Alex Ernst

By nellypenny_

17.4K 416 59

Could David's vlogs actually get Alex Ernst a girlfriend? More

Chapter One: Introducing Adrian
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Three

2.3K 82 3
By nellypenny_

Thank you for reading! Don't forget to vote please!(:

"I'm sorry." I let go of the burgundy shirt and push myself off of the guy.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I steady myself and pull down on my dress "I'm sorry about-" I'm interrupted in the middle of my sentence by the guy with brown hair I thought I had left behind on the dance floor.

"Hey! What the hell?" He stands next to me and the guy in the burgundy shirt.

"What?" I frown at the brow hair boy.

"You just left me standing there!" You would think he would get the hint that I am not interested in anything that has to do with him after running off, yet here he is.

But I know better. I know what type of guy he is and what he was expecting to get out of me after I agreed to dance with him. I'm sure he has heard of me. I'm sure a lot of people have, I mean, Sasha and I don't have the cleanest reputation.

Our parents have always taught us to enjoy our youth, but they never forget to mention that there are consequences to all of our actions.

And with Sasha as the only female figure in my life, we have both learned that the hard way. Nevertheless, Sasha's fun still consist of party's, friends, drinking and boys. The only danger in her eyes would be to fall in love, which has happened once before.

"Whatever, let's just go dance." The guy with brown hair demands, he reaches his hand out and grabs a hold of my wrist.

I immediately slip out of his grip.
"Leave me alone, I don't know you!" The second after I detach the brown hair boys fingers from my wrist, the guy in the burgundy shirt reaches his arm out in front of me, and scoots me behind him protecting me. He keeps his arm reaching behind him, covering me.

"She doesn't want to join you for a dance, pal." I stick my head out from behind the boy in burgundy and look up at his face. He looks at the boy standing in front of us with an intimidating stare.


It's Alex. The boy in the burgundy shirt is Alex Ernst.

This guy who has managed to save me twice tonight in less than five minutes is Alex, David and Liza's friend.

I look over to the brown hair boy and I can tell he is mentally battling on whether he should leave or not.

Without another word he turns his back to us and starts walking away. Alex turns his body to me but his eyes follow the brown hair boy.

I take in Alex's presence in front of me. He is tall, really tall. I look down at our feet, he is standing very close, our feet only inches apart.

My eyes slowly make there way up his body, unintentionally yet uncontrollably, taking in his masculine figure in sight. I look up at his face expecting him to still be facing away, but instead his intense green eyes are piercing into my hazel ones.

Embarrassed, that Alex has practically just caught me checking him out, I take a step back from him and apologize immediately.

"I'm so sorry." I look down and run my hand over to my mouth, covering it to avoid from laughing at my shameful starring.

He surprises me by laughing "Sorry for what?" He asks.

"Everything I guess," I remove my hand from my face and smile at him "like... scaring off that freak for me which, by the way, I could have handled myself but I appreciate very much."

"I'm sure you would have handled yourself," we laugh "I'm sorry I just felt the need to step in after he grabbed you."

"No, don't apologize." I push my hair behind my ear "I'm thankful you did I'm just sorry to have dragged you into that." I laugh "That's what happens when I agree to dance with strangers I guess."

"So you don't know him?" He raises his eyebrow, looking more irritated at the guy.

"First time I've ever seen him."

"Wow." He looks around the room and pushes his hair back with his hand and I catch myself starring at the way the muscles in his arm move by his small gesture.

"Yeah, so thank you for that and for grabbing me before I slipped." I point right next to him where the liquid is still stained on the floor.

I look at him and he's smiling down at the pink beverage. He has a cute smile and dimples that are barely noticeable. I remember thinking that he was cute when he came out in one of David's blog. The only reason I ever watched the blogs was because of Melanie, she's the one that introduced me to David's blogs.

Oh my gosh! I didn't even mention to Melanie that David came to look at the apartments today, she is going to trip when I tell her. I'll have to tell her how I have basically meet all of David's cast... Including Liza, Zane, Heath and Alex.

My eyes focus back on Alex and I laugh the moment I see his shirt scrunched up in the middle from where I had grabbed onto to avoid from falling.

He looks down at his shirt to see what I'm laughing at and he extends his shirt out with both hands by the hem to see my hand mark.

"I'm sorry about this too." I poke at the wrinkled spot on his shirt.

"It's okay, happens all the time." He smiles

"What does? Getting wrinkles on your shirts?" I tilt my head.

"No, girls leaving marks all over my shirts." He says in a bragging tone looking down at the wrinkle on his shirt then back to me and we laugh.

"Alright, that was good." I lift my hand ups to clap at his joke.

"Stop," he blushes, laughing with me "I was just kidding." He playfully pushes my hands down to stop me from clapping.

Alex and I are now sitting on a booth, I don't know how long it has been but we have been going on non-stop talking for however long it's been.

"Cardio. I like to go out for morning runs at the park, the one near the beach, but besides that I don't really exercise." I tell him.

We are sitting next to each other on the booth. Both of our bodies are facing each other but there is plenty of space between us.

I must admit I have grown to have huge respect for this guy, more than I planned to. For a guy who is in this place he hasn't tried to make any disrespectful moves on me whatsoever. Which I am really thankful for.

"Really? I've never seen you there?" He says.

"You go runs there too?"

Alex's POV.

Nope. Never. I don't even go for runs.

"Always, maybe we just run at different parts of the park?"

I'm trying to leave a good impression on this girl, hoping that I will have another chance to see her after tonight. She is a very calm girl and it has probably been a while since I have actually gotten this far in a conversation with a girl.

