The Twin Sisters

By ShraddhaBhatia6

110K 4.7K 366

Highest Rank: #74 in Romance This is my second book! Please help me with your love and support, as I had for... More

Character Sketch
Birthday Party
The First Date
Double Trouble
Work Day
Daydreams and Nightmares
Turning Point
Guana Islands
Palau Joyo Islands
Lost and Found
The Bracelet and The Diary
Katherine Kapoor
Cross Roads
Wedding Dates
Game On
Second Chance
Bridesmaid dresses
Good Deeds
Kapoor Mansion
The Royal Wedding
Happily Ever After

The Gift

3.8K 197 12
By ShraddhaBhatia6


"Is it necessary for you to leave today??"

"Sweetie, you are working here. It's important for me to take care of the things back in India." Her father smiled poliety towards her and she sighed.

"You flew down specially for our birthday? You shouldn't have, with your health degrading. It wasn't necessary." Meera asked.

"I can't miss it for the world." He smiled and kissed her forehead.
"Where is Ira?"

"Still practicing her walk. Lady Martha is not easy on her."

"I pray for Lady Martha's life. She is taming the danger itself." He joked.

"Mr. Kapoor? Shall we?" Vivaan said, waiting in front of the car for him.

"Vivaan, you don't need to do this." Mr. Kapoor said.

"As the Prince and the Eldest son, It's my responsibility. Besides, I'm Ms. Meera's Secretary, it's my duty as well." He smiled.

'He smiled! And on him being her Secretary!' Meera couldn't stop staring him. This was the first time she saw him smiling!

"Been there, done that." Mr. Kapoor joked, and he chuckled.

'He laughed!' She was already feeling dizzy.

"Thank You, for letting my children stay here." He shook his hands with him.

"No problem." He said and opened the door for him. Once Mr. Kapoor was inside he approached towards her. "See you soon baby." He smiled and placed a small kiss in her cheek.

She shivered inside out, and was immobile. The moment she saw car disappearing in the woods, she turned on her heels and started running.
"Run, Meera. Run. Run, for your life." She spoke to herself and continued running till the time she reached her room.
She hurriedly got inside, looked it and immediately started searching for something.
"Here you are!" She pulled Vivaan's diary that was gifted to her by Tia.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She yelled towards the diary in her hand.
"Why are you behaving like this?? If this is your new statergy to scare me off. Then let me tell you! I'm not afraid of you! My sister is here as my strength and I'm going to bring you down your highness! I'm going to bring you down, Prince Vivaan!!"
She aggressively yelled on the diary.
"Now! Relax!" After a few deep breaths she placed it back in the drawer and left for her office.


"Fucking bitch." Ira cursed while coming out of the pool.

Lady Martha was strict as hell on her.
She tied a suffocating belt all around Ira's stomatch with some weighting her back to keep it erect.
Also, she made her walk on the pools wall in the killer heels, so that whenever she disbalances she would fall in the water.
This was Ira's third time.

"Come on now. Start from the beginning." Lady commanded and sipped her ice tea, relaxing on the lounge.

Ira was exhausted and wanted to end this as soon as possible so avoided the argument and obliged.

She was walking back towards her starting point, drenched in water, when she heard Lady Martha, squeaky voice again.

"Ah.. Your highness." She bowed and Ira turned to see Samar standing next to her with the bitch.

"Hello. Ms. Martha. How are you?" He kissed her hand.

"Very well." She smiled.

"Hello, Lady Martha." Veronica bowed.

"You look loving darling." She smiled.

"Blah blah blah..." Ira murmered while walking.
"I'm ready!" She turned and held her hands together in front of her. Just like a sofisticated royalty.

"Good." Lady Martha clapped her hands.

Ira started walking confidently. She was determined not to fall this time and moreover to impress the Prince in front of eyes.

Samar was carefully observing her walking.
She couldn't look more beautiful to him.
His damsel in distress. Walking with a beautiful smile and a elegant movement just like a perfect queen, but drenched in her short clothes and her hair going hayway just like his perfect Ira.

She was just a few steps away from the end line, happy with her progress. Instead of lokking at her path she glanced a towards Samar, who was smiling towards her. This was when she disbalanced.

He ran to save her from another fall and grabbed her hand, but unfortunately couldn't save her and both fell in the pool.

Lady Martha and Veronica gasped and immediately ran along with the help to pull both of them out.

Ira dipped inside at a little distance from him, he swam towards her hurriedly and pulled her close from her waist.
"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes." She breathed, and opened her eyes, and noticed him staring intensely towards her.
"I'm fine, Samar." She nodded.

He took a breathe of relief "I guess, falling into ponds and pool is just our thing." He chuckled while coming out of the water and offered his hand to her.

"What?" She frowned still standing in the pool.

"Nothing, let's get you dry before you fall sick." He pulled the stubborn lady out, from the poll.

"Your highness!! Are you okay?" Veronica came running towards him.

"Yes." He said in an irritated tone.

