Can't Say - Jung Hoseok

By park_pabo

132K 7.5K 6.9K

"you're not going to tell her, it's something you shouldn't say. it's something you shouldn't even think twic... More

part zero - preview
part one - introductions
part two - the destroyer of geometry
part three - parenting class
part four - flower boys
part five - a secret admirer
part seven - the three dollar bet
part eight - friendship
part nine - bad things
part ten - a date with a friend(s)
part eleven - heart beat beat beat
part twelve - company
part thirteen - make it up to him
part fourteen - nothing to fear, nothing to hide
part fifteen - daydream daydream
part sixteen - new parents
part seventeen - where does the pain go once the rain stops
part eighteen - regret
part nineteen - boundaries
part twenty - the punch of a lifetime
part twenty one - the comfort of a nurse bed
part twenty two - the universe picks favorites
part twenty three - bright lights
part twenty four - a true friend's heartache
part twenty five - a sister's suspicion
part twenty six - a word of advice
part twenty seven - a false identity
part twenty eight - stay by my side
part twenty nine - another incident
part thirty - heal
part thirty one - together forever
part thirty two - a happy ending
part forever - epilogue
10k + #9

part six - the librarian

4.1K 251 276
By park_pabo

"if any of your teenagers fucking yell and shit, i will not hesitate to beat their asses and kick them out of my god damn library."

your parenting class watched as the librarian of the highschool leaned against the seat behind his desk and sighed. he propped his feet onto the desk and laid back, shutting his eyes.

"i was told he had ears that could hear anything from a mile away." hoseok whispered into your ear as everyone was standing by the tall book cases.

the librarian opened one eye at hoseok, causing him to gulp at the bleached blonde librarian.

"scared the shit outta me." you huffed, clutching onto your chest.

if you're wondering about what happened earlier with the flowers, that was all settled in the beginning of class when you two went to sit by each other. hoseok explained that he understands that you were being mistreated for something you didn't do.

he said he can read people and was apparently pretty damn good at it.

you were surprised anyone would ever believe you when you would tell them that it wasn't your fault, you were very blessed in fact. who would've thought that the new boy in school would've already been on your side without really hearing the full story.

anyways, about your feelings for hoseok. also known as the good stuff, it hadn't really changed. well, that's only because you still had that massive crush on park jimin. you've liked him for so long you hadn't really thought of liking anyone else.

but hoseok, he was so different from jimin. he was very handsome, but in a cuter more flamboyant way. he also had an incredible personality and was always positive. sure it was your second day with the boy, but you already felt like you could trust him.

"that's okay you two." mr. seokjin stood next to the both of you, his clipboard in his hands, "mr. yoongi can be like that sometimes."

you and hoseok looked at each other and didn't dare to question it. although looking at mr. yoongi, the librarian, you actually thought he was hella hot.

you are aware that he is older than you, but that didn't stop you from lowkey checking him out. mr. yoongi's hair was fluffy and bleached to the point of almost white but was warm toned. he was also really pale nonetheless and had leg goals for days.

you could see his name tag on his shirt and saw that his shirt was tucked into his pants. his facial expression seemed pretty irritated as his eyes were closed, so you thought it was best you didn't dare talk to him.

"now class, please take your seats next to your parenting partners." mr. seokjin said to the class as he watched them all sit at the tables.

you were pretty close next to hoseok as you can somewhat feel his body heat radiating towards you.

"today since my projector isn't working, we're going to be showing my presentation here instead of the classroom." mr. seokjin looked slightly annoyed as he placed his hands on his hips, "don't ever trust mr. namjoon with your computer, kids."

the three boys couldn't help but snicker at each other after hearing that, they were content that their parenting teacher was a gay man.

you however didn't care. you knew sexuality wasn't something that you should be judging people for, everyone should have the right to love who they wanted to love.

that and you didn't really think mr. seokjin was gay.

after you could hear the sounds of keyboard clicking and the mouse making small tick sounds, you turned to hoseok.

"thanks for the flowers."

"you've said that about ten hundred times." he laughed, feeling himself feel his heart warm.

"i know but really, thank you." you put on a smile. "i'm sorry if i didn't notice at first."

"i'm kind of surprised you didn't realize it was me. i literally bought them from you yesterday."

"yeah i get it hoe, i'm dense." you laughed at yourself as hoseok couldn't help but laugh along.

someone from the room had created a loud groan, "what did i just say about making noise?!"

mr. yoongi stomped his own foot on the desk.

"correction, you said 'yelling,' my students weren't yelling, mr. yoongi." mr. seokjin said sassily as he eyed the librarian right across from him.

"hmph." mr. yoongi then closed his eyes again.

the class also couldn't help but laugh at their teacher, as some girls still giggled in awe of the extremely good looking teacher.

"so as i was saying, before i was rudely interrupted," your teacher looked sharply at the librarian whom just smirked, "today's slide is all about the beginning stages of parenting. now of course it has to be with consent and a partner whom you've chosen to stay true to. however, traditionally having a child is normally for those whom are already married."

you completely zoned out after that. your mind trailing off to other places.

other places meaning the other kids in the classroom.

jackson was sitting right next to baekhyun, as they were whispering to each other and showing each other pics of something to each other.

probably nudes they got from girls. you sighed and looked at the other places in the room.

you turned your eyes simply to the sight next to you and could smell the scent of hoseok's cologne. instead of it being the strong manly type of cologne, it was more spicy and had a bit somewhat savory scent. it was a scent that you wanted to smell all the time.

