...well, I guess it wasn't really a problem for Gabe, he got free coffee out of it.

I sat at my desk, making it a point to spin the chair because I could be such a child at times.

"Why don't you just give her a chance?" He asked. I spun the chair again so that I could face Gabe. I gave him a look like, 'you're kidding, right?' He knew exactly why I would never 'give her a chance'.

"I like Cassie," He shrugged.

"Oh, my god, why?" I questioned. Gabe could do so much better than a girl who says 'like' too much and says 'literally' when it in fact is not literal. Or maybe Gabe couldn't do better and I just thought that because I had some sort of crush on him.

"She's nice." He explained and yeah, I guess that was a valid reason.


From 11 to 6 I called random numbers and asked them if they would like to take a survey. I had no idea what the surveys were until I was actively asking the questions. I only got yelled at by 3 people today. I guess there was something about Sunday's that made people friendlier. Maybe because it was God's day, or maybe it was because most people didn't even bother answering their phone when I called.

"Hey, Kellin, you wanna come over for a beer? We can watch the game?" Gabe asked at the end of our shift.

By 'the game' he meant the football game. I actually genuinely enjoyed watching American football. Growing up, I used to watch it every Sunday with my grandpa. My grandpa used to say things like, 'real men watch football' and 'real men don't go to church'. My grandparents were atheist, which I thought was pretty cool. After being with them long enough, I became Atheist too.

My grandparents were also my guardians until my grandpa passed away when I was 16 and then my grandma when I was 19. My grandpa of a weak heart and my grandma from what I'm sure was depression. So I guess it was both of aching hearts that could not do what it was supposed to anymore.

"Today is God's day, Gabe." I stated.

"Aren't you an atheist?" He commented correctly.

"Okay, we'll watch the game."

Gabe lived in a nice house with his brother whom I never bothered to learn his name. It wasn't that I didn't care...okay, no I didn't care. Gabe setup the dish and put on the game for us. Gabe had a dish because his brother-the one with the name I did not know-was a lawyer, so he brought in enough money for them to have a dish for their large television and the Jacuzzi they have in the backyard.

Gabe has a fucking backyard! Vic and I don't have a backyard.

Speaking of Vic, I make sure to shoot him a text, telling him that I was out for the night, because we were like a married couple and he needed to know If I was going to be late.

Are you finally going to have sex?

He asked like a moron.

It's God's day, Vic!

I responded.

Gabe gave me a beer and we sat on his faux leather couch while watching men tackle each other in tight pants. It was great.

Eventually, halftime rolled around and Gabe's doorbell rang. I assumed it was just his brother until Gabe stood at the door with a guilty look on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"It's Cassie."


"I invited her."


I didn't hate Cassie, she just made me sort of uncomfortable, which sucked because I was already a very uncomfortable person.

He shrugged with a cringed face, opening the door to let Cassie in, because he knew I couldn't kill him once he opened the door. Cassie's face was bright when the door opens for her. She exclaimed 'hi' with a high voice and wrapped her arms around Gabe for a hug, lifting her leg up romantically as she did it.

I didn't have to think twice to know it would be rude if I didn't get up and greet her, so I did. She practically ran to me, embracing me in a tight hug, which made me extremely uncomfortable. I didn't like hugging people, especially tight hugs. Vic knew why.

"Omg, I literally had no idea you'd be here," she spoke. I looked to Gabe as she said this because he had a face like 'what are you talking about? I totally told you he would be here'. Yeah, his face said all of that.

I lied to her and told her that it was great to see her, even though I saw her at work not too long ago.

The game then came back on, and I was surprised when Cassie actually sat and watched it. I kind of thought it was going to be something she didn't like, or pretended to like, but nope. It was entirely sincere.

When the game finished, Cassie became rather annoying. She started going on about how we should do something, and I was thinking, 'um, Cassie it's 9 pm on a Sunday. I have to go home and go to bed'. I didn't actually say all that, but I thought that because I was like an old person who thought 9 pm was late.

"Oh!" She gasped, hitting Gabe, excitedly. "We should go in the Jacuzzi."

