Birth of a Vampyre

By astevens

8.6K 163 48


Birth of a vampyre~1~
Birth of a vampyre ~2~
Birth of a Vampyre ~3~
Birth of a Vampyre ~4~
Birth of a Vampyre ~5~
Birth of a Vampyre ~6~
Birth of a Vampyre ~7~
Birth of a Vampyre ~8~
Birth of a Vampyre ~9~
Birth of a Vampyre ~10~
Birth of a Vampyre ~11~
Birth of a Vampyre~12~
Birth of a Vampyre ~13~
Birth of a Vampyre ~15~

Birth of a Vampyre ~14~

432 12 5
By astevens

As we head towards my house I can't help but feel as if all of this is part of something greater. How are we all linked? I can't think of anything that all of my friends have in common except for me and yet here we are all converging at the same time. What is going on in my peaceful little town?

"Marcus I'm worried."


"Everyone that I love is converging here. Is there something or someone behind this? Is it bigger than just coincidence?"

"I'm not sure. I want to think that this is all as you say a coincidence, but I understand what you are saying. I think we need to be more careful. None should go out without another right now." I look deep into Marcus's eyes and realize he's having the same thoughts as I am.

"That witch is a problem. She lied to have Sasha killed. She needs to be put in her place."

"We need to talk to Carrie and Eric as soon as possible. I know tonight is out of the question since Carrie and Lushe are off on their own for the evening." Marcus smiles to himself.

"I wonder what is going to happen with them. I really do think that they are supposed to be together. I just don't know if she really understands what it all means." I sigh.

"Lil it's her choice and we are going to have to let her make it." Marcus says sternly to me.

"Yes daddy." I smirk.

"You can only call me that when we are in bed." He smirks back at me. He stops walking and puts me down. He leans into me and slowly brings his lips to mine. I don't fight at all but embrace him. Marcus slowly ends the kiss and scoops me back up. He smiles down at me as he takes off towards the house again.

"You haven't kissed me like that in awhile." I whisper.

"I was afraid you wouldn't let me because of Eric. I know that you love him and we both said that we would share, but I'm not sure if that is really an option. I get so mad when I see you with him and I'm pretty sure that he feels the same way watching you with me."

"Am I a horrible person for loving you both?"

"No you aren't baby. You've been alive longer than anyone I know. Demons excluded of course, but they will never admit their age. You have loved many and had to watch all but a few die. I think sometimes that you are afraid of loving just one person because you've watched so many die."

I think over Marcus's words as he jumps the perimeter gate and runs to the back door. I can hear the wolves in the house playing video games. I tighten my grip on Marcus and sigh heavily. I see Eric watching us from the bedroom window with a look of pain on his face.

"He's still young Lil. He doesn't understand you fully. Hell I don't think any one understands you fully me included." Marcus puts me down and nods towards Eric. Eric disappears from the window and in less than a second is scooping me up into a monster embrace. I inhale his scent and smile.

"Missed you." I whisper.

"Missed you more." He replies.

"I'm going to head in and beat some dog ass in Mortal Kombat." Marcus says as he heads inside.

I grab Eric's hand and lead him to a poolside chair. He sits and I curl up in his lap. It feels right to have his arms around me. I close my eyes and think about the evenings events.

"Eric do you remember a demon being killed recently?" I ask him.

"Ummm which one?" He asks confused.

"She was beautiful. She was strawberry blonde with eyes so deep they were beyond black. If you looked in her eyes you could see the stars in the sky shining in them. She was not like any other demon ever. She was weak when she was killed and it was that witch that told you she was a rogue." Eric tightens his hold on me and sighs.

"I remember her. Carrie, Scott, and I tried to tell the sanctuary that there was something wrong. She wasn't strong enough to be a rogue. She acted like she hadn't fed in a very long time. The elders thought that we were under her spell and we were punished. They took that witch's word over ours. I never felt right about it." He sounds so ashamed that I can't help but tighten my grip on him.

"You were right. She hadn't fed in almost a year. Her name was Sasha. She was like a sister to me. She didn't feed unless she was on the verge of starvation. She hated that she had to live off the innocence of others. And now her brother is extremely pissed off and is out for the witch. I'm going to help him. Thorn has been a friend of mine longer than even Marcus, as was Sasha. I know that this is wrong to ask, but would you be willing to help? That witch is taking her revenge on all supernaturals because of what happened to her son." I can hear the venom in my voice as I talk about this.

"I've never liked that witch ever since she came to us saying that she wanted to help. I knew she was wrong! There was no way that girl was strong enough to be a rogue." He sounds ashamed of himself.

"You have no reason to feel bad about what happened. You were right and they didn't listen to you. They should learn to keep better company."

"But I was there and couldn't stop them from killing one of your friends."

"It's ok Eric you couldn't have stopped them. That witch has something else going on besides revenge. I think she's working with someone else, but I can't figure out who."

"LILITH" Blade screams as he runs out of the house.

"What's the matter Blade?" I ask as I jump off of Eric and run to him.

"He's gone." Is all Blade says and I know in my gut who he is talking about.


"I don't know. Cliff was watching him tonight and I was going to relieve him, but when I got there he was unconscious and he was gone." I feel ice seep into my veins. He couldn't be the one working with the witch. What good would it do him?

"He who?" Eric asks with a look of comprehension dawning on his face.

"I have to tell you something Eric." I look down at the ground. "Viktor wasn't killed that night. I asked the wolves to take him and keep him locked up. I was going to go talk to him. I have so many questions that only he can answer and some of them have to do with you. Please don't be mad at me. I just....I loved him at one point and some part of me still does." I feel Eric's arms wrap around me and I can see the other wolves staring.