"I feel so ashamed because of my sister's inability to walk. Look what happened to you!" Veronica made a face as if she is about to cry and Lady Martha rubbed her back.

"Oh... Are you? Why don't you try it once? Sweet sister." Ira said in an acidic tone.

"I don't know if I should." Veronica timidly glanced towards Lady Martha, who nodded in encouragement.
"Okay, I will." She smiled and walked towards the start point.
She straightened her dress and called. "Shall I, Lady Martha?"

Lady Martha smiled and clapped her hands.

Ira knew Veronica will make it!
When they were younger, they were given training lessons as they were half British Royal and this was one of the basics. But Ira being herself, prefred to bunk the lessons and hang out at her waterfall.

"See? It's simple, sister." She proudly announced when she reached the finish line.

"Yes it is. I guess you need to freshen up after a walk like an ugly dog." Ira smiled and before anybody could react she pushed Veronica, who stumbled and fell inside the pool.

Samar couldn't control himself and bursted into laughter like there was no end, which gave a higher level of satisfaction to Ira and made her sister more angry.

"You are a shame for the palace, for, the society." Lady Martha angrily growled towards her.

"Do you think I care?" Ira smirked and fully satisfied with her act turned and started walking.

"Wait." Samar caught her hand.


"Your father gave me something for you."


"So.. I want to give it to you."

"Thanks, you can send it in my room."

"No.. umm.. there is umm.."

"Umm.. umm.. Yes Samar?"

"Umm.. there is more to it."

"And what is that?!"

"Umm.. can we meet near the bridge in an hour? You can change till then."

"Fine. Now you can leave my hand."

"Right." He pressed his lips and let her go.

Now her back towards Samar, she couldn't help but smile.
'He cares.' She thought, because no one ever did.


"Ma'am?" Vivaan knocked the door but there was no response.
Though the glass door was fogged and soundproof, still the thumbing could be felt outside. Moreover there was no one on the office floor today, which made it more suspicious.
"What the hell is going on?" He frowned and lightly pushed the door.
His expressions changed and his frown turned into a smile.

There was loud music playing and both Carol and Meera were dancing.
It was totally unexpected for him to see this.
Not that they were dancing but he way Meera was dancing.

In this state she was no where near to the eldest daughter of the prestigious Kapoor family or the future Queen. She was just dancing like a youngster in a bar. With her body and soul.

Even she was singing along the Bollywood song.

"Badtameez dil, batameez dil, batamiz dil
Maane na, maane na
Badtameez dil, batameez dil, batamiz dil
Maane na, maane na

Yeh jo haal hai, sawaal hai, kamaal hai
Jaane na jaane na
Badtameez dil, battameez dil badtameez dil
Maane naa.."

He had no idea about the song and was sure neither did Carol but she was accompanying her anyway.

He was enjoying his time watching her when unfortunately Carol saw him, and froze. Immediately switching of the song.

"Maane Na, Maane Na... What happened?" Meera frowned towards Carol, whose stare was fixed on someone on the door. She turned, saw him and froze too.

"I'm sorry to disturb you ma'am, but I brought the file you asked for." He smiled, controlling his laughter and stepped inside the office.

"I'm definitely going to lose my job." Carol whispered.

"No, you won't." Meera whispered back. "Please.. umm... come in Mr. ....Vivaan." She said nervously and gestured Carol to go, who ran outside to save her life, avoiding any eye contact with him.
Vivaan chuckled on her reaction.

"Here." He gave her the file.

"I'm.. umm... sorry." She said nervously while staring towards the file.

"For what?" He asked playfully.

"Umm.. for what.. we were doing. Actually we were celebrating!"

"And didn't invite me?"

"No.. well.. umm.. the Government of France cleared my application and now I have a license to have a branch here. I'll be shifting to my own office next week." She smiled towards him, still scared.

Deep down, he felt a little bit of pain. Not sure of what it was, he couldn't decide how to react. "Okay." Was just what he said.

"Yes. It won't happen again. I'm sorry."

"No problem. I have something else for you too." He produced a small envelope. "Your father gave this to me."

She happily took it and tore the envelope, reading all the details carefully. "No.." She gasped.

He nodded. "We need to leave tonight."

"You know about this?"

"He told me in the car."

"But.. how can we leave tonight. Lots of work is pending and--"

"I have qualified employees here, Ms. Kapoor. I guess they are capable of handling some high level work for quite a some time. Be rest assured."

'And here I head he never ever delegated his work, now he is directly decentralizing.' She thought.
"Yes of course. I'm sorry." She started playing with her thumbs.


"Yes, your highness."

"I don't use this word often but Thank you."

"Umm.. for what?"

"After all I have done to you, and what you did for me yesterday. I heard she ran off to some islands with her husband." He smiled.

"Oh.. your welcome." She smiled.

"See you in the evening, and call me Vivaan." He nodded and left.

After he left, Meera couldn't help but read her father's letter again.