Cassie's idea was not a good one. But I did wonder how she knew about his Jacuzzi. Like, how many times has she been here before? 

"What? But we don't even have swimsuits." It was such a stupid excuse. I didn't want to go in Gabe's Jacuzzi. I couldn't.

"That's okay." She said. "We can just swim in our underwear."

Gabe's eyes went wide, no doubt he was thinking about Cassie in her underwear. I knew I had lost him and I had nothing else to back up why we couldn't get into the Jacuzzi. So we went to Gabe's backyard where Gabe stripped down to his black boxers, and Cassie pulled her baby blue dress over her head. We both watched her as she did this and I'm pretty sure she liked that, because she smirked, pulling it slowly over her tiny body. Cassie had a plain black bra on, and blue laced underwear. You could see everything. I had to look away at that point.

"Your turn," Cassie said. I shook my head and said no. There is no way I would take off my clothes In front of Cassie and Gabe.

One time I even had a hot dream about Gabe. We messily made out until out we felt like we were overheating. Gabe then instructed me to remove my clothing, and I woke up before I ever could. If I couldn't do it in a dream, you have to be on fucking crack to think I would do it here in real life.

"Come on!" Cassie whined as Gabe went over and turned on the Jacuzzi. The motor started buzzing like summer bugs and the surface began steaming.

"No, I'll just stick my feet in." I said. They both called me lame, but let it go for the moment. Gabe got right into the water, sighing as his body adjusted to the heat. Cassie followed, letting out an 'ooo' while her perfectly cupped breasts got soaked.

I rolled up my jeans and sat on the edge of the tub, clenching my jaw as the heat rose up my legs. I tried to convince myself that I was having a good time. I watched Gabe who was watching Cassie. Gabe had a toned chest that made me weak, especially when droplets rolled down it until they became one with the water. I didn't know if the drops were the water or his sweat, but It didn't matter. It was hot, and If I had a dick, I would be hard as a rock right now.

I was all too enthralled in Gabe to even notice that Cassie was now at my feet. She brought her hand out of the water and trailed it up my leg. The droplets from her fingertips raced down my leg like they did on Gabe's chest, except less sexy.

"Stop that," I said. It was rude.

"Then get in," She said, which didn't make sense. Out of the water or in, she will still touch me.

"I'd rather not," I said.

"You're so lame," She countered, splashing me with water, which ticked me off a bit.

"Yeah, come on!" Gabe added, splashing me as well. And just like that, splashing me turned into some kind of game and they were both pushing water at me. All I could do was use my little arms to block my face. I was definitely not having a good time.

"Stop it!" I eventually said. No, I yelled it. I kind of sounded like a parent after a long day of their 2-year-old misbehaving. My voice was stern and hit strong. They both stopped their actions immediately. They looked at me like I was crazy for yelling at them.

"Kellin—" Gabe started. He spoke to me like I was an armed psycho, but I just really didn't want to get wet.

"I think I should go," I started. Vic was probably making a delicious dinner right now. I didn't have to be here. I could be at home with him.

I went to climb out of the tub, but water doesn't give you much a grip, in fact, water was a bitch that gave you no support and wanted you to fall. My arm slipped from the edge, causing my weight to shift into the water. I fell right in, my everything getting socked. I gasped, flipping my drenched hair out of the way as I looked down to my body. Gabe and Cassie watched me, not knowing how to react.

"Oh, no no, no," I repeated over and over. My T-shirt and the layers I piled on underneath clung to my chest. Everything that I tried so hard to hide was now being emphasized. Nobody was saying anything as I pulled at my shirt, trying to make things less obvious.

I left the heated tub, slowly this time, so I wouldn't fall in again.

"Kellin--" Gabe tried again. I simply shook my head. I wasn't even looking at him. I quickly grabbed my shoes and socks from where I had left them by Gabe and Cassie's disregarded clothes.

"I'll see you at work," I said low and weak, before leaving. My hair dribbled over my face so I couldn't differ what were tears and what wasn't. I felt defeated and I just wanted to get home.

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