"I understand Lilith. You love a lot of people, but not all of them the same way. I understand why you did it, but you should have told me anyway." He says reassuringly.

"I think you should have let us kill him." Lushe's voice is angry and I understand why. "Cliff still hasn't woken up. With our advanced healing he should be up by now. We won't know what happened until he wakes up."

"That's not true. I can still talk to him." I say softly.

"NO!" Marcus shouts. "It's to dangerous for you to go into his mind with him in this state."

"What does he mean?" Eric asks.

"I have always been able to speak to animals Eric it's just a part of who I am. It's just well if his mind is to gone and animal like when I am in there I'm in danger of not getting out."

"You can't risk that." Lushe says.

"Yes I can. I have to it's my fault that you were watching Viktor."

"No Lilith. You can't go in his mind." Carrie whispers as she steps around Lushe. "We would all be distraught if anything happened to you."

"I know, but I have to make amends for this." I run around everyone so fast that no one could keep up with my movements. I grab Cliff's hand where he lays on my living room couch. I can hear the rest running to catch up as I delve into Cliff's mind.

"Cliff?" I ask.

"Lilith where are you?" His voice is far away.

"Cliff I'm over here follow the sound of my voice." I speak louder for him to hear. I can hear something coming my way and it doesn't sound human. "Cliff what's in here?" I ask soflty.

A giant grey wolf jumps out of the shadows and tackles me.

"Lil I can't turn back!!" Cliff's voice is scared.

"Concentrate Cliff." I tell him.

"I've been trying Lil." I can hear the fear getting deeper and the wolf getting stronger in his voice.

"Tell me what happened." I start to scratch behind his ear.

"I was talking to Viktor about you. He was telling me how much he loved you and how he would do anything to get you back. He regretted ever calling you a monster. He told me how he watched you fall in love with person after person and how it slowly turned his heart to stone. He had one goal in his life and that was to get you back. He admitted to killing all that you loved and he said he would continue to do it until he got you back. I was distracted by talking to him. I didn't think that a witch would come into our home." His voice trails off and an earsplitting howl erupts from his snout.

"What else happened?"

"She used magic to hide her presence. I think she was going to kill me, but Viktor stopped her. So instead she trapped me in my own mind. How did you find me in here?"

"It was easy. I just used my powers."

"What if you get trapped in here with me?"

"That's what everyone else was worried about, but it's my fault that you are in here. This all goes back to when I left Viktor all those years ago. If I had stayed with him then none of this would have happened." I feel the tears falling down my face as I close my eyes and regret flows over me. I feel a human hand wipe the tears away. My eyes shoot open and there is Cliff in his human form.

"Lil it's not your fault. I think this would have happened to him anyway. There is something dark in him and that witch is twisted."

"You're a human again Cliff." He looks down at himself and sighs.

"Yeah, but I still don't know how to get out of here." I smile at him.

"Take my hand Cliff." I put out my hand and he grabs it. I concentrate and start to leave his mind while keeping a firm grip on Cliff's hand. Slowly I make my way through the darkness and open my eyes to see a bunch of tense werewolves and two really pissed of vampyres staring at me. I smile at my boys.

"If you ever do anything like that again I swear I will lock you in a room and never let you leave." Eric says as he wraps his arms around me. I hear Lushe growl.

"Leave her alone guys. If it weren't for her I never would have woke up. My wolf side was taking over. I couldn't even find my human body." Cliff whispers from the couch.

"She shouldn't have put herself in that kind of danger." Lushe states.

"I did what I had to do." I state calmly. "Nothing bad happened."

"But it could have." Marcus states as he glares at me. "What do you think that would have done to everyone in this room?"

"I'm sorry, but I did what I needed to do to make amends for what happened." I smile at my boys.

"You're a bitch you know that?" Carrie says as she jumps onto me with a giant hug.

"Yeah well it's what I do." I giggle at her.

"I'm going back to bed." She says as she grabs Lushe's hand and starts to head towards the stairs.

"But what about Cliff and what Lil just found out?" Lushe whines as he lets himself be dragged towards the stairs.

"We can talk about it tomorrow." Carrie states as they head up the stairs. I notice the mark on her left shoulder. So it looks like she made her choice. She's going to become an immortal like the rest of us.

"Marcus Eric will you sleep in my room tonight?" Eric looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Why wouldn't I sleep in my own room?" Eric asks.

"You know I will." Marcus says.

"Thank you both." I sigh and head towards the stairs. "Blade can you bring Cliff with up as well?"

"Sure Lil, but I don't think even your bed is big enough for all of us." Blade smirks.

"Very funny asshole."

I head up the stairs with the four boys following me. I need to keep an eye on Cliff so he will sleep on my couch and the boys will sleep in the bed with me.

"Blade lay Cliff on the couch and get the hell out of my room."

"Wow thanks for the love." Blade mumbles as he lays Cliff on the couch.

"You're very welcome." I walk over to Blade and give him a big kiss on the cheek. "You know I love you."

"I know you do. I just wish you had been my mate baby. Think of the fun we could have had."

"It just wasn't meant to be." I sigh at him as he turns and walks out of my room.

"Have you slept with all of them?" Eric asks with a look of disgust on his face.

"Excuse me?" My eyes open wide and I allow anger to fill them as I look at Eric.

"I know that you aren't saying something about my sex life." I narrow my eyes at him.

"Well kinda. So far it seems that every guy that you introduce me to has slept with you." I see the jealousy in Eric's eyes. Marcus starts to laugh at the exchange happening between us and I can hear Cliff trying to hold his laughter in from the couch. I throw my hands up and walk into my bathroom to take a bath.