Dearest Meera,
As it's your 26th birthday and last as a Kapoor it's my responsibility to gift something memorable.
'Guana Islands' of British Virgin Islands now belong to you, hence registered and bought in your name. Ms. Meera Kapoor.
I made all the arrangements for you and Prince Vivaan's two weeks long vacation there.
Have the best time of your life.

"Who gifts a complete islands to their daughter?" She sighed.


"What?" She walked towards him with crossed arms.
Though in a little dress, messed up hair and flats she was just looking like a blooming flower to him.
Samar couldn't help but stare at her with a smile.
"Are you just going to stare me or speak?"
She raised an eyebrow.

"You look beautiful." He couldn't help but to place a small peck on her cheek.

Ira's body shivered on his touch. "Stupid adrenaline rush!" She cured under her breathe and Samar laughed.
"Why are we here, Samar?"

"To watch the sunset." He pointed towards the beautiful sky in front of them.

"Cute. Now tell me." She didn't even glance in the direction.

He sighed "Here." And gave her the envelope.

"What's this?" She frowned.

"Take it. Open it." He encouraged her.

She rolled her eyes and took it from him.
There were some papers and a letter from her father.

Dearest Ira,
As it's your 26th birthday and last as a Kapoor it's my responsibility to gift something memorable.
'Palau Joyo Islands, Indonesia' now belong to you, hence registered and bought in your name. Ms. Ira Kapoor.
I made all the arrangements for you and Prince Samar's two weeks long vacation there.
Have the best time of your life.

Ira smiled when she saw the name of the Islands.
They were the same where she wished to go as a child, but never wished to owe them.

He couldn't help but take deep breathes to clam his heart.
She was breathtaking!
Her long hair were moving liglty with the wind.
The light of the setting Sun was making her face and hair glow differently.
Today he discovered that there can be something more beautiful than the setting Sun.
It's watching her glow in the setting Sun.

"We have a problem." She spoke.

"Hmm.." He was just smilling.

"Samar..." She was started laughing lighlty on his mesmerized face.

"God!" He gasped on her beautiful. "Yes? What problem do you want me to address?"

"What about your girlfriend?" She asked.

He frowned as if he was thrown directly in the hell from the heaven. "What girlfriend?"

"Your girlfriend, my sister? What about her tickets, her arrangements? She'll tag along like leech, right?" She said and pouted.

He moved his head in denial and pulled her towards himself from her neck.
"It's only you And me." He spoke near her lips and kissed her softly, very very softly.

She felt weak on her knees and couldn't stand still so she grabbed his shirt pulling him closer.

Just when she starting responding he pulled himself back, breaking the kiss.
"See you in the evening." He whispered and left.

She stood there paralyzed. She just now had her best kiss ever.


Meera was done with her packing when her door knocked.
"It's me Tia! I need your help!" The visitor informed from outside.

"Hello." She opened the door and Tia barged inside with almost 20 dresses in her hand.
"What's happening?"

"I can't decide!" Tia said in frustration.

"Decide what?"

"Okay, I have a date with Raghav and I have no idea what to wear!"

She smiled. "Date? I guess you met him yesterday."

"Yes, but he is so charming!" Tia smiled and blushed a little.

"I can see what's happening." She smiled and picked a pink dress. "Here, this color looks good on you."

"Are you sure? He'll like it, right?"

She nodded "I'm his sister so I know."

"I love you!" Tia hugged her and hurriedly went outside.

Meera chuckled and placed the last item in her handbag carefully.
His diary.


"There!" Ira fixed his tie.

"Are you sure di? It's not like I'm going to a ball or something." Raghav touched his hair.

"I'm training for this stupid shit. Trust me, I know."

"I guess your are right then."

"I'm! Just tell me one thing... is it a time pass thing or you  really really like her?"

"I don't know. I mean... she is nice, funny and fucking hot." He said in excitement.

She laughed. "Well it's your first date today. Relax and enjoy your time."

"Thanks di." He hugged her. "Time to go. My lady is waiting." He bowed and Ira bowed in return.
He turned and started walking a very formal mannar, on which she laughed after he was gone.

"Well.. what about you?" She stared at the small box. "I'm taking you!" She placed Samar's earings carefully in her bag and zipped it.


"Not the same islands?" Samar said.

"Well, I had no idea he had the same thing but in a diffrent way for Ira as well. So no.. not the same Islands." Vivaan replied.

"Me too." Samar nodded.

Both the girls were sitting in diffrent cars ready to leave, knowing their luggage was already loaded in the jet.

"Well, it's time for us to leave." Vivaan spoke and hugged his brother. "Let this trip be the most memorableone  of our lives."

"Yes, let this trip be the most memorable one." Samar nodded.
"Bey brother." He said and started moving towards his car lightly touching the bracelet box in his pocket.

Vivaan nodded and sat inside his car.

"Umm... is there any work pending? Sorry I sent my laptop bag with my luggage." Meera asked when she saw him carrying his bag.

"No.. nothing. I just want this bag to be with me." He explained.
The box inside the bag was more precious for him than the laptop.

Above the picture of both the Islands.

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