"Maybe we could both go for a morning run sometime?" She suggest.

Did she say morning run? Morning? Run? My two least favorite things. But here's my chance of getting to see her again.

"Sure, yeah." I laugh shortly until I glance up noticing David and Liza heading our way.

Fuck. If David tries to introduce me to that girl he wanted me to talk to earlier tonight I will literally punch him in his teeth.

My attention goes back to girl in the black dress sitting in front of me as she scatter through her handbag trying to retrieve her ringing phone.

She pulls out her phone from her handbag and the light from her tiny phone screen lights up on her face. "I'm so sorry, I have to take this." She stand ups answering the call and I nod at her.

"Hello?.... Yeah, give me a second." She says and covers the bottom of her phone with her palm.

"It might take a while." She gives me an apologetic look.

"Don't worry," I smile at her "I'm going to go get water, do you want something?"

She shakes her head no and uncovers her phone and mouths "thank you" to me before she starts talking on the phone again and makes her way towards the doors of the building.

I watch as she makes her way through the large glass doors and when I turn around David and Liza are standing in front of me.

"Hey bud," he smirks at me for obvious reasons.

I smile and start walking pass them to go get a water bottle. "See David I told you I didn't need you to help me out with your new friend, I got my-"

"You're right you helped yourself right to her." He cuts me off and I stop walking and look back at him, then Liza, then back to David.


"She's the friend I wanted to introduce you too... Where are you going?" David says.

"I was just going to get water while she took a call." They join me and we start walking to the other corner of the building to get water.

"How did you meet her?" My curiosity asks for me.

"She was working the front desk to some apartments Zane and the rest of us went to go look at earlier today."


"Yeah," He says. "See what you miss out on for sleeping in." He laughs and I laugh with him "Shut up David." I say throwing a punch at his arm but nothing too hard to actually hurt.

My head goes back to a couple hours ago when David came up to me telling me he had a friend who wanted to meet me.

"Alex!" David calls after me. I turn around trying to avoid him. I'm not in the mood to be in this drag at the moment, he knows that and he just left with Liza to go get drinks which I didn't mind, what bothers me is that they were gone for half an hour and when I looked for them they weren't getting drinks. The only reason why I'm at this stupid club is because I was practically forced to come here by Zane and David. I get that I have only been staying at the apartment and not going out at all but lately I have been feeling drained and out of energy. I can't pin point why.

"Alex. Hey man why did you leave the table?"

"I just came to get a drink." I raise my drink up to David and take a sip.

"Look there's this friend of mine here and she really wants to meet you, I think you should go talk to her."

Great, so he didn't leave to get a drink, he went to go get me bait.


"No? Why not?"

David argued with me endlessly until he finally gave up and left me alone.

I feel horrible now realizing it was this girl who I refused to meet earlier. I wonder if she knows that I didn't want to meet her earlier? She didn't seem to recognize me.

Either way I stayed by the table, just debating what I should do, if I should go outside, take a walk around the city, go back and sit down with the group or to just grab an uber to go home. I even thought about going to David and apologizing for a moment.

Just as I had made up my mind and was about to go and sit back down with my group of friends this drunk girl passed by me knocking my drink on the floor. She didn't even noticed that she had made me spilled. I was about to search for some napkins when I saw the girl in the black dress slip right onto the mess that I half-created on the floor. Thankfully, I caught her.

"What time is is?" I ask.

As Liza, David and I walk across the room I notice that almost no one is here anymore. The place is almost empty and the music isn't even playing anymore. Was I really so focused on the conversation that I didn't even notice the music stop playing?

Liza checks her phone "It's two-thirty in the morning."

"The group still here?" I ask them.

"No they all left."

"Are you guys leaving soon?"

We reach the table with snacks and drinks and I grab one of the few filled up water bottles left on the table.

"Yeah we were actually looking for you to ask if you were going to ride back with us or if you were going to go home with your new boo." David teases.

I chuckle. "I think I should at least get her an uber and take her to her place, make sure she gets home safe." I say trying to ignore his nickname for- I don't even know her name.

"Alex, she probably has a car dude."

"She does but she came in an uber."

"Ah! So you guys really did get know one another." Liza raises her eyebrows, mimicking her boyfriends teasing from earlier.

"Alright alright, thank you guys for checking up but I'll take an uber back home."

They leave and I can hear their remarks about me until they finally exit the building. By the time I get back to the spot where the girl and I had been talking for hours on, she is still gone.

"Excuse me sir," I turn around to see a women around her late forties dressed in black jeans, black t-shirt and a low ponytail call to me, someone who must work here I assume. "Were you with the young lady in the black dress? The one with the long sleeve?"


"I'm sorry sir but she come in here telling me to notify you that she had to leave and that she was really sorry, she couldn't wait."


"Oh, uh... Okay. Thanks."

"But," she pulls out a handbag in front of her, similar to the one the girl in the black dress had "I found this after she had left, I am sure it belongs to her." She hands me the bag.

"It is," I take the bag "Thank you."

"Goodnight sir." She says and starts cleaning up tables.

I turn around and take my phone out of my back pocket with one hand while I hold onto the bag with my other one.

I hear the other side of the line ring for the third time before David answers his phone.

"Hey man are you still here?" I ask.

"We're just about the leave the parking lot."

"Wait up, I'm coming."

See that little star on the bottom? Click it! Thank you guys so much for reading! Comment what you think and please don't forget to vote! Love you all!

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