"Just so you know she hasn't slept with anyone in the pack." I can hear Cliff telling Eric through the door. "You're gonna have to get used to the idea Eric. She's been alive for a very long time. My brother tried over and over to get her into the sack, but failed miserably."

"Your brother?" Eric asks.

"Blade is my brother dude. He's a couple years older than me and he's been after her forever, but I think that he's finally gotten over the idea and is happy just to have her as a sister. Hell we are all happy to have her as a sister." Cliff explains.

"Really? The way you guys all act around her I just assumed that she had had relationships with at least Blade and Lushe."

"I'M NOT A SLUT!" I scream through the wall. Eric is starting to get on my nerves with this whole jealousy crap.

"No she saved Lushe's life at one point." Cliff starts to explain. As he starts to tell the story I remember it vividly. "Lushe was in his wolf form and surrounded by wolf hunters. There had been a wolf attacking the village and stealing the livestock. It wasn't Lushe, but it was a natural wolf that was doing it, but they didn't know that. If he had turned to his human form they would have killed him for being a monster so it was going to be death for him either way. He didn't want to kill the humans it's not in his nature or any werewolf's for that matter unless they are a rogue. He was resigned that he was going to die when this voice entered his mind. It was Lilith. She was standing behind the hunters in the shadows watching. I don't know what she said to him or what he said to her that day. Neither of them have ever said what exactly happened except that she walked out of the shadows and spoke to the hunters. She told them that he was her pet and that he hadn't been the one attacking their livestock. They turned on her and were going to kill her for a witch. I don't know exactly what happened after that you would have to ask them, but don't get your hopes up for an answer they won't even tell us what happened. Ever since then they have been friends and the rest of us have loved her as well."

"She's had many lovers Eric, but that's something you are going to have to get used to. Most of them are dead except for a few of us. She has this way of keeping you in love with her for who she is even if you are no longer her actual lover. I don't think that it's something that you have to worry about though. She really does love you more than I have ever seen her love anyone." Marcus says softly. I can hear the pain in his voice as he says these words to Eric.

There's a soft tap on the bathroom door. I ignore it happy to sit in my tub and relax. The scent of cherry blossoms is heavy in the air and it's relaxing me more than anything.

"Lilith can I please come in?" Eric asks softly. I use my powers and unlock and open the door. "I know that it's something that I have to get used to Lil and I'm sorry that I said what I did. It's just well I've never been with anyone but you because all my life I've known that I love you. It just hurts that you aren't the same."

"You have to remember that I have been alive a lot longer than you have Eric. I love you and I'm sorry that I don't have the same sex record as you, but it comes with time. One day you might decide that you are tired of me and want to take off on your own and have fun with other women. That is something that I expect."

"I would never do that." He states.

"You don't know that Eric. Eternity is a very long time to be with someone."

"Eternity isn't long enough to be with you. I'ld never leave you for anyone Lilith." He sits on the side of the tub and looks at me with pure love in his eyes. I nod at him and lay back. His words sound sweet, but we aren't like the wolves. We don't mate with just one person for life. At least I don't think that we do.

"Whatever you say sweet talker. Only time will tell."

"Does that mean you won't truly love me because you are afraid I'll leave you?" I hear the worry in his voice.

"Of course not silly. It means that I will always love you for eternity because that's how long we will inhabit this planet." I smile at him and yank him fully clothed into the bathtub. Marcus is standing in the doorway laughing. "Oh don't think you're getting out of this dry." I wiggle my eyebrows at him as he starts to walk backwards with his hands up. I use my telekinesis and pull him into the tub as well. "I love you both you know that right?"

"Yeah I do." Marcus says as he splashes me with water.

"Yeah and jealousy is no longer a word in my vocabulary." Eric smiles. "Now I'm going to get out of these wet clothes and climb into that giant bed of ours."

"I think that I will have to agree with you there Eric. Except I'm not going to be climbing into bed with you until Lil is between us, no offense but you aren't cute enough for me." Marcus gets out laughing.

"You don't exactly do anything for me either big boy." Eric smirks as they walk out together laughing.

"Boys what in the world have I gotten myself into." At least now I have time to think.

I wonder if I should tell Eric about the mark on Carrie's shoulder. Then again it's not my place to tell her private information to anyone. She doesn't even know that I noticed it. It's not a mark that will change her into a werewolf, but it is the mark of a mated one that hasn't been turned yet. Basically it's a mark that will keep all others away from her. She is now under the protection of the entire pack. I wonder how long it will be before they decide to tell the rest of the pack that she's family.

Not to mention I still don't know what to think about Viktor and that bitch of a witch. I need to find out more information about her and that isn't going to be easy. I'm going to have to call in a favor to Carl on this one. He said that he was more powerful than her, but that doesn't mean much. Carl is one of the most powerful if not the most powerful warlocks in the world. Why would Viktor team up with someone who wants the entire supernatural world destroyed? She doesn't know the war that she has started because of killing Sasha. Poor Sasha. She was harmless. It brings tears to my eyes to think that I will never see her smile again. Never hear her musical laugh. The sanctuary is lucky that Thorn isn't holding all of them responsible. If she hadn't been able to link minds with him a true war would have been started. Thorn isn't a demon to mess with. He sits next to the great demon general. I think that I have gotten myself into an entire world of shit and I don't know if I'll be able to protect the ones that I love. Viktor what have you done?

