By PantlessGenie

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Vivian, an accountant for one of the biggest superstars in the world, is at a crossroads after a stumble in h... More



2.4K 118 77
By PantlessGenie

I showed up at Paisley Park shrouded in a light pink rain jacket and black rubber rain boots. As I walked into the building, I lowered my head. The squeaking of my wet boots across the clean white tile in the lobby made every single head turn, bringing unwanted attention to me. Once I hit carpet, I felt a sigh of relief since it seemed to muffle the squeaks a bit.

Prince's assistant let me into his office. For once, I was happy he wasn't there yet. It gave me time to take off my wet rain gear and swap out the ugly boots for the blue pumps I had in my briefcase.

He soon came walking through the door with a smile from ear to ear. "What happened to the bubble gum jacket?" He laughed.

"You saw me?" My face got red as the embarrassment hit it.

"Yep. Well, I heard you at first, squeaking all over the place, then I saw it was you. You were over there trying to hide that pretty little face of yours."

"How embarrassing." My hand met my face as I tried to hide from him. "I didn't see you out there."

"I don't know how, I was standing at the main desk right there." His eyebrows raised as a grin reached his lips. "It's ok, you were still cute."

He made his way to the front of his desk and leaned on it directly in front of me, crossing his feet. "Can I get a kiss?"

"I thought we were gonna keep things separate." I said referring to our work and non work activities.

"My lines get kinda blurred when it comes to you, so forgive me if I cross them." He puckered his lips waiting for my kiss.

I tried to hide my smile as I stood up and gave him what he wanted. His arms wrapped around me, gripping my ass tightly, instantly turning me on. "I need to go over all this stuff with you, Prince." I said referring to the reports in my briefcase. What I really wanted to do was bend over his desk and have him fuck me from behind, but I resisted any urge to act on it since I was there to do my actual job.

He sighed and released his grip, "Ok, well let's go over it then."

I sat back down in my chair and went over the reports while he blankly stared at me, saying Uh huh every once in a while so I knew he wasn't asleep.

"So, do you have any questions or concerns?" I asked, like I did every meeting.

"Yeah...what are you doing after this?"

The thought of going back home to Janet seemed unappealing, I'd rather be anywhere but there, "I have no idea, but I'm not going home."

"Why don't you want to go home?"

"Oh, Janet's there and I don't know..." I let out a breath of defeat as I slumped back into the chair, "I found a bag of drugs this morning when I moved her clothes. She said they must have been from that one night she got high." I paused, "She really wasn't high, I could tell. But anyway, I told her I believed her, but something deep inside of me is telling me she's lying."

"Yeah, she's definitely lying." He said matter if factly. "She just had some random bag of drugs in her pocket that she didn't even know she had? Come on."

"Yeah, so I just don't want to see her. I'd rather not be at home." My eyes traveled down to his crossed feet as I wondered what to do.

"Well, why don't you come with me? We'll go have a picnic on the water."

"It's raining Prince." I pointed out the window.

"I've got ways around that, don't worry."

"Aren't you busy today? Your receptionist moved my appointment to 9:00 because she said you were fully booked today."

He chuckled, "I am... with you."

A big smile reached my face. I wanted so badly to stop liking him as much as I did but then he went and did stuff like this, making my feelings for him grow even deeper. "Let's go then." I said, getting up immediately.

"Ok, you drive though. So the next time, you'll remember how to get there." Apparently he had a lot of confidence in my sense of direction, I would never remember how to get to whatever placed he planned on taking me.

We walked through the lobby before I stopped at the door to put my goofy rain gear back on.

My little while '83 Honda Civic was no where near as fancy as his car, so I felt a little self conscious about having him be my passenger.

"You drive stick?" He watched as I shifted from second to third gear down Audubon Road.

"Yeah, that's what I've always driven. So where are we going?"

"Here, turn left. I would have never thought you drove stick. Just keep going straight, I'll tell you when to turn."

"Am I gonna turn left or right?"


"Why wouldn't you have thought I drove a  stick?" I looked at him briefly before focusing back on the road.

"At the light you're gonna turn. I don't know, you look like you'd be riding in a Lexus or something. Not that there's anything wrong with your car, it's just... you know. Just keep going straight."

I rolled my eyes, becoming mildly offended, "I know my car isn't fancy, but it takes me where I need to go."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by it. Ok, turn right in here." He pointed to an inconspicuous driveway.

"Here?" I forgot about what we were even discussing as I turned off of the main road onto a private drive.


"What is this place?" I said, as we pulled up to a guard shack before a big wrought iron gate.

"My house." He waved at the guard and the gate started to open. "Just pull all the way up."

We pulled up to this massive yellow mansion with purple trim. If I had to guess which house Prince owned out of a line up, this would definitely be the one I'd pick.

He grabbed my hand and led me into his house. The high end marble tile and expensive furniture made me wonder what he thought about my house when he first walked in.