"you smell good."

hoseok looked over at you and blinked, "excuse me?"

you finally realized that you had said that out loud. you were slightly nervous but at the same time just went with it. not like you gave any fucks. "i smell good."

hoseok couldn't help but blush put also smiled in a way that was a mix of cute yet seductive, "haha, why thank you, (your name)."

you smiled, hoseok was so easy to get along with.

your eyes went back to the presentation as you sighed and placed your elbows onto the table.

hoseok however, couldn't keep his eyes off of you. it didn't matter if it was the second day he just met you, there were three hundred and three more days he wanted to get to know you.


after the class session of learning the history behind marriage and consent, you finally left the class and were stopped by hoseok.

"what's good?" you looked up at the boy.

he laughed slightly, "do you mind if i walked you to your locker?"

your heart for some reason was thumping. "s-sure."

hoseok smiled and offered to carry your book bag for you. which you didn't mind, you were too lazy to carry your bag anyways.

making your way to your locker, you decided to spark up some small talk.

"so, hoseok," your eyes meeting his, "is there a reason why you wanted to walk me to my locker?"

"what? i can't walk my new friend to their locker?" he said simply, cocking an eyebrow.

"fair enough. but normally jungkook and them walk me to my locker."

"jungkook?" hoseok asked, looking at you as if he wasn't sure on what you just said.

"yeah, do you know him?"


"(your name)!"

both of you and hoseok turned to face the tall alien boy. taehyung was focused on you till he saw the other boy next to you. a boy he has never met before.

and within a second, he pulled a long long grin and placed his hands on his hips. "so you're the flower boy huh?"

"excuse me?" hoseok asked as taehyung went over to him and circled the boy like a predator hunting it's prey.

hoseok, feeling uncomfortable, gave the boy a somewhat disgusted yet confused face, making you snicker. but at the same time you wanted to shoo taehyung away like an annoying fly.

"tae!" you said under your breath and death glares were sent to taehyung.

"so are you the flower boy?" taehyung squinted and leaned forward at hoseok.


"what're you guys doing?" jimin asked approaching the group. his smile was towards you but then it faltered as soon as he saw the unknown guy really close next to you. that, and he was holding your book bag.

"who the fuck is this?" jimin glared, pointing his finger at the now scared hoseok.

"jimin-sshi!" you growled.

hoseok still continued to stand there awkwardly as he scratched the back of his neck and shifted his body a bit. you felt bad that he just had to stand there as they were pestering him with questions.

that and jimin looked really pissed.

"hoseok hyung!"

hoseok's eyes finally brightened, "jungkookie!"

jungkook and hoseok approached each other and did some sort of handshake.

the three of you, taehyung, jimin, and you stood there in disbelief.

"wait, you guys know each other?" you asked, a bit bewildered.

"yep!" hoseok smiled.

jungkook wrapped his arm around hoseok's shoulders. "i got to know him yesterday. he's actually pretty nice."

"ah, you're too much." hoseok laughed as jungkook laughed along as well.

"wait, is that why we didn't see you this morning?" taehyung asked.

"yeah, we rode on the same bus and it turned out we had a lot in common. so we hung out a bit this morning."

you couldn't help but somewhat smile. you were thankful that atleast one of your friends liked hoseok, taehyung looked like he would need to get to know him a bit more.

jimin on the other hand...

"you guys sound like a couple." jimin couldn't help but laugh, looking smug as fuck as his hand covered his mouth.

jungkook only had a fake smile on but couldn't help but give jimin an icy glare. jimin however returned the favor by smirking.

it was surprising that you, jungkook, and hoseok could feel the intense atmosphere. taehyung however, being your best friend, was still too focused on this new guy who was instantly close to you.

"anyways," you sighed and grabbed hoseok away from the boys. "we're heading to my locker!"

jungkook just happily walked behind you two to your locker, taehyung followed eying hoseok, as jimin was last to follow keeping a blank face.

hoseok had finally walked you to your locker and you smiled at him and thanked him for the roses.

"it's no big deal." hoseok smiled handing you your book bag. "besides, seeing your reaction today totally made my day!"

your heart fluttered. but only a little bit.

your eyes looked at the jealous jimin, though you couldn't tell if he was jealous or not. it wasn't obvious to you that he liked you back but wasn't doing anything about it. which is annoying by the way.

"anyways, see you in class okay?" you smiled up at hoseok.

"mhm!" hoseok was walking away from your friend group, and waved at jungkook as well.

as you shut your locker and couldn't keep your eyes off of hoseok, he turned around and gave you the most genuine smile you've ever seen. he waved goodbye at you.

"hey jungkook." you said, your eyes never leaving jung hoseok.

"yes?" jungkook asked, already seeing the obvious attraction.

"what's hoseok's number?"


ahh, cute hobi in a uniform  (')
really do hoped you all enjoyed this chapter, to be honest it was cute shit yes~
have a wonderful day and i hope you look forward to my next update!

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