I can hear Cliff snoring on the couch as I rise from the water and grab a towel. I need to check on him to make sure that he doesn't get stuck in his head again. I don't know what she did to him so I'm not sure if what I did is temporary or permanent. Why didn't Viktor let her kill him? If they are working together then what would it matter? I should have gone to visit him sooner. Oh well as they say hind site is 20/20. I walk out of the bathroom to see Marcus and Eric playing with psps on the bed. Looks like they are fighting each other through the wireless network boys will be boys.

"What on earth are you two doing?" I ask as I walk into my closet.

"Well we didn't want to turn on the tv and wake the dog so we grabbed some of the psps and started playing." Marcus answers.

"Do you really have to go put clothes on? You look extremely good in just that towel." Eric pipes in.

"Do you really think that I am stupid enough to climb in bed with you two without any clothes on? Not to mention the wolf asleep on my couch." I smirk as I grab a pair of lacy black boy shorts and a matching spaghetti strap tank to throw on.

"Oh and dressing like that is any better?" Marcus asks looking at the clothes in my hand.

"At least I'm covered up."

"Barely." Eric mumbles under his breath.

"Well if it bothers you that much." I say as I turn around and grab a pair of purple pajama paints and a Beatles baby tee out and throw them on instead.

"You just had to say something didn't you? The view was much nicer with the smaller amount of cloth." Marcus turns to Eric.

"Sorry." Eric blushes as he looks down. "I didn't think that she would grab more clothes to put on."

"You have a lot to learn little padawan." Marcus sighs.

"And all of you need to shut up. I have a massive headache over here." Cliff grumbles from the couch.

I walk over to him and place my hand on his cheek. He seems to be fine from the thoughts that I am gleaming from the touch. I don't want to enter his mind again just yet.

"You seem to be doing better." I smile down at him.

"Yeah thanks to you gorgeous." He answers back. "The only thing is this headache. I don't get it."

"It's probably because I pulled you out of your mind by force. I should have been more gentle, but I was worried about you being in there for to long. You couldn't even get out of your wolf form. I'm sorry that I caused you pain."

"It's alright you were doing what you thought was best. If you hadn't pulled me out when you did I don't think I ever would have gotten out." He lays his hand over mine and smiles at me.

"Alright get some sleep Cliff. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow and we all are going to have to be on our toes."

"Do you think he'll tell her about you?" Eric asks softly.

"No, but I can't say the same for anyone else. I think the wolves need to stay here from now on and as Marcus said to me earlier no one goes out alone anymore." I know that it's going to be harder for me than anyone else to stick to this little rule. I walk over to the bed and slide in. Marcus and Eric climb in on either side of me. I snuggle up to Eric and Marcus snuggles up to me. I smile to myself and close my eyes. This will be the best nights sleep ever.

I wake up in a few hours laying on my back with Marcus's arms around my shoulders and Eric's around my waist. I smile to myself and stretch. They both open their eyes.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Eric whispers in my ear.

"Good morning to you both as well." I reply.

"We need to start getting ready. Marcus we need to get Lushe up so that we can get the uhaul loaded and get the paintings to the gallery." He nods and jumps out of bed.

"I'm hitting up the shower." He yawns as he walks into my bathroom locking the door behind him.

"Like that would keep me out." I mumble and hear him laugh from the other side of the door. I stretch again and roll out of bed. I walk over to where Cliff is still asleep. I touch his cheek and gently probe his mind. He's asleep soundly with no after effects of what happened to him last night. I sigh with relief and move my hand away.

"What should I wear tonight?" Eric asks.

"Well it's a formal event so we'll need to get you a tux." He nods.

"I have one at the sanctuary."

"Yeah, but you can't go there yet." He nods in understanding.

I walk into my closet and grab some jean shorts and a black baby tee that reads I like my werewolves hot. I wait patiently for Marcus to get out of the shower. He finishes and walks out in a towel. I walk past him and head into the bathroom. I take a quick shower and get dressed. I braid my hair quickly and throw on some light eyeliner and eye shadow. I walk out ready to get started.

"I find that shirt offensive." Eric says as he reads my shirt. I laugh at him and smile.

"I find it rather ironic." Blade says from the doorway. "Marcus woke me up on his way to pick up the truck. Are you ready to get the paintings down to the entryway?"

"Yeah thanks Blade. Where's Lushe?"

"What I'm not werewolf enough for you?" He smirks. "He's whipped. He's down there making breakfast for Carrie."

"That's sweet not whipped." I smile at the thought. I turn and go to the bookcase. The door opens and I push the code on the other side to prevent it from closing. I lead the way up the stairs. Blade looks around and smiles.

"All of these?"

"All but that one." I point to the painting I started the other night while Eric watched me.

"That looks like Lushe, but who is the other wolf?" Blade asks.

"I don't know. They just look right together don't they?" He nods and starts to carry down the first painting. I grab a canvas and drape it over the unfinished work. I grab a piece of paper that reads unfinished and hang it over the now covered painting. This isn't my first opening so I've had this sign for awhile and the guys know that when I have a painting covered it isn't to be touched. Eric grabs another of the paintings and starts to carry it down. Next thing I know all the wolves are taking down the paintings. I smile as Vin carries down the last one.

Cliff sits up on the sofa as I close the door to my studio. I smile at him as he stands up and stretches.

"I'm sorry Lil they wouldn't let me help with anything."

"As well they shouldn't. You had a very trying experience the other day. Are you sure you should be up already?" I ask him with concern in my voice.

"I'm fine. I wouldn't miss your opening for the world. My headache is gone, but I could eat a horse." His stomach growls to emphasize his point. I giggle and we both head down stairs. The boys have already loaded the uhaul and are piling into cars and onto bikes.

