
By theprincehes

697 105 298

Just because you're misguided doesn't mean you won't end up where you're supposed to be. More

The One with the Runaway Bride
The One with Obvious Flirting
The One with An Audition
The One Where Katie and Jen Eat Lunch
The One Where Michael Dyes His Hair...Again
The One with the Divorce Papers
The One Where Nicole is Fine
The One with Pizza
The One with the Date
The One with Apology Cake
The One with Jameson's First Day
The One Where Jennifer Goes Out
The One Where Luke Calms Down
The One with a Wine Drunk Kiss
The One with Two Parts (Part 1)
The One with Two Parts (Part 2)
The One with a Promise
The One Where Everyone is Arguing
The One Where It's a Secret
The One Where It's Just Started
The One with Some Snooping
The One Where Luke Gets An Agent...And A Date
The One Where Luke Tells
The One Where Everyone Cheers Luke Up...Minus Jen
The One Where No One Makes Up

The One Where They Open Up

15 4 7
By theprincehes

N i c o l e

Awkward is the first word that comes to mind.

The tension is so thick in the air between Katie and I that I'd have to find the sharpest knife to cut it with. She hasn't said anything to me but maybe two to three words when she gets home and when she leaves, which is what she does toward people she's upset with. She's avoiding me, and to say that I'm feeling extremely guilty for keeping this from her is a real understatement.

Harry told me what happened between them, of course. He was hurt for a couple days, having his privacy invaded and all, but he's been over it and feels as guilty as I do for keeping things from his sister and our other friends as well.

So, last night we sat down and decided that we should definitely come out in the open with everything. When I think about the decision that I made to hide it from everyone, it's insane to me now. These people are my best friends. They've had my back and helped me out since I came here, so why would I keep something like this from any of them?

"Katie?" I call out to her as she walks from her room to the kitchen. No reply. Earbuds are stuck in both her ears, and I'm sure the volume is set to its highest level.

When she turns around to head back to her room, after she grabs a bottle of water from the fridge, I get her attention by waving at her then signal for her to take her earbuds out. She hesitates for a split second, then takes one of them out.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Are you coming down to the coffee shop later tonight?" I twiddle my fingers as I wait on an answer.

"Not sure." She mutters. "Maybe."

"Will you? Please?" I sound like I'm begging, which I, practically, am. "I have something to tell you, and everyone else."

"Okay." She nods. "Can do, then."


We're all gathered around our usual spot in the shop some minutes after five. I'm a little nervous, for no reason really, but Harry sitting beside me calms me down.

"So, what's up, you guys?" Michael asks, propping his feet up on the table in between us. "Harry sounded a bit nervous on the phone."

"Yeah." Harry nods. "Nicole and I have something to tell you all, but Katie already knows."

"We've been going out for a couple weeks now." I speak up now. "And the only reason we hid it from any of you is because we didn't want you guys to get excited that we're finally going out, then it not work out in the beginning of things. And I was the one who thought it would be better to hide it, just so everyone knows." I glance around at everyone's expressions, and they're all attentive as I speak. I look to Katie and lock eyes with her. "Katie, I'm sorry Harry and I didn't tell you about this. We didn't mean to hurt you, or anyone for that matter, by keeping this to ourselves. I'm really sorry."

Katie raises up from where she was practically laying in her spot. She folds her hands in front of her, then opens her mouth to speak. "It's really okay, Nic. I'm just glad that you guys are finally going to be open with us about your relationship. I know you guys are going to make each other extremely happy."

"We are happy." Harry says, wrapping an arm around my waist. "I'm happy, anyway." I turn to him and smile wide.

"I'm happy, too." He returns the smile, then leans toward me and places a soft kiss to my lips. But I lean in and steal another kiss, wanting more than what I had received.

"Okay, not that open. You can't get it on while you're in public." Michael comments, making all of us laugh.

And I'm so happy that I'm not hiding anything from my friends anymore. I feel as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

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