Chapter 45

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Hope's P.O.V.
It has been exactly one day since I have found out I'm pregnant. The horror of the situation hangs over me like a frog. The only person that knows is my Aunt Bekah. She has promised to tell nobody which is definitely a blessing. My heart won't stop pounding and I have basically shut myself out from everyone, not wanting anyone to get suspicious of me.

"Hope.." I hear Aunt Bekah knocking lightly on my bedroom door, wanting to come in but just waiting for the invitation.

"You can come in." I say giving her the okay as she slowly turns the knob and enters the room. She comes in and then turns back around to shut the door.

"I scheduled you a doctors appointment for two weeks from now. So that day I'll just pick you up from school and you and I can just go by ourselves." Aunt Bekah says as she comes over and sits down next to me.

"When should I tell my mother?" I ask sullenly as I look at her through red puffy eyes and breathe through my mucus stuffed nose.

"You're mother is going through a lot right now, so I don't think telling her would be a very well thought out plan." Bekah says, very against telling my mother of my condition in the near future.

"Yeah. You're right." I say as I lean forward and place my head in my hands and push my thick light brown curls from my face. "She's already going through so much with my dad being gone and my siblings giving her hell; the whole world is on her shoulders and I don't know if I can tell her and watch her cripple even further into her already emotionally paralyzed state." I say as tears keep flowing from my eyes as I think about my mom and what she's going to do when she finds out that I'm pregnant.

"Have you thought about what you're going to do about Kai?" Aunt Bekah asks me curiously as she sits down next to me and places her hand on my back reassuringly.

"Umm. No. Not yet. I'm umm... I'm seeing him today though." I say as I look at her in her greenish bluish eyes.

"That'll be good. I'll keep your mother from prying while you're gone. The last thing you need is a nosey mother involved in your business." Bekah says with a small laugh. I look at her and can't help but smile as I wrap my arms around her, just beaming through my tears.

"Thank you so much for everything Aunt Bekah. You don't even understand how much you're helping me out." I say extremely thankful for her.

"Stop that thanking me nonsense. It's my duty as the coolest Aunt in the world to help out my nieces and nephews. Not a big deal, love. All I care about is you and your well being." Aunt Bekah reassures me. It feels really amazing to have someone like her in my life. I really think that us spending those 6 months together when I was a baby really set the course for us to be close in the future, and I'm so thankful for that.


Penelope's P.O.V.
I walk through the front door of my home and throw my purse on the end table as I let out a deep breath. I walk down the hall and undo the belt on my jacket as I enter the kitchen. Nik and Faith are sitting at the island just having gotten home from school probably a half hour ago.

"I just got back from talking to the family of the boy you physically mutilated." I say to NJ extremely disappointed in him.

"So what does that mean? You compelled them not to file a lawsuit to try and send me to a juvenile hall?" NJ asks me with an attitude just to piss me off.

"Well I'm not sure what else you wanted me to do Niklaus!? You brutally beat their child!" I defend as I take my coat off and set it on the island.

"I don't care. I would've taken any punishment I was given! Because I don't feel bad for what I did to that kid. He was a douchebag and I put him in his damn place!" Nik says as he gets up from his chair.

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