"Are you all going to help set up?" I ask as I head towards my jeep.

"Of course we are. You need to go out and hunt tonight and you should probably sleep a little bit more tonight so you are at your best for the opening tonight." Lushe answers as he climbs in the back of the jeep with Carrie in his wake.

"Alright. The gallery is closed today and tomorrow until the opening." This is the norm, but I just want to let them know that things haven't changed. I smile and pull out of the garage. I follow Marcus in the uhaul until we come to the parking garage where Marcus continues down the street to the back of the building and the loading dock.

We all climb out of the cars and head towards the front of the gallery. I walk up to the front doors and unlock the museum. I let everyone in and lock the doors behind me. I hear Val in the back with the electrician. He's giving her a hard time trying to get more money for the job. They always try to do this when it's just Val. She just looks so cute and easy to push around. If only they knew that she was stronger than she looks. I head back there with everyone in tow.

"Val is there a problem?" I glance towards the electrician and allow power to gleam in my eyes. It's a useful trick to use on unsuspecting humans.

"Ummm Miss Devaraux there is no problem." He responds and gets straight back to work. I nod and turn to Val "Please go open the loading dock door the uhaul is here with Skylar's work." She nods and everyone follows her to bring in the paintings. I turn back to the electrician.

"Why would you be trying to blackmail my assistant into paying you more money when we had an agreed upon price in writing?" I let age and power ooze into my voice. I see him take an involuntary step backwards. "Especially when that agreed upon price was twice what this job was actually worth. I have never short changed you on a job Mr. Malone so again why were you trying to get more money?"

"It's just well you guys always pay us so much and I heard her talking about how you had come in under budget so I was just trying to well. I'm sorry it won't happen again." He's pouring sweat as he stammers his answer to me.

"Make sure that it doesn't or I will have to find another electrician to use." I spin on my heal and walk towards the loading dock. I head to the storeroom to the left of the loading dock and start pulling out the tables.

"Do you know where I want everything?" I ask Val as they walk by the door with the paintings.

"I'm sure that I have it down, but it won't take the boys long to set up and then you can make any changes that you want when you get into the main room." She says as she follows the boys. "Lushe all of the wolf pictures go to the top floor." I hear her yell. She does know I want it set up. It's a goth gallery so all of the pictures are dark. I have it set up into sections. The wolf paintings upstairs and the water, dragon, fairy, and evil paintings go downstairs. There are twenty wolf paintings in all and each wolf has their own painting.

"Lil you wanna run to get some coffee with me?" Carrie asks.

"Sure thing. Guys what are the coffee orders?" I wait to take the orders.


"Carmel venti late."

"Black sugar only."

"Soy white mocha no whip."

"Cream and sugar."

"Carmel Frap."


"Bloody Mary"

"Very funny Marcus." I yell up at him.

"Fine the usual."

I smile happily and head out to the car.

"What about everybody else's orders?" Carrie asks.

"Oh don't worry we'll just grab a box of coffee from dunkin donuts and some cream and sugar and they'll be fine. They know that's what I'll do if they don't make an order with me." I smile as we climb into my jeep.

"Wow you really know them and they really know you."

"Yeah that's what happens when you hang around with them for as long as I have. So what did you want to talk about?"

"Apparently you know me better than I thought as well. I was talking to Lushe last night about this whole mate thing. I feel the same way he does and well I let him mark me. I haven't agreed to the whole being changed thing yet though. I know that it's going to happen, but I feel bad for Scott." This isn't the conversation that I was expecting to have with her.

"What do you mean?"

"Well he's going to have to get over the fact that Eric isn't coming back and well what is he going to do without me too?"

"You have a big heart to put someone else in front of your own happiness. How is Scott going to take this?"

"Scott has always listened to Eric. He'll do what ever he's told, but that could be a problem. If he's ordered to hunt us down he will because that's what he was raised to do. I don't know what to think about all of this or how we can keep Scott from becoming our enemy." I think on her words as we pull into the dunkin donuts to get the box of coffe. We order and get back into the car.

"What if we told Scott everything and asked him to help us?" Carrie looks shocked at what I've said.

"But he's so by the book I don't know if it would end the way you want it too. He might still tell the sanctuary and come after us." She looks down as she says this.

"Well might as well find out. Call him and invite him to the opening. Tell him Eric is coming to keep an eye on me and that Viktor didn't really leave. That way he's there and we can see what his reaction is to Eric. He's the only one who knows him as well as you do and if he can't tell he's a vampyre we might be able to figure something out." She nods and pulls out her phone. I tune out her conversation and just think. What are we going to do about Scott? We can't leave him if he's a threat, but at the same time we can't do anything to him because of Eric and Carrie. This could get really tricky really fast.

"He said he can't wait to come."

"That's good." Is all I say in response.

"What do you think Eric will think about this?" Crap I hadn't thought anything about what this was going to do to Eric.

"I don't know, but it's something that we are going to have to deal with. Besides Eric has to understand that he's going to have to leave him eventually, I hate to tell you this, but you would have lost him too you know." I see the twinge of pain at my words.

"I know, but it's not something that I have to worry about anymore. I know that I'm going to ask Lushe to change me. Please don't tell him though."

"I would never tell him anything like that Carrie. It's for you to tell him not me." I wonder if Carl will show up to the opening. It would make me feel a lot better if he did. "Carrie you have to make sure that that witch doesn't come along as well though." She nods in understanding and calls Scott back.

"Don't bring her with you." She says as soon as Scott picks up the phone.