I took off all my rain gear and put my pumps on again. "Come here." He waved for me to follow him into the kitchen.

He opened the refrigerator and pulled out two to-go boxes. "So what water are you talking about?" I asked, looking out of the big window over looking the pool that was being sloshed around by thousands of raindrops.

He walked up behind me and stood really close, his hips barely brushing up against my ass. The smell of his cologne engulfed my senses, making me draw in a deep breath to capture all that I could of his scent. Pointing over my shoulder, "See that windmill over there?" His breath tickled my ear as he spoke, "There's a little pond over there."

"How do we get there?"

"Just follow me." He lead me through the first floor of his house and into his garage. Amongst all the luxury cars in his garage, he had a little golf cart. His eyes brightened as he became noticeably excited to show me all the bells and whistles it came with when he bought it, including the horn.

"So come on, let's go." He already had all the picnic supplies, besides the food, packed in the back of the little golf cart. A smile ran across my face when I thought about him preplanning this and even packing the golf cart ahead of time.

I held on for dear life as he flew down the pathway on his property in that little golf cart to the windmill, which looked tiny from his kitchen window, but was actually pretty big. "So, since it's raining, we'll just have to stay inside, is that ok?" He said, opening the door to the windmill.

"Yeah, that's fine. It's nice in here." The curved walls of the windmill were lined with windows that over looked the pond. There was a circular staircase that led to a tiny bedroom above. The bedroom was just big enough for the bed and the metal spiral staircase going up to the windmill mechanism it housed on the third level.

We ate our brunch at the little bistro table and then made our way to the bedroom. "Your windmill is really beautiful." I said looking up at the exposed beamed ceiling on the second level. "I never thought I'd ever say that."

"Thanks, I never come here, or even home for that matter." Prince slid his shoes off and threw himself on the bed.

"Yeah, I know. You're always working." I took my shoes off as well, placing them next to his by the staircase. Then joined him in the bed, laying on top of the bedspread.

"I can't help it." He shrugged. "Whenever I get an idea for a song, I have to act on it or it'll just start eating at me."

"Mmhmm." I turned to face him while he continued to look up at the ceiling.

"Like Warner Bros., they won't let me put out the music I want to put out. I would put out an album in almost every genre if they'd let me, but I'm only aloud one per year. I'm pretty sure only about 10% of the music I make actually gets listened to by people. The rest is locked up."

"So you really do just crank them out then?" My hand rested on his exposed chest, swirling my fingers through his coarse hair.

"Oh yeah, I usually record a song a day. Sometimes I don't though." He turned his head towards me as a smirk formed on his lips, "Oh I forgot to tell you, I'm doing the MTV music awards. Remind me to show you the outfit I'm gonna wear when we get inside. It's gonna piss some people off."

"Ok." I chuckled.

Silence slowly filled the room, we laid listening to the rain pelt the windows of the windmill. Prince grabbed my hand from his chest and brought it to his lips, gently placing little pecks as I watched with a smile.

He turned his body towards me, bringing his hazel gaze to mine. "I like hanging out with you, Bambi." His voice was soft.

"I like hanging out with you too." I tried to steady my breath as butterflies started fluttering within my stomach.

His eyes were fixed on mine for a long time. I watched as he drew in deep breaths like he was about to say something, but then he just exhaled instead.

"So what are you gonna do about Janet?" He finally asked, after the fourth deep breath he drew in.

"I don't know." My eyes fell from his to the crooked collar on his shirt. I straightened it out and then kept my eyes on that instead of bringing them back up. I didn't want my vulnerability and in turn, my emotions to get the best of me in front of him, again. If I kept my gaze on that collar, that wouldn't happen.

"You just need to be happy Bambi. And if you're gonna be with her, you're not gonna be happy."

I bit the side of my mouth, trying to make the tears stop swelling in my eyes as I listened to him speak. When that failed to work, I dug my face into the comforter on the bed so at least he wouldn't see me crying.

The guilt, hurt, confusion and all the other feelings I'd been holding in decided to come up in that windmill. Prince brought his arms around me and held me while I cried until I had no more tears left.

I felt so humiliated, I hated showing my feelings, so to just break down in front of the guy I was only supposed to be having meaningless sex with was not ideal.

Once I finally calmed down and stopped sobbing, Prince release his embrace. His index finger gently brought my face up to his. "Hey..." His soft voice spoke barely above a whisper. My blurred vision met his eyes waiting for him to continue, "Remind me to never bring Janet up again." He tried to hold in a smile but started laughing instead. As upset as I was, I couldn't help but join him. He always had a way to get my mind off of the things that worried me the most.

His laughter quieted and a serious expression fell upon his face, "No but seriously, any time you need to talk or cry or laugh, you can always come to me." His eyes fixed on mine, making sure I absorbed what he was saying.

I smiled, "Ok, thanks Prince."

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