Loving Hope (Third book to Th...

Bởi oldfashioneddaisies

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After three long years, full of horror and heartbreak, Klaus Mikaelson and Penelope Gilbert-Mikaelson have fi... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64

Chapter 42

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Bởi oldfashioneddaisies

Penelope's P.O.V.
"It seems like a tradition in our family to attend funerals that are held for my brother's victims." Elijah says to me quietly as we walk along the path of the cemetery. We are going to watch Doug's casket be lowered, which is absolutely terrible.

"This is my first one surprisingly. But I'm sure over the centuries you've had to attend many." I say as we hang back a little behind the crowd to talk more privately.

"How are the children? With everything going on, how are they taking their various losses?" Elijah asks me curiously.

"Well, Nik has been silent for a while. He's really taking Klaus's absence hard, and him seeing Faith so distraught is really getting to him. Faith's a mess, she misses Klaus and she's grieving Doug... It's way too much for her." I say as I let out a deep exhale. "And then Hope, she's trying to act unaffected but deep down she's hurting. She carries this heavy guilt, Elijah. I mean, I thought Klaus being away for a while would be a good thing. I thought it would give me a chance to regroup the family, but the children are resilient... There is no way that they are going to recover from all of this quickly." I explain, extremely pained to see my family in shambles.

"Are you getting over this quickly, Penelope?" Elijah asks me curiously. I look at him as tears come to my eyes.

"No. No I'm not." I answer him as I wipe my eyes quickly and shake my head.

"Then you cannot expect them to get over it quickly either. They are yours and Niklaus's creations, they're made in your image. And it is no secret that all three of them are resilient like Klaus and yourself." Elijah tells me as we walk along the graveled path.

"You're right. I can't expect that from them. Considering that Klaus and I are the ones that put them through this." I say guiltily as I keep having to wipe tears from my eyes. Elijah and I are silent for a moment.

"Does Hope know the truth about Douglas's death?" Elijah asks me curiously. I look at him and let out another deep exhale.

"Yeah she does." I answer honestly. "She walked into my room yesterday, and she looked me straight in the eyes and asked 'Dad killed Doug, didn't he?'" I say, recalling what Hope asked me yesterday. Elijah just looks at me with sympathetic eyes. "One of the worst things in the world, is having to tell your daughter that he father is a killer." I say I try hard to contain my sobs. Elijah just looks at me with pity, but he grabs my hand and gives it a little squeeze of reassurance.

"I promised you that I'd always be here for you and your children, Penelope. I intend to keep that promise." Elijah reassures me as he looks at me with his soft brown eyes. His look causes a small smile to creep onto my lips.

"Thank you, Elijah." I say to him sincerely as we continue to walk together along the gravel path. One of the greatest things about being a Mikaelson, is that there are so many of us, and that assures the fact that I'm never truly alone.


Hope's P.O.V.
The funeral disbands after Doug's casket is lowered into the ground. The air in the cemetery is heavy with grief and all of this just doesn't even feel real. Life seems to be going by in slow motion, and even though it's going slow, it's almost like I can't grasp any of it. It's almost like I'm not even existing.

Faith is talking with Doug's family as NJ just walks around the cemetery aimlessly while my mom and Uncle Elijah talk from across the cemetery, looking secretively about the words they speak. I turn around to walk down the path but in the path stands Kai, making my heart stop in my chest. I look at him with my red puffy eyes as he just looks down at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

"Did you like dump me or something?" Kai asks me curiously. He's probably wondering why I haven't contacted him since the night I got in the fight with my father. I don't know why I haven't talked to him, I just didn't want him getting involved in this and making the situation worse. I just walk towards him and wrap my arms around him tightly, catching him off guard as I just let out a deep sigh as I continue squeezing him.

"No. No I didn't dump you... I promise." I say with a laugh as I pull away from him and look into his eyes again.

"Then what's going on with you, tribrid? I mean, I know Doug just died and everything but I'm getting better with my emotions so you can talk to me." Kai says as he rests his hands on my face as a tear escapes from it.

"My parents.... They found out about us." I say to him timidly as I keep my hands on his stomach. Kai's eyes go wide at my confession.

"What? Your parents found out? How did this happen? Did you tell them??" Kai asks me almost aggravated with me thinking I snitched.

"No I didn't. The found pictures of us in my room..." I tell him truthfully. "And I tried to explain to them that you're not bad guy and that it's not just sex anymore. It's something so much deeper and--" I try to keep explaining but Kai just cuts me off with a kiss, sucking all of the air from my lungs with his lips on mine. Kai pulls away from me with a smirk on his face as he looks into my eyes.

"Listen, neither of them have tried to kill me yet so I'm assuming that they love you enough to accept me... I don't have to do the things I used to do because now I have you and you make me insanely happy. It's all out in the open, babe. So let's try and enjoy it." Kai says with a carefree attitude about the situation.