"But the elders want her to go with me since the werewolves showed up the other night. Especially since you say that Viktor is still out there." Shit I had forgotten that he had seen the staged death seen.

"Yeah well you'll be there with me and Eric nothing will come up that we can't handle." She states matter of factly.

"That's another reason that they want her to come. They want to make sure that he's not infected since he got hurt by that blood sucking leach." I hear the venom in his voice.

"He's fine. Don't bring that vindictive witch anywhere near me. These are my friends and she doesn't need to have anything to do with them." His venom is returned in her voice.

"This is an order from the higher ups Carrie. It's not something that I can go against." Scott sounds resigned. "I don't want to bring her trust me."

"Dammit I'm going to go and talk to the elders." Carrie states matter of factly.

"If you can get them to change their minds then I would be grateful. I can't stand that woman. She's after something and she's using us to get it." So Scott can see through her little act.

"I'll talk to them don't worry. Well I gotta go I'm still helping them set up for tomorrow night."

"Alright when will you be here to talk to them?"

"Not really sure. Don't tell them that I'm coming though." She says it with such authority.

"Understood. Talk to you later." Scott says. She hangs up and turns towards me.

"I need to go to the sanctuary today."

"I heard. You need to put on a different shirt. If that witch sees you she'll notice the mark on your neck." Her hand shoots up to her neck and covers the mark.

"You could see it the whole time?"

"Yes I'm sure the others could too, but they like me won't say anything until you guys decide to tell them."

"Well I guess there's no point in hiding it then. I thought that nobody noticed since they didn't say anything." She sighs. "I figured Lushe would have told me that they would see it."

"Of course not. It means a lot to him that they got to see it and well they know that it's a very personal thing." I smile at her and we get out of the car to run in and get the other orders.

We pull back into the parking garage and I see Sly sitting in his car watching for me. Just what I don't want to deal with right not. He sees me looking at him and gets out of his car.

"Hey Lilith. Carrie." He says as he walks over to us.

"What could you possibly want today Sly?" I ask. He knows how busy I am the day before an opening.

"I came by to see if you needed any help."

"I have all the help I need thank you."

"You mean those boys are here helping you?"

"Yep they sure are Sly. So is her boyfriend Eric." Carrie puts in to get a reaction out of him.

"Why I would love to be introduced to this boy." Sly says with a glint in his eye. I can't help but smile.

"Sure come on in I would love for you to meet him." I know that he'll be shocked when he sees Eric with his lovely ocean blue eyes and that wonderfully silver color that's natural and yet not. I lead the way into the gallery and head straight to where I can smell Eric and Marcus working. I run into Eric's arms and plant a big kiss on his lips.

"Baby I want you to meet Slyver. He's the one who is bankrolling this opening." I smile at him with pure love in my eyes.

"It's nice to meet you Slyver my name is Eric." Eric reaches out his hand and grasps Sly's.

"It's nice to meet you as well. I never thought anyone would tame this wild beast." He chuckles as if he's slept with me before and he's sharing an inside secret with Eric. Eric's face turns hard as stone and his eyes fill with disgust.

"Excuse me Slyver, but that is my girlfriend that you are talking about as if you know her physically." His eyes narrow even more.

"I'm sorry didn't mean to offend you. I was just speaking to you like a man didn't realize you were still a child." Sly is treading on thin ice.

"You aren't a man you are a slug. You must have been turned down by her many times. I pity you to never have had the love of this amazing woman." Eric is staying calm and just fucking with him. Suddenly Eric busts out a huge smile. "I'm just messing with you man." I see Sly visibly relax. If only he knew what danger he was really in by talking like that to Eric.

"So where did you guys meet?" Well crap we hadn't gotten that far into the details.

"Well she's friends with my cousin Carrie so we've known each other for awhile. We just recently started dating." Eric covered that up pretty well. I see Sly turn towards Val.

"Val." He screams.

"Excuse me, but why are you yelling at my employee?" I ask him with ice in my voice.

"She is hanging that picture crooked." He replies. I look and he's right. One thing about Sly he really does have an eye for art.

"So walk over there and tell her. You have no right to yell at her like that." He nods and walks over to Val.

"You handled yourself well." Eric says.

"I have to talk to you and I have to do it now." I grab his arm and drag him towards my office. We get in and I lock the door behind us. I walk over to the couch and sit down and pat the spot next to me. He walks over and sits down.

"What's wrong baby?"

"Scott is coming tomorrow."

"What?" He says it with pure fear in his voice.

"I had Carrie invite him and they want him to bring the witch. Before you say anything Carrie is going to go and try and convince them not to make him bring her. The only thing is we are going to have to talk to him before him. It's not going to be much, but since the story you guys gave him is that I'm with Marcus and the one we are telling everyone else we are together. I mean we are together, but there's a lot that we have to tell Scott. I think if Carrie can convince them not to send the witch I want you to have him come to my house." He nods in understanding then grabs me and plants a kiss on my lips. The electric shock is still there and I kiss him back. I suddenly don't want to leave my office. I've never had sex in my office, but for him I think I'll make an exception. A moan escapes my lips as he runs his hand up my bare leg.

"Lil" Val calls through my intercom. Dammit what shitty timing.

"What is it Val?"

"Sorry to disturb you, but Sly is leaving and wanted to say goodbye. The guys are also done setting up the tables and the decorator will be here in twenty minutes."

"I'll be right down." I tell her and kiss Eric again. "Sorry baby work calls."

"I know baby." He gets up and grabs my head as we head towards my office door. We walk down the stairs and I go to the front doors to let Sly out.

"It was nice meeting you and I'm glad that Lil is so happy."

