Chapter 43

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Hope's P.O.V.
*Several days later*
"Oh my God, it feels amazing to be able to touch and kiss you, and not have to worry about getting caught by anyone." Kai says to me as I lay on him with my head on his chest and his fingers caressing my back. It's been really hard in the Mikaelson household since my dad left, but being able to have Kai around has been absolutely amazing.

"I know. I can feel your heart beat. It's so slow and calming. I love it." I say to him as I press my ear to his chest, hearing the beating of his slow but powerful heart. I look up into his blue eyes and smile.

"You're seriously the most gorgeous thing ever. How are you not obsessed with yourself?" Kai asks me curiously as he sits up, causing me to sit up with him. I straddle him with my hands on his face and smile.

"I guess I'm just humble." I shrug jokingly as I smile happily at him as he has his hands on my lower back. He puts his fingers through my belt loops and begins tugging at my jean shorts.

"These seem a little tighter baby." Kai points out as he continues tugging at the tight fitting shorts.

"Are you saying I'm fat? Because that's not really much of an insult because fat is not a synonym to ugly." I say educating him as I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Okay yes, we've had this talk many times before but no, I'm not calling you fat. I guess you just filled out. You're the same amount of hot, maybe even more." Kai compliments me as he pecks my lips quickly.

"Thank you my dear." I say to him as I kiss him sweetly, loving the feeling of his hands traveling around my waist and lower back. Kai separates from our kiss and then smiles at me as he lifts me off his his lap and sits me on the couch.

"Your Aunt is coming." Kai says as he quickly presses a kiss to my cheek as my Aunt Rebekah comes into the parlor.

"Dinner is ready you two love birds." Aunt Bekah says with a smile on her face as she looks at Kai and I. She's really supportive of us just like my mom is which is really nice. She basically switched places with my Uncle Elijah since my mom is struggling without my dad, they figured it would be good if one Mikaelson siblings was around to help her.

"Alright thanks Aunt Bekah!" I say to her as I hop off of the couch quickly, making me a bit light headed. I sway a bit, trying to contain the nauseous feeling that washes over me.

"Are you alright?" Kai asks me curiously as he sees my struggling state.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just got a really bad head rush." I tell him as I pull him off the couch, recovering from the head rush. Kai looks at me skeptically but then kisses my cheek. "Come on silly goose, I'm hungry." I say as my stomach grumbles for food. I still can't get over the fact that Kai is walking around my house freely, socializing with my family. It feels so amazing... It's just, it's not the same without my dad, and everyone here knows that.


We all sit at the dining room table eating our dinner. Faith and Nik are completely silent, both of them struggling horribly with the loss of Doug and my father. They resent me because they know I'm the only reason my father isn't aloud to come back, and that really sucks.

"So are you kids ready to go back to school tomorrow after the weekend??" Aunt Rebekah asks all of us as we munch on our dinners.

"Yeah it will be nice to go back and see some of my school friends I guess." I say optimistically as I nod my head. Ugh, I sound like Faith. It's terrible. Nik and Faith don't answer our Aunt Bekah, leaving the in an awkward silence.

"Kids, your Aunt asked you a question. Don't be rude." My mom says to them, not liking how they were acting.

"Oh yes Aunt Rebekah. I'm just elated to return to that hell home I call school." NJ says to Aunt Bekah, being condescending as shit.

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