"Well... My mom is more accepting. My dad, when he found out he flipped. He struck me and then he went out and he killed Doug!" I say to Kai as tears continue to prick my eyes. Kai's face changes from happy to a bit disgruntled. "My mom, she kicked him out. He's gone and I don't know when he's coming back and it's my fault. I ruined my parents marriage because of the fact that I fell in love with you. I can't help but feel this guilty ball in my stomach that makes me want to throw up every time I think about it." I say extremely distressed.

"Stop punishing yourself for being happy. Don't apologize for loving me and don't feel guilty for something that isn't your fault. Like I said, I just want to enjoy this with you. I want to hold your hand, and I want to hug and kiss you in front of everyone. I spent the majority of my life unloved and hated by so many people, and now that I am loved, I want to be able to show it off." Kai says as he leans in and presses another kiss to my lips. I feel the prickles of his facial hair on my palms as we deepen kiss, making a smile go across my face. We pull away and breathe for a second.

"You grew out your facial hair... I like it." I say to him as I bite my lip.

"God dammit, tribrid. If I could make love to you right here I would. That's how damn happy I am. No more hiding..." Kai breathes out as he keeps his hands firmly on my waist. I look at him and nod my head.

"No more hiding." I whisper back as I place a kiss on his cheek, making him smile. Kai leans in and kisses me one last time, making me smile against his lips as I entangle my fingers into his hair. We pull away again and Kai looks past me and sets his eyes on something.

"I'm going to go say hi." Kai says as I turn around and see that he is looking at my mom and Uncle.

"Kai!" I squeal as he begins walking fast towards them. My mom and uncle sees Kai walking towards them and me chasing him, trying to get him to stop.

"Hi, Mrs. Gilbert-Mikaelson?" Kai asks my mom as she just looks at him with her sharp hazel eyes. My uncle Elijah stands behind my mom, staring daggers at Kai. But I can tell that he's waiting to see how my mom reacts before he takes any action. My mother just looks at him pained.

"Yes?" She answers him as I stand next to Kai, holding my breath to see how things are about to play out.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you. I really mean it, Hope has told me so much about you." Kai says as he holds his hand out to my mom, waiting for her to shake it. She looks at him reluctantly, with a glint of an unfamiliar look in her eye.

"It's nice to meet you." My mom says as she shakes Kai's hand and gives him a small smile. "You can call me Penelope by the way." She tells him as she keeps smiling at him. It means so much that my mom is actually giving him a chance, even after the history that's happened between Kai and her family.

"And you too Mr. Mikaelson. We've met once before but I didn't get a chance to really shake your hand and tell you who I am." Kai says to my uncle Elijah, looking for his approval as well as my mother's. My uncle scowls at him but shakes his hand to be friendly.

"Yes. I remember you. The boy who had problems with keeping his quick tongue in his mouth." Elijah says, referring to Kai's comments the last time they saw each other.

"Yep! That's me!" Kai says with a smile on his face as he takes his hand out of Elijah's. We all just stand there in awkward silence for a little bit until my mom decides to speak up.

"Well, we're having a family dinner tonight so you're welcome to join us, Kai. I'm not much of a cook but I'll whip up something." My mom says inviting Kai to dinner. This action shocks me completely.

"Of course I'll come. That sounds really fun!" Kai says excitedly as he looks at me. It feels really amazing to actually have my mom put an effort into something that means so much to me. It really shows me how much she cares about me and loves me.


Klaus's P.O.V.
It is the wee hours of the morning on the streets of New Orleans. I know that necessarily it isn't safe here, but I know that the only one that could subdue me is Marcel, and I'm confident that I will not run into him anytime soon. I feed on an unsuspecting victim in a small dark alley way. I had forgotten how forbidden and how fulfilling the taste of fresh blood really was. Penelope was right, we really did sacrifice everything to ensure that our children had a good life. We even gave up our own dark desires. 

But now that Penelope has excluded me from the family that I helped make, I can give into everything I've held back from for so, so long. "I see that you've decided to slip back into old ways since you don't have Penelope to reign you in anymore." I hear Camille's voice say behind me as I finish feeding from the woman I grabbed off of the street.

"When the wife is away, the husband plays. Isn't that right my dear?" I ask Camille with a smirk on my face as wipe the blood from my lips. Camille just rolls her eyes at me, ignoring my comment.

"I don't really care what you do, but we need to get off of the streets... Now." Cami says a bit urgent.

"I do not fear anyone on these streets, Camille." I say to her confidently as I walk towards her.

"Well you should. Now come on, let's go." Cami says as she grabs my hand and begins leading me away from the alley. I follow her because I really don't have anything better to do, really. So for now, I guess I'll just go along with what my therapist has to offer me.


"Why did you bring me here?" I ask Camille as we walk into Marcel's old loft in Algiers, but I am stopped at the doorway as Camille walks in without an issue.

"Marcel gave it to me a while back in an effort to keep me out of the city, and then Vincent put a spell on it so that no vampire could enter without my permission. By the way come in." Camille says as she walks deeper into the loft and I walk through the doorway.

"Why would Marcel need to get you out of the city? He's the king for God's sake! What couldn't he protect you from?" I ask Camille curiously as she walks towards a end table that has a bottle of scotch and two glasses on it.

"The city has changed a lot since your family was run out of it." Cami tells me as she pours a glass of scotch and hands it to me. "New Orleans is no longer Marcel Gerard's city." Cami says as both of us sit down. "It's a war zone." Camille says in a very serious tone, getting my attention.

"That's preposterous! Marcel and Penelope are the strongest beings in the world. The man could take over the city single handedly if he wished it!" I say unconvinced by her words. Camille looks at me and I can hear her swallow a hard lump in her throat.

"You don't understand Klaus. This city is turned on it's head." Cami says as she sits on the edge on her seat. "After you and your family fled, Marcel finally had everything he wanted. He had his city back, and that was quite enough for him." Cami tells me as I listen intently. "He began rebuilding his army, siring his own vampires that would listen to him. He knew that he couldn't face Penelope and all of you put together, so he kind of gave up on his revenge plot. The idea of it began to dwindle as he regained some of the things he had lost." Camille explains.

"But, the real problem was the vampires that you screwed over during your 1,000 years of tyranny." Cami says as she takes a sip of her scotch. "They were all so hell bent on revenge, Marcel had no other choice than to try and run them out of the city. After he got wind that some of them tried to kill your newborn son, it was the last straw for him." Cami continues to explain as I am extremely intrigued by this story. 

"So he chased them from the city? I'm confused as to why New Orleans is still a war zone?" I ask her curiously.

"Because, more vampires kept showing up here, looking for you or your family. These vampires would kill Marcel's new vampires, causing even more conflict in the city. Not to mention the fact that they ganged together with the witches of New Orleans and a werewolf pack from northwest Louisiana, making them grow in supernatural numbers." Camille explains as I just keep my ears open to hear her words.

"It's not good Klaus. This group of vampires, witches and werewolves are hell bent on the destruction of your family." Cami tells me, her tone nervous.

"Everyone has been out to get my siblings and I since the beginning of time. I fear for anyone that crosses a Mikaelson." I growl defensively.

"No Klaus, they don't want your siblings. They want you, and they want your kids." Cami says to me as both of us sit on the edges of our seats. "The New Orleans witches woke Aurora and she led the attack against Penelope that ended up failing. That was their first attempt, but Vincent has told me that they have something else brewing. Something that's not going to be good."

"What could they want with my bloody children? They're innocents!! I'm the one to blame! Not them!" I exclaim angrily.

"Before Hope was even born she was predicted to be the destruction of the entire witch race. Then there's Faith, the born leader. It's predicted that she will drive the remaining werewolf packs into the ground. And baby Nik, his inner beast runs through his veins, and if that gets unleashed, who knows what damage he could do to the vampire population?" Cami asks me, telling me of the predictions that these witches are having about my children.

"None of them are killers! They're bloody kids! Penelope already had this conversation with Aurora! These predictions are hog wash, and nobody is going to make a move against our family." I say in denial of this group of super naturals out to get my family and myself.

"Klaus don't underestimate them. Vincent said Aurora is high up in the ranks but he doesn't know who the leader is yet. If I were you I'd get out of this city if you value your life. This is where they plot. Marcel has been trying to contain them but they keep growing and growing. The downfall of your family unit seems almost inevitable." Camille says very nervous for my well being.

"I don't believe it. It doesn't seem likely that this 'Mikaelson hate group' could sit in the shadows for so long and just this year they decide to make an attempt at our lives by trying to body jump Aurora into Penelope and failing miserably at doing so? Sweetheart that can't be that powerful or that intelligent if they fail at a simple task." I say unmoved by Camille's words.

"Klaus don't take this lightly! Vincent says that there are more predictions unfolding. Huge ones actually. He told me that these predictions will shake the foundation of the supernatural world to it's core." Cami tells me nervously.

"And has he revealed these predictions to you yet?" I ask her curiously.

"Well no, he hasn't." Cami answers me.

"Then they can't be that foundation shaking. Can they, love?" I say to her unconvinced as I finish my scotch. All of this seems too unbelievable. Any vampire, witch or werewolf knows that if they cross my family, it means the end of their survival. Which is why, we all remain... Untouchable.

-Thank you guys so much for reading! I really hope you guys liked it and oh my god there is going to be so much good stuff to come and I'm so excited! I love you all so much! Xo

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