"Nice meeting you as well. Will we be seeing you at the opening?" He eyes Eric up and down.

"Of course I'll be there. I paid for it I think that I should be able to enjoy the spectacle. Lil never disappoints at these things." He smiles at me and kisses my hand. He leaves and Carrie walks up.

"I'm heading to the sanctuary. I'll be back." She hugs Eric and Lushe walks her out.

"She'll call as soon as she knows what's going on." I tell Eric. He nods and we head back into the main show room. They did an amazing job setting everything up so that the lighting hits it perfectly. I walk around making small adjustments here and there. By the time I'm done Val is letting in the decorator. I explain what is left to be done and he gets to work. It's hard to believe that we're already done. That's the great thing about being supernatural and having supernatural friends.

"We need to go hunt." I say to Eric and Marcus. They both nod and we head towards the door. "Boys are you going to just head back to my place?"

"Yeah that's where Lushe is going to meet us." Blade says.

"Alright I'll see you soon. Take the cars and we'll just run there and meet you." I smile and the three of us take off.

"Do you want to go to the house and drink the donated blood?" I ask Eric.

"Yeah that's cool. I don't think I'm ready for actually eating off of a living person." I nod at him.

"Are you going to be ok if we feed?" Marcus asks.

"Yeah I think so. Are we going to go out to a club like you did last time?"

"Yeah it will be the easiest. We'll head to firelight and you can hang out in the office while we hunt." He nods and we run towards the club.

"Wait we need to make a stop at my place first." Marcus says.

"What for?" Eric asks.

"Well we need to get something to wear to the club and Lil has some clothes at my house that she can use and you can use some of mine." Eric nods again and we head towards Marcus's place.

His house isn't as big as mine, but it's still bigger than the average person's. He has the same story about how his parents left him with some money and that's how he was able to buy the house. He survives on his tips is what everyone he works with thinks. If only they knew the truth behind his bank account. I run up to Marcus's room and start to go through my closet. I grab a short pleated skirt with purple skulls and a matching tank top. I quickly change and come out of the closet. The boys are standing there staring at me.

"What?" I ask.

"You take something like that and make it look like it was meant for you to wear to a club." Eric states.

"What about you two. You look great as well. You both look amazing." I smile and walk towards them. They are both wearing baggy jeans and button down shirts. Eric's has on a black one with a skull embroidered on the back. Marcus is wearing a black one with blue lightning bolts through it. I smile "catch me if you can." I scream as I head out and off towards firelight.

I reach firelight and stand in the shadows waiting for the others to catch up. I see Frank at the door again and he's looking at me. I nod to him and he nods back at me. I don't wait long until Eric has his arms around my waist and Marcus is landing from the rooftop next to me without making a sound. I scan the line and walk right up to Frank. He lets us pass and again I hear the disgruntled noises coming from the line. I smirk and lead the boys up to the office. I knock on the door and it opens.

"Hey can I leave him up here while we hunt?" I ask the man sitting in the chair.

"Yes you can I want to speak to that one anyway." Says the familiar voice.

"Thorn?" I ask.

"You know it baby." He stands up and gives me a huge hug. I see Eric tense at the sight of the demon.

"Thorn this is Eric. I haven't told him everything you know."

"I know, but I owe him thanks for trying to save her." Thorn reaches out and clasps hands with Eric and nods at Marcus. "Welcome to hell." He says with a smile on his lips.

"You're a demon."

"I know that and I'm glad to see that you do as well. Don't worry I'm not here to hurt anyone. I actually need to talk to you about something. It's about that demon that you tried to save." Eric nods and takes a seat.

"We won't be gone long." I tell him as I kiss his cheek. "You still coming to the opening?"

"Of course. I have to bring a couple of the kids though. Is that ok?"

"Are you bringing Sakura?" I ask.

"Yeah I have to. She's my least favorite out of all of them. She won't leave me alone and the way that she spoke to you was just wrong." He looks angry at the mention of her.

"She's young and you know that. She has feelings for you." He nods in understanding.

"Yeah, but she's way to young for me and she doesn't even hide the fact that she likes me. I can't do anything with her anyway she's one of my students. The last one that I had a real relationship is well we don't need to get into that." He's not saying anything to upset Eric and for that I'm grateful.

"Alright we'll see you in a bit." Marcus says as he heads out of the door.

"See you later baby." Eric says as I take off with Marcus. I start to prowl the club. Seems like there's a nice group tonight plenty of lowlifes to choose from. I see one that catches my eye. He's not a bad looking man, but he has no self esteem so he resorts to drugging and raping women. I nod at him and Marcus nods to a girl in the corner. I smile and we head our separate ways.

I walk onto the dance floor and start dancing. Plenty of guys come over to dance with me. I let them buy me drinks and slowly make my way over towards my target. He's watching how I pay no attention to the guys and the drinks they are buying me. I don't hesitate to take a drink from anyone and drink it straight down. He's intrigued by the fact that I don't seem worried about anyone drugging me. Of course it doesn't matter they could slip whatever they wanted in and it wouldn't do anything to me. I begin to act tipsy and make my way over to where he is.

I walk over to him and sit down at the table. I look at him and smile. I look around and exhale like I'm tired.

"Hey." He says to me.

"Hi" I reply. He looks me up and down and smiles. He stops the waiter and orders two drinks. "Thanks. What did you order?" I ask.

"That was rude of me I should have asked you what you wanted. I ordered a beer for me and a apple martini for you." Wow he guessed my favorite drink even though I wasn't turning down anything that was bought for me on the floor. "Is that ok with you. I mean I noticed that you didn't seem to have a preference, but you strike me as a martini girl." He smiles at me.

"Actually apply martinis are my favorite. I was just wondering what to expect." I smile at him and slouch just a little. It's enough for him to look at me again and realize that I'm starting to get drunk or at least that's what it looks like. I lean towards him and smile again. "So what's your name stranger?"

"My name isn't important." He replies. I smile at that.

"So you're the mystery guy. That's kinda hot." I giggle at him. I notice that he doesn't ask for my name either. So he doesn't want the guilt of knowing the name of the women he turns into victims. I see him take the drinks and with a very talented gesture puts the powder in and stirs it with a stick. It desolves rapidly. If my eyesight wasn't as good as it was I would never have noticed. I take the drink and sip it. "They make great martinis here." I say as I take another.

"I wouldn't know. I'm strictly a beer drinker." He raises his bottle to his mouth and chugs. I toss back my drink and smile at him. I can taste the drug that he used and know exactly how I'm supposed to react to it. I slouch a little more.

"That drink was stronger than I thought it would be." I slur at him. I see the gleam in his eyes.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asks with fake concern.

"Yeah I'm fine." I slur again.

"Alright. Would you like to dance?" He asks. I smile and nod at him. He takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor where he wraps his arms around me and I start to sway against him to the music. I let myself slowly start to go limp.

"Are you sure you're ok?" He asks again.

"On second thought do you think you could get me a cab?" I ask. I don't want to look to naïve or he may think this is a trick which of course it is.

"No I couldn't just put you in a cab. You look like you wouldn't even make it to your destination. How about I give you a ride?" He asks hopefully.

"I don't know. I don't even know your name." I state as I lean closer into him.

"It's Jeff." He responds and yet still doesn't ask for my name.

"Well then Jeff do you think you could give me a ride home?" He smiles and leads me out. We walk past Frank who smirks and nods to me. He'ld better not start to fuck with me right now.

"You need me to call you a cab ma'am?" He asks. That son of a bitch.

"That's alright I'll be taking her home." Jeff replies for me.

"Do you know this man?" He asks me ignoring Jeff. What a jerk.

"His name is Jeff." I slur out at him as I force my way into his head.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" I scream at him.

"Just having a little fun I swear I won't do anything suspicious." He replies.

"Stop it now or you will piss me off Frank and we both know that isn't something you want to do." I emphasize my threat with turning the air solid around him.

"I'm sorry let me go I'll stop." He pleads.

"Fine just stop alright." I sigh mentally and withdraw from his mind while releasing the air around him.

"Alright ma'am, you both have a good night. Take care of her sir you are lucky to have her." He smiles at me with fear in his eyes.

"Thanks." Jeff replies with confusion in his voice. I lean into him more and snuggle into his neck.

"Can you please take me home now? I really don't feel good." I whisper to him. He nods and starts to lead me to the parking lot. He leads me to a Mitsubishi eclipse and opens the door. He helps me in then shuts the door and gets in on the other side. He takes off. "Don't you want to know where I live?" I ask sounding confused.

"No need you won't be going there." He replies.

"Look can you pull over I think I should take a cab." I make myself sound scared. He just laughs and I pretend to pass out. I pay attention to every turn that we make. We pull into a seedy motel parking lot and he takes me out of the car and caries me up to a room. He already has a key interesting. I pry into his mind.

"Good thing I own this shitty little place. It's great to have the master keys. I never rent this room out so it's the perfect place to do my business. She's kinda pretty. Maybe I should take her and keep her for awhile. I've never done that before, but this one might be worth it." Sicko. He lays me down on the bed and starts to run his hands up my thighs and up my skirt. I open my eyes and smile at him. He jumps back.

"How the hell can you be awake so soon?" He asks me.

"It's easy. You see that stuff doesn't affect me. I knew what you wanted to happen so I let it happen. You see I'm a hunter just like you. Only I don't have to drug my prey. I use other tactics to get what I want."

"And what is it that you want?" He asks me with fear in his voice and eyes.

"Why you are going to feed me of course. I want what you have it's the only thing that will satisfy my hunger." I laugh at the confused look on his face. "Oh you still don't understand do you? Well let me explain it's easy you see I'm a vampyre." He starts to laugh.

"A vampyre. You have got to be kidding me. Where are the hidden cameras?" In the middle of his laugh I move so fast I disappear and end up right behind him with my hand around his throat.

"Oh poor Jeff you are like everyone else. You think that we are a myth and that this is a joke. It's not true. We do exist and you are our food. I picked you out specifically because I could read in your mind what you did." I see comprehension dawn on his face.

"You can't be real." He stammers.

"That's where you are wrong. We are real and you know what I'm going to kill you now and no one will ever know what happened to you." I smile and laugh. I start to kiss his neck gently and I feel him tense up. I let my fangs extend and sink them into his neck. It doesn't take me long to drain him dry. I look around. It's easy to see how he destroys the evidence. I smile and do exactly as he does only more thoroughly.

I walk out of the room and run back to the club. I walk up to Frank and grab him from behind. I drag him away from the door, but I make it look like it's nothing but me flirting with him.

"You son of a bitch. I should punish you now!" I hiss in his ear.

"I swear I won't do it ever again." He whines.

"I know you won't and that's why this is the only time it will ever be brought up." I let go of him and walk into the club and up to the office. I hear them talking and don't want to just walk in so I knock.

"Come in Lil." Thorn says. I open the door and walk in. I smile at them and give them each a kiss on the cheek.

"What have you two been talking about?" I ask as I set on Eric's lap.

"We were discussing that witch and this one has some very interesting ideas." I smile